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After saying the correct password and starting up the moving stone staircase, you'll find yourself in an attractive and spacious circular room. Shelves filled with books on all manner of subjects line the walls all the way up to the ceiling. You'll also find some of Moxley's most prized possessions among the other interesting artifacts displayed here. Her rubber duck collection is housed in a rather ostentatious display case by the sofa and soft music fills the air around the enchanted gramophone nearby. It's an impressive display to behold for anyone lucky enough to have a look around.
Headmistress Moxley can be found sitting behind an ornate desk on a raised dais in the center of the room, pictures of her family and close friends adding a personal touch to her work space. Behind her, portraits of the past headmasters and headmistresses remind students and staff of the great minds who've previously held this position. The center frame directly behind Meredith's chair housing the portrait of Abraham Botros, the previous headmaster and most recent addition to the wall. And if Botros' watchful gaze isn't enough to hold your attention, the sorting hat sitting on a stool off to the right of the desk might just do the trick.
OOC: Please only post in this thread once you've gotten permission from me to do so! Just give me a poke! *always up to play*
[FONT="Verdana"][COLOR="brown2"]"Hello there, Miss Moss." The headmistress watched as the first year inspected her surroundings, having had the same reaction as she was moving some of her things in here. It was a historic place in the school and many amazing people had frequented it. She could hardly blame the girl for being interested.
After a few minutes, the brunette settled back in her seat and cleared her throat. "Why don't you take a seat and tell me what it is you wanted to talk about."
The Headmistress even gave her time to take in her room. How cool was she? Needless to say, she had risen to #1 spot in Katherine's eyes. She bet it didn't matter to be the favourite of a simple first year, but maybe one day Katherine would be as impressive as her and then it would matter.
Anyways, she took a seat as told and had to take a moment to calm down.
I'm talking to the Headmistress. I have to be at my best.
"I," her excitement was obvious from her flushed cheeks and shaky voice, "just wanted to ask if I could attend your classes even though I'm a first year. I'll just observe. Or," she added as an afterthought, "participate if you want me to." Professor Draper had wanted her to. Could she be so lucky?
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Originally Posted by Callie
"I don't belong there," she stated plainly. Now that she'd gotten her request out, started the dialogue with the Headmistress, she was more relaxed. "The Sorting Hat was wrong. It said I'd fit in there but I don't. It's pretty obvious I don't. Most of the house avoids me because I don't fit in, or worse. Not everyone, but most." Standard, really. Don't be seen around the outcast, and people won't treat you as one. Social self-preservation. She paused, focusing on the rubber ducky collection. "I thought it'd be different at Hogwarts."
Moxley listened intently, eyes never leaving the Ravenclaw. Once she'd finished, the brunette sat up a bit and glanced over at the sorting hat thoughtfully. "The hat puts people in certain houses for a reason, Ms. Denaker. Now you're a first year, in her first few months at a new school and it's hard. I know it's hard, but that's hardly long enough to decide you're in the wrong place." She had hardly given the house a chance and Moxley highly doubted she was avoided. Well, unless she didn't shower or something but the girl seemed very well groomed. "Ravenclaw is your family here at Hogwarts and I want you to try and get to know the members of your house. Find common ground, that's always a good start. I'm sure Mr. Kitridge would be more than willing to help, if you're not up to doing it on your own." But the girl had braved the headmistress's office on her own so Moxley had faith in her.
Originally Posted by StarShine
The Headmistress even gave her time to take in her room. How cool was she? Needless to say, she had risen to #1 spot in Katherine's eyes. She bet it didn't matter to be the favourite of a simple first year, but maybe one day Katherine would be as impressive as her and then it would matter.
Anyways, she took a seat as told and had to take a moment to calm down.
I'm talking to the Headmistress. I have to be at my best.
"I," her excitement was obvious from her flushed cheeks and shaky voice, "just wanted to ask if I could attend your classes even though I'm a first year. I'll just observe. Or," she added as an afterthought, "participate if you want me to." Professor Draper had wanted her to. Could she be so lucky?
