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Home > The Films > Half-Blood Prince > Behind the Scenes / Set images > HBP Production Pics

Gloucester set - Tom Felton double
Half-Blood Prince film set at Gloucester Cathedral - Tom Felton double
Harry_in_HBP.jpg 14472413a6798232812lvw6.jpg harry_potter_17_470_470x334.jpg harry_potter_17_470_470x334.jpg Rupert_Grint.jpg
File information
Album name:EmmaRiddle / HBP Production Pics
Submitted by:EmmaRiddle
File Size:27 KB
Date added:Feb 07, 2008
Dimensions:470 x 334 pixels
Displayed:2760 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites
purebloodprincess87  [Feb 09, 2008 at 05:27 AM]
ok what's w/an old guy playin tom's double?
EmmaRiddle  [Feb 09, 2008 at 12:03 PM]
Because all that's required is that he's the same build. You never see their faces and they're mostly used for set-ups with cameras and lights, because in such cases it'd be a waste of the actors time using them.