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Nestled comfortably between the stairwells to the boys' dormitory away from the hustle and bustle of the central part of the common room is the reading room - complete with a long bending book case that takes up the entire back wall. You'll find several desks and chairs arranged comfortably to assist you with your homework and studying. For those that are looking for a quiet place to read and unwind, there are a few beanbag chairs strung about. Whether you're working on a project, completing some homework or simply want to relax and read, you've come to the right place.
As you enter, however, your eye is not drawn to the inviting looking study tables or bean bag chairs, but rather a large boulder that is situated off to the right of the entrance. If you go around to the back of it, you will see a gigantic pair of googly eyes glued on as well as a smiley face painted with white paint. Lions, say hello to the Gryffindor common room pet - Pride. He is large enough for any lions looking to climb upon and is especially useful for those wanting to brush up on looking down or working on their ROARS. Just be sure to treat Pride with respect and the occasional pat every now and again.
All in all, it is the perfect place to sit with friends and tackle any homework that comes your way. The most important thing to remember is not to stress. Remember, help is always given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it. So if you need advice, ask a peer or a professor, or even a portrait, who knows where you will find your answers! The portraits in this part of the common room may be especially helpful to you as they are all former Heads of Gryffindor House. From Godric Gryffindor to Uric Oapley to Minerva McGonagall to Seren Bentley... they are all here! Even this one stern looking woman whose portrait is just off to the right of the bookcase.
Gryffindor Common Room design is based on the drawings by Whisperwings
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Homework was always going to be a thing, and especially not in his third year, not only did he expect it, but he was planning for it. Planning, yes, PLANNING. He was going to take a leaf out of a Ravenclaw's book - not literally, of course - and was going to devise a study plan.
Lesson hours were accounted for, now all he needed to do was set aside some time for leisure, for food, for sleep, for miscellaneous, for recreation and then for study.
Zeke had settled himself in the reading lounge, a notebook propped open on his knees. This was more complex than he had imagined. There just weren't enough hours in the day to do things properly.
He turned his head to Pride Rock, "What d'you reckon?" he asked it absentmindedly. Of course rocks couldn't talk, nor could boulders as it seemed, but it felt nice to think he wasn't alone in all of this. "How many hours should third years study?" Because frankly, he was wondering if he could get away with only doing stuff on weekends, and maybe on a Wednesday. That'd work, right?
A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.
Originally Posted by Hera
Homework was always going to be a thing, and especially not in his third year, not only did he expect it, but he was planning for it. Planning, yes, PLANNING. He was going to take a leaf out of a Ravenclaw's book - not literally, of course - and was going to devise a study plan.
Lesson hours were accounted for, now all he needed to do was set aside some time for leisure, for food, for sleep, for miscellaneous, for recreation and then for study.
Zeke had settled himself in the reading lounge, a notebook propped open on his knees. This was more complex than he had imagined. There just weren't enough hours in the day to do things properly.
He turned his head to Pride Rock, "What d'you reckon?" he asked it absentmindedly. Of course rocks couldn't talk, nor could boulders as it seemed, but it felt nice to think he wasn't alone in all of this. "How many hours should third years study?" Because frankly, he was wondering if he could get away with only doing stuff on weekends, and maybe on a Wednesday. That'd work, right?
Natalia had never learned to adapt to noisy studying environments. Some people were able to pop in anywhere and start working on ten-page essays, but Natalia couldn't do that. She had a very specific, ideal work setting; the room must be quiet, clean, undisturbed, and preferably, spacey.
It was quite nice that the Gryffindor tower offered divisions within the common room, including the game lounge and reading room. It made studying in a quiet reading room much easier than being crammed in that little common room space.
The fourth year Lioness set her bag down and positioned her notebook, quill, and parchment on the spacious table. She was ready to get down to work until she heard a boy talking to itself. Wait...was he talking to his rock? Hurhur...time for Natalia to entertainment herself.
"Third years usually study seven hours a day." Natalia answered the boy's question for him, or the rock, rather. "It's quite lengthy, I know. But that's the average." She lied, having a slight sneer on her face. Being a new Hogwarts student, Natalia would have no idea how much studying each student would need. But yeah, she just enjoyed having a little fun.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
He would have been content with a non-response from Pride, but apparently he was going to get an answer after all... just not from him. Zeke turned to see he wasn't alone. When had that happened? Hhhhmmm? But nevertheless, what the chick was saying was just nuts.