Moxley's grin was immediate after hearing the girl's question and she clapped her hands excitedly. "Why of course you can! My lessons are geared towards those of all ages and I'd love it if you'd join us and explore the muggle world." Sharing her passion for the subject matter was one of her greatest joys and she couldn't imagine turning a student away. "Tell, Ms. Moss, do you know much about Muggle Studies?"
Moxley listened intently, eyes never leaving the Ravenclaw. Once she'd finished, the brunette sat up a bit and glanced over at the sorting hat thoughtfully. "The hat puts people in certain houses for a reason, Ms. Denaker. Now you're a first year, in her first few months at a new school and it's hard. I know it's hard, but that's hardly long enough to decide you're in the wrong place." She had hardly given the house a chance and Moxley highly doubted she was avoided. Well, unless she didn't shower or something but the girl seemed very well groomed. "Ravenclaw is your family here at Hogwarts and I want you to try and get to know the members of your house. Find common ground, that's always a good start. I'm sure Mr. Kitridge would be more than willing to help, if you're not up to doing it on your own." But the girl had braved the headmistress's office on her own so Moxley had faith in her.
Haddie frowned, obviously not pleased. She still wasn't looking directly at the Headmistress, but this time more in frustration than anything. "But I'm obviously Gryffindor and fit in with all the Gryffindors I've met instantly. I born for that house." It even had her favorite animal as its mascot for crying out loud! She sighed loudly. Typical adult response, which meant, typically, that nothing she said would change anything. Yep.
Haddie opened her mouth to tell the Headmistress that the Sorting Hat couldn't make up its mind, took 15 minutes to arbitrarily deem her Ravenclaw and most importantly was an idiot. She closed her mouth before saying anything though. Somehow she had a feeling that last part wouldn't go over well, since the Hat was in this room, and it was the most important part of that, so she just said nothing.
Eventually, while focusing on the shelves off to the left, Haddie nodded. "Doomed to forever be an outsider..." She mumbled under her breath. Moxxy's solution didn't seem very doable to Haddie, given that many of her house mates seemed to not want anything to do with her on the grounds of her simply being herself. Well, this hadn't gone well. Haddie nodded again and got up. What more was there to say?
She stood up and glared at the Sorting Hat and mouthed "I blame you for this.""Thanks, Moxxy..." she said, mainly to the rubber ducky collection. "I mean, Professor Moxley." She waved in the direction of Moxley's desk and turned for the door.
She grinned a little too, and when the woman spoke, her face shone so BRIGHTLY that she could compete with the shining of the Sun.
"Thank you, Headmistress Moxley!" she exclaimed, "I'll be a great student, you'll see." Nodnod. She was going to be the BEST behaved, at the very least. Still being a first year made it impossible for her to compete with older students, however.
"My mum is a muggle," she said, still excited (did you catch the fact that she was in the Headmistress' room?), "and we're the only wizards in our county, Rutland." For the first time in her life, she was grateful for that. "So I know quite a lot. But of course, I won't use my knowledge to hinder the learning experience of others." In case the Headmistress Madam had such a concern.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Originally Posted by Callie
Haddie frowned, obviously not pleased. She still wasn't looking directly at the Headmistress, but this time more in frustration than anything. "But I'm obviously Gryffindor and fit in with all the Gryffindors I've met instantly. I born for that house." It even had her favorite animal as its mascot for crying out loud! She sighed loudly. Typical adult response, which meant, typically, that nothing she said would change anything. Yep.
Haddie opened her mouth to tell the Headmistress that the Sorting Hat couldn't make up its mind, took 15 minutes to arbitrarily deem her Ravenclaw and most importantly was an idiot. She closed her mouth before saying anything though. Somehow she had a feeling that last part wouldn't go over well, since the Hat was in this room, and it was the most important part of that, so she just said nothing.
Eventually, while focusing on the shelves off to the left, Haddie nodded. "Doomed to forever be an outsider..." She mumbled under her breath. Moxxy's solution didn't seem very doable to Haddie, given that many of her house mates seemed to not want anything to do with her on the grounds of her simply being herself. Well, this hadn't gone well. Haddie nodded again and got up. What more was there to say?
