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Candy Display Case (Finished Fanfiction) A dazzling showcase of fully wrapped-up stories, these sweet treats are polished and ready for your reading pleasure!

View Poll Results: All I want for Christmas is ... ?
Ron wrapped up like chocolate under the mistletoe & Hermione safely outta the way 3 33.33%
Rupert, duh! 2 22.22%
To save the wizarding world with my friends and get Santa's autograph 3 33.33%
Every book by Ray Bradbury, the man is a genius! 1 11.11%
World peace and good will towards men! *hopes Santa's watching this so I get points* 4 44.44%
For this bloody fic to be finished by then ... I swear Otty if you make a sequel cuz you couldn't finish ... 2 22.22%
The world. Just the entirety of the world at my feet ... absolute power Mwaahahahaha 3 33.33%
Teddy & Otty *blush* ♥ +5000 (for flattery!) 5 55.56%
A lifetimes supply of Droobles best blowing gum, chocolate frogs, and you 3 33.33%
Umbrella Beach! 1 11.11%
To be on Glee ... *Squeeeeeeeeeee* I love you Finn *fangirlsqueeeee* 1 11.11%
To be with the ones I love ... *dreams* Justin Beiber, Freddie Stroma, Tom Felton, Nathan Fillion ... 2 22.22%
Dancing like mad at the disco ... 2 22.22%
Steampunk. I want the whole world steam powered and full of robots and gears 3 33.33%
No more silly polls ... I like pillars better. 3 33.33%
All I want for Christmas is you. *smoochiesglomp* 3 33.33%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 9. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 12-05-2010, 05:25 AM   #51 (permalink)
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Hey ~Otty! I'm so excited you're bringing this back! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! "Welcome Back" I love this story, and I've been missing it! I'll be looking forward to the next post!
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Old 12-05-2010, 06:03 AM   #52 (permalink)
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Talking Otty's sorry he can't afford a Ferrari but that don't mean he can't get you there ...
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

He's making a list
Checking it twice
Gonna find out who's naughty or nice
Santa Claus is coming to town

He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!

~Santa Claus is coming to town by pretty much everyone

The north pole ... location undisclosed and cloaked from most.

The snowy winds of the icy north blew quickly and frostily over the walls of the city in the center of which sat the castle of Saint Nicholas. Hidden safely away from most of the world, it was home to the most state of the art technology. Monitors watch the children of the world. Detailed dossiers are kept on file on the behavioral patterns of children the world over, so beware if you've been naughty or nice.

Behind the walls of Christmas City lay the famous castle of Saint Nicholas and the homes and factories of the elves and reindeer. While outside the cold storms raged battering against the enchanted walls, inside all was snowy and nice and not nearly as arctic cold as it was outside, Mrs. Claus running around handing out hot chocolate or tea as was needed and the reindeer playing reindeer games while the elves worked day and night to fill the toy quota.

It was down these candy cane light pole streets, with their gingerbread colored cobbles that a young girl and an elf walked. She smiling at all the old familiar sights, the city decked out in garlands and lights, spheres and all manner of things Christmas, nativity scenes in shop windows, menorahs (yes some of the elves were Jewish) and presents wrapped and sitting in piles or on sleighs ready to be transported to the main castle for Christmas eve night.

"Scott? Yeah, he turned out to be a sad sack story. Jerk made me cry." The girl remarked with a sigh of regret, the regret was for the fact that she had cried not that she had lost the boy.

At half her size Finn had to run after the young human girl just to keep up. She had long blonde hair, wore a round white hat that resembled the thing she had her hands buried in, some furry round thing that Finn was sure was called a muffler. Everything else about her attire, however, clearly showed her love of candy canes but lacked the same furry or warm nature of her hat and hand warmer. But that was Santa's daughter a walking talking bunch of contradictions.

"We did warn you about the young man, Miss Claus," the young elf remarked.