"Seven hours?!" he repeated in protest. Nuh uh... no way, NOT HAPPENING!
"You're joking right? This is a sick joke?" It would have to be. There was NO WAY that he could fit in his usual classes, sleep, eating AND ALL THAT STUDY. Just, impossible.
"It's not that much, Dear." She had been listening, but of course, what else was a portrait such as herself to do these days? Valeria would not be like the others that hopped from frame to frame in the undignified manner of which they called 'fun'. The woman...former woman...really she was only a shell of her former self, was content to sit and watch the house that once belonged to her.
"You should all try seven, it might do some wonders." That was missing. She hadn't seen many studious lions in what might be forever--a long time in the mind of a portrait that was always their.
Oh but what was it they mentioned of jokes? "Will you tell me a joke?" My, it had been too long.
A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.
Attempting to hold in her chuckles, Natalia eventually blurted out some inaudible English words that might not have been English at all.
"Well, why do you think all the upperclassmen all look like they've just woken up from the graves?" Natalia returned to her solemn expression, trying to convince herself that she wasn't joking. "I don't joke, dude. I'm very, very serious."Always serious. Which, of course, was the most obvious of the lies.
Okay, maybe it was time to stop intimidating the poor boy.
Before Natalia could simply open her mouth, a surprising phenomenon took her by surprise. THE PORTRAITS. THE rather lousy PORTRAITS. They listen to everything we say, huh?
"Hello Ms. Portrait." Natalia greeted and waved her fingers. So she had been listening in this whole time? It surprised her how the portrait was unaware of how much the students actually study, considering that it/she (which was it?) had been in the exact reading room for all her portrait-life. At least, that was what Natalia thought. Portrait frames didn't get moved a lot, right?
"Oh, yeah. Ms. Portrait is right." Now that even the portrait was encouraging the boy to study seven hours a day, Natalia couldn't help but to go along with it! "Studying hard has its benefits, though!"
Joke? Natalia didn't know any good jokes. "Um..." She glanced at the other boy for assistance. Maybe he knew some? "Have you heard of...why the chicken crossed the road?" Considering that it/she was a portrait and had been out of reach with the world since...whether the portrait was painted, no way would it/she have heard of that joke, right?
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
And just when he thought the world was bad enough with seven hours of study A DAY, a stinkin' portrait supported the ludicrous notion. Zeke turned in his seat to face the portrait this time. One which he had seen... but not really SEEN seen. Who was she? Between that and the graves thing the other girly was saying, he was starting to wonder if education was the right path for him after all. There were alternatives, were there not?
"I fancy being in the land of the living... not the dead," and yes, SORRY MS. PORTRAIT PERSON FOR THAT DEATH REFERENCE. Ahem.
Was the girl serious though? He didn't think so, "You seem too happy and stuff to be serious, serious people from a lot." A factual observation of ever he heard one.
But blah blah blah... study had benefits, blah blah blah.
"I guess, but that doesn't mean I have to study EVERYTHING, just what I need. I don't need half of the subjects I'm taking right now, so I could technically drop them and then halve my study time." See, Gryffindor's could be local too, and HE could be logical.
Jokes though, he knew some, kinda. He listened first to the girls joke, and was immediately disappointed, "To get to the other side," he answered, "that's an old and lame one, I know a better one." Here he paused to set his notebook on the table, leaving it open so he could resume his work after. Then he cleared his throat.
"Have you heard about the Hufflepuff who gave his kneazle a bath?...." pause for effect "... he's still trying to get the fur off his tongue." BUDDUM PSSSCHHHH. Hilarious, right? At any rate, he giggled.
But on to more important things than making fun of Puffers, "Who are you?" he asked, directing his question to the lady in the portrait. He hoped he wouldn't offend, just, he had NO IDEA who she was.
Ms. Portrait was not her name. She may only be reduced to a painting on the wall now but she still had a name, a correct one that was not merely a consequence of her circumstance. Valeria set out to correct her but was cut off by a question of chickens and a road?
She couldn't tell where this was going til the young man informed it was getting to the other side? The woman's face fell, uncertain how it was meant to be funny. His joke was no better, in fact it set the scowl deeper.