She stood up and glared at the Sorting Hat and mouthed "I blame you for this.""Thanks, Moxxy..." she said, mainly to the rubber ducky collection. "I mean, Professor Moxley." She waved in the direction of Moxley's desk and turned for the door.
"Your attitude could use an adjustment, Ms. Denaker. Perhaps if you started putting yourself out there in a positive way, people would respond." Y'know, rather than throwing herself a pity party. Ravenclaws, merlin. So much angst.
"I'm sure you'll be just fine," She called after her confidently.
Originally Posted by StarShine
The Headmistress was grinning.
Katherine had made the Headmistress GRIN.
She grinned a little too, and when the woman spoke, her face shone so BRIGHTLY that she could compete with the shining of the Sun.
"Thank you, Headmistress Moxley!" she exclaimed, "I'll be a great student, you'll see." Nodnod. She was going to be the BEST behaved, at the very least. Still being a first year made it impossible for her to compete with older students, however.
"My mum is a muggle," she said, still excited (did you catch the fact that she was in the Headmistress' room?), "and we're the only wizards in our county, Rutland." For the first time in her life, she was grateful for that. "So I know quite a lot. But of course, I won't use my knowledge to hinder the learning experience of others." In case the Headmistress Madam had such a concern.
"I'm sure that won't be a problem, Ms. Moss. I trust your experiences will only add to class discussions!" And actually, there were an overwhelming amount of students in her lessons who knew about muggles which CLEARLY meant they were there for HER because she was an excellent educator. Yup, tooting own horn here. TOOT.
Yeah, Professor Moxley took the top spot in this tiny girl's heart.
"Thank you, Headmistress," she said in an emotional tone, "I'll do everything I can." Nodnodnod! She paused, took a breath and said "That was all I wanted to ask, madam." But she didn't even want to leave, because who knew when she could talk to the HEADMISTRESS alone?
"Your attitude could use an adjustment, Ms. Denaker. Perhaps if you started putting yourself out there in a positive way, people would respond." Y'know, rather than throwing herself a pity party. Ravenclaws, merlin. So much angst.
"I'm sure you'll be just fine," She called after her confidently.
Haddie paused at the door, turning only slightly so that only her profile was visible to Moxxy. But, hey that was better than the back of her head, right? She studied the objects on the shelves as she replied, "I'm always putting myself out there, having fun." Nothing was more positive than fun, right? "That's part of it. My idea of fun and my house's idea of fun are oil and water apparently." Her idea of fun was at home in Gryffindor though...
Haddie shrugged and gave Moxxy's desk a wave without looking and headed back down the stairs. The Headmistress was adamant, clearly, about Haddie giving it a try, so pointing that out wasn't going to change that. She'd endure the rest of the year and try again next year, when she could argue she did give it time and give it a chance.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Originally Posted by StarShine
It wasn't going to be a problem.
Yeah, Professor Moxley took the top spot in this tiny girl's heart.
"Thank you, Headmistress," she said in an emotional tone, "I'll do everything I can." Nodnodnod! She paused, took a breath and said "That was all I wanted to ask, madam." But she didn't even want to leave, because who knew when she could talk to the HEADMISTRESS alone?
Madam. Ohhhh. She quite liked the sound of that. Moxley grinned and nodded her head, watching the young girl curiously. "You're welcome to stay for some tea, unless you've got some homework to do." Then, of course, she should be running along.
Originally Posted by Callie
Haddie paused at the door, turning only slightly so that only her profile was visible to Moxxy. But, hey that was better than the back of her head, right? She studied the objects on the shelves as she replied, "I'm always putting myself out there, having fun." Nothing was more positive than fun, right? "That's part of it. My idea of fun and my house's idea of fun are oil and water apparently." Her idea of fun was at home in Gryffindor though...
Haddie shrugged and gave Moxxy's desk a wave without looking and headed back down the stairs. The Headmistress was adamant, clearly, about Haddie giving it a try, so pointing that out wasn't going to change that. She'd endure the rest of the year and try again next year, when she could argue she did give it time and give it a chance.