"It's Holiday, sweety. Miss Claus is my mother ... or not but its definitely not me. And yes, you and Moonshadow, told me. I know Finn. How is the old bear anyways?" the girl asked trying to change the subject.

"Well ..." the elf began to reply but was cut short by the sound of a giant explosion coming from the mechanics shop down the street. Holly laughed. She started running in the direction of the smoke and Finn ran even faster after her.

Meanwhile things in command central were heating up, as a giant clock wound down the days until Christmas and while it was only November 1st things were not looking too good for Santa Claus and his merry elves.

"Of course Voldemort is on the naughty list, Doris." The head elf sighed. The new elf recruits were obviously not learning as fast as he would have liked, but most times the new elves had more time to get acquainted with their new positions and the system (dang Microsoft, but Santa would not convert to Mac for nothing) but what with the attacks on Christmas City and Santa's global operations things had had to change up north. "No, of course the whole Republican party is on the naughty list ..." he sighed, "Here's a hint newby. If they're politicians they're automatically on the naughty list, regardless of country or party."

Santa Claus stood, hands at his back away from all the hustle and bustle of the command room looking at the image of the globe, there were red spots where his operations in other countries had been assaulted. Someone was trying very hard to stop Christmas this year. And while this was not ordinarily out of the ordinary, almost every year some super villain or dark lord tried to up his street cred by trying to shut down Christmas, Easter or Hannukah one of the major holidays. This is why Santa had formed the Elfmen, a top secret group of elves who were trained in the martial arts, espionage and battle tactics explicitly created to stop these threats. This year however, the Elfmen had been pushed to their limits and still nothing was known about the villain behind the attacks on Christmas.

"If things proceed like this we'll be behind production and holiday spirit and we'll not be able to ..."

"Don't say it!" the other elf exclaimed in a whisper.

Santa turned around. They didn't have to say it out loud is was not anything he did not already know. Things were getting dire. Time was running out.

Santa Claus sighed. He had been going over his choices in his head and he had narrowed it down to the two likeliest candidates to help save Christmas. "Its either Batman or Ottery and Bruce is busy right now saving the globe and Ottery's ... well he's got Teddy, and they're probably just up to mischief."

Santa Claus walked over to one of the elves who had been talking. "Get me the bat phone."

The other elf then proceeded to inform the Big Red Man that his daughter had just arrived in Christmas City.

"Oh snap!" Santa cursed. "On second thought ... get me a direct line to Hogwarts." First the attacks on Christmas and now Holiday's arrival things were really being stacked against the possibility of a Christmas this year. He looked up to the sky and said, "Seriously? Seriously."

SPOILER!!: Yes we're back to crash Christmas OMG!Where's the French Toast I want sweet potato pancakes
Hey kids, no replies in this story I'm hoping to rush it to a sweet and fulfilling conclusion before the holiday season is over so ... LOL it's a bit funny and epic and I hope you all will like it. I can't post it but look up Glee Forget you ... It's awesome. I'm writing this whole fic to that song ...

But don't forget my other baby ...

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Old 12-05-2010, 06:29 AM   #53 (permalink)
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Poor Santa. =p

Great post, Otts. Love all the awesomeness. <33

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Old 12-05-2010, 06:37 AM   #54 (permalink)
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Hello ~Otty! OK don't worry, NO REPLIES EXPETED. But, can we still comment? (If we keep it short? I promise I'll try to. VM or PM me with your answer.
"Well ..." the elf began to reply but was cut short by the sound of a giant explosion coming from the mechanics shop down the street. Holly laughed. She started running in the direction of the smoke and Finn ran even faster after her.
I know of whom explosions reminds me of.
"Of course Voldemort is on the naughty list, Doris."
So funny! Very funny! The whole paragraph.
Here's a hint newby. If they're politicians they're automatically on the naughty list, regardless of country or party."
That's the safest way to handle that.
Santa Claus sighed. He had been going over his choices in his head and he had narrowed it down to the two likeliest candidates to help save Christmas. "Its either Batman or Ottery " <---> "On second thought ... get me a direct line to Hogwarts."
Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ottery and Teddy to the rescue. Christmas will be saved.

