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Old 09-16-2010, 06:37 PM   #526 (permalink)

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Your Welcome Maxieee.


Please do! =]
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 09-16-2010, 10:49 PM   #527 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Maxilocks View Post


Nuuu. Don't die Melerina! *SNUGS* <3
I can't help it! Your cliffies are TOO much for this little weakling!

I'm glad that you like the chapterrrr. AND YUSH! That poem is love. LoveloveLOVE.

x infinity
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Old 09-17-2010, 11:14 AM   #528 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by princess of*hp* View Post
Melerina poked me. =[

I can't help it! Your cliffies are TOO much for this little weakling!

I shall updaaaaate! <33

Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
Please do! =]
Posting the new chapter in a bit.

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Old 09-21-2010, 01:33 PM   #529 (permalink)
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Mmkay, to start this post let me say...

You've got another subscriber! I can't believe I haven't read this beforeeee! *bangs head*

*some random sheep appears and bleats: Bahhhhdddd*

*eyes strange ship and steps back a few steps*

Originally Posted by Maxi!!!
Love is Not Love
Love is not Love? ...Interesting...

*the sheep bleats in agreement*

Originally Posted by Da Genious

"Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great,
And would suffice."
I adore this peom. And I think it's perfecto for this chapterrrrrr.

Originally Posted by *bugeyes*
The letter that Ginny had dispatched to Hermione Granger earlier that night, never reached its destination – it was intercepted on the way by grubby, dirt-caked hands, hands almost unhappy in their gnarled folds of veins. Ginny’s owl returned as expected the next morning, no signs of its internal daze apparent.
Someone stole the letter?

*thinks* Who has grubby little hands?

Da Sheep: G'awww. Why doen't you write whether peeps have manicures or not?

*AHHH! The sheep TALKS*

There were several envelopes, one from her office and another advertising a new kind of witches' perfume [L'Sowolio - smell like the rose that your are]
I giggled when I read this!

but none from her or parents, or – this stung – Ginny.
*huggles Mione*

Originally Posted by *Ooooh*
More often than not, she was so busy with the morning mail that she forgot the food [or going-to-be-food] she had left to heat or cook and by the time she returned to it, it had burnt to something that resembled a punctured, black tyre. [Ron had told her this might be a sign that she was 'aging,' and she had practically punched him for that.]
I LURVED this! Such a Ron-ish thing to say

“I shall tell Guinevere what you have done to me!” she cried, rage blinding her as she staggered to her feet. “She shall know that I came to speak of my fears and you attacked me, you weak human!”

Al Keith was aghast. “She would never believe you!” he cried, but Atara caught the doubt in his tones, doubt that stemmed from his awareness of her and Guinevere's friendship. “I shall tell her what you have done and she shall believe me!”
Poor Al Keith! If I was Guinevere, I'd believe Atara (that just being honest) because she's meh bestie. *pout-yFace*

Originally Posted by Maxers
In another time - perhaps in the same - Hermione Granger woke up in a sweat, her eyes huger than she could have thought possible. Round her lay spilled orange juice, the glass that had contained it broken, cracked right through the middle.

Like Atara’s heart.

It's quiet hard to feel bad for Atara but...If Connie's right (and I totally agree with her) then Atara "loved" Al Keith!

Ooh! I can't figure it out! POST SOON!

Le Sheep: Yeah! Post S-O-O-N-ISH!


L u f f

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Old 09-23-2010, 02:14 AM   #530 (permalink)
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Jimbo will set his turtle loose on you. { The Farley } "That's trademarked, don't use it."

Hmph. Nothing showed up in my User CP. Odd.

Well, I did love this chapter, and AH! THE SUSPENSE!

Pams! <33
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Old 09-27-2010, 06:06 PM   #531 (permalink)
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Aieeee!! Maxie! I luffed it!! It was.. Suspenseful Poor Al Keith.. I hope that Ginny and Hermione don't hate each other in the end!! *gasp* That wouldn't be good.

Grubby hands.. I sense Muriel at work here! j/k... LOVE THE UPDATE!

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 10-24-2010, 09:32 AM   #532 (permalink)
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That took a while too catch up on, I didn't know how long it'd been since I was here! *read it all in like, a few days, 'cause I'm too addicted*

I am so glad I'm back, and I can't believe I stayed away. You're beautifully written stories make me want to cryyy.

-sets up camp with a fire and marshmallows-

Originally Posted by Maxilocks View Post

"Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great,
And would suffice."
I simply love this poem. <3 I LOVE Robert Frost.