Tough cookie, that Haddie. That's why Moxley was sure she'd be okay. The brunette sat back and shook her head before reaching into what she'd dubbed the snack drawer and grabbing herself a chocolate frog. Job well done, headmistress.
Sabbath had travelled by floo a few times now but, as yet, he still hadn't quite gotten used to the dizzying form of travel. He stepped cautiously over the grate out of the fireplace and tried to regain his composure after the whirling ride. They were, after all, about to meet with the Headmistress.
He smoothed his long hair back into its hair tie and immediately looked around for Noelle. He knew that Officer Cambridge would also be close by as she was escorting both he and Noelle back to Hogwarts after their long and arduous kidnapping ordeal in Knockturn Alley. Now that they'd both had time to recuperate at home with their famlies and had passed all their medical checks it was time to reintegrate into school-life.
Sabbath glanced around the office taking in the myriad of books and trinkets, the portraits of the headmaster's emiritus, the rather bizarre collection of rubber ducks and.. was that the sorting hat?
Sabbath had travelled by floo a few times now but, as yet, he still hadn't quite gotten used to the dizzying form of travel. He stepped cautiously over the grate out of the fireplace and tried to regain his composure after the whirling ride. They were, after all, about to meet with the Headmistress.
He smoothed his long hair back into its hair tie and immediately looked around for Noelle. He knew that Officer Cambridge would also be close by as she was escorting both he and Noelle back to Hogwarts after their long and arduous kidnapping ordeal in Knockturn Alley. Now that they'd both had time to recuperate at home with their famlies and had passed all their medical checks it was time to reintegrate into school-life.
Sabbath glanced around the office taking in the myriad of books and trinkets, the portraits of the headmaster's emiritus, the rather bizarre collection of rubber ducks and.. was that the sorting hat?
After a quick check in at the library to see that everything was in order and that no students needed his assistance, Leo made his way to his office to eat a fruit snack. After the incident with the hag Meredith had ordered them all to patrol regularly in pairs each day. During his patrol with Justin which had just ended, Leo had worked up quite an appetite.
He hadn't been sitting many minutes in his desk chair before Leo was summoned to headmistress Meredith's office to welcome back the students that had been through a very horrible and traumatic kidnapping ordeal in during the past summer Knockturn Alley. Leo had feared for Sabbath's life from the moment he had heard what had happened to the boy.
Getting past the gargoyle Leo headed up the stairs and into Meredith's office to see the boy that had been on his mind quite a lot lately. Smiling warmly he greeted. "Hello Sabbath, how are you feeling? Are you ready to start school again?"
Last edited by Nordic Witch; 02-06-2016 at 01:39 PM.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Was this what she was reduced to? Escorting children to school?
Lex supposed she was meant to be grateful; happy Emily let her out of the office at all given the circumstances, but she wasn't. What sort of Law Enforcer were you when the bosses didn't think you were competent enough for a badge and decided the Wizarding World would be a better place if they held off on giving you one?
For her part, Lex was perfectly professional about the whole thing--or as professional as she could try being. As instructed, she got both children to the floo and was now standing in an office that looked nothing like what she was used to. Kinda strange not having pink everywhere and that said a lot coming from her. A whole lot. A part of her wondered what this new Head Honcho was like. All the muggle things got her thinking about Airey and his own obsession.
Stepping from the fireplace and into the office was a sort of bittersweet feeling. She wouldn't lie, Alexa thought the next time she'd step into the castle, she'd be an Auror...not a failure. Seeing two of three familiar faces, Lex put on a brave face of her own. Not bothered. She was absolutely not bothered. "G'morning." And a lingering look at Airey. Merlin she missed him. A somewhat conspiratorial grin graced her face. "Brought your run aways back." Just a bit of humour.