"Young man, there is nothing remotely entertaining about the pain and suffering of others." She gave him a stern look to ensure he understood what she was saying before allowing the smallest smile to grace her features once more. "I am Valeria Myriadd, former Professor and Gryffindor Head of House. Now then, Dears." Her gaze shifted between the two.
"Tell me a proper joke and I'll tell you a secret."
A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.
Hmm... the Gryffindor boy didn't seem to believe her, using the excuse that she seemed too happy? "Is there something wrong with being happy?" Natalia responded by widening her grin. "You seem a little tense." And sense Natalia didn't know his name yet, she had no other way to address him. "And I think you need more happiness in your life!" By this point of time, Natalia's beam was so wide that she was almost positive she looked like a clown, somewhat.
"And I-" Natalia continued to explain through her stretched lips. "-being so generous, I have decided to share some of my happiness with you!" The fourth year made up some ludicrous hand motions that resembled sprinkling confetti, as if she was emitting her joy over to the boy.
Well, if he wanted not to study, then it was his choice. "Whatever dude." Natalia shrugged. "But remember, if you study more, you'll be smarter in class and exams, and you'll bring points, pride and honor and dignity and all that good stuff to the Gryffindor house!" Yes, and it also meant less work for Natalia. But of course, that was not her intention for saying that.
To get to the other side! No! That was not part of the joke Natalia was about to tell!
Glaring at him from the corner of her eye, Natalia shook her head in disappointment as the boy recited an even LAMER joke. *CRICKET, CRICKET*
Turning back to the portrait, who had now introduced her name, Natalia gave a gracious smile. "Oh, hello Former Professor Myriadd!" Ooh, that was who she was! Were most of these portraits of significant Hogwarts people? "How do you do?" The woman in the portrait was once the Gryffindor Head of House! How exciting.
A SECRET?! "I wanna know a secret!!" Natalia's interest suddenly peaked. She LOVED secrets. "Okay, okay, I got one!" Grinning confidently, the fourth year Lioness glared over at the other boy again, as if insisting to keep his thoughts SILENT, cleared her throat, and recited the joke.
"Who did the wizard marry?" Pause. "His ghoul-friend!"
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Was there something wrong with being happy? ............................................. No. There wasn't. BUT, when one was trying to convince another about their seriousness, it was usually best to keep a straight face. "It's hard to believe someone who can't keep a straight face is all," he started, "and I'm perfectly happy, but I'd be happier if I didn't have to study for seven hours a day." Again, it was NOT going to happen. Then there was THAT.
Was this some voodoo thing? What was she doing with her fingers?!?!?!?! Zeke stared at the older Gryffindor, trying to gauge her sanity level from somewhere between 5 (nutty) and 150 (superduperCRAYYYYZEEElady). It wasn't easy. "Uh huh," he mused. Portrait better help him, SEND FOR HELP! NOOOOOOWWWWCWWWWWWWWWWW!
If her sanity wasn't questionable enough at this point, she was insinuating that he DIDN'T bring pride and honour and good things to the House. Did she know who he was? Gobstones representative, major points earner, two time champ creatures racer, friend of the DADA Professor, Potions inventor, parseltongue and troll conquerer. Did all that mean NOTHING to her?! Pfft. "I'll pretend I didn't hear you say that," he decided, extending her this one small favour. One time offer, going, going......
It was a shame too that his joke wasn't appreciated, it wasn't that he didn't love the Hufflepuff's he DID, but the stereotypes were just hilarious, and he didn't much mind the jokes he'd heard about Gryffindor's either, they all had an element of truth to them. At least out of all of this the portrait had a name. Valeria Myriadd. Cool beans. She sounded impressive.
"How long ago did you teach? And what subject was it?" Details he liked details, especially when a talking portrait could also potentially become a homework helper aka private tutor.
That was exciting, though he didn't think THAT joke Miss whateverhernamewas said was any good. Cue eyeroll.
Valeria watched the theatrics between the two, uncertain whether she was meant to ask them to settle down or hope someone else got between them. So engrossed was she that she almost missed the question directed at her. "I'm quite fine, Love. No better or worse than I usually am." Just stuck on a wall really. It could be quite the boring life, especially with the Weasley Twins gone.
How long ago was it? Even she had to pause in wonder. The years seemed to blend and mesh in places. Time had lost it's meaning to a painting on the wall. "I can't be certain anymore, over a century ago to be certain but..." He voice trailed off. How could she forget? What else would she forget with time? The thought brought a frown that was once again, easily removed.