-ish putting music to one of his poems in Music- [/random]

The letter that Ginny had dispatched to Hermione Granger earlier that night, never reached its destination – it was intercepted on the way by grubby, dirt-caked hands, hands almost unhappy in their gnarled folds of veins. Ginny’s owl returned as expected the next morning, no signs of its internal daze apparent.
Oh noes!

When Hermione Granger checked her mail the following day, she made a little face at the lack of letters that had been dropped in the elegantly-woven basket that lay on the first sill jutting out of her bedroom wall. There were several envelopes, one from her office and another advertising a new kind of witches' perfume [L'Sowolio - smell like the rose that your are], but none from her or parents, or – this stung – Ginny.
Aww. -petpets-

[Ron had told her this might be a sign that she was 'aging,' and she had practically punched him for that.]
Tehee. 'eths Ron.

She was reaching for the morning's Daily Prophet when the glass of orange juice fell from her hand.
“What is the matter, Atara, friend of Guinevere?” Al Keith asked, rather warily. “You seem highly displased about something.”
Hermione is Atara?! This is getting so interesting. xD

Like Atara’s heart.

Beautifully written chapter, myMaxi! I can't comment on all that I've missed, but I wanted to cry when I was reading about Ginny's dress. <3

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Old 12-24-2010, 04:21 PM   #533 (permalink)

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Thank You for sharing your talent with us here in FanFiction on SnitchSeeker.
Keep Writing!

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Old 02-25-2011, 07:38 PM   #534 (permalink)
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Chapter 17:
Consist in Shades of Three

Here I stand tranquilized in this little white room of mine,
Here I go on my own in that redifined world inside.

So, why do you take this, conquer and dismay this
Peaceful sanity of mine?
Your attempting to bore me, shatter and destroy me
Is worthless and fuels my gain

There you stand ignorantly, just a monotone pallet you see
If there was a color created for me, it'd consist in shades of three
I see you enjoy this while I exploit this
Brief insanity of mine.

Perceive and understand you
Is far more than I can do.


Ginny practically flew out of her bed, opening the bedroom door in sliper-less haste. Memories of the night before flooded into her mind as she did so, and she felt as if the image of Alex Rostov - tall, handsome, cold - had been burned against her eyelids. Even so, she could not shake off the dream, the feeling of suffocation, the hands that had killed.

Her? Guinevere?

“Aunt Muriel!” she said, glad that she sounded normal, and realizing a second later, as her eyes met Muriel's, that she had nothing to be glad about: she looked a right mess, and the Muriel did not seem impressed.

“One would think there has been a man in here," Muriel said, sniffing the air like a dog sniffing out an intruder, and completely ignoring the colour that had rushed to an embarrassed and outraged Ginny's cheeks. "No, it seems not." Hands on hips, she turned to face her great neice. "Must you close the windows at night, Ginevra? Your room is stuffier than a broomshed and, horror of horrors, it smells like your home. How careless you are, stuns me. Do you not care for yourself, at all? I am sure it is the lack of fresh air that makes your hair this red – almost like a tomato - were the colour to wear off, I would be more satis –”

“What do you want?” Ginny asked curtly.

Aunt Muriel blinked, taken aback. Ginny, she knew, had never liked intruders, but the redhead had learnt to control her tongue around Muriel, and Muriel had been starting to get used to not being cut short. This casual use of her tongue made old Muriel’s eyebrows disappear into her hair in fantastic shock. “A lady, Ginevra,” she sniffed. “Never asks this direct a question. How are you, I wonder, to master the fine art of seduction if you do not learn the usage of subtle hints?”

“The fine art of WHAT?” Ginny asked, her mouth an O of astonishment. “Merlin's socks, isn't that unladylike!”

“Of course it is not,” Muriel glared. “It is how one can obtain a rich partner, even if one resembles a mashed tomato." She drew herself to her full height. “The rule is to be subtle. No one must realize your real intentions. You mu -”

“Right," Ginny said. "I can see know a lot about this.” She sensed Muriel about to break into a torrent of furious denials, and did not give her the chance. "Aunt." She took Muriel's hands in hers, her expression patient. "I told you last night that I breakfast late on Sundays. Why wake me up? It's not even eight yet."

