The BBC miniseries adaptation of J.K. Rowling's novel
The Casual Vacancy will broadcast in the U.K. beginning Sunday, February 15 at 9pm local time, announced the network and various media this week.
J.K. Rowling: "Having met Sarah [Phelps, the screenwriter], and discussed the television adaptation of The Casual Vacancy, I was happy and confident to hand over the job of crafting my novel for the small screen.
"Sarah has done a great job and I am delighted with how it has turned out."
discussed the process of discussing the adaptation with the Harry Potter author, whom she admitted did not meddle with the writing at all.
Sarah Phelps: "[Adapting the story] could've been very difficult," Phelps said at a press screening on Monday night. "But [J.K. Rowling]'s used to the process of adaptation, of having to let her book go into that process, from having the [Harry Potter] films done.
"She read the scripts as they came in and commented appropriately - but she was brilliant about just stepping back and letting me do it, so there was a great deal of freedom."
"D'you know what, the Harry Potter books never came up," she revealed. "Except when I said my niece was a huge fan and she very sweetly gave her a book and wrote a really beautiful dedication into it.
Several British outlets attended a press screening for the three-part miniseries Monday night and gave short and mostly positive reviews, which can be read at
Radio Times,
The Mirror, and
Press Association.