"I taught Defense Against the Dark Arts." All those years ago when she was in her prime. That being the case, she would certainly enjoy a joke with a ghoul and the girl had her chuckling. It wasn't the best joke she'd ever heard but it wasn't the worst either.
"Very well, I'll tell you both. Behind me lies a secret passage leading where, I won't say. To get it open, you simply need to say the password 'pig snout'." Go on then, give it a try.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
.... Zeke was starting to get the impression that the portrait was losing her marbles, that VALERIA was losing her marbles. Could portraits do that? Go senile? Or was she like this BEFORE she became a portrait? And how exactly did one become a portrait? He'd have to ask later. It might be a useful thing to know later in life. Either to stick someone IN one, or to immortalise himself.
He grinned though, when she informed them of her subject area. DADA!!!! "Awesome, that's neat, and it's one of my favourite subjects," he replied enthusiastically now. "Reckon I can come to you for advice from time to time? I think I might be needing it this year." Chances of him wanting to go see Sabel would be SLIM.
Zeke was ITCHING to know what this secret was, and so when Valeria approved of the joke, he found himself holding his breath. A SECRET PASSAGE?! DID IT LEAD OUT OF THE SCHOOOOOOL?... Cause he was looking for one of those.
"PIGSNOUT!" he yelled out, desperate to see where this portrait would take them. Wherever it was, he wanted in. Unless it was a one-way slippery slide to the detention dungeons, in which case... well... actually... perhaps it wouldn't be so bad down there at night. He liked the ambiance - probably because he hadn't yet sat a detention.
A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.
Natalia just couldn't stop being amused by the boy's reaction. He still believed that they had to study seven hours a day? Alright, Natalia was perfectly fine with that. Not her problem!
"Come on you're no fun!" Natalia shook her head at the boy who merely claimed that he would pretend to not have heard Natalia's comment. "You're a third year right?" She remembered the information from the boy's earlier monologue to his pet rock. "I'm a fourth year-" *BEAM* Haha, older than you!"-now, I know I haven't been at Hogwarts as long as you might have..." Since Natalia only transferred to this school the beginning of the semester. "...but have some respect for your seniors, will you?"Older than you.
Natalia had almost forgotten that the Head of House normally taught classes too. Defense Against the Dark Arts! That must have been exciting!
"What was Hogwarts like when you were teaching??" The fourth year Lioness was undoubtedly curious of everything. She leaned forward in her chair, anticipating every word from Ms. Portrait Valeria.
That must have meant, Valeria liked her joke!
Natalia shot a victorious glance over at the other boy. She would very much liked to have stuck her tongue out at him if Valeria wasn't watching.
When the Lioness was about to say the password, the boy beat her to it.
Weren't they a curious pair. Valeria chuckled, amused by the antics between them. "I'd be happy to help you with a thing or two though it's no substitute for an actual Professor." Something she would hope the young lion would keep in mind.
A glimmer of light appeared at the question of the castle during her time. "It's was much like it is now, I'd say. Students running about, the occasional disaster...though I daresay...things have gotten a bit crazy in recent times...more so than I can remember during my living time here..."
It was a little disconcerting to say the least.
But in any case the magic words were said and the woman was all too pleased to AT LAAAAST pull on the hinges of her portrait and let it swing open, revealing a passage.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
So there were two things he knew for certain.
1. Valeria was actually a pretty cool portrait - and would be useful for DADA.
2. Older girl was super annoying.
What an interesting day this would turn out to be.
Zeke beamed and simply provided a "Thank you," in Valeria's direction, he didn't much bother with considering where Sabel fit into al of this, he needed sussing out still.
Older girl though, rude much? "I'm actually lots of fun, ask my friends," he mused, not at all taking the comment to heart, "b'sides, you're the serious one, apparently." Was that not what she had said? The rest of it, about being here, transferring and whatever and then the SENIOR bit, had him chuckling. "Seniors are SIGNIFICANTLY older, like, with grey hair and beards and hairs coming out of ones ears and nose, I don't need to listen to you at all, you haven't earned my respect, so you get none." Simple as that. GRIN.
Honestly, the only thing keeping him here was Valeria and the secret she had promised, the pathway that she concealed.
Of course he had beaten the older girl to it, she was all sorts of slow, and there it was.... the passage. His eyes widened and a hunger grew inside of him.
"THANKS VALERIA!" he yelled so she could still hear him as he stepped into the passage. He didn't even look back to see if Miss SENIOR was following. Was she? Did she want to? He didn't much care. This was an ADVENTURE, and he wanted to see where it led.
A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.
While the portrait was describing of Hogwarts during her time, Natalia listened in intently. It was interesting how according to Valeria's portrayal, Hogwarts had not changed much over the many years. Perhaps, all young people just act the same...IMMATURE. Natalia EYED the younger boy.
Natalia had no energy to listen to the younger boy rambling about his thoughts. NOPE. NOT LISTENING. Humming, Natalia attempted to block out the nagging voices and pretended to be interested in her nails. Maybe she needed a manicure...
In a way, this younger boy reminded Natalia of her younger brother. Just as annoying, nagging, AND WON'T STOP TALKING. GAHH.
All extraneous thoughts aside. Natalia's eyes opened wide as the secret passage revealed itself.
"THIS IS SO GREAT." The fourth year immediately hopped out of her seat and stepped inside the frame. "Thanks Valeria!" Not just Ms. Portrait anymore.
Unfortunately, the boy was ahead of her again (UGH WHY?) and Natalia had to follow him technically all the away until they arrived at the other side, wherever the secret passage would take them.
She was biting her lip again as she sat there on top of pride. A pile of textbooks sitting near the nearly seventeen year old girl. This was nerve wracking all the emotional thoughts going through her head and heart but her heart wasn’t the important part right now.
All she wanted to do was talk to Bianca, Cinna…and well anyone that really would get it? Anyone that knew her…that knew that this was a big deal. What was she going to do? End things? Start things?
Why did she want to have emotions? Emotions were gross right?
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
She was biting her lip again as she sat there on top of pride. A pile of textbooks sitting near the nearly seventeen year old girl. This was nerve wracking all the emotional thoughts going through her head and heart but her heart wasn’t the important part right now.
All she wanted to do was talk to Bianca, Cinna…and well anyone that really would get it? Anyone that knew her…that knew that this was a big deal. What was she going to do? End things? Start things?
Why did she want to have emotions? Emotions were gross right?
Squinting at the book in her hand, she shook her head. Ugh. Why was learning a new language so hard? The lioness had been wandering the castle while studying before giving up and retreating to the reading room. Maybe sitting by Pride would help her focus on these squiggly lines and make sense of it.
Bianca dog eared the corner of the page and took a seat besides her best friend.
"Knut for your thoughts, babe?" she asked, placing her "Korean: For Beginners" book on top of all the textbooks that Puck had around her. Studying could come later. Her best friend looked like she was contemplating some serious matter.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
squinting at the book in her hand, she shook her head. Ugh. Why was learning a new language so hard? The lioness had been wandering the castle while studying before giving up and retreating to the reading room. Maybe sitting by pride would help her focus on these squiggly lines and make sense of it.
Bianca dog eared the corner of the page and took a seat besides her best friend.
"knut for your thoughts, babe?" she asked, placing her "korean: For beginners" book on top of all the textbooks that puck had around her. Studying could come later. Her best friend looked like she was contemplating some serious matter.
Bianca looked adorable but really when did she not? Puck thought as she beamed over to her bestie who of course was concerned for her. “Oh you don’t need to pay for my thoughts…or do you want me to pay to give them because that would be a really shady business deal there” she grinned over to Bianca and exhaled deeply.
“Oh you know, I was just thinking about how I’m going to be seventeen soon?” She grinned, “and you know…I’ve been thinking lately about wanting to end the” she leaned closer to Bianca and whispered “flings” she paused a moment letting it sink in. “And you know…maybe actually go on a date with someone sometime? Ever? Cause…the last one I was on was when I was like fourteen?” She shrugged and grinned.
“You know thinking about trying the ‘stable’ relationship idea out?” She shrugged and smiled over to Bianca. “What do you think? Would you want to try this with me? Go on like a blind date with me and random people?” She asked excitedly.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Toddles runs to another rooms Toddles not knows abouts. Toddles justs gots yells ats by master. Yes Toddles does. Toddles still cryings. Yes Toddles does. Toddles sees kind mistress who helped Tippins. Toddles goes to mistress (Optimist) and tug on robes yes Toddles does. "Mistress needs things befores Toddles leaves?" Toddles looks at young mistress toos (IBeJenn). Toddles helps studenties even thoughs Master Zander hates Toddles.
