French magazine Com ça's interview with Daniel Radcliffe:
At the age of 17, Daniel Radcliffe is already a star. He is also the riches teenager in England. With only a few days to go before the release of the 5th movie and the 7th (and final) book, it’s hard to resist giving him a drop of veritaserum.
Q : In the first part of the movie, Harry is confronted by the wrong sides of celebrity. Have you ever thought that being famous has both it’s good and bad consequences?
DR : I don’t consider myself a celebrity as I know myself ever since I’ve been born. I have a hard time seeing myself from the eyes of other people. And then, celebrity is a very cultural thing. It’s the style of paprazzi and magazine people, and for now, I’m not touched by that.
Q: Are you scared that this kind of press will catch up with you once you turn 18?
DR : I will be turning 18 soon, and I don’t know if it’ll change anything. The journalist have always been quite nice with me. Of course, they have this tendency of pushing people to do stupid things in order to take pictures, but I don’t please them.
Q : But with the joys of adolescence come outings to nightclubs and everything that comes from them…
DR: Luckily, I’m not interested in these kinds of outings. I’m not saying I don’t enjoy myself, but what I like of this job is the work, not being recognized socially.
Q: How do you deal with the fact that you have thousands of fans?
DR: Very well! (laughs). I don’t see things like that, fans who pull their hair are for rock stars. There are people who scream during the premieres but they aren’t necessarily fans of the movie or the comedians. Mostly people who are happy to see well-known people.
Q: Apparently, your a rock fan, is it true?
DR: Yes, I am a fan of the Arctic Monkeys, their latest CD is fantastic. It’s a crazy sound and I love it.
Q: Are you thinking of creating your own group?
DR: Out of the question, actors who’ve tried music have never succeeded.
Q: Are you a fan of movies?
DR: Yes! I love independent movies especially, because I get to see them as a simple spectator. It’s my problem with big-budget movies. I can’t stop comparing them to
Harry Potter. Even during the superb battle scene in
Gladiator, I thought of technical questions. I asked myself, “My God, how much times did they take filming that?” It takes you completely out of the film. (laughs).
Q: Constantly changing directors, does it bother you?
DR: I’d say it’s exciting. Every time, the story takes a turn, and the director brings something new. With David, it was fantastic. He pushed us to go further. We already knew our characters by heart and he trusted us, but he gave us certainty that we could always do better. It was really motivating.
Q: Which scene was your favorite to film?
DR: With no hesitation, it’s the scenes with Imelda Staunton (Dolores Umbridge). She’s an adorable person, and it was a joy to act with her. It’s an incredible actor, and she is intelligent.
Q: Are you, Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) and Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) still friendly?
Yes, I’m happy to see them every time. We grew up together during these movies and we help each other in our work. We have a lot of fun as well. I remember the first time we saw the scene in which I kiss Cho, we had a good laugh.
Q: Kissing a girl on screen, is it as embarrassing as being naked in a play, like in
DR: Absolutely… Not! There is nothing similar between kissing a girl in front of the camera and being totally naked in front of a real public. It was a fascinating experience, and I believe that a teenager who’s been offered such a role would be crazy to refuse it. We talked a whole lot about my character Harry. I respect this character a lot. He brought me everything.
Q: And kissing Katie Leung?
DR: It was very pleasant. 30 takes and some charm every time. A lot better than being with horses in
Q: In a few days, the final novel of the series will be released, what ending do you imagine for Harry?
DR: A while ago, I said that it would be great for Harry to die at the end, today I regret that declaration. It’s not because I want a follow-up, it’s because I find it to obvious. I spoke with JK Rowling, but she never revealed the ending. Therefore, it’ll be a surprise for me also.
You can see magazine scans as well as read the interview in French
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