That's not spilt milk. It's just an assumption on my part. There I'm done, and it wasn't to long was it. (Don't answer that.) I'll be watching for the next post.
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Old 12-06-2010, 06:07 PM   #55 (permalink)
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Nice to meet you! I got this link from your Author interview. Congratulations, by the way. I didn't know where to start on your stories, but I figured I'd go with the season and read here.
When you were young
And your heart was an open book
You used to say, "live and let live..."
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Old 12-07-2010, 09:28 AM   #56 (permalink)
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heart *Teddy and Otty are gleeing over Glee*
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

SPOILER!!: Oh no you did'ent!
Hello Maxi, Conners and the new kid Beautifuru Dorima (that's how they say it in Japan anyways) don't mind me I'm weird I know I said I wouldn't post replies but ... I'm not since I'm not replying to anything y'all said I'm just glad y'all are here. I ♥ you. I love my readers, and I hope you all like this Christmas adventures fic ... here goes. I wanna get it done before X-mas ... but I will settle for Kwanza.

Teddy: Now I've had the time of my life
No I never felt like this before
Yes I swear it's the truth
and I owe it all to you

Otty: 'Cause I've had the time of my life
and I owe it all to you

Teddy: I've been waiting for so long
Now I've finally found someone
To stand by me

(I've Had) The Time of my life~Dirty Dancing

Paris, France (The secret underground headquarters of Papa Noel. French Division Six)

Times being hard, what with the economy being in the dumps and the dumps being the economy Dobby found himself doubling as one of Santa's Elves. While Santa's elves were little people and very human like and not like wizard elves who had more in common with sprites and tree spirits they did occasionally outsource when it became necessary and now with Christmas under serious threat they had opened the doors to wizarding world elves ... but at the time there was only Dobby (and he hadn't yet applied to work at Hogwarts).

At the time it had seemed like a brilliant idea to the little elf who wanted to earn money and join the capitalist establishment, in retrospect the couple of galleons he was earning was not worth this trouble, at least that was what was on his mind at the moment.

"Hand over the ring dwarf and you won't get kilt," the handsome young man said carelessly waving his wand around.

"No. It is Dobby's badge of employment. I work for the Santa Claus and he has entrusted me with ..."

"Avada Kedavra!"

Dobby snapped his fingers and the green light deflected blasting back at the young man in the militant style school uniform. The man ducked and cursed as Dobby made a run for the sleigh.

"You little beast!" The boy screamed and started firing hexes and spells at the retreating form of the little elf in his candy cane stripped candy cane sack. Dobby dropped to the floor and slid the rest of the way to the sled stopped next to it, jumped into the drivers seat and grabbing the reins slammed them hard against the reeindeer's rumps.

"Fly friends if you don't want to be barbecue!" Motivation enough for any creature.

"Not to be a bit of a whiner or something friend, I'm all for being a team player and all but ... the doors are closed how are we getting out?" The head reindeer asked.

"Leave it to Dobby, friend," the house elf turned Santa's helper replied. The sleigh was running down a long snow covered runaway and it was coming fast upon two large metal doors covering the exit. Then as if solely for the purpose of making their inevitable escape that much more dramatic and cool a group of wizards, clad in the same military style school uniform as the other young man appeared forming a line in front of the exit. Dobby smiled as the reindeer whined.

"Elf if you're going to do something ... now would be nice, we can't fly up or haven't you noticed we're in a cavern?"

Dobby didn't reply. He merely smiled as with a snap of his fingers the large metal doors at the end of the runaway exploded open outward and the wizards all ducked as the cold winter air came rushing in. The sleigh picked up speed and began to fly off the snowy ground into the night sky.

