The first ten chapters of
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on
Pottermore are online Monday for those who were Sorted into Hufflepuff on J.K. Rowling's official site, and include new tidbits from the author about Portkeys, the Floo Network, and colours.
The chapters will be open to the general public, including those Sorted into the other three Houses and those unsorted, beginning Tuesday.
A small preview from the 'colours' section:
The four Hogwarts houses have a loose association with the four elements, and their colours were chosen accordingly. Gryffindor (red and gold) is connected to fire; Slytherin (green and silver) to water; Hufflepuff (yellow and black, representing wheat and soil) to earth; and Ravenclaw (blue and bronze; sky and eagle feathers) to air.
Colours like peach and salmon pink are distinctly un-magical, and therefore much favoured by the likes of Aunt Petunia. On the other hand, shocking pink, as sported by the likes of Nymphadora Tonks, conveys a certain punky 'yes, I've got a Muggle-born father and I'm not ashamed of it' attitude.