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Home > ACTORS/ACTRESSES > Students > Rupert Grint (Ron) > Premieres & other appearances (Rupert) > 2006: Texas bowling alley

Rupert Grint bowling 2
Rupert Grint bowling during an interview with the Star-Press.
snitchseeker-f401.jpg f4001.jpg Rupert_bowling1_10-06.jpg Rupert_bowling2_10-06.jpg 073.jpg
File information
Album name:katiebell / 2006: Texas bowling alley
Rating (1 votes):
Submitted by:katiebell
File Size:20 KB
Date added:Oct 27, 2006
Dimensions:336 x 218 pixels
Displayed:604 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites
cgold  [Oct 28, 2006 at 12:02 AM]
He's so cute and a really hot looking bowler
That_one_girl  [Oct 28, 2006 at 12:34 AM]
He looks like a monkey! But I like this pic though!