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Home > ACTORS/ACTRESSES > Groups photos/Events > Premieres & Events (Group) > 2007: NME Awards

Rupert at the Wall of Shame
Rupert adds his signature to Shelter's Wall of Shame at the NME Awards 2007.
snitchseeker_n7160.jpg snitchseeker_nme07002.jpg rupert_grint.jpg Rupert_and_Phelps_twins_2.jpg Rupert_and_Phelps_twins_3.jpg
File information
Album name:EmmaRiddle / 2007: NME Awards
Keywords:Rupert Grint NME Awards
Submitted by:EmmaRiddle
File Size:10 KB
Date added:Apr 11, 2007
Dimensions:220 x 153 pixels
Displayed:317 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites
BlazeTroy  [Apr 11, 2007 at 04:19 PM]
That's a really great thing to do!
nikole  [Apr 13, 2007 at 01:56 AM]
^yeah it really is...and he looks awsome doing it! lol
258676797  [Apr 01, 2011 at 01:31 PM]