"Oh snap!" the head reindeer screamed as he suddenly saw the underside of the Eiffel Tower right above him. "Bank left, hard NOW!"

Dobby guided the reins as he was told and maneuvered the sleigh out from under the large metal tower light up in the bright winter night. They were followed by hexes and spells that seemed to the French muggles to be nothing more than fireworks following a flying float of Santa Claus.

"Every year these promotions get more and more out of hand," a father told his son, as they walked down the snowy streets. "What are they going to do next? Make King Kong run up the Eiffel Tower?" Onlly he said all of it in French.

The boy merely shrugged. He was being good for Christmas and he thought that really was Santa come early to watch who was being good and who naughty.


"What ball is this?" Ottery turned to ask his partner who happened to be Ron dressed as a bear, as they twirled around the dance floor.

"It's a costume ball, what are you supposed to be Otts?" the red haired boy asked.

"Me? I'm me, only circa 1836 ..." the boy grinned sheepishly. "I can't help it ... I love suits and clockwork and ..."

"Seriously. I love Dumbledore and all, don't get me wrong, I'm Dumbledore's man," Ron said, "But if I have to go to another ball ..."

Ron spun Ottery around, he could hear the Headmaster arguing with Professor Snape, "Severus, please, would you stop busting my ..." but just then Teddy came running in to the ballroom dressed as Rambo with a real AK-47and Tiffany dressed as a cheerleader vampire slayer.

"Hey, nice costume Tiffany," Ottery said.

"Costume? This is my cheerleading uniform, I was out staking vampires when Teddy said I had to come with him quickly. He hasn't told me why yet."

"We need to call an emergency meeting of Ottery's Love Brigade," the brown haired boy said. "The situation in the North Pole just went Defcon 2 and we're less than 20 days from Christmas. I got a call from the fat man himself."

A sleek white cat wearing a red collar with a bell that made no sound walked between them. The cat smiled. Teddy rolled his eyes, Tiffany stiffled a giggle, Ron had a puzzled look on his face as Ottery sighed and said, "Hello Kitty."

The cat laughed and said, "I'm gonna make a request ... Forget you."

The dark haired boy laughed. It was time to save Christmas and get away from these ridiculous balls.

SPOILER!!: Wha...
This post is for Beautiful Dreamer my new reader. Hope you like. Obviously I will return LOL
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Old 12-07-2010, 03:08 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Thank you so much for the warm welcome. I am enjoying very much and am honored to have a post.

I'm still on the first page and I couldn't miss your reference to Rhett Butler and I see 'Gone With the Wind' in your header above your posts. I love that book and movie! Love them. I also enjoy the ode to Dirty Dancing in your newest post, not that I am reading ahead of where I am at in the story. lol

Return soon, please!
When you were young
And your heart was an open book
You used to say, "live and let live..."
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Old 12-07-2010, 04:11 PM   #58 (permalink)

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Your chapters are always so much fun... but the song at the beginning, sung by Otty and Teddy, I just about died of laughter! You are a treasure.

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Old 12-07-2010, 06:13 PM   #59 (permalink)
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Hello ~Otty.
While Santa's elves were little people and very human like and not like wizard elves who had more in common with sprites and tree spirits they did occasionally outsource when it became necessary and now with Christmas under serious threat they had opened the doors to wizarding world elves ... but at the time there was only Dobby (and he hadn't yet applied to work at Hogwarts).
This was wonderful! I love it that you brought Dobby into this. And what a great reference for his resume. (No wonder Dumbledore took him on at Hogwarts when he applied)
The dark haired boy laughed. It was time to save Christmas and get away from these ridiculous balls.
All right!!!!!!!!!!!! Off we go. Another Ottery quest, and requested personally from Santa.
Great post ~Otty. I'll be watching for my next notification.
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Old 12-08-2010, 09:09 AM   #60 (permalink)
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Snowflake Stop Wassaling around ...
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

SPOILER!!: So tonight was the Christmas Glee Episode and ... *Squeeeeeeeeeee*
As the title says, tonight was the Christmas Glee episode and it was awesome. LOL Two boys sang 'Baby it's cold outside' and it was the awesome. I've been waiting to see something like that most of my life and to think it's on National Television on one of the most popular shows on TV. It's nice to see good change when there's so much change in the world that isn't so cool.