Muriel stared at her, as if undecided how to react to this calm turn of events. She had clearly banked on driving Ginny into a frustrated rage, to make her announcement easier for both parties. She bristled about it, not speaking and then, finally, turned around. “I have been through your mail,” she sniffed and, as Ginny's cheeks turned flame-red in frustration, Muriel's nerve returned and she cackled like a mad ole scientist. "Don't give me that look, Ginevra. I am your Great Aunt and current guardian. You can not tell me I need your permission to scan the contents of your letters. But that, of course, is beside the point.”

“Of course it is," Ginny said sarcastically. She hoped Hermione had not gotten around to responding to her letter about the dream – Muriel getting her hands on something of that sort equalled announcing her problems on the Wizarding Wireless Network: it'd be transported to the ends of Britain, in less than ten minutes. Then Muriel spoke and it became all too apparent to Ginny that her interest lay, not in Ginny's correspondence, but one certain letter that had been brought by a magnificent owl that Muriel had [unfortunately] recognized.

“Lord Rostov!” Muriel cackled, rubbing her hands together like a little child that has stumbled on a mountain of candy. “He's quite the flatterer." She grinned like a maniac. You'd think it's her, not me, he's contacted, Ginny thought dryly. "Quite the flatterer, quite the flatterer." She cackled again, and Ginny contemplated if Muriel might just turn into a bird and hoot like there could be no tomorrow. "It does seem you have caught his eye, Ginevra. I must congratulate you. Did I not tell you that, in the City of Love, even tomatoes can find good fortune? He invites you to have dinner with him, tonight. I have, of course, consented on your account.”

Ginny, having ignored her amazing nickname [Tomato? Some part of her asked incredulously.] to digest the news that Lord Rostov - cold, collected, charming Lord Rostov - had made the effort, more than the effort, to seek a correspondence, suddenly found herself staring. Staring at the cackling, grinning, maniacal Muriel.

I have, of course, consented.

“But why?” The question came out furious. “Who told you I might wish to dine with – with – with that man!”

Muriel raised a perfect eyebrow. “Of course you wish to dine with him, Ginevra,” she said coolly. “Your hair considered, he is a most suitable match, and you must thank your stars that he has not been grabbed a dozen times already. Of course, I have yet to figure out if his interests are genuine, and if marriage between the two of you might be possible, but you can not miss your chance, that much is clear – a sutiable match is, after all, what your poor mother sent you here to find!”

Could she explain to Muriel that no, no, no, her mother had not sent her to Paris to find a man? I can't, Ginny realized. It's useless. She pursed her lips, her silence like speech through gritted teeth, but Muriel took this as a sign that she had prevailed. Cackling, she patted the top of Ginny's head and, looking like she had just found herself a man, left.

The moment she had, Ginny collapsed on her bed, head in hands. Had Muriel's response sounded too eager, she mused. She could hope it did not, she could hope he might be able to tell it had not come from her. But how much did he know her? For that matter, how much did she know him? It seemed absurd that his having left like that, the night before, still infuriated her. But yes, it did, and she'd have sent him a curt “no,” had she been able to, just to make it clear that she could be as indifferent as him.

But now? Muriel had committed her to an evening with him. For a long time, Ginny sat against the bed-post, silent, troubled. She thought of her mother, of the strange dreams, and she felt like Aunt Muriel had dropped another load of bother into the basket of her life.

Like Aunt Muriel had ruined everything.


[] Reference:

+ "Here I stand tranquilized -" - Broken Iris, lyrics of the song The Eyes of Tomorrow, from the debut album The Eyes of Tomorrow.

Last edited by Maxilocks; 03-05-2011 at 04:12 AM.
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Old 02-25-2011, 08:26 PM   #535 (permalink)
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WHAAAAAT! Muriel you hold hag! How could you make Ginny spend a night with that stuck up, prudish, guy! I don't like him...

Hahaha, poor Ginny, being called a tomato, I'd die if I was called a tomato [I think out of all of my nicknames "Blondie" is the worst]

And Muriel, are YOU the reason why poor Hermione thinks that Ginny hates her and won't write? If so, *brandishes weapon* meanie :p

I love, love, looooooooooooove the new update! It's fantastical! I was wonderstruck reading it, lurve it!

pams please, with a cherry on top!

-Gabbeh xxx

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 02-25-2011, 08:36 PM   #536 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cassiopia Malfoy View Post
WHAAAAAT! Muriel you hold hag! How could you make Ginny spend a night with that stuck up, prudish, guy! I don't like him...
Neither do I! And I created him.