There was no need for everything to be doom and gloom now that they were free and deemed healthy. That was no way to live.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
*because Dani told me I could* <3
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Having received notice from Law Enforcement, Airey made his way as quickly as he could up to Meri-berry's office. It had been difficult observing Miss Summers, the Miss Summers at Hogwarts this entire time, with the constant shadow of fear for the well being of the kidnapped pair and Airey was relieved that things were heading towards resolution. At least both students were rescued and the road to recovery paved.
"I came as soon as I could," the astronomer announced as he came bursting through the door huffing and puffing and not blowing anyone's house down. "Miss Summers, Mr. Gimenez. It is such a relief to see you both." He managed a small awkward smile to both of them. Paternal instincts were slowly becoming a thing and he looked ridiculous trying to display such sentiments. "When you've had time to readjust, Miss Summers, I'd like to see you in my office on Monday so we can discuss matters." He was sure she would rather some time in the common room now than anything else, so she could have the weekend for that at least.
His blue eyes turned to their escort to thank them for everything they and Law Enforcement had done and offered the young woman before him a tight lipped grin and small shake of the head.
How...fitting. He wondered how many in the room appreciated the humor in Miss Cambridge being the one to escort the second years.
"Stellar to see you again, Miss Cambridge," he greeted his former Head Girl.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Noelle had just flooed to the Headmistresses' office on the Auror... Alexa was it?... Command. She dusted off the dirt that had collected while flowing and got her head in order. She was rather a stickler for dirt now, which was the tots opposite of how she used to be. The dirt reminded her too much of the filth she had been living in.
Her eyes skirted her surroundings, still very cautious about things. Noelle smiled small and stepped near Sabbie once she saw where he was. She stayed quiet as Professor Flamsteed bustled into the office looking somewhat relieved that they were safe. Hmm. Noelle hadn't been aware that he would have even cared. It was surprising, and somewhat... Nice. She offered him a small, sheepish smile and a nod as he told her he wanted to see her on Monday. She kept her hands wringing in front of her.
Noelle looked back at the Auror that had tried to make a funny about the "runaways" although, Noelle's sense of humor hasn't seemed to come back in full yet, she still didn't think it was that funny. She wasn't a runaway. The traumatic things that happened to her weren't funny. She kept a straight face though, biting her lip and hoping to get somewhere else soon. She did look at the Auror once more before letting out a small, "Thank you." for everything they had done for them.
She wanted to speak to the DADA professor. And quick. Her mind already made up. She didn't know who it was or if it was the same professors from last year, but she would be looking for and finding out soon, as soon as she got out of this..... Actually delightfully decorated office.
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Last edited by ChanceCoeur; 02-06-2016 at 11:09 PM.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Moxley stood when the children arrived with their escort, noting the latter didn't look that old herself. She opted to stay quiet as the heads of each house seemed eager to greet their students and who could blame them? Meredith was a mother and it had her stomach in knots thinking of what it must of been like for the parents of these children, for the children themselves, having been taken like they were. Thank Merlin they were back now and that was the most important thing, they were back. They were safe.
"Thank you for escorting the children here, Miss Cambridge, was it? And for the department's hard work in locating and rescuing them." They'd done their job and done it well. "We're glad to have them back." She smiled warmly, gaze falling on the two younger students as she came around from her desk and approached them. "Miss Summers, Mr. Gimenez, we're so glad you're alright!" Relief, Airey had been right to use that word. It was a feeling that washed over her now that both kiddos were here and she could verify with her own eyes that they were unharmed. "I want you both to know we've been thinking of you and eagerly awaiting your return. Now that you're back, know that we're here for you if you need to talk or need help with anything. I'm sure the heads of your houses will agree with me when I say that." She glanced from Leo to Airey and then back at the second years.
Sabbath’s attention was directed to the doorway as the familiar face of Mr Kitridge entered the headmistress’ office. Sabbath appreciated his warm smile as he approached and he replied in kind, smiling and offering his hand for a handshake. “Hi, Mr Kittridge. Yes, I’m feeling much better after seeing my family, thanks.” Am I ready to return? umm, yes, I guess so”. This last reply was made more to be agreeable and held little truth, because in actuality Sabbath had been a little reluctant to leave his muggle family and friends back in Spain. Once home, he’d regained his strength quickly with the help of his grandmother’s cooking and doting and since then had been involved in quite a bit of revelry to welcome his return. He’d been enjoying his party lifestyle with his many cousins and friends just a little too much and his uncle and grandmother had insisted he return to Hogwarts before his new vices developed.