*wipes tears*

That said ... I'm not replying but ... I love my readers Beautiful Dreamer, and I try to be kind to all of them, without you all I have no story to post really. A writer needs his audience. But if you really want to see me at the top of my game ... *suggests his finest fic for the billionth time* My personal title for it is Love's Whimsical Melancholy whatever I picked for it at the time.

Droo, its so cool you're here LOL If you can imagine the video, Ottery would be running from Teddy who would be singing it because Ottery made him. LOL So, picture this:

Ottery swinging around a pole on a wet city street ... with Teddy behind him carrying all manner of dangerous implements of destruction and revenge. Otty spots him and runs ... still singing. Teddy follows. Explosions ensue.

Conners, I love long replies *hint* and Dobby's resume prior to Hogwarts (The subject of my next fic I'm sure LOL mind you post Human Nature, so it's along way away) would read like this:

Dobby MI6 agent
Dobby back up singer for Wham!
Dobby Dj
Dobby mecha and car repair elf
Dobby Santa's elf

But that's only what I can disclose right now ... LOL

Balls are fun ... especially costume balls but this is an adventure fic ... from a romance fic LOL My but how things change, no? But now onto this story no? Let's see what my warped mind comes up with now

YouTube - Will Vinton's Claymation Christmas 1 of 3

Here we come a-wassailing
Among the leaves so green,
Here we come a-wand'ring
So fair to be seen.
Love and joy come to you,
And to you your wassail, too,
And God bless you, and send you
A Happy New Year,
And God send you a Happy New Year.

~I have no clue who, but its The Wassail song & it's old so out of copyright

The left leaning abandoned tower of Ottery St. Catchpole on Hogwart's grounds

Ottery paced back and forth across the long wide window of the tower that overlooked the castle and the lake. The giant squid locked away beneath the icy surface of the lake could be seen as a large dark shape underneath the frozen ice.

Teddy was opening a large wooden cupboard which housed his multiple implements of destruction. Every form of fire arm, shoulder mounted canons, sacks of cannon balls, black fused cannonballs, shuriken, knives, swords and other weapons of such horrible magical power that if Dumbledore were aware of them he would have had to destroy them. Some of them would have made Voldemort blush.

Tiffany walked in, minus the cheerleading outfit.

Ottery turned to look at her, hands behind his back he stood in the quiet
dark of night an imposing figure. Tiffany sucked her breath in and suddenly realized why it was in times of great peril that great men like Dumbledore and Santa Claus and the president would call on someone like Ottery St. Catchpole. The poor fool had no idea that he could fail. It was not arrogance so much as blunt determination to win in spite of all the odds, no matter what. That and credible deniability should anything and everything go broken.

"Well?" the dark haired boy asked.

"Batman said, no, Ottery. He can't help us," Tiffany replied.

"Likely it's business with the Justice League, something cosmic or world endangering," the boy said to Teddy who had a wicked smile on his face and more weapons on his body than most muggle armies.

Tiffany remarked, "Uhm, no. He said he's sore because Santa picked you and that if you ever call him again on the Batphone he's going to come get you because he can't change his phone number. It's too important to change. And he says you still owe him for that Batmobile you crashed in Tokyo joy riding with Robin, Kid Flash and Supeboy."

A blushing Ottery waved his hand, "And the others?"

"Superman says hi, Ma wants you to go to the farm and visit but no. He'll jump in and save Christmas at the last minute if you manage somehow to mess this all up. Inspector Gadget is on holiday. Edward Cullen is unreachable, The Avengers wont take your calls anