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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

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Old 02-14-2010, 04:58 AM   #1 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Default Meet You Under The Moon - Sa16+
♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

Alrighty, so this is my first go at a fanfic and I hope I don't disappoint. This story adds a character to the Wizarding World. It will stay as close to canon as possible but will have to adjust a bit to the new character. This story also shows a new side to Lupin. The main character is Sirius' daughter and Lupin's Goddaughter, which also brings me to the fact that Lupin wasn't ever homeless or alone... At least not in my story... EVERYTHING in the Wizarding world belongs to the amazing, incredible JK Rowling, except of course the character I invented. The locations, people, etc. are hers and only hers. So, here goes.

Banner by Me

On a dark and misty night, in Surrey, a baby boy was being taken to his Aunt and Uncle’s house. His parents had just been murdered by the greatest evil ever seen, and he was now an orphan. But this is not a story about Harry James Potter, The Boy Who Lived. This story takes place a few hours later, in Shell Cottage, where a baby girl was being transferred to her Godfather’s.

A tabby looking cat with squared markings shaping her eyes stood on the corner of Shell Cottage and Sandy Lane. She had been on that same corner for a little over an hour. Glancing around, she shivered once and then rested her eyes upon a deserted patch of pavement right under a lamppost. After what seemed like ten minutes, there was a flicker of movement from a nearby bush. A man in long dress-robes and a pointed wizard’s hat stepped out into the light and clicked a cigarette lighter look alike. The closest light went out. After clicking it multiple times, the whole street was completely black. In the strange looking man’s other arm was a bundle of pink blankets with the softest sound of heavy breathing. The tabby cat transformed, for a second time that night, into her “human form.”

“Good Evening, Professor Dumbledore,” stated the witch as she walked up to him, her emerald robes billowing out behind her.

“Good Evening, or shall I say morning, Professor McGonagall,” smiled the tall wizard. “Long time, no see,” he chuckled.

“Albus, is it true? Did Sirius really betray them? His best friend, Albus?”

“I’m afraid the truth is not always easily seen, Minerva. We may never know what has truly happened. But, what I do know is that Sirius was found in a street with twelve muggles dead and only a finger left of Peter Pettigrew. He has been taken to Azkaban, and Amelia, going after him, found herself in the crossfire. I don’t know if Sirius will ever be able to forgive himself for that.”

“What will happen to Emily?”

“That, Minerva, is what brings us to another neighborhood tonight. I think it will be best if we take her to her godfather’s house. I think he will want to take her.”

“First Harry and now Emily; what has the world come to?”

“Ahh, Minerva, let’s not dwell upon the unpleasant. Once again, think of what has happened. He is gone, for now at least.”

“So, you don’t think he’s gone for good?”

“Only time can tell. Shall we get her inside?”
asked Dumbledore, indicating the pink bundles in his hand.

The witch nodded, and they glided down the street. As they walked, they felt the light breeze linger in the air. The smell of the ocean swirled around them, stinging their nostrils a bit. Staying on the out-skirt of the street, they rounded right before stopping in front of a white cottage with flowers outlining the walk to the door. There was a dim light through one of the upstairs’ windows. Dumbledore and McGonagall made their way to the door, then knocked three times. While they waited, Dumbledore hummed a show tune and McGonagall stared at the baby they were about to hand off. They heard footsteps echo through the house, lights flipping on as they grew louder. The footsteps stopped and a man’s eyes could be seen peeping out the curtain. After realizing whom it was, a mediocre, straggly man with wild hair and deep circles under his green eyes opened the door.

“Albus, Minerva, what brings you to my neck of the woods?” asked the man, eyeing the two. He then noticed the pink blankets. His eyes widened and he nearly choked. “No, it can’t be. There’s been a mistake. Please tell me it’s not that, anything but that. They’re not...”

Albus held up his hand. “Dear boy, we can’t afford to lose you too, please calm down, Remus. Everything will be all right. May we enter?” Albus asked.

The man named Remus motioned for them to enter. After closing the door behind them, he made his way to the living room. Minerva and Albus sat side-by-side on the long couch while Remus took the armchair opposite them. Minerva took the baby girl from Albus’ hands and rocked her gently. Remus leaned his head back against the chair; he looked ghastly. He had turned pale white and was shaking slightly. Opening his eyes, he looked over at the pink blankets where he knew his goddaughter was hiding.

“Remus, we need to talk about a few things,” stated Dumbledore softly, but sternly. Remus nodded so Dumbledore continued. “Sirius was found in the middle of a street with his wand; twelve muggles are dead, but that’s not all. Not only muggles were in that street.” Albus was staring into Remus’ eyes with a sad expression. He felt sorry for Remus Lupin; he was about to tell him that he has lost all of his best friends—James, Peter, and even Sirius in some ways. Remus nodded, as if knowing what was about to be said. “It was believed that Peter Pettigrew searched for Sirius tonight to kill him for his betrayal against James and Lily. All they found of Pettigrew was his finger. Also, Amelia; she heard that Sirius might have been in trouble. She went after him and got blasted in the crossfire. I’m so sorry, Remus, I know this is difficult for you,” Dumbledore continued.

Silence followed after Dumbledore finished. Remus had tears welling up in his eyes. He couldn’t believe it. Prongs was dead. Lily was dead. Wormtail was dead. Amelia was dead. Padfoot was in Azkaban for causing the deaths. Everything was crumbling around him. He let a few tears escape before wiping them off. McGonagall took a tissue from the inside of her robes and sniffled behind it. She, too, was crying. Remus got out of his chair and knelt down in front of Professor McGonagall, looking at his goddaughter intently. A pale pink hand dropped out of the pink bundles, and Remus reached up, putting his forefinger inside it. The little fist closed around Remus’ finger.

“Albus, what happens to Emily?” asked Remus, looking up. He searched the old man’s face.

“She doesn’t have any living grandparents, Remus. She is your goddaughter, so I thought we might give you a chance to take her. If you do not wish to take responsibility, we understand and will take her to an orphanage first thing tomorrow morning,” stated Dumbledore.

“Of course I’ll take her,” said Remus without thinking.

“She is going to be a great responsibility, Remus, are you absolutely positive?” asked Professor McGonagall.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Minerva,” stated Remus determinedly.

“It’s settled then. I will need you to sign a few papers, just saying that you will be her guardian and what not, and we will be on our way,” smiled Dumbledore.

Remus nodded his head and motioned for the old wizard to follow him to the kitchen to sign the papers. McGonagall stayed in the living room with the baby girl sound asleep. Flipping the lights as he went, the tabby looking man sat at the head of the table, Dumbledore sitting on his left. Dumbledore rummaged in his cloak for a second, then pulled out a long stick. With a flick of his wand, some papers, a quill, and ink appeared. Remus looked into Dumbledore’s eyes and had the feeling that he was being x-rayed; like Dumbledore could see right through him. The old wizard gave him a small smile, nodding a bit.

“Sign here and here.” Dumbledore indicated to two lines then pushed the papers towards Remus.

Remus signed the papers, and with the flick of his wand, Dumbledore made the papers once again disappear.

“Is that all?” Remus asked.

“Yes, that will be all for now. I believe the ministry is looking over Amelia’s will and then they will be in touch shortly. Now, I believe we will let you and your goddaughter get some rest. Best wishes and if you were to need anything, please don’t hesitate to send an owl.” The old wizard pushed his chair out and stood up. Walking into the other room, he stated, “Minerva, I think it may be time for us to leave and not intrude on Mr. Lupin any longer.”

Standing up, the petite witch looked over to Lupin and took half a step. Remus met her the rest of the way and took the baby girl in his hands, balancing all of her weight evenly. The tabby wizard walked his guests to the door and bid them a goodnight. He watched as the two disappeared down the dark street. Closing the blinds, Remus Lupin walked up his stairs to his bedroom, flipping lights off as he went.

Pulling out his wand with his right hand, as his left was preoccupied, he waved it. A blur of pink and green scurried around the room, and after a few seconds, the silence prevailed. Trudging over to the pink crib by his bed, he sat the pink bundles down. He pulled a green blanket, which was engraved with ‘Emily J. R. A. S. Black,’ over the side of the crib and tucked Emily into it. Sighing, he sat down on the edge of his bed. Taking off his worn out tennis shoes, he glanced at the clock. It was after 2AM. It’s been a long day, he thought. Turning the lamp by his bed off, he lay back on his pillows and fell asleep to the soft breathing of the other life that he vowed to protect.

SPOILER!!: Chapter Guide

Last edited by demented_death_eater; 07-11-2011 at 02:35 AM. Reason: Chapter Guides :)
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Old 02-22-2010, 10:10 PM   #2 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Default The Unexpected
♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

Here's the next post.

Chapter 1: The Unexpected
The ocean was deep. All you had to do was go under and it would drown your every pain, heartbreak, lie, and tear. That’s just what she needed; something to take away her every feeling at the moment. Standing up suddenly, she jerked off her hoody in a hurry.

“You know, there’s no reason to leave in a hurry. I’m not as cruel as some may think,” someone from behind her stated with much disdain. Emily Black whipped her head around to see Draco Malfoy standing, his hands in his pockets, with a sneer on his pale face. The wind whisked her hair around her; a few strands stuck on her tear-stained face. He was waiting for her to say something, but no words were coming to her lips. She was about to give up everything, her entire life, and he was the one to come to the rescue? Wasn’t prince charming supposed to save the day, not a bratty, stuck up, Slytherin, rich prat like Malfoy? Of course, it was just her luck to get stuck with him; why not make her life suck more now? It was the last straw. She wasn’t going to deal with his rude personality at a time like this.

“What do you want, Malfoy?” she replied with an equal amount of disdain.

“You’re not the only one having a bad day, Black,” he spat. He then bit his lip, as if he were saying too much. “Aren’t you cold without your jacket?” He tried to change the subject quickly.

“Actually, I was about to go for a swim. So, if you’ll excuse me.” Emily tried to walk past him, to get rid of him, but he held out his arm to block her. “What are you playing at?” she growled.

“Can I, I mean do you think I, would you mind if I joined you? I could use a swim I mean.” He shuffled his feet, looking at the ground.

“Er, I guess. But you have to leave your wand on the shore. I don’t want you trying anything.” She cursed herself, knowing her suicidal plans were now ruined; she didn’t want any witnesses. He nodded and followed her down the beach. She took off her sneakers and socks and felt the cool sand beneath her feet, between her toes. It was relaxing. It also reminded her of someone she was trying to forget, which caused more tears to spill out of the corner of her eyes. She stripped down to her bra and panties, not caring that Malfoy was gaping at her.