Somehow Cinna found her way into the reading room. Boredom was never a good thing, not with this Gryffindor. She was looking for something thing to do. Lately her free time was just her and her sketchbook or some other art supplies in her hands. Working on her coming up art show. Which she was very excited about being the featured artist, and she was only sixteen.
She wondered around, hearing voices she sneaked up behind them. Seeing Puck and Bianca she hung around listening. Not eavesdropping. No she would never do something like that.
Making her move she jumped up in a pouncey way. She plopped down next to Puck. "Blind dates? Stable relationships? Has someone got bitten by the love bug?" She grinned and laughed. Boy was she glad she a boyfriend. Puck would probably on her case next about blind dating. Pffff no thank you. She was very happy.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Bianca looked adorable but really when did she not? Puck thought as she beamed over to her bestie who of course was concerned for her. “Oh you don’t need to pay for my thoughts…or do you want me to pay to give them because that would be a really shady business deal there” she grinned over to Bianca and exhaled deeply.
“Oh you know, I was just thinking about how I’m going to be seventeen soon?” She grinned, “and you know…I’ve been thinking lately about wanting to end the” she leaned closer to Bianca and whispered “flings” she paused a moment letting it sink in. “And you know…maybe actually go on a date with someone sometime? Ever? Cause…the last one I was on was when I was like fourteen?” She shrugged and grinned.
“You know thinking about trying the ‘stable’ relationship idea out?” She shrugged and smiled over to Bianca. “What do you think? Would you want to try this with me? Go on like a blind date with me and random people?” She asked excitedly.
Originally Posted by Saraie
Somehow Cinna found her way into the reading room. Boredom was never a good thing, not with this Gryffindor. She was looking for something thing to do. Lately her free time was just her and her sketchbook or some other art supplies in her hands. Working on her coming up art show. Which she was very excited about being the featured artist, and she was only sixteen.
She wondered around, hearing voices she sneaked up behind them. Seeing Puck and Bianca she hung around listening. Not eavesdropping. No she would never do something like that.
Making her move she jumped up in a pouncey way. She plopped down next to Puck. "Blind dates? Stable relationships? Has someone got bitten by the love bug?" She grinned and laughed. Boy was she glad she a boyfriend. Puck would probably on her case next about blind dating. Pffff no thank you. She was very happy.
Originally Posted by Toddles
Toddles runs to another rooms Toddles not knows abouts. Toddles justs gots yells ats by master. Yes Toddles does. Toddles still cryings. Yes Toddles does. Toddles sees kind mistress who helped Tippins. Toddles goes to mistress (Optimist) and tug on robes yes Toddles does. "Mistress needs things befores Toddles leaves?" Toddles looks at young mistress toos (IBeJenn). Toddles helps studenties even thoughs Master Zander hates Toddles.
Finding herself comfortably perched on the rock - as she often found herself - Bianca casually nudged some of the textbooks onto the floor. For reasons such as they had nothing to do with the topic at hand. "We could make a fortune if you sold your thoughts to people," Bianca said with a serious face even though she was just kidding. "We should get back to that idea later."
As she listened to Puck talk, her mind wandered ever so slightly to the cardigan her best friend was wearing. Wait - was that hers? She wasn't entirely sure but that didn't matter at the moment. The whole Puck wanting to go on a date-date was what nearly knocked her off of the rock. "What?" Bianca asked, shocked. Her brown eyes mimicked that of a deer in front of a speeding car, and she wasn't sure if she heard correctly. "I mean..." Bianca twirled her hair around her finger before letting it go. "Dating? Are you sure? You know it's not dating me right?" she asked in an attempt to make light of the situation. "It's like a real date-date? With someone? And talking and being serious and getting to know each other?"
If Bianca was completely honest, the idea frightened her a bit. She wasn't sure if she was ready to put the whole feelings thing on the line again. Not after - ugh, she didn't even want to think about it. Though Bianca supposed it would be a good way to just forget about it. "You know what? Count me in. If you want to try it, I'll do it with you." She was going to be supportive and they were going to go on dates with other people and no one else was allowed to call Puck babe. That was Bianca's thing.
"OH MY MERL-" Bianca almost fell off of the rock a second time when Cinna announced herself. "Cinnastix, I love you but next time you should announce yourself before you give someone a heart attack!" Because Bianca nearly had one. If one were to reach into her chest and grab her heart out of it, they could see it beating faster. "It's because babe's getting a little older. You know, stability and... grown up stuff," she said, attempting her best serious face. But in all seriousness, Bianca understood where this was all coming from. She supposed after a while, everyone got tired of being single.
And yet again, Bianca almost fell.
What was the house elf doing there? Why was it crying?
And more importantly, why was it looking at them and crying?
Unsure of what to say, Bianca fidgeted a little in the seat she had almost fallen out of when she saw the house elf and cleared her throat. She glanced at Puck then at Cinna then back at the house elf. "Uh... Toddles... you okay there?"
Because what else was she supposed to ask?! She had absolutely no idea what house elf conversation etiquette was but she thought she might've just nailed it on the head.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Toddles runs to another rooms Toddles not knows abouts. Toddles justs gots yells ats by master. Yes Toddles does. Toddles still cryings. Yes Toddles does. Toddles sees kind mistress who helped Tippins. Toddles goes to mistress (Optimist) and tug on robes yes Toddles does. "Mistress needs things befores Toddles leaves?" Toddles looks at young mistress toos (IBeJenn). Toddles helps studenties even thoughs Master Zander hates Toddles.
Originally Posted by Saraie
Somehow Cinna found her way into the reading room. Boredom was never a good thing, not with this Gryffindor. She was looking for something thing to do. Lately her free time was just her and her sketchbook or some other art supplies in her hands. Working on her coming up art show. Which she was very excited about being the featured artist, and she was only sixteen.
She wondered around, hearing voices she sneaked up behind them. Seeing Puck and Bianca she hung around listening. Not eavesdropping. No she would never do something like that.
Making her move she jumped up in a pouncey way. She plopped down next to Puck. "Blind dates? Stable relationships? Has someone got bitten by the love bug?" She grinned and laughed. Boy was she glad she a boyfriend. Puck would probably on her case next about blind dating. Pffff no thank you. She was very happy.
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
Finding herself comfortably perched on the rock - as she often found herself - Bianca casually nudged some of the textbooks onto the floor. For reasons such as they had nothing to do with the topic at hand. "We could make a fortune if you sold your thoughts to people," Bianca said with a serious face even though she was just kidding. "We should get back to that idea later."
As she listened to Puck talk, her mind wandered ever so slightly to the cardigan her best friend was wearing. Wait - was that hers? She wasn't entirely sure but that didn't matter at the moment. The whole Puck wanting to go on a date-date was what nearly knocked her off of the rock. "What?" Bianca asked, shocked. Her brown eyes mimicked that of a deer in front of a speeding car, and she wasn't sure if she heard correctly. "I mean..." Bianca twirled her hair around her finger before letting it go. "Dating? Are you sure? You know it's not dating me right?" she asked in an attempt to make light of the situation. "It's like a real date-date? With someone? And talking and being serious and getting to know each other?"
If Bianca was completely honest, the idea frightened her a bit. She wasn't sure if she was ready to put the whole feelings thing on the line again. Not after - ugh, she didn't even want to think about it. Though Bianca supposed it would be a good way to just forget about it. "You know what? Count me in. If you want to try it, I'll do it with you." She was going to be supportive and they were going to go on dates with other people and no one else was allowed to call Puck babe. That was Bianca's thing.
"OH MY MERL-" Bianca almost fell off of the rock a second time when Cinna announced herself. "Cinnastix, I love you but next time you should announce yourself before you give someone a heart attack!" Because Bianca nearly had one. If one were to reach into her chest and grab her heart out of it, they could see it beating faster. "It's because babe's getting a little older. You know, stability and... grown up stuff," she said, attempting her best serious face. But in all seriousness, Bianca understood where this was all coming from. She supposed after a while, everyone got tired of being single.
And yet again, Bianca almost fell.
What was the house elf doing there? Why was it crying?
And more importantly, why was it looking at them and crying?
Unsure of what to say, Bianca fidgeted a little in the seat she had almost fallen out of when she saw the house elf and cleared her throat. She glanced at Puck then at Cinna then back at the house elf. "Uh... Toddles... you okay there?"
Because what else was she supposed to ask?! She had absolutely no idea what house elf conversation etiquette was but she thought she might've just nailed it on the head.
Bianca was precious, really, she was obviously the best kind of friend to have…well, Bianca and Cinna of course. Well look at that Cinna was there! Oh gosh, Cinna had heard not that she minded at all it was just that she didn’t love anyone yet.
“Quite possibly,” Puck laughed and grinned over to her. “Cinna you should help me with this,” Puck grinned at her because yeah, maybe that would be helpful. “I mean…we could make this a fun experiment – tell Puck what she does wrong in flirting to make the guys well…you know,” she smirked over to her.
“Oh please I think your thoughts would sell for more money than mine babe,” Puck grinned over to Bianca. “I mean you are you and awesome” she grinned and couldn’t help but laugh when she heard what Bianca had said about dating… “Bianca, hun if it were dating you I’m sure we’d be awesome at it…but sadly, for people that ship ‘us’ as a ‘thing’ I’m into guys.” She beamed over to her, but seriously, Bianca was amazing. “But yes, like a date-date with someone but I don’t have a someone to go on one with yet” she shrugged “or even know if there’s a guy out there that even likes me nearly that way” she shrugged.
“Honest – really? You will?” Puck beamed over to her. “I’d do anything with you too speaking of yoooou two should so come shopping with me this weekend in Hogsmeade or well…muggle Scotland if we need to?” She smirked slightly and beamed at them. Seriously, she needed to get Cinna and Bianca the BEST of Christmas gifts so yes this was going to have to happen.
“Yes! Exactly what le babe said,” Puck grinned. “I’m trying to grow as a human…you know mature and stuff?” She grinned and then she heard it Toddles was asking if she needed things.
“Toddles, are you okay?” She asked, and glanced over to the little house elf. “Why are you crying Toddles?” She asked as she saw how sad the little guy looked, and really, without even thinking about it she simply hopped off of the rock and knelt down in front of the floppy eared creature and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. “Whatever happened, I’m sure it’ll be better soon and if you need more hugs or any of the house elves need hugs you let them know that I’ll give them okay Toddles?”
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
What was the house elf doing there? Why was it crying?
And more importantly, why was it looking at them and crying?
Unsure of what to say, Bianca fidgeted a little in the seat she had almost fallen out of when she saw the house elf and cleared her throat. She glanced at Puck then at Cinna then back at the house elf. "Uh... Toddles... you okay there?"
Because what else was she supposed to ask?! She had absolutely no idea what house elf conversation etiquette was but she thought she might've just nailed it on the head. [/color]
"Toddles is fines miss." Toddles bows to mistress. Yes Toddles does. "Toddles serve stundenties. That is Toddles only job miss."
Originally Posted by Optimist
“Toddles, are you okay?” She asked, and glanced over to the little house elf. “Why are you crying Toddles?” She asked as she saw how sad the little guy looked, and really, without even thinking about it she simply hopped off of the rock and knelt down in front of the floppy eared creature and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. “Whatever happened, I’m sure it’ll be better soon and if you need more hugs or any of the house elves need hugs you let them know that I’ll give them okay Toddles?”
Toddles heard Mistress Puck and shakes lil head. "No no Toddles a bad elf. Toddles mades Master Zander mad. Master Zander hates Toddles. Master Zander yells at Toddles and Toddles runs. Yes Toddles does. Toddles not likeys beings yells at miss. No no no."
Toddles feels miss hugs Toddles. Toddles not knows what to dos. Toddles never hugs. Toddles not knows hows to hugs. Toddles stays up. Yes Toddles does.
Sapphire rushed into the reading room for some peace and quiet, the opposite of what her thoughts were at the moment. She sat on one of the beanbag chairs and re-read the Daily Prophet article for the umpteenth time.
"...close down the school..." she read aloud without realizing it. For some reason, that was what she feared the most. Sapphire felt stupid. Instead of fearing whatever it was that was attacking the school, Hogwarts closing worried her the most.
Feeling restless and not at all comforted by the quiet like she thought she would be, Sapphire stood up and paced around the room, leaving the paper on the chair. She took her wand out and wondered what her mother or brother would have done had this happened during their time at Hogwarts.
"Right," she whispered with a decided tone. Wand ready in hand, she headed to the Practice Room.