Sabbath glanced at Noelle beside him. He could see that she had been unsettled by the comments of Officer Cambridge. He edged a little closer and took her hand in his, giving it a little squeeze. Although the officer’s comments hadn’t really bothered him, in his opinion, magical cops weren't to be trusted any more than muggle cops. His family had also taught him well to avoid them, and so he did now.
Sabbath nodded and offered a “Good morning, Professor” to Prof Flamsteed before turning his attention to the now standing, Headmistress Moxley. Sabbath smiled as she address him as Mr Gimenez, it all seemed so formal, and he found it somewhat amusing. He listened to her words politely, still holding Nells hand in his.
Although he thought it was nice of the headmistress to offer her counsel he knew that it was unlikely he'd seek help from her. He wasn't one to air his problems to anyone, particularly those outside his gitano community and much less someone who called him 'Mr Gimenez'. Even still, he smiled and nodded replying courteously to her offer "Thank you Headmistress Moxley, I'll be sure to keep that in mind". He followed her gaze to the heads of houses as she sought their support in offering a friendly ear.
Stepping from the fireplace and into the office was a sort of bittersweet feeling. She wouldn't lie, Alexa thought the next time she'd step into the castle, she'd be an Auror...not a failure. Seeing two of three familiar faces, Lex put on a brave face of her own. Not bothered. She was absolutely not bothered. "G'morning." And a lingering look at Airey. Merlin she missed him. A somewhat conspiratorial grin graced her face. "Brought your run aways back." Just a bit of humour.
There was no need for everything to be doom and gloom now that they were free and deemed healthy. That was no way to live.
Leo was studying Sabbath with relief and joy for him to be back in one piece when a familiar face stepped out of the fireplace. Inclining his head and smiling brightly he said "Good morning Ms Cambridge, it's nice to see you again! Thank you for escorting the students back to us. Were you part of the rescue team?" Considering her attire and somewhat professional air Leo resolved that Alexa now worked for the Law Enforcement department and had been involved in rescuing the students.
SPOILER!!: Airey
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
"I came as soon as I could," the astronomer announced as he came bursting through the door huffing and puffing and not blowing anyone's house down. "Miss Summers, Mr. Gimenez. It is such a relief to see you both." He managed a small awkward smile to both of them. Paternal instincts were slowly becoming a thing and he looked ridiculous trying to display such sentiments. "When you've had time to readjust, Miss Summers, I'd like to see you in my office on Monday so we can discuss matters." He was sure she would rather some time in the common room now than anything else, so she could have the weekend for that at least.
Next moment Airey came bursting through the door to the office panting as if he had been running all the way from the Astronomy Tower. Leo could see him do that. Noelle and Sabbath had been on everyone's minds since they had first learned about them being kidnapped in Knockturn Alley. It was a huge relief that it was all resolved and that they could both slowly go back to a normal life. Giving Airey a wave Leo greeted "Professor Flamsteed, do you have time later discuss a few things?" The 'things' concerned Noelle and Sabbath's return to school. Leo wanted them to work together to make it an as easy transition as possible. The second years had been through a traumatic experience after all.
SPOILER!!: Noelle
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur
Noelle looked back at the Auror that had tried to make a funny about the "runaways" although, Noelle's sense of humor hasn't seemed to come back in full yet, she still didn't think it was that funny. She wasn't a runaway. The traumatic things that happened to her weren't funny. She kept a straight face though, biting her lip and hoping to get somewhere else soon. She did look at the Auror once more before letting out a small, "Thank you." for everything they had done for them.
Flashing the girl by Sabbath's side a warm smile Leo greeted."Good morning Ms Summers. It's a relief to see you back here in one piece." Even if he knew that the scars were internal. Memories weren't something you just shook off especially not traumatic ones.
