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Last comments - HBP Hi-res movie stills |

Ron under love potion spellkatiebell07/08/08 at 15:36Sirius_Padfoot: haha, Ron looks funny when he's crazy for the ...

Draco with wandkatiebell07/05/08 at 19:42Riddikulus!: Is Tom Felton still playing Draco? Because this do...

Breakfast before QuidditchEmmaRiddle07/05/08 at 13:20Applehands: why only ron has to where that stupid haat .. or i...

Harry carrying bookskatiebell03/19/08 at 20:41SuperJess!: looks like a potions book cause it has a cauldron ...

Harry carrying bookskatiebell03/07/08 at 22:34Deb_1: Finally longer, scruffier hair !