“What the bloody hell are you doing? It’s freezing out here!” Malfoy nearly shouted.

“I knew you were clueless, Malfoy, but I didn’t think you were that dumb. I’m getting ready to go in the water.” Emily kept her face blank, trying to free herself of emotion.

Draco Malfoy didn’t reply, but decided to strip down as well. Maybe this experience would take his frustration away too. Shivering from head to foot, he took her lead and walked to the shoreline. At least they didn’t have to worry about onlookers; no one was around. Emily peeked at him from the corner of her eye and blushed; though, you couldn’t tell due to her rosy cheeks from the cold wind. She was secretly glad that she was wearing matching, cute undergarments.

They walked slowly towards the crashing waves, chill bumps crawling up their legs to their arms. They were waist-deep when they decided to stop and just sink in the water. Unaware of how, they were facing each other, both not knowing what to say. The pull of the water from the waves kept bringing them closer together, causing them to constantly tiptoe backwards a few steps. Emily was shivering violently, already numb, rubbing her hands over her arms trying to make friction. Draco, also shivering, decided to move his arms around under water, going with the physical approach; he decided to himself that a little movement would warm him up.

“So, what brought you here, to La Push, in the freezing weather?” Draco asked, trying to make small talk, as it was deadly silent around except for the waves crashing on the shore.

“I just got into a fight with someone I loved. Case closed. What about you?” Emily replied.

“I found out that I’ve been arranged to marry Pansy. Needed some air.”

“So, you don’t even get to choose who you marry? What about true love?”
Emily asked despite herself. She kind of felt bad for him. What am I thinking! Cut it out, Emily, you can’t go feeling bad for Malfoy, she chided herself.

Draco seemed a bit taken aback with her sudden interest. “There is no such thing as true love when it comes to the pureblood line,” he stated dully.

She could tell he wasn’t happy and felt a sudden urge to hug him, to tell him to run away, to come live with her, anything that would get him out of this. What am I thinking, she chided herself again.

“I’m so sorry, Draco, I can only imagine how you must feel.” He jumped slightly at the sound of his name coming out of the Gryffindor’s mouth.

“Thanks for the sympathy,” he whispered into the wind.

“Wow, things sure did turn serious all of a sudden. What do you say we lighten things up a bit?” she asked with a mischievous grin.

“What did you have in mind exactly?” he asked skeptically.

“How about a little race? First one to that pier wins.” She saw the unsure look in his eyes and added, “Unless you’re scared...”

“Scared, Black? You wish.” He grinned and then bent low under the surface getting ready for her to say ‘go.’

Emily laughed for a second and then, standing side by side with Draco Malfoy, tensed and yelled, “Go!” And the two were off, both swimming as fast as they could through the numbness. Emily was gaining speed; she loved swimming, she could do it all day if the option was given to her. Seeing that he was falling behind, Draco kicked harder and faster. They were now neck and neck. The wooden column that was holding up the pier was coming fast. Both of them picked up the pace, knowing that they wouldn’t be able to stand losing to the other. Emily set her eyes on the splintering wood where she knew her victory would occur, while Draco did the same. They were meters from it, feet from it, and then they were there. Both reached out their arms as far as they would go and leapt at the wood. They couldn't tell who touched the hard surface first, so decided to make it a tie.

“,” Draco finally got out through deep breaths.

“Yeah, that was fun,” Emily laughed.

Deciding that they both fancied the warm, they dragged their feet out of the water and back onto the cool sand. It was even more freezing now that their bodices were dripping wet. The wind lashed out at them as if they were being punished. They ran down the beach towards their clothes and wands. Finally reaching the piles of articles, Emily grabbed her pants, trying to find warmth. Draco started throwing on his own clothes.

Plopping down on the sand, Emily thought about her initial intentions of this trip and shivered. Though she didn’t want to admit it, she was glad that Draco was here; he saved her, prince charming or not. Lounging down next to her, Draco was silently grateful he had decided to come to this beach. Emily pulled her knees up to her chest, throwing her arms around them and resting her chin on top. Draco laid back, watching her soaking, curly, red hair whip around in the wind. She was beautiful, there was no denying it, and Draco was definitely not denying it. She shivered, and he involuntarily scooted closer to her, throwing his arm around her shoulder.

Jumping, she wondered what he was playing at, but she didn’t voice her question. She sighed and leaned into his shoulder. Not knowing where his actions were coming from, Draco tightened his hold on her, laying his head on top of hers. Neither were sure if they should be doing this, feeling the emotions they were experiences. Emily turned her head, facing him, and all of her previous thoughts left her. She looked deep into his gray eyes and knew that she was right where she was supposed to be. He stared back and was reassured of his actions, knowing automatically that he was drawn to this beach for a reason, and that reason was the hazel-eyed beauty before him. He leaned towards her a little, not breaking eye contact, as she did the same. Before they knew what was happening, their lips touched. Both were freezing, yet when their lips met, warmth flooded over their bodies. His velvety lips against her soft, voluptuous ones. It was quick, but in that little peck, Emily Black and Draco Malfoy fell for each other. Realizing what they did, they broke apart embarrassed.

“Sorry. I mean I didn’t mean to...I just...I’m sorry,” Draco stuttered.

“Right, I’m sorry, too. I...have to go,” Emily stood up quickly, grabbing her wand. “Bye.” She started walking toward the trees.

“Yeah, me too. I guess I’ll see on the Hogwarts Express. Bye.” Draco watched her walk away, regretting his actions. How could she ever like you, Draco? She’s a Gryffindor and you’re a Slytherin, he thought to himself. He slowly stood up and walked toward the location he hid his broom. He heard her soft "Right, see you then" through the wind.

*Constructive criticism is welcome please.

Last edited by Emileyn; 10-11-2010 at 03:14 AM.
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Old 02-22-2010, 11:58 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Isla "LaLa" Williams
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Three whole words, Eight letters late(8)

OMG !!!!! I acctully cried at the first post (but in a good way ! definetly a good way :L):O your writing is soo good !!!!
:O who did she have a fight with ?
Oooooh shes falling for malfoy awh
and he's falling for her:O
PAMS PAMS PAMS !!!!! can't wait to find out what happens next
Ron&Hermione(L) is offline  
Old 02-23-2010, 12:14 AM   #4 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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haha, you're my first poster person! I'm so excited!
Originally Posted by Ron&Hermione(L) View Post
OMG !!!!! I acctully cried at the first post (but in a good way ! definetly a good way :L):O your writing is soo good !!!!
Awe, well thank you; that means a lot. *blushes*

:O who did she have a fight with ?
You will soon find out!

Oooooh shes falling for malfoy awh
and he's falling for her:O
teehee, yes they are...

PAMS PAMS PAMS !!!!! can't wait to find out what happens next
haha, I will update soon, seeing as I already have it typed; just need to edit a few things...
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Old 02-24-2010, 10:08 PM   #5 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Default The Unexpected
♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

This next post I would like to dedicate to my first reader, Kerri... I hope you enjoy.

“Where the bloody hell have you been?” shouted Remus when the door clicked behind Emily. She flinched, knowing his reaction to her disappearance was going to be pretty bad.

“I went out, you know, I needed some air.” Emily tried to sound as innocent as she could. “Besides, it’s your fault I needed air. If you want to blame someone, then look in the mirror.” Before she could stop herself, the sentence left her mouth and she regretted it instantly.

“My fault? My fault? You are not going to put this on me, Emily James Remus Amelia Sirius Black.”

Uh oh, the full name. Now I’m in trouble, she thought to herself. “But technically-” She didn’t get the chance to finish.

“I. Don’t. Think. So,” he stated through clenched teeth. “You had no right leaving the way you did; you are just a kid. You could have gotten yourself hurt or killed.”

“But, Remus--”

“I’m not finished yet,”
he cut her off again. “Emily, do even realize how much you mean to me? How much you scared me when you disappeared?” He waited for her answer. She just shook her head. “Well, let me clue you in. You mean the world to me. You are my goddaughter; I swore to protect you, to keep you safe. I love you more than life itself. Do you get it yet?” Remus asked.

“Evidently you’re the only one who cares about me. Isn’t that what you were getting at this morning?” Angry tears were falling from her cheeks.

“What on earth are you talking about now?” Remus asked, the anger not completely gone.

“This morning, when we had our ‘traditional’ talk about my parents. You told me they were dead to you, which, to me, basically means they’re still alive but didn’t want me. Is that why you never tell me about them? They didn’t want me? So they handed me off to you. Why did they hate me so much?” Emily sobbed into her hands, sinking to the floor.

Remus bent down and grabbed her shoulders. “Emily, I can assure you that they didn’t, don’t hate you. They didn’t ‘hand you off’ to me. Emily, your parents are dead, and the reason I don’t like talking about them is because it still pains me. I look into your eyes and see my best friend looking back. Your father was my best friend. They loved you more than life itself, as do I.” Remus wasn’t ready to have this conversation. He wasn’t ready to tell her the truth, so for now, a lie would have to do.

Remus picked Emily off of the floor and walked to the living room. Sitting down on to the couch, he gently laid her in his lap, resting her head on his shoulder. “You sure did think a lot about my former statement, Ems, what exactly did you do today?” he asked her with a growing suspicion.

“I...I... I went down to the beach we always go to; La Push. I...I can’t tell you what I was going to do.”

“Why not? I won’t be mad or upset; just tell me,”
Remus persisted.

“I...was...going to...let the water drown my pain, Rems.” Remus stiffened beneath her, she felt like she had to go on the defense before he could interrupt. “I was just so upset. I felt like nobody wanted me, and I know you love me, Rems, and you are always enough. I was just upset. Please understand. I was just...just hurt. But I didn’t go through with it obviously, I mean that’s good and, and--” Emily broke off, not knowing what else to say. “Please say something,” Emily begged.

“I’m not sure of what to say. Look at what I’ve done. You tried to kill yourself today, Emily, exactly what would you like me to say?”

“Say that you’ll forgive me and that you love me. Tell me who I am.”

“There is nothing for me to forgive. You didn’t do this to me, Emily. You did this to yourself. I’ve told you I love you a million times, and yet it does nothing. You are Emily James Remus Amelia Sirius Black, my goddaughter. You are a young witch who attends Hogwarts. You are smart and beautiful, and yet it still seems to not be enough. You tried to off yourself based on a misinterpretation. What more is there to say?”

Emily was crying, realizing that she had hurt him more than she was planning on hurting herself today. “I’m so sorry, Rems, but how can I know who I am when I don’t even know my past? My ancestry? My parents?” she asked back. “I love you very much, Remus John Lupin, like a daughter loves her father I’d imagine. And I get that it might be painful for you to talk about my parents, but I need to know who they are. It’s way beyond the fact of figuring out who I am. You won’t even tell me anything about them,” she accused. “I have to know who they are, and if you won’t tell me, then I’ll find someone who will.” It wasn’t a threat; it was a promise.

“I’m trying to protect you from the pain. Believe it or not, Emily, the truth will hurt, and I refuse to hurt you.”

“Have you ever thought that maybe by not telling me the truth, you’re hurting me more? While you ponder that question, why don’t you think of my plans today.”
She waited for his response, but he gave none. He just stared at her, opening and closing his mouth as if he were trying to speak but couldn’t get the words out. “Ugh!” Emily huffed. She threw her arms up in the air, stomping up the stairs to her bedroom. She slammed the door and sat on the end of her bed. She crossed her arms over her abdomen, being stubborn. Remus had followed her. Opening the door and making his way over to her, he sat beside her, his body facing her.

“I’m sorry, Ems, but I can’t tell you,” he spoke slowly, making sure she wouldn’t miss anything. “All I can tell you is that once upon a time, your parents were the smartest, brightest, kindest people I knew. They were good-hearted people and they loved you very much. Never forget that, Ems.”

“Rems, you’ve told me this many times before, but what about them? Not how they felt about me and cared for me. All you’ve told me is that I was named after my Dad’s best friends and brother. I need to know who they are.”
Emily felt like a broken record. She’s repeated that same sentence so many times in the past, so many times today.

“They’re dead, Emily, case closed.” He flinched during his statement, looking as though he were lying. Emily knew his lying face all too well. He had let himself slip with his poker face and couldn’t believe it. Twelve years of no mistakes and he slipped. He quickly stood and walked out of the room and into his bedroom swiftly. Emily ran after him.

“Are they still alive?” Emily banged on his door. “Remus John Lupin, you had better open this door and tell me what in the name of Merlin is going on!” she yelled through wood. She was about to resort to using her wand when the door suddenly flew open. Remus stood there, looking haggard, tired, and old.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what you mean.”

“Don’t you dare try to lie to me, Remus. Don’t forget that I know your every face. Answer the question, Remus. Are they still alive?”

“No, they’re dead,” he repeated again. He could tell she wasn’t buying it, so he changed the subject. “Shall we get back to the matter at hand?” Emily looked confused for a moment before it dawned on her that she was about to receive her punishment for her trip. “Since you did not follow through with your plans, what exactly did you do?” It was a question, but it wasn’t at the same time. It was a demand; there would be no worming out of it.

“I...went for a swim,” Emily stated, knowing that if she gave away whom she was with, she’d be in loads of trouble.

“You were swimming?” he asked incredulously. “I don’t believe you; it’s freezing out.”

“Honest, I did go swimming."

“I can’t believe I didn’t think to look there. I went everywhere looking for you, you know? I went to the Weasley’s and the Granger’s. They had no idea where you were and told me they would go to Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley to search for you also. They worry about you, too.”
Remus was looking at her, the most sincere look on his face. She couldn’t stand the distance between them any longer. Closing the space, she put her arms around his middle, laying her head on his chest, crying silently into his flannel shirt.

“I’m sorry, Rems.” He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.

“I know. Hopefully one day you will understand my secrecy. Oh, and by the way, you’re grounded if you haven’t already guessed as much,” he chuckled. Emily laughed with him, and then bidding him goodnight, went to her room and thought of the day’s events.

Last edited by Emileyn; 10-11-2010 at 04:00 AM.
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Old 02-25-2010, 12:40 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Three whole words, Eight letters late(8)

Thank you for dedicating you story to me this chapter was sooooooooooooooo good PAMS PAMS PAMS !!!!!
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Old 02-25-2010, 09:51 PM   #7 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Originally Posted by Ron&Hermione(L) View Post
Thank you for dedicating you story to me this chapter was sooooooooooooooo good PAMS PAMS PAMS !!!!!
haha, Anytime and thank you. I'll post the next part this weekend...
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Old 02-27-2010, 02:40 PM   #8 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Default The Unexpected
♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

Here is the next part. I hope you enjoy and please comment!

Emily awoke the next morning to the smell of eggs and toast. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. Pulling off the covers, she threw her legs over the bed, feeling the cold hardwood floor under her feet. She got up slowly and grabbed her bathrobe from its hook. After putting her arms through the sleeves, she pulled her tangled hair up, pinning it there. She made her way toward the delicious scent and heard someone whistling. “Morning,” she mumbled.

“Good Morning, how about some breakfast?” he asked cheerfully.

Was yesterday a dream? Emily thought to herself, for he was too cheerful. “Sure,” she answered, yawning again. Remus chuckled at her lack of enthusiasm this early in the morning.

“I was thinking that after you got ready, we’d go to Diagon Alley to get your school things. Your letter arrived this morning. Actually you’ve received more than one letter, but I’m not sure who the others are from.” He threw her the letters, leaving the opened Hogwarts letter in the mail-tray.

Emily fingered through the letters, recognizing most of the handwriting. She had a letter from Ginny, the twins, Hermione, Ron, and someone whose handwriting she didn’t recognize. It wasn’t Harry that was for certain. She opened the mystery letter first. It was from Draco. She read through the letter twice making sure she understood it fully. He was going to Diagon Alley today as well. He hoped he would see her there; though, he thinks they shouldn’t make contact if they do. His parents didn’t ground him for taking off and he didn’t tell them she was with him. He said he missed her. He said he missed me, she repeated in her mind. Her eyes grew larger with every sentence she took in. She finally put the letter on the table, taking a bite of her toast.

“Well, who was that one from?” Remus asked impatiently.

“Just a friend from school. She’s going to get her school supplies today too,” Emily lied. She bit her lip, hoping he didn’t catch the falsity of her statement. He just nodded, so she picked up the next letter. It was from Hermione. It contained frantic sentences; she could tell Hermione was worried about her. She guessed Remus must have written to them last night that she showed up again because she had said she was glad she was all right. Emily finished eating her breakfast while reading her letters. Remus drank his coffee quietly, waiting for her to finish before he told her his news.

“Did you tell them? What my plans were, I mean,” Emily wondered aloud, hoping his answer was no. He shook his head. She let out a gust of relief and set the last letter down, wiping her milk mustache off her face. She started to get up, but Remus cleared his throat.

“I have some good news, Em. Well at least, I think it’s good news.” He waited for her to respond, but when she didn’t, he continued, “I’ve been offered a the school.” He waited for it to sink in.

“You got a the school? What exactly are you going to do at the school?" she asked hesitantly. She wasn’t sure if she wanted him at the school. Of course she missed him when school was in session, but she didn’t want him embarrassing her.

“I’m the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. I’ve already told Dumbledore yes. I’ll be riding the Hogwarts Express up to the school. Of course, don’t think you’ll be obliged to sit with me. Though I’m not sure you’ll be up to hanging out with your friends, unless I can tempt you to change your mind...” He wasn’t sure how she’d take the last bit of information, but she played it cool enough.

“That’s great, Rems, I’m happy for you. You might be right about the train ride; I’ll probably be dead on my feet and won’t last more than ten minutes. By the way, there is no way possible that you could tempt me to change my mind, Rems, so don’t even try. Besides, now that you’ll be at the school, I can stay with you during the full moon.” She was sincerely happy after thinking about all of the benefits.

“What?” He hadn’t been expecting that take on things. “You can’t stay with me during the full moon, Emily, animagus or not. And I don’t think you should be staying with me the night before you go to school either.”

“Why not? It’s not like I haven’t before. Don’t be ridiculous. Of course I’m staying with you. And don’t even feed me the load of crap about how ‘dangerous’ it is.”
Emily put air quotes around dangerous, which hit a nerve with Remus.

“It is dangerous, but I’m not having that conversation with you again. Dumbledore probably won’t even allow it, Emily; you’ll be up after curfew if you stay with me.” Excuses weren’t cutting it for Emily.

“So, you’re saying that if I get Dumbledore’s permission, you’ll have no problem with it?” she asked innocently.

“I guess I walked right in to that one. If Dumbledore says it’s okay, then yes, I’ll be fine with it,” he gave up. There was no use in trying to make her see sense; she was too much like her father for that.

“Good. I’m going to go shower and then we can go to the Alley if you want,” Emily suggested cheerfully, knowing she’d won.

“Alright, go shower and get ready.” Emily darted up the stairs and grabbed a towel.

Around an hour later, Emily descended the stairs, bag in hand. She found Remus in the living room, reading The Prophet. “I’m ready,” she declared.

Remus started, looking up. “It’s about time, kid,” he said, putting down the paper and standing up. He motioned toward the fireplace, signaling her to go first.

Emily skipped over to the fireplace, snatched a handful of Floo powder, and stated, “The Leaky Cauldron” very deliberately. Emily felt like she was on some uncomfortable slide. Remembering her last trip, she tucked in her elbows and tried to not scream. Finally, her feet made contact with the hard floor. She rolled out of the fireplace at The Leaky Cauldron, dust everywhere in site. Coughing a little, she heard a slight wind behind her. Knowing it would be Remus, she moved out of the way, saying hello to whomever was around.

Remus came out of the fireplace, landing on his feet. He examined her dusty figure and chuckled, taking out his wand. “Scourgify!” Remus exclaimed, pointing his wand first at Emily and then at himself. They were cleaned up pretty quickly.

“Hey, Tom, how have you been?” Remus asked the barkeeper.

“Pretty good and yourself?” the man replied.

“Not too shabby, Tom, not too shabby. We’ll come by later in the day. Off to get school supplies,” Remus remarked, putting his hand on Emily’s lower back to lead her to the entrance to Diagon Alley. Emily waved half-heartedly at the barkeeper and turned to walk away. They heard a gruff “See you later” when they bounded the corner. Remus pulled out his wand and pointed it at the brick. A moment later they were looking out at the busy streets of the Alley. Emily caught her breath, glad to be back, knowing she would see her friends soon enough, and if she were lucky, a certain boy.

“This way, Ems, let’s get your books out of the way first.” Remus shuffled her down the street, heading toward Flourish and Blotts.

“The list says I need The Monster Book of Monsters, IntermediateTransfiguration, The Standard Book of Spells, Grade Three, and Unfogging the Future. Do I have to take Divination, Rems? It sounds like a joke,” Emily whined.

“Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. Besides, you might like it.” Remus looked down at Emily’s pleading eyes and shook his head. So like her father, he thought.

“Fine, but after we get these, can we go to The Magical Menagerie to get Bluejeans some treats and then go to Quality Quidditch Supplies? Please, Rems, please,” Emily begged. She tugged on his shirtsleeve acting like a five-year-old with her puppy dog eyes and pouting lip. He could hardly ever turn down these kinds of pleads, but he managed all the same.

“Not after we get the books, but maybe when we’ve gotten all of your other supplies. Maybe.” Remus chuckled as she agreed, knowing full well that she had won. Again.

An hour and a half later, and all they had left to get were some new quills. They headed over to the quill supply shop and Emily picked out two new quills and some ink, her excitement building. She turned to make her way outside and some bushy brown hair caught her attention. Hermione, Harry, and Ron were outside of Magical Menagerie talking. Ron seemed surprised to see some furry animal in Hermione’s arms. Some things never changed between those two. Emily smiled to herself, happy to see her friends. Remus held open the door, another bag added to the pile he was already carrying, motioning for Emily to head out. She obliged, leading the way to the Menagerie.

“Now that all of the supplies have been obtained, can we go get Bluejeans some treats? He’ll be forever grateful...” Emily let the sentence sit there, waiting for his response.

“Oh, well anything to make Bluejeans happy,” Remus chuckled. Emily joined in and held the door to the shop open for him. They both said a quick hello to the witch at the counter. Emily looked all around at the animals and the shiny, new cages. She walked over to the aisle she knew had the owl treats and started looking up and down the shelves, searching for what she wanted. She grabbed Bluejeans’ favorite and went back to the counter, Remus in her shadow.

“Will this be all?” the witch asked politely.

“Yes, ma’am. How much?” Emily replied. She started going through her bag for her money.

“A galleon and a sickle should do it,” the witch told her. Emily handed over the correct amount and took her treats.

“Thank you.”

“Come back soon,”
the witch said as they walked out the door, the bell jingling behind them.

“Now can we go to the Quidditch place?” Emily asked cheerfully.

“Lead the way,” was all Remus said. He followed the redhead down the street. They passed Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlor and Madam Malkin’s. At Quality Quidditch Supplies, Emily bought a broom service kit for her broom. Afterward, Remus treated her to some ice cream. They talked about her new classes and his. They laughed about her friends and discussed her new books and what spells she might learn this year. Looking down at his watch, Remus noticed the time. “We’d better get home and pack. We have to leave early tomorrow morning and we’ll be out all night.” Remus stood and grabbed his jacket. After fixing his collar, he picked up some of the shopping bags. Emily picked up the rest. Putting her hand through the crook of his elbow, they started walking back to The Leaky Cauldron. To the left, Emily noticed a certain pale, blonde haired boy in one of the shops. She smiled a little at him and he returned it. Grinning, she made her way to the brick wall with her godfather.

*Once again, please comment.

Last edited by Emileyn; 10-11-2010 at 04:18 AM.
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Old 02-27-2010, 03:45 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Hi Emily. This is a very good story. I guess I was in a hurry and pushed the preview button last time instead of submit reply one, cause my comment isn't here. No matter, I'll be more careful from now on. I love your story and can't wait for your next post. You write very effectivly. I'll be watching for your next post.
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Old 02-27-2010, 05:35 PM   #10 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Originally Posted by Connie View Post
Hi Emily. This is a very good story. I guess I was in a hurry and pushed the preview button last time instead of submit reply one, cause my comment isn't here.
haha, no worries

No matter, I'll be more careful from now on. I love your story and can't wait for your next post. You write very effectivly. I'll be watching for your next post.
Thank you! And I'll be watching for your next comment.
New post soon, I promise.
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Old 02-28-2010, 03:36 PM   #11 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Default The Unexpected
♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

Alrighty, so this next post has a flash back in it... It's pretty long. Well they've all been pretty long, but this one may be longer. I didn't want to split up the flashback... I hope you enjoy...

Hearing the rasping on the door, a little girl with red, curly hair and pale skin jerked awake from her reverie. Looking from the window to her bedroom door, she heard a fist pounding again. Her snowy owl hooted his annoyance from his cage.

“Are you almost ready? It’s seven,” a voice came from the other side of the door.

“Nearly. I was just reading a book. Sorry. You know, you can come in, Rems.” Emily laughed to herself, though not quite sure why. She could tell Remus was not happy with her decision to still go. She looked up from the carpet, when she heard the door creak open, and smiled.

“I’ve been knocking for ages, why haven’t you answered?” Remus sounded irritated.

“Sorry, I was staring off into space, just deep in thought. Why are you in a grumpy mood?”

“I’m in a ‘grumpy’,”
putting air quotes around the word, “mood because you shouldn’t be going. You need a good night’s sleep, Ems. You don’t want to fall asleep during the Sorting, do you?” Remus’s stare was more like a glare. You could definitely tell it was his time of the month.

“I’ve already told you. I’m not going to miss our last night home together. Why is this time so different from the others, Rem? Besides, I can sleep on the train.” They had this argument so much over the past few days; it was like tradition. Remus couldn’t help but think how grown up she sounded. She was fourteen, not seventeen. How did she mature so much over the years?

“This time is different because you can’t just sleep in, in the morning. You most likely won’t sleep on the train because you’ll want to catch up with everyone. Ems, don’t be stubborn. Just stay home this once.” His voice was trying to sound like he was getting the final word, but Emily wasn’t having it.

“Alright, Mr. Puss In Boots, you are going to have my company whether you want it or not. I will meet you there in an hour or so. Bye, Remus.” Emily turned away from her godfather. He was starting to make her mad. He just didn’t understand.

“I never said I didn’t want you out there, just that you shouldn’t be.” Remus walked over to where she sat, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Ems, I guess there’s no more point in arguing with you. I’ll go take my potion and meet you there in an hour.” Remus made to turn around but Emily grabbed his hand. Standing up, she gave him a hug.

Emily held him tightly. He was her best friend, her godfather, her everything. “I’ll meet you under the moon,” she breathed into his chest, playing with the half-ring on her left forefinger.

“Meet you under the moon,” said Remus, patting her on the back and then he turned, walking back to the hallway.

Remus went down the stairs, flipping lights as he went, and walked into the kitchen. He took one of the vials from beside the cauldron and took a swig. A chill went down his spine and he shivered. He looked through the kitchen window at the sun. It was pink with orange surrounding it. Letting out a great sigh, he walked out the back door and towards the forest.

Upstairs, Emily was folding her robes and placing them in her trunk. After she put in her last pair of socks, she started piling in her books, making sure everything was organized. She grabbed Hogwarts, A History from her desk, making sure she left her bookmark on the right page from where she left off. Deciding it was too quiet, she skipped over to her radio and pushed the power button. It was still on the CD she was listening to yesterday. Hearing a rock song, she started banging her head along with the beat. She went back to her trunk, placing her new quills and parchment on top. Looking around her room to make sure she didn’t forget anything, she spotted a picture frame. Sighing, she walked over and grabbed it from her shelf. She smiled as she looked down at a picture of herself and Remus. She was seven and they were carving pumpkins. She remembered that night exactly...

Looking out her window, a little girl saw the flurry of kids, in their costumes, tracking down candy. It was Halloween and the redhead was getting ready to carve pumpkins. Downstairs, a straggly looking man was clearing off the table and preparing for the festivities. He was thinking about five years previous on this same night. A tall, thin wizard and a short, stern witch had brought a baby girl to his doorstep. That same girl was upstairs sitting on her window bed, wondering why her overprotective godfather wouldn’t let her go house to house like the normal kids and gather candy.

Sighing, the middle aged man stood up, wondering if he could possibly bear to tell her the truth.

“Emily, it’s time to carve the pumpkins! You’d better hurry up before I do it all.”

Running down the stairs, laughing, the little girl cried, “Don’t you dare, Rem, you know I’ve been waiting for this all month!”

“Don’t worry, I saved a little for you,”
chuckled Remus.

“You had better have saved it all for me.”

“Well, aren’t we a bit greedy this Halloween,”
he joked.

Emily and Remus sat at the end of the table in front of the huge pumpkin they had picked out the previous night.

“What do I need to do first?”

Picking up the knife, Remus took hold of Emily’s hand, placing it on the knife with his hand on top of hers. “First, we are going to cut a hole on top so we can get the seeds out.”

“Why can’t I do it by myself? I’m a big girl,” Emily complained.

“You’re seven and the knife is dangerous,” stated Remus bluntly.

Emily blew out a huge gust of air, sighing. She leaned up on her godfather’s lap, putting the knife where she wanted to start the hole. They started carving, laughing the entire time.

An hour or so later, Remus was putting the top back on their jack-o-lantern. “It looks a bit scary, especially with the candle in it,” stated Emily, grabbing her godfather’s hand. With a tap of his wand, the pumpkin zoomed to the front window where the outsiders could see it. Remus towed Emily back to the couch in the living room.

“Emily, there is nothing to be afraid of. I want you to listen to me; I’m about to tell you a story.” Emily nodded for him to continue. “Once upon a time there was a boy. He was an orphan. His name was Tom, and he was brought up in an orphanage. At a young age, actually, about your age now, he started to realize that he was different. He could make things happen. You, of course, would realize right off the bat that it was magic. But he did not. Being raised under a magical household and knowing magic since you were born is very different from being raised by muggles and knowing nothing about magic. One day he was visited by a professor from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” Remus paused, hearing Emily’s sudden intake of breath. “Yes, I know, you want to go there. Now if I may get back to the story,” he chuckled. “After finding out who he really was and accepting the offer from the professor, he awaited for this school to be starting. He packed everything he owned, shopped for his school supplies, and excitably went to King’s Cross Station on September first. He spent his entire first year at Hogwarts trying to figure out who his parent’s were, which one was magical, and basically just anything about his ancestry he could.”

“What house was he sorted into, Rem?”
Emily interrupted.

Remus looked down into Emily’s hazel eyes, “Slytherin.” Emily nodded and Remus continued the story. “What Tom found out was that his father was not magical at all, therefore leaving his mother to be the one who was a witch. He poured himself into the books once again, spending every waking minute in the library. At school, Tom had formed a group of friends, who were later known as the Death Eaters. He left school as one of the favorites among teachers, everyone looking up to him. He decided to drop his muggle father’s name and be known as Lord Voldemort.”

Remus couldn’t bear to look in Emily’s eyes any longer, and therefore looked off in the distance as he continued, “Voldemort became the darkest, most evil wizard in the world. He killed and tortured whomever. He had followers whom did the same. One day, one of his followers overheard a prophecy. A prophecy that proclaimed that a boy would be Voldemort’s downfall. Of course, the Death Eater told his master, and Voldemort took action immediately. The baby boy’s name was Harry James Potter. Harry’s parents were prepared. They went into hiding, used a Fidelius charm, only telling one person where they were. The person they told betrayed them; Voldemort went to their house and killed the parents first. He tried to kill Harry, but in doing so, somehow made himself disappear. The spell backfired and no one ever saw Voldemort again.”

Remus was silent for a few minutes. He looked away from Emily’s searching eyes as he let a tear escape. “Rem, what happened to Harry?”

“Harry was taken to his Aunt and Uncle’s house. Emily, there is a reason I wanted to tell you this story. There is nothing in this world you should be afraid of. People today are still scared to say his name. I don’t want you to be. Nothing can ever hurt you in this world unless you let it. I’m not talking about physical pain, Emily, because, yes, you can be in pain. What I’m talking about is your heart. As long as you have love, you can accomplish anything, take on anything, and be anything. You are brave, intelligent, and courageous, Ems. Never live in fear, because it will eat away at you and damage you. Always, always, always step forward with dignity and take on whatever challenge may come with bravery. Emily, do you understand what I am saying?”

“Yes, I think so. You’re saying that even though there are evil people and dark things out there, I should never be afraid. I should keep my head held high and fight for what I believe in.”

Remus looked at this little girl in his lap, wondering how on earth she could only be seven years old. She seemed so much more grown up, insightful even. Shaking the thoughts from his mind, he nodded. Emily glanced over at the once scary pumpkin and giggled. Looking down, Remus wondered, “I just told you a story of the darkest man in the wizarding world, and you’re laughing?” He gave his goddaughter a quizzical look.

“It’s just that I thought that pumpkin was scary, but after hearing that story, it looks really pathetic.” Emily giggled again. Looking over at the windowsill, Remus joined in on the laughter.

After calming down a bit, Remus started to frown. This expression didn’t go unnoticed by Emily. “Do I have to go over to the Morgan’s tonight?”

“I’m afraid so, Ems. I have some work that has to be done tonight. You can’t stay at the cottage alone. Come on, Em, smile. Is your bag packed?”

“If it wasn’t, can we stay?”

“Haha, no we cannot.”

“Then yes, they’re packed,”
pouted Emily.

“Good. Now go and get them and I’ll walk you to the Morgan’s.”

Emily hopped down and ran up the stairs to grab her bag. While up there, she hopped on the bed and laced up her pink tennis shoes.

“Hurry up, Ems, we’ll be late!”

“I’m coming, I’m coming!”
Throwing her bag over her shoulder, she ran back down the stairs.

“Alright, let’s go.” Remus took Emily’s hand and started out the door. He turned back around while on the porch to lock it.

“I’m not going to have any fun. They don’t even have kids.”

“You say this every time, and you always have fun. I’m sure you’ll play games and watch movies. Mr. Morgan will probably show you some magic. You will have a blast. I promise.”

“Will you tell me a story from Hogwarts before you go. Please, Rem, please,”
Emily begged.

“I guess, but only one.” They continued their walk down the sidewalk. The sun was still up. Looking up in the sky, Remus thought about how long he had and which short story he should tell. “Okay. In his first year at Hogwarts, Rick had three best friends: Patrick, Jimmy, and Sean. Every month, Rick would leave his best friends and go hide out in a shack that was put up just for him by the headmaster. See, every month, he would turn into a monster. A werewolf. His friends noticed how he disappeared once a month on the night of the full moon every time. One day, the day after another one of his disappearances, Rick’s three best friends confronted him. They told him about their suspicions, and Rick confirmed them. The three came up with a plan so they would be able to stay with Rick when he transformed. They decided that they would become anamagi. Jimmy and Sean, being the smartest in their year, found the books they needed and went to work straight away. It took them four years to get the spell right, but when they did, Jimmy turned into a stag, Sean turned into a dog, and Patrick turned into a rat. Always after that, on the night of the full moon, the three would transform into their anamagi form while Rick turned into a werewolf. It made the transformation much more bearable for Rick, being able to play with his best friends. Rick couldn’t believe what his friends had done for him. He was never able to get the words out to thank them properly. The End.”

Emily looked up at Remus, smiling. She loved stories from Hogwarts. She couldn't wait until she’d able to go there. She glanced around. They were one house away from their departure. Emily absolutely hated having to be away from Remus. Somehow she knew something horrible was to happen. Every time Remus came back in the morning to get her, he looked hollow and ghostly. She was always terrified for him, but he smiled it off and she smiled with him.

They made their way up the narrow walk. Emily frowned to herself. Remus knocked on the door three times. They heard light footsteps before the door opened and a woman exclaimed, “Happy Halloween, oh it’s you two. Hello, Remus, Emily.”

“Hello, Maggie. Thank you so much for watching Emily for me. I’ll be back in the morning to get her. Emily, be good and do whatever Mr. And Mrs. Morgan tell you. Understand?”
Remus looked down at his goddaughter and her pouting lip, waiting for her to respond.

“Yes, I understand, Rem. Hello, Mrs. Morgan. How is your Halloween going?”

“It’s been the same as usual.”
She laughed her throaty laugh while Remus knelt down.

“I’ll see you in the morning. Stop worrying.”

“I’m not worrying.”

“Okay, so that worry line etched on your forehead is for what?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Rem.”

Remus laughed and Emily joined in. She stepped closer, putting her arms around his neck. “I love you, Ems,” Remus whispered in her ear.

“I love you too, Rems. Be careful,” Emily whispered back.

Without another glance, Emily tightly held her duffel bag on her shoulder and walked into the Morgan’s home. She heard Mrs. Morgan say her silent goodbye to her godfather and then shut the door. She wandered over to the couch, thinking about the Hogwarts’ story she just heard and how stupid Remus must think she really is. Doesn’t he know that she’s quite observant for her age? He leaves her with the Morgan’s once every month. At the full moon. He comes back looking like he’s seen some kind of awful ghost every time. She’s not dumb and she knows that the story he just told was closer to his heart than he led on. That story was about him, and in a few hours time, when the moon is up in the sky shining bright, she is going to hear the same howl she hears every time she comes over here.

“Why, hello, Emily! I thought I heard someone at the door. How have you been?” Mr. Morgan’s booming voice filled the room. He sat down in the rocking chair opposite her.

“I’m good. Remus just dropped me off. How are you?”

“I’m good. Just got a job at the Ministry."

“Oh, really? What department?”
Emily perked up a little. Conversation is exactly what she needed right now to get her mind off of Remus and what he’s about to go through.

“The Department of Law Enforcement; it’s quite exciting.”

Mr. Morgan told Emily all about The Department of Law Enforcement and his first day on the job. Emily tried to keep her thoughts away from her werewolf of a godfather. Every time the doorbell went off, Emily jumped up, causing Mr. Morgan to pause his story, to give the trick-or-treaters their candy. Mrs. Morgan finally came in and told her husband to stop boring ‘the child’ and they went to the table to eat dinner. Mrs. Morgan cooked spaghetti and garlic bread. Emily ate silently, wondering what Remus would eat for dinner. After dinner, they watched a Disney muggle movie about a mermaid.

Wishing she had fins, Emily fell into a dream-filled sleep. She dreamt about mermaids and prince charming, then about Hogwarts and Quidditch, which then, abruptly, turned into Remus in the woods, turning into a werewolf. When he howled, Emily woke with a start. Breathing heavily, she looked around. She was upstairs, in the guest bedroom of the Morgan’s house. She’d grown used to the smell of cleaning supplies and detergent. Mrs. Morgan was a clean freak and cleaned the house daily. Emily glanced at the window on her left. The purple drapes framed the moon gleaming down. She thought about her dream and about Remus.

“Gah! I wish it were the morning already!” Emily whispered violently. “I just want to go home.” Emily glanced at the clock on her right. It was three in the morning. The sun would be rising in a few hours time and Remus wouldn’t be in pain much longer. She smiled to herself wondering what they would do today.

Not being able to fall back asleep, Emily thought of Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley. Thinking of Honeydukes made her really hungry, but it was too early for breakfast. So, instead, she thought about the story Remus told her the previous night. She thought about the three best friends that Remus had that decided to become anamagi to stay with him. Sitting bolt upright, Emily thought of a solution. She could become an anamagi. She could become some kind of animal so that she could stay with Remus during the full moon. Getting really excited, Emily smiled to herself, then suddenly frowned. Remus would never allow it, not to mention that he doesn’t even know that she knows. He would say it’s too dangerous and not for little kids. Putting her thinking cap on, Emily thought of a plan to persuade her godfather. And she came up with...nothing, nada, zilch. It was very disheartening. Rolling on to her side, Emily fell back asleep, dreaming of a white wolf and brown werewolf running around in the woods.


It was ten o’clock in the morning. Emily was finishing her scrambled eggs at the Morgan’s kitchen table when the doorbell rang. Emily hurriedly finished her chocolate milk, wiped her mouth with her napkin, and hopped up. She basically ran to the sink with her plate. She could hear Mr. Morgan in the background talking quietly to Remus. She pushed in her chair and ran to her godfather.

“REM!” Emily yelled.

Laughing, Remus bent down and picked up his goddaughter that was running at lightning speed at him. “Hey, Ems. Did you have a good time?” He gently put her back down.

“Yeah, it was fun. We watched a muggle movie and I got to hear all about Mr. Morgan’s new job at the Ministry. Did you have fun working last night?” she asked, putting a heavy emphasis on working.

Remus looked at Emily with a quizzical look on his tired face. How much did she know? Did the Morgan’s tell her? “Yeah, we got a lot of work done,” he answered indifferently.

“Mmmm,” was all Emily said. She grabbed her bag from the staircase and turned to the Morgan’s. “Thank you so much for having me. It was a lot of fun.”

“The pleasure was all ours,”
replied Mrs. Morgan politely.

“Good Luck at your new job, Mr. Morgan.”

“Thank you, Emily, and I guess we will see you guys around.”
Bill Morgan shook Remus’ hand and held the door open for them.

On the way out, Emily grabbed Remus’ hand, and the two merrily walked down the drive.


Hearing the clock chime eight o’clock, Emily woke, for the second time that night, out of her reverie. She laughed at the memory, remembering that that was the day she confronted him about his furry little problem and told him she wanted to be an animagus.

Placing a picture frame of her and Remus on top, Emily shut her trunk, latching it and set off downstairs, turning off the lights as she went. Walking outside, she felt a light breeze. She closed her eyes and felt her hair wave all around her face. In the distance, she heard a wolf howl. She took her wand from her pocket and pointed it at herself. In the next moment, she was a graceful, white wolf. Her fur moved to the wind and her paws scratched the ground. Hearing the howl again, she raced off through the thick trees to the painful cries.

“AWOOOOOH!” she howled back to what she knew was her godfather, hoping he would get the message that she would be there shortly.

That night, Emily ran around, allowing the werewolf to chase after her. He, of course, had no chance of catching her; she was too quick. She, as always, made sure that she only ran in the heart of the forest so he wouldn’t get a whiff of stragglers.

*Let me know what you think...

Last edited by Emileyn; 10-15-2010 at 03:55 AM.
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Old 02-28-2010, 07:39 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Pams pams pams !!!!!!
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Old 02-28-2010, 08:20 PM   #13 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Default The Unexpected
♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

If you insist.

Boarding the train, Emily dragged her feet. They were really early; Remus had wanted to get a compartment that was empty and get some sleep. He was carrying her trunk, as well as his, while she took hold of Bluejeans. Remus found a compartment and put their trunks away. They sat there for a little while, Emily’s eyes growing droopy. The compartments were starting to fill up and there was a slight hum in the air. When the train started to take off, Emily declared she was going to go put Bluejeans with the other owls. Remus rested his head on the window and fell asleep.

Making her way down the train, Emily waved at a few of her friends. She passed a compartment with Slytherins inside and smiled to herself. She finally made it to the compartment full of animals. Going inside, she set Bluejeans near the window and then sat down on some of the luggage. She heard the door slide open behind her and turned to see who had entered. It was Draco and he looked hesitant. He pulled the blinds down on the window so onlookers couldn’t see.

“Hey, I saw you come in here. Thought I’d say hello.” Draco looked...nervous. Emily wasn’t sure how she should be feeling.

“Er...hi. So how was the rest of your summer?” Emily asked.

“It was...okay, I guess. Could’ve been better. What about yours?”

“It was all right. Could’ve been better.”
Emily smiled and Draco smiled back, releasing some of the tension in the tiny space. Emily wasn’t sure what made her do it, but one moment she was standing there sheepishly and in the next moment she was in Draco’s arms, hugging him closely. Draco squeezed her back, unsure if he should be. They stayed like that for a while, not speaking. All of a sudden, the train started to slow.

“We can’t be there already. Can we?” Emily breathed into Draco’s chest.

“I don’t think so, not yet. Maybe we’re picking someone up,” Draco thought aloud. The train shook a little and then everything was deadly quiet. They could see their breath in the air from the sudden chilliness. They heard each other breathing deeply into the other. Neither wanted to admit that they were a little scared of the turn of events.

"Draco, what are we doing exactly?” Emily asked him hesitantly.

“I don’t know, Ems. I just know that the day at the beach was one of the happiest days I’ve ever had. And...I like you.” Draco was looking at his feet, not making eye contact with anything except the dirt on the ground.

“ do?” Emily asked back. She, too, was staring at the floor.

“Yeah, I do.”

“ you too, Draco.”
Emily was blushing furiously, looking anywhere besides him. “So, where does this leave us exactly?”

“I want to be with you, but if our friends found out and my parents, I don’t know...”
He couldn’t finish the sentence and she was all right with that. She understood completely.

“What if we kept our relationship under wraps, you know, on the down low?” Emily suggested.

“Sounds good to me,” he smiled. Draco pulled Emily into a hug, she wrapped her arms around him. She felt like she was...home. Yeah that was the word. She felt home, safe, happy. Emily and Draco decided to go back to their compartments so no one got too suspicious, but before they parted ways, Emily kissed Draco on the cheek. Draco returned the favor and kissed her full on the mouth. When he touched her, she felt all tingly inside. She just couldn’t resist the feelings she had when he kissed her. She smiled as he pulled back, bidding her goodbye.

“Until we meet again,” Emily replied, smiling. Draco kissed her hands and then walked out of the compartment, sliding the door closed behind him. It was deadly quiet in the corridor and very cold. He saw some hooded figures at the other end of the train. Panicking, he ran into the nearest compartment. Emily stayed with Bluejeans a while longer, waiting for the train to pick back up again. It was nearly ten minutes before the lights came back on and the engine started to roar again. Draco made his way back to his friends, not making eye contact with any of the people who were in the compartment he ran into. He sat down beside Goyle, talking about the Dementors. He laughed along with his friends while Pansy basically threw herself at him. He wished to himself that the girl in his lap were not this pug-faced girl, but rather a certain Gryffindor. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw red hair zoom by.

Emily made her way back down the corridor. She was blushing violently and secretly pleased; though, the sight she had seen when she’d passed the Slytherins made her want to puke. She found what she thought was her compartment, but now it was full of people. Emily saw Hermione with her arm around Ginny and Ron looking intently at Harry. Remus was nowhere in sight. “Hey, guys,” Emily greeted them. They all looked up at her and smiled slightly.

She heard mumbles of “Hey, Emily” from around the compartment. Emily took a seat beside Harry. He looked like he was in shock, sweat beads forming around his hairline. “Harry, are you all right?” she asked him. He nodded silently as the compartment door slid open again to reveal Remus.

“Emily! Where on earth have you been? I’ve been worried sick.” Remus crossed over the threshold and grabbed Emily in a bone-crushing hug.

“I’m fine, Rems, honest. Owe, can’t...breathe,” Emily protested through gasps. He chuckled quietly and let her go. “I was just putting Bluejeans away,” she explained. Remus nodded, though he could tell she was hiding something. There was a slight glow surrounding her.

“I haven’t poisoned that chocolate, you know,” Remus said with a small smile to the room at large. Harry took a bite of his. “We’ll be at Hogwarts in ten minutes,” he stated. That was all Emily had wanted to hear.

Far away in her reverie, Emily heard Remus ask Harry if he was okay and Harry muttered a response. The rest of the train ride was quiet; barely anyone spoke, which was fine with Emily as her mind kept drifting back to a certain boy and the day they spent at the beach. She played it over and over and couldn’t help but smile. The train finally slowed until it reached a stop. The five teenagers with the new professor headed toward the platform. It was chilly out; rain was drizzling down, cool to the touch. Emily heard Hagrid in the distance talking to Hermione, Harry, and Ron. Emily followed Ginny to the carriages, glad to not be a first year in this weather. They got in with Neville and Remus and the stagecoach set off by itself. Smelling of mold and straw, Emily’s nose scrunched up. She stuck her head out of the window, trying to get fresh air, but the sight she saw set her back inside the carriage. Two Dementors were standing guard on either side of the gate. They passed through the still air and cold breeze that engulfed them.

The carriage finally came to a halt a few minutes later. The four of them got out and started to head toward the castle. In front of them, they heard Malfoy sneering at Harry. Emily caught her breath, hoping they did nothing rash. Emily saw Remus’ face harden a bit as he approached the boys. She faintly heard Ron tell Malfoy to shove off with his jaw clenched. She followed Remus slowly.

“Did you faint as well, Weasley?” said Draco. “Did the scary old Dementor frighten you too, Weasley?”

“Is there a problem?”
said Remus mildly.

Draco gave him an intense stare and Emily blushed in the rain. She had almost forgotten how much of a jerk he was. Draco took in Remus and then stated sarcastically, “Oh, no—er—Professor.” He then looked at his gooneys and led them up the castle stairs. Emily fought the tears that were welling up in her eyes. She didn’t like this Draco at all. Maybe if I just talked to him, he’d stop messing with my friends. Maybe while he was at it, he could also make Pansy stop hanging all over him, she thought hopefully. Emily joined the crowd and headed for the Great Hall. She took a seat beside George, Fred occupying his other side.

“Hey, guys,” Emily said half-heartedly. She was looking down at her hands, playing with the ring on her finger.

“Hey, Emily! Are you okay?” he added when he saw her expression.

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be fine.” Emily tried to put on a happier expression, but managed a slight scowl. George shrugged his shoulders and joined in Fred and Lee’s discussion.

Professor Dumbledore stood up and the hall fell silent. He sat back down as the first years headed in, led by Professor McGonagall. They listened to the hat’s song and watched the sorting. Emily played with her ring, stole glances at Draco, and clapped when a new Gryffindor came their way. It was finally time for the feast. Professor Dumbledore went back over rules and regulations and then introduced two new teachers: Remus and Hagrid. She clapped along with everyone else, then filled her plate with chicken and mashed potatoes as the food arrived. She was glad the day was almost over. She could definitely use a good night’s sleep. Emily played with her food rather than eating it.

“So, what exactly were you playing at when you ran away over the summer?” George asked her. Emily turned to see his curious face, glancing around she saw that Ginny, Fred, Hermione, Ron, and Harry were staring at her, also waiting for her answer.

“I...just got into a fight with my godfather is all. Needed some fresh air. I went to the beach for a swim. So how were your summers?” Emily asked, trying to change the subject from her to them.

“Not so fast, Ems, we’re not done with you yet,” Fred stated mischievously. “Why did you get into a fight?”

“It was nothing, Fred, honest. Just a silly fight about absolutely nothing,” Emily lied.

“So, this fight, did it make you extremely upset?” George asked.

“What exactly are you two playing at? Just spit it out. What do you really want to ask me?” She looked around at the group.

“Emily, we ran into Professor Lupin on the train. He introduced himself, assuming we were the famous twins,” Fred laughed.

“He told us what you had initially planned, Emily,” George continued. “He’s worried about you. Don’t get upset. How could you even think of doing something like that?” George asked seriously.

“I...was just upset. Look, I’m fine now. And I obviously didn’t go along with my plans. That should count for something.” She looked helplessly around the table, trying to make them understand. She glanced at Remus furiously. She couldn’t believe he told them.

“Yeah, it counts for you coming to your senses,” Fred said sarcastically. “Don’t you ever scare us like that again. Understood?”

“Yes, sir,”
Emily responded, just as sarcastic.

“We’re being serious here, Ems,” stated George offensively.

“And I appreciate that you care, but it’s none of your business.” Students were starting to get up from the table to go off to their dormitories, oblivious to their conversation. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I could use some sleep.” Emily stood up and swiftly left the hall. She bounded the stairs and took a shortcut to the left to avoid the crowd. She beat everyone up there, and, having asked Percy earlier, stated “Fortuna Major!” to the Fat Lady. She walked upstairs to the third year girls’ dormitory. Finding her trunk in front of the bed by the window, Emily found her pajamas and quickly undressed. Sighing, she closed the curtains around her bed, to not be disturbed. She punched her pillow in a more comfortable position, lying down.

Why would he have told them? she asked herself. She fell asleep that night, thinking of her friends, family, and new boyfriend.

*If any quotes look familiar, that would be because they are in the book... They all belong to JK Rowling. I hope you guys enjoy and please comment

Last edited by Emileyn; 10-15-2010 at 07:35 PM.
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Old 03-01-2010, 04:58 AM   #14 (permalink)
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You could definitely tell it was his time of the month.
This is so funny! I laughed so hard. Absolutely brilliant!
She took her wand from her pocket and pointed it at herself. In the next moment, she was a graceful, white wolf. Her fur moved to the wind and her paws scratched the ground. Hearing the howl again, she raced off through the thick trees to the painful cries.

“AWOOOOOH!” she howled back to what she knew was her godfather, hoping he would get the message that she would be there shortly.

That night, Emily ran around, allowing the werewolf to chase after her. He, of course, had no chance of catching her; she was too quick. She, as always, made sure that she only ran in the heart of the forest so he wouldn’t get a whiff of stragglers
Loved, loved, loved this.
“I haven’t poisoned that chocolate, you know,”
One of those quotes you was talking about.
Draco gave him an intense stare and Emily blushed in the rain. She had almost forgotten how much of a jerk he was. Draco took in Remus and then stated sarcastically, “Oh, no—er—Professor.” He then looked at his gooneys and led them up the castle stairs. Emily fought the tears that were welling up in her eyes. She didn’t like this Draco at all.
So sad.
She was looking down at her hands, playing with the ring on her finger.
I'm wondering if this ring has any significance to it. Great posts. I was away all day and didn't get to read these two posts till tonight. I'll be watching for more.
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Old 03-01-2010, 09:21 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Three whole words, Eight letters late(8)

Great post !!!! PAMS PAMS PAMS !!!!!
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Old 03-01-2010, 10:44 PM   #16 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Originally Posted by Connie View Post
This is so funny! I laughed so hard. Absolutely brilliant!
Haha, thanks. It's definitely one of my favorite lines
Originally Posted by Connie View Post
I'm wondering if this ring has any significance to it. Great posts. I was away all day and didn't get to read these two posts till tonight. I'll be watching for more.
Ummmmmm.... Welllllll, You'll find out more about the ring later...

Originally Posted by Ron&Hermione(L) View Post
Great post !!!! PAMS PAMS PAMS !!!!!
Haha, Thank you.

More tonight if I can figure out my Calculus homework quickly
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Old 03-01-2010, 11:52 PM   #17 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Default The Unexpected
♥ 2G FC| Narnian!| Fremione|Full Sail Girl ♥| Dramione| Shadowhunter!| Jesse ♥

Good news! I finished my calc hw way before I thought I would. Here's the next post...

The next day included their first classes. Draco continued torturing Harry about the Dementors. Emily started her new lessons, deciding that she was right; Divination was a joke. The only real exciting thing that happened was Draco being attacked by a Hippogriff in their first Care of Magical Creatures lesson. Emily knew he wasn’t seriously injured and that Madame Pomfrey had fixed him up in a second, but he seemed to be playing it out. Pansy had followed right after him as Hagrid took him to the Hospital Wing, so she wasn’t able to go.

It was well after midnight that night when Emily decided to sneak down to see him. She thought it would be safest to see him at nighttime when no students would be lurking about. She tiptoed down the corridor, hiding if she heard a noise. Finally making it outside the infirmary, she opened the door as silently as she could. She peeked inside to see if the nurse was still there. Noticing that the coast was clear, she made her way inside. She saw the only occupied bed at the other end of the room and started walking as quickly as she could. Pulling up a chair to his bed, she put her hand in his.

“Pansy, I’m trying to sleep—Oh, it’s you. Thank God,” whispered Draco once he saw whom it was. “I thought it might be Pansy. She never leaves me alone. She’d glue herself to me if she could.” He rolled over onto his side to look at her better.

“So I’m guessing she’s not all that upset about the arranged marriage, then,” Emily remarked.

“Unfortunately, no.”

“So, how do you really feel? And don’t feed me that load of dragon dung that you’re in real agony. Madame Pomfrey probably fixed you in a jiffy,”
Emily accused.

“Nothing gets by you, huh? I feel better. I wrote to father about it all. He told me he’d talk to the minister about getting the stupid bird killed. Isn’t that great?” he asked happily with a grin across his face.

She couldn’t believe what he was saying. “No, that’s not great. It wasn’t Buckbeak’s fault that you got hurt, nor was it Hagrid’s. He told us not to approach them like that, that we had to bow and wait for his bow in return. I can’t believe you’re going to get Buckbeak killed and no doubt you’ll try to get Hagrid fired as well.” Emily grabbed her hand from his and folded them across her chest.

“Of course I’m going to try to get that oaf fired, Emily, he shouldn’t be teaching. And that beast attacked me; it shouldn’t get to live. I can’t believe you’re going to take their side. I’m your boyfriend!” Draco exclaimed.

“And, your point? You think that just because you’re my boyfriend, I’m not going to stand up for what I believe in, that I’m going to change how I feel and what I say? You are sadly mistaken, Draco Malfoy, if that’s what you think.” Emily was no longer whispering but full out yelling at him. She heard movement behind Madame Pomfrey’s office but stood her ground.

“What on earth is going on out here? Miss Black, what are you doing out of bed?” She looked stern and tired as she talked.

“Absolutely nothing is going on here, Madame Pomfrey. I’m done here. We’re done here,” Emily stated, staring at Draco. She turned to leave but Draco caught her hand.

“Oh, come on, Emily. You’re making a mistake.”

“The only mistake I made was thinking you could change. We’re done, Draco. Maybe you should go tell Daddy and see if he can get me thrown out of Hogwarts as well.”
Emily pulled her hand free and bid a shocked Madame Pomfrey goodnight. Emily made her way back to the Gryffindor Common Room, not bothering to be as quiet as possible.

The next morning at breakfast, Emily kept to herself. She didn’t go back to see Draco and he didn’t show up to any of his classes. She lied to everyone when asked if she were okay. She avoided Remus as often as she could, not wanting to have to tell him. Thursday finally rolled around the corner, and, all in all, it was going to be a bad day. Draco showed up during double potions, finally ‘feeling up to come to class.’ She ignored him and he ignored her. After lunch was her dreaded first lesson with Remus. She was sure he’d ask her to stay after to talk, knowing she had been avoiding him.

She walked as slowly as she could to Defense Against the Dark Arts. When she arrived, she found a seat beside Hermione. Taking her seat, Remus watched her. She made sure not to make eye contact. He was curious and worried, but decided it could wait until later.

“Good afternoon. Would you please put all your books back in your bags. Today’s will be a practical lesson. You will need only your wands.” Remus looked shabby as he talked to the class. Emily put her books back in her bag and grabbed her wand. Emily remembered telling Remus how they had never had a practical lesson before and that now that he was their teacher, he had better change it.

“Right then. If you would follow me,” stated Remus when everyone was ready. The scratching of chairs were heard as everyone scooted out of their seats. Intrigued, the class followed the professor out of the classroom and down a deserted corridor. They ran into Peeves the Poltergeist, who was stuffing a keyhole with chewing gum. Peeves looked up when Remus was two feet away and broke into song.

“Loony, loopy Lupin,” he sang. “Loony, loopy Lupin, loony, loopy Lupin--” Peeves usually showed some type of respect to the professors, but not this time. The class turned to see how Remus would take it, but he was smiling.

“I’d take that gum out of the keyhole if I were you, Peeves,” said Remus pleasantly. “Mr. Filch won’t be able to get into his brooms.”

Peeves blew a loud wet raspberry, ignoring what Remus had said.

Giving a small sigh, Remus took out his wand and told the class over his shoulder, “This is a useful little spell. Please watch closely.”

Raising his wand he stated, Waddiwasi!” and pointed it at Peeves.

All of a sudden, the chewing gum shot out of the keyhole and forcefully down Peeves’s left nostril. Peeves zoomed off, cursing. Dean told Remus that it was cool and they proceeded down the hall. They came to a stop outside of the staffroom. Remus asked them to go inside and they obliged. The room, with mismatched chairs, was empty except for Professor Snape. His glistening eyes took in the class.

“Leave it open, Lupin. I’d rather not witness this,” sneered Snape as Remus went to shut the door. Before shutting the door behind himself, he turned, stating, “Possibly no one’s warned you, Lupin, but this class contains Neville Longbottom. I would advise you not to entrust him with anything difficult. Not unless Miss Granger is hissing instructions in his ear.”

Harry glared at Snape as Neville went red. Remus, raising his eyebrows, stated, “I was hoping that Neville would assist me with the first stage of the operation, and I am sure he will perform it admirably.” Snape, lip curling, left, slamming the door behind him. “Now, then,” said Remus faintly. He led the group toward an old wardrobe at the end of the room. Emily stayed near the back, putting distance between them. The class continued with the discussion of boggarts and then everyone repeated the spell that would repel it. Neville then took the first turn and the boggart changed into Professor Snape in Neville’s grandmother’s clothes. Everyone laughed and applauded. The class proceeded in taking turns.

Emily wasn’t really paying attention to anything around her. She was looking out of a window, down at the lake. People were lounging on the grass, reading and doing homework. Emily faintly heard the laughter in the room as the students took their turns. Emily heard screams and turned to see Ron up against a huge spider. As soon as Ron exclaimed “Riddikulus!” Emily turned her attention back to the lake, but quickly turned back around as Remus shouted, “Here!” He had hurried forward in front of Harry and Emily saw a silvery-white orb hanging in the air. The others seemed confused, but Emily knew it was the full moon. Her right hand went absentmindedly to her left forefinger where her half-ring sat. Her fingers gently brushed the zigzag shape of her half moon. Remus awarded points to those who fought the boggart and those who answered questions, assigned homework, and dismissed the class.

Emily tried sneaking out, but Remus caught her.

“Miss Black, may I have a word with you?” he asked politely as the other students left. Emily waved to Hermione and nodded toward Remus.

“I haven’t seen you in a while, Ems. How are your classes going?” he asked innocently.

“They’re okay I guess. Divination is a joke, just like I told you it’d be,” she chuckled. “Transfiguration and Charms are the same as ever. Care of Magical Creatures is pretty cool. You know, we should get a Hippogriff as a pet, Rems, they’re so adorable. And then there’s Potions with Snape. Of course it’s no fun. How have your classes been going?”

“They’re good, I think the students enjoy them,”
he stated, trying to figure out how he should continue.

“I’m pretty sure they think you’re the coolest teacher we’ve had, Rems,” Emily smiled.

“Glad to know I’m not embarrassing you,” he chuckled. “So, why haven’t you come to see me?”

“I guess I’ve just been busy with homework and what not,”
replied Emily sheepishly.

“So it has nothing to do with you and a certain Slytherin?” Remus asked slyly.

Emily’s eyes grew so large, Remus was sure they’d pop out of their sockets. “How’’d you know about that?” she whispered, unable to speak up.

“Madame Pomfrey told me about your visit after curfew the other night. How long has it been going on, Ems, and why haven’t you told me?”

“The snitch!”
Emily exclaimed. “It hasn’t been going on very long, really. I met up with him over the summer, the day I ran away.” Emily peeked at Remus’s face, wondering how he was going to take this. “He ended up going there himself and we decided to go swimming and got to talking, and then we raced.” Emily was talking extremely fast now. “And then, on the train ride to school, we met up in the animal compartment and talked. That’s when we technically started dating, but as you already know, I ended it the night I went to the Hospital Wing. He was being a right git and I couldn’t take it anymore.” Emily waited for his response. Tears starting forming in her eyes. She had tried to suppress her feelings the past few days, but they couldn’t be suppressed anymore.

Remus said nothing, he didn’t interrupt, and when she finished, he watched her silent tears pour over her cheeks. He went to her side and pulled her into a hug. “Why didn’t you come talk to me?” he asked, rubbing her back.

“I was ashamed. I thought you would be ashamed. I just didn’t want anyone to know. Sorry.” She cried into his shoulder, glad to finally get it off her chest.

“I could never be ashamed of you, Ems. I want you to be happy, and if a Slytherin made you happy, I’d be okay with that. I love you, kiddo.” Emily pulled back to look at his face to make sure he was telling the truth. He had no sense of falsity in his features.

“I love you too,” she whispered.

“Of course, you of all people would want a Hippogriff as a pet,” he joked. They both laughed. Emily couldn’t convince him that they really needed the pet. “So, have you talked to Dumbledore yet?” he asked her curiously when their laughter subsided.

“About what?” she asked back. He pointed to her left forefinger and then at his. “Oh! The moon! I can’t believe I forgot. Thanks for reminding me, Rems. I’ll go talk to him now.” She made to leave, but then abruptly stopped. “Where is his office exactly?”

Chuckling, Remus moved to the door. “Come on, I’ll show you the way.” Remus and Emily walked up to the seventh floor corridor quietly. Emily was nervous about the interaction soon to come. Remus watched Emily’s nervous face with amusement. Finally arriving at two stone gargoyles, Remus stated, “Pumpkin Pasty” and the gargoyles separated. Emily walked to the staircase, then glanced back at Remus.

“Aren’t you coming with me?” she asked apprehensively.

“Nah, I’ll let you do this one all on your own, Ems. You’re the one that wants to stay with me. I’d much rather you not break curfew.” Emily glared at Remus.

“Fine then, I’ll go alone, but you aren’t getting rid of me that easily, Remus. I will meet you under the moon.” With that she turned on her heel and ascended the staircase. She knocked three times on the door and waited.

*Eh, I don't like this one all too much, but I guess it will have to do... If you recognize certain quotes, they are once again all JK Rowling's. Please comment...

Last edited by Emileyn; 01-28-2011 at 11:56 PM.
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Old 03-02-2010, 05:03 PM   #18 (permalink)
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*Eh, I don't like this one all too much, but I guess it will have to do... If you recognize certain quotes, they are once again all JK Rowling's. Please comment...
Are you serious?!?!?! I loved it. You've done a wonderful piece of work here. I'm sorry I haven't commented sooner. Sometimes new posts don't show up. I just noticed it was a recent date, so I checked. Guess that's what I'll have to start doing. I'll be checking the dates for your next post.
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Old 03-02-2010, 08:09 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Connie View Post
Are you serious?!?!?! I loved it. You've done a wonderful piece of work here. I'm sorry I haven't commented sooner. Sometimes new posts don't show up. I just noticed it was a recent date, so I checked. Guess that's what I'll have to start doing. I'll be checking the dates for your next post.
Awe, well thank you. and it's all good, I definitely understand that one. Happens to me ALL the time. Thursday is my birthday, so I'll do a special Birthday post
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Old 03-03-2010, 12:01 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Default The Unexpected
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I'm bored, so I decided to post. It's shorter than usual... Hope you enjoy

“Enter,” said a voice behind the door. Emily hesitantly opened the door and walked inside. “Ah, Miss Black, to what do I owe this pleasure?” Professor Dumbledore asked politely. “Please sit,” he said motioning to the chair in front of his desk. Emily obliged and started fidgeting with her shirt seam.

“Professor, I was wondering if I could ask you something. A favor really.” She waited for a response but he merely nodded, placing his hands together and putting the tips of his fingers against his lips. “Well, see, it’s Remus. We’ve only been apart during the full moon during term, well, because I was at school and’t. But now that we’re both together, and the full moon is coming up, I was wondering if you if with him?” She didn’t wait for a response, but instead proceeded to ramble on. “It’s just that I know it’s easier if someone’s with him during the transformation, you know, to keep him company. And although it’s dangerous, sir, I’ve done it many times before and I assure you it wouldn’t be dangerous for me. And he says he’s fine with it if you were, and...” Emily went quiet not sure of what else to say. The blush crept up to her cheeks and she stared at her shoes, trying to not make eye contact.

“Miss Black, I think it will be fine if you stay with your godfather, as long as he doesn’t mind. It will be dangerous, but I think I can place a few precautions in order and I know you’re a professional at it by now. I would say you could go to the Shrieking Shack, but it may be dangerous now that there’s a killer on the loose.” Dumbledore searched Emily’s features, wondering if she knew.

“Really? I can stay with him?” When Dumbledore nodded, Emily jumped from her seat and excitably went to shake the Headmaster’s hand. “Thank you. Thank you so much!” Emily gushed. “I have to go tell Rems. Thanks again,” she said again, releasing his hand. She turned on her heel with a huge smile plastered on her face.

“Bye, Miss Black,” Dumbledore chuckled.

“'Night, Professor,” Emily replied, closing the door to his office behind her. She took the steps two at a time, jumping when she reached the last three. She started skipping to Remus’ office to tell him the good news, when someone slammed into her, pushing her into the nearest abandoned classroom.

“Let.Go.Of.Me.” Emily struggled against the firm grip, but to no avail. “What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing?” she asked the mysterious kidnapper.

*The next post will probably be Thursday...

Last edited by Emileyn; 01-29-2011 at 12:00 AM.
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Old 03-03-2010, 06:18 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Emily, great job! It was nice getting to read another post. But, you know what happens when you post something so good as this? Right? Yep, it makes us want you to post even sooner. It's ok though, we can be patient. Take time to enjoy life, and meanwhile I'll be watching for your next post. Very anxious to know who grabbed Emily.
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Old 03-03-2010, 11:56 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Connie View Post
Emily, great job! It was nice getting to read another post. But, you know what happens when you post something so good as this? Right? Yep, it makes us want you to post even sooner. It's ok though, we can be patient. Take time to enjoy life, and meanwhile I'll be watching for your next post. Very anxious to know who grabbed Emily.
haha, well another post tomorrow. I promise. Any guesses as to who grabbed her??
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Old 03-03-2010, 06:55 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Three whole words, Eight letters late(8)

OMG !!!!! i missed 2 posts :O FABBBBB!!!!!!! Emily these chapters are sooo good !!

Hmmmmm? mibi Malfoy ?

So I'm guessing she doesnt know about the full sirius escaping thing:O?

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Old 03-03-2010, 07:27 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Ummm, well, if I'm to guess, then my guess is Lucious Malfoy. Draco was very upset with her not agreeing with him about the HippoGriff, to get killed, and Hagrid to get fired. He has made it obvious that he keeps his dad apprised on the goings on at Hogwarts. Then, the way you wrote,
“Let.Go.Of.Me.” Emily struggled against the firm grip, but to no avail.
leads me to believe that it is an adult that has ahold of her, so firmly, that she can't get away. And Lucious is the only adult that she would talk to that way. I think Lucious malfoy went to the school to be the continued, thorn in Dumbledore's side, and to threaten Emily into submission. Just my guess. I'm sure whoever it is, it'll be great the way you write it.
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Old 03-03-2010, 09:46 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ron&Hermione(L) View Post
OMG !!!!! i missed 2 posts :O FABBBBB!!!!!!! Emily these chapters are sooo good !!

Hmmmmm? mibi Malfoy ?

So I'm guessing she doesnt know about the full sirius escaping thing:O?
She knows he's escaped, she just doesn't know he's her father... She thinks she was named after her Dad's best friends and his brother, so she knows that she may be related through some web to Sirius, she just doesn't know HE is her Dad... Does that make sense?

Originally Posted by Connie View Post
Ummm, well, if I'm to guess, then my guess is Lucious Malfoy. Draco was very upset with her not agreeing with him about the HippoGriff, to get killed, and Hagrid to get fired. He has made it obvious that he keeps his dad apprised on the goings on at Hogwarts. Then, the way you wrote, leads me to believe that it is an adult that has ahold of her, so firmly, that she can't get away. And Lucious is the only adult that she would talk to that way. I think Lucious malfoy went to the school to be the continued, thorn in Dumbledore's side, and to threaten Emily into submission. Just my guess. I'm sure whoever it is, it'll be great the way you write it.
Well ONE of you is right. Well, actually that's obvious because both of you couldn't be right, but anyways.... I really want to say something more, but I'll wait until after tomorrow's post to say it I think.....
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