SPOILER!!: Headmistress Meredith
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Relief, Airey had been right to use that word. It was a feeling that washed over her now that both kiddos were here and she could verify with her own eyes that they were unharmed. "I want you both to know we've been thinking of you and eagerly awaiting your return. Now that you're back, know that we're here for you if you need to talk or need help with anything. I'm sure the heads of your houses will agree with me when I say that." She glanced from Leo to Airey and then back at the second years.
Leo stood silent as Meredith stood and addressed Sabbath and Noelle. Feeling her gaze on him he nodded in agreement and turned his warm gaze to Sabbath and Noelle and offered kindly. "If either of you need to talk to an adult, need help with anything or just a place to hang out, then my office door is always open, no matter the hour." Hopefully they'd be able to get back into the school life with the help of their friends and house mates. He'd have to remember to talk to Tia, Thornton and Penelope after classes today.
SPOILER!!: Sabbath
Originally Posted by Scorpio Vulpeculae
Sabbath’s attention was directed to the doorway as the familiar face of Mr Kitridge entered the headmistress’ office. Sabbath appreciated his warm smile as he approached and he replied in kind, smiling and offering his hand for a handshake. “Hi, Mr Kittridge. Yes, I’m feeling much better after seeing my family, thanks.” Am I ready to return? umm, yes, I guess so”. This last reply was made more to be agreeable and held little truth, because in actuality Sabbath had been a little reluctant to leave his muggle family and friends back in Spain.
Focusing his attention on Sabbath of his house Leo shook the boys extended hand with warmth in his eyes. "I'm glad to hear it Sabbath. I have been so worried about your welfare so it's a great relief to see you back here within the four walls of the castle again." He sensed that Sabbath's response to his second question wasn't entirely sincere but Leo understood if the boy was uncomfortable. He would have been too. Letting go of the boy's hand Leo said "Let's talk in my office on Monday next week after dinner. You can tell me how things are going and such. Do you have a favourite dessert or candy Sabbath?"
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
short...but I think we want to wrap things up??
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
The astronomer's eyes briefly met those of the librarian's and he nodded his affirmation. And seeing as Meri-berry and Leobald had both confirmed that the three of them were resources should the need ever arise, Airey felt no need to repeat the sentiments.
"If that is all, I think we should be getting Miss and Mr Gimenez settled into their rooms and I am sure Miss Cambridge has duties to tend to back at the Ministry." he said after a few moments of anxious glancing at each occupant of the office.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Airey's words earned a nod from the headmistress. She was sure the last thing the kids wanted to do was hang around her office, no matter how fabulous she was. Getting them back into the swing of things seemed like the best course of action now so she smiled and addressed the group.
"Professor Flamsteed is right. Thank you again, Ms. Cambridge. Sabbath, Noelle, I'm sure your housemates and friends are eager to see you so go get settled, okay? Again, I'm so glad you're back here with us. Have a good evening, everyone."
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
It was nice knowing that they cared enough. The emotions were present on their faces. Yes, they in deed make it back in one piece and that was the most important thing.
Noelle gave a genuine smile as they told her they could head back to their dorms. "Thank you all so much. Professor, I will see you Monday." She said giving a quick look to Professor Flamsteed and a small smile.
She didn't need to be told twice though, Noelle gave a smile to everyone in the room before tucking her hair behind her ear and rushing for the exit.
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Airey simply nodded toward Meri-berry as nothing more really needed to be said on the matter and he was not going to have Miss Summers wandering to the common room on her own so he offered the room a hurried Vulcan salute and a quick, "Live long and prosper," before catching the second year before she had completely left. "No need to go at warp 5, Miss Summers," he chuckled anxiously. "I'll escort you."
