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Home > The Films > Order of the Phoenix > OotP Promotional material > OotP Hi-res Movie Stills
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OotP Harry screams
Order of the Phoenix still of Harry in Snape's office
ootphr8_snitchseeker.jpg OotP_Wizengamot_11-06.jpg OotP_Harry_screams_11-06.jpg OotP_Harry_DOM_prophecies_11-06.jpg OotP_Harry_Cho_kiss_11-06.jpg
File information
Album name:katiebell / OotP Hi-res Movie Stills
Rating (1 votes):
File Size:185 KB
Date added:Nov 17, 2006
Dimensions:1864 x 818 pixels
Displayed:2145 times
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Harry's#1fan  [Nov 18, 2006 at 09:28 AM]
i wonder what the heck happened....i hope he isnt getting hurt...
puppy4dan  [Nov 19, 2006 at 12:09 PM]
if its in Snape's office.. i think its during one of those Occlumency lessons he's supposed to be having
hrmy_lvr_4evr  [Nov 23, 2006 at 06:53 PM]
who's he screaming at??
Rovie  [Nov 24, 2006 at 03:15 AM]
^ I believe he's screaming "I'm not weak" at Snape. Watch the teaser trailer
CelticPagan#3  [Dec 14, 2006 at 05:16 PM]
interestin lol so if this is snapes office, that means the previous pic is in snapes office right? coz it looks like the same place, agree?
Sirius_Padfoot  [Dec 22, 2006 at 05:44 PM]
It's probably when Snape did that spell on Harry and Harry starts seeing stuff in his head(I think that's what happened) such as getting his first kiss with Co(grrrr), getting chased up the tree by Ripper, etc.,
sakura11  [Jan 01, 2007 at 07:51 AM]
yep, that's probably the Occlumency lessons. I thought he was yawning at first and then it said he was screaming. But yeah. Memories = BAAAAAD. sniffle..
Hermione_Weasley11  [Jan 03, 2007 at 11:52 PM]
Hmmm....not the best picture of he feels embarassed....
ChoChang_01  [Jan 20, 2007 at 12:56 AM]
very funny pic.! lol...
harryzabest  [Jan 27, 2007 at 07:47 PM]
Man, how can he open his mouth that wide?
chaser bell  [Mar 30, 2007 at 12:26 PM]
Why he scream????? Like harryzabest, his mouth is so wide!!
Catta  [Mar 30, 2007 at 02:37 PM]
he screams cause snape casts a spell on him ^^.. the occlumency stuff:].. woa, I didn't picture these scenes to be this dark D:
mortidraybob  [Apr 18, 2007 at 09:05 AM]
Dan "Thats what my hair looks like now? Noooooo"