Hahaha, poor Ginny, being called a tomato, I'd die if I was called a tomato [I think out of all of my nicknames "Blondie" is the worst]
I'm glad it amused you. I've never been called anything mean that's hair-related, but evil nicknames annoy me, too. x3 *pets you* <3

And Muriel, are YOU the reason why poor Hermione thinks that Ginny hates her and won't write? If so, *brandishes weapon* meanie :p

I love, love, looooooooooooove the new update! It's fantastical! I was wonderstruck reading it, lurve it!

pams please, with a cherry on top!
I'm glad you likey, Gabberz. *feeds you chocolate chip cookies*

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Old 02-25-2011, 09:54 PM   #537 (permalink)
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YOU'VE RETURNED! I LOVE IT! Amazing, as always, and I can't seem to tell you enough.

Lord Rostov kind of reminds me of Rochester from Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte ("tall, handsome, cold"). Have you ever read it?

MURIEL! My goddess. -whips out Team Muriel tee- I love her new cackle.
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Old 02-26-2011, 03:22 AM   #538 (permalink)

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YAY. Maxer's got a new updateee!

I just re-read Deathly Hallows yesterday. There's Muriel, yep. And I'm simply amazed at how accurate you portray her! It's just brilliant, Maxieee.

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Old 02-26-2011, 09:25 AM   #539 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by princess of*hp* View Post
YOU'VE RETURNED! I LOVE IT! Amazing, as always, and I can't seem to tell you enough.
*hugs your head* <3

Lord Rostov kind of reminds me of Rochester from Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte ("tall, handsome, cold"). Have you ever read it?
I read it loong, looong ago. When I was super small. I don't remember it properly, now.

*adds to Must Re-read list*

MURIEL! My goddess. -whips out Team Muriel tee- I love her new cackle.
It just seemed so appropriate. YAY for Muriel tees! =D

Ily Meleriinaa. <3

Originally Posted by Wenzlebug View Post
YAY. Maxer's got a new updateee!

I just re-read Deathly Hallows yesterday. There's Muriel, yep. And I'm simply amazed at how accurate you portray her! It's just brilliant, Maxieee.

I have! O=

Hehehe. That's making me giggle. Yep. Muriel's there.

And thank youu. SO much. Me iz super glad you're enjoying eet. <33
*loves back* <3

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Old 02-26-2011, 08:02 PM   #540 (permalink)

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How could she!? Murial leave Ginny ALONE! *glares*
Brillient chapter as always, loved it!

Eviee <33
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 02-27-2011, 07:25 AM   #541 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
Murial leave Ginny ALONE! *glares*
Muriel says she glares right back at you.

Brillient chapter as always, loved it!
Thank youuu. And I shall. <3

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Old 02-27-2011, 06:30 PM   #542 (permalink)

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*glares back at Muriel* This could be a stare contest and i'd win.

Can't wait. Your welcome. <3
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 02-27-2011, 08:41 PM   #543 (permalink)

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Aw. Poor Ginny.

Muriel sure knows how to stir the pot!

Great job Maxie!
Thank You For The Three Best Years!

I Am Busy As A Bee. Please Bear With Me As I Will Come On SS As Much As Possible.
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Old 02-28-2011, 06:11 AM   #544 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
*glares back at Muriel* This could be a stare contest and i'd win.

Can't wait. Your welcome. <3
Muriel: I lose to nobody! *sniff GLARE*

Yaay. *goes to work on update*

Originally Posted by bonnieginnyfan1 View Post
Aw. Poor Ginny.

Muriel sure knows how to stir the pot!

Great job Maxie!
Heh. *pets her*
Yes, she's active for her age.

Thank youuu! <3

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Old 03-01-2011, 12:32 AM   #545 (permalink)

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Okay, I only started reading this this week, but still . . . *huggles Maxie-kitty* You're awesome. Your characterizations are awesome. Yeah.

And I can see both Rochester and a bit of early Mr. Darcy in Lord Rostov. *nods, then waits for more*
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...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero
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Old 03-01-2011, 02:01 AM   #546 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
Okay, I only started reading this this week, but still . . . *huggles Maxie-kitty* You're awesome. Your characterizations are awesome. Yeah.

And I can see both Rochester and a bit of early Mr. Darcy in Lord Rostov. *nods, then waits for more*
O: Kristiiinella? *is surprised*


Thank you and thank youuu, I'm glad you likey. Andd MR. DARCY?! I loooove Mr. Darcy. <3


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Old 03-03-2011, 08:45 AM   #547 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Maxilocks View Post

There you stand ignorantly, just a monotone pallet you see
If there was a color created for me, it'd consist in shades of three.
This is beautiful!!