Starting with escorting her out of this office right now.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Focusing his attention on Sabbath of his house Leo shook the boys extended hand with warmth in his eyes. "I'm glad to hear it Sabbath. I have been so worried about your welfare so it's a great relief to see you back here within the four walls of the castle again." He sensed that Sabbath's response to his second question wasn't entirely sincere but Leo understood if the boy was uncomfortable. He would have been too. Letting go of the boy's hand Leo said "Let's talk in my office on Monday next week after dinner. You can tell me how things are going and such. Do you have a favourite dessert or candy Sabbath?" [/QUOTE]
"Thanks, Mr Kitridge, and sure, next Monday night sounds just fine. As a matter of fact, I do have a favourite dessert, I never could resist cinnamon churros with hot chocolate"
Personal chit-chat aside, Sabbath was certainly looking forward to churros. He wondered if Mr Kitridge was organising the dessert because he had an inkling that he may not turn up otherwise. Sabbath smiled, he figured Mr Kitridge was pretty smart guy.
Sabbath smiled and nodded his way through the rest of the pleasantries giving thanks where due before taking his cue from Noelle who obviously was equally as keen to be through with the formalities.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
"Brilliant seeing you too, Professor." He might not have been her Head of House--or instructor of any sort anymore but it was a habit, especially while back inside the castle. Brought back old memories. Not all of them as great as her former Head of House but they were still worth remembering.
"I was." To answer Mr. Kitridge's question about the rescue effort with the faintest of forced smiles. It was possibly one of the cases that determined her final fate of having to repeat her last YATI year. Bellaire had been unreasonable, there was no one in the building but them. His reports of her recklessness were undue and for all the trouble she'd gotten into, there hadn't been a single bad guy to punch. Perfect waste of her bloody time it had been--much like this, here, now. She'd been flooing on her own since she was 10. They didn't truly need an escort.
"And it's no problem at all, Headmistress." Lex gave them all a final glance over. Kids safe, Professors grateful, her work was done. Nodding to Airey's statement of having other duties, Lex gave a final departing gesture then heading back through the floo.
Back to piles of paper work. Fun.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
The meeting wrapped up quickly with Noelle and Airey departing first for the Gryffindor Tower. Leo would seek out his colleague later to discuss things. He waved good bye to Alexa Cambridge as she walked back into the fireplace to floo back to the ministry no doubt.
With Sabbath preparing to leave too Leo shot a glance and a nod to Meredith. "I'll see you later Headmistress Moxley." He'd keep her updated on Sabbath's progress and such as the eagle got back at it all.
Hurrying to catch up to Sabbath as he headed out the office door, aiming to escort him to Ravenclaw Tower and his dorm, Leo said "I'll make some cinnamon churros and hot chocolate for our meeting on Monday. I'll follow you up to the eagle den." It'd be good for Sabbath to be with his housemates.
729032 years later sorry you can wrap up anytime <3
¼ of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pls
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Madam. Ohhhh. She quite liked the sound of that. Moxley grinned and nodded her head, watching the young girl curiously. "You're welcome to stay for some tea, unless you've got some homework to do." Then, of course, she should be running along.
Errr... was this a trick question? Was she supposed to say, I'd better go study, yes? Orrr..? Katherine hesitated. She didn't think she could have The Headmistress all to herself anytime soon, visit this office, so she did want to stay a little bit longer. And anyway, the amount of points she had earned was a good proof of how great she was as a student. Yeah. She wanted the Headmistress to remember her.
"If I won't bother you, madam," she said kindly. She didn't want to bother her at all.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Originally Posted by StarShine
Errr... was this a trick question? Was she supposed to say, I'd better go study, yes? Orrr..? Katherine hesitated. She didn't think she could have The Headmistress all to herself anytime soon, visit this office, so she did want to stay a little bit longer. And anyway, the amount of points she had earned was a good proof of how great she was as a student. Yeah. She wanted the Headmistress to remember her.
"If I won't bother you, madam," she said kindly. She didn't want to bother her at all.
"Not at all." And certainly not if the kiddo was going to call her madam. So fancy. Moxley was a fan, she was.
Reaching into her snack drawer, the brunette produced a few chocolate frogs and offered one over. "How about a snack and then you can head out, hm? I do so love chocolate frogs. Good fun trying to catch 'em and I've got excellent reflexes." Like, as if that wasn't obvious, but still.