“One would think there has been a man in here," Muriel said, sniffing the air like a dog sniffing out an intruder, and completely ignoring the colour that had rushed to an embarrassed and outraged Ginny's cheeks.
Muriel the great sniffer! XDXDXD

"I can see know a lot about this.”
Go Ginny!

Love aunt Muriel's new cackle an' Ginny's new nickname.

Brill chap!!


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thanks to that big and BAD thing called
real life

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Old 03-03-2011, 08:48 AM   #548 (permalink)
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Hello Maxie. Too much time has gone by without my comment and you deserved one right away. You have written another chapter that has just got me so intriqued. Of course the title has me thinking in two diffrent directions for me to ponder upon. But I will only say this one, so as to save time and space. "Consist in Shades of Three" I could be very wrong, but to me this means beings of three living inseperably in one. Firstly, Ginny in present day only wishing to see the world and live her dream, but finding she is having dreams of a different world she's never known, and (secondly) another Guinevere who's lived in another lifetime than she's understood. Then thirdly, the present day Ginny living the life that is being carved out for her and smashed into as a tomatoe would be smashed and poured into the mold to conform to the wants and wishes of her Great Aunt. At any rate, whatever your meaning, I love it. I love thinking and trying to work out things I know nothing about.

"Must you close the windows at night, Ginevra? Your room is stuffier than a broomshed and, horror of horrors, it smells like your home. How careless you are, stuns me. Do you not care for yourself, at all? I am sure it is the lack of fresh air that makes your hair this red – almost like a tomato - were the colour to wear off, I would be more satis –”
Honestly Maxie! What inspires you to write so incredible? I loved this part so much. I'm sure I could hear Muriel ranting in my head as I read it.
“I have been through your mail,”
The nerve!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't... well it being her I can imagine the nerve, but that is so wrong. It makes me wonder about the grubby hands grabbing her letter to Hermione. Oh wouldn't it be wonderful if Hermione showed up unexpectedly to see Ginny. Oh sorry, got carried away there for a second.

“Your hair considered, he is a most suitable match, and you must thank your stars that he has not been grabbed a dozen times already. Of course, I have yet to figure out if his interests are genuine, and if marriage between the two of you might be possible, but you can not miss your chance, that much is clear – a sutiable match is, after all, what your poor mother sent you here to find!”
Is Aunt Muriel so full of herself that she could actually think that Molly thinks the same as she does about why she was sent over to live with her?

Great post Maxie. I loved every shade of it. Wonderfully and masterfully written. I'll be watching for your next post Maxie. Much love to you.
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Old 03-03-2011, 08:48 AM   #549 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Jessica View Post
This is beautiful!!
I can't take the credit. x3

Muriel the great sniffer! XDXDXD
She is not pleased at being called that. =p

Love aunt Muriel's new cackle an' Ginny's new nickname.

Brill chap!!
The cackle is just so Muriel. xD

Thank you. <3

Originally Posted by Connie View Post
"Consist in Shades of Three" I could be very wrong, but to me this means beings of three living inseperably in one. Firstly, Ginny in present day only wishing to see the world and live her dream, but finding she is having dreams of a different world she's never known, and (secondly) another Guinevere who's lived in another lifetime than she's understood. Then thirdly, the present day Ginny living the life that is being carved out for her and smashed into as a tomatoe would be smashed and poured into the mold to conform to the wants and wishes of her Great Aunt. At any rate, whatever your meaning, I love it. I love thinking and trying to work out things I know nothing about.
*falls over* You detective, you! xD

The idea was to show her many 'personalities,' and how conflicting they all are.

Honestly Maxie! What inspires you to write so incredible? I loved this part so much. I'm sure I could hear Muriel ranting in my head as I read it.
Thank you. I'm glad you're still enjoying this story. <3

Great post Maxie. I loved every shade of it. Wonderfully and masterfully written. I'll be watching for your next post Maxie. Much love to you.
*huggles* <33

Thank you, and much love to YOU. Lots of it. <3

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Old 03-04-2011, 12:35 PM   #550 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Maxilocks View Post
I can't take the credit. x3
You can for choosin' it.

The cackle is just so Muriel. xD

Thank you. <3
Sure is!! Hope to see it in future chapters.


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thanks to that big and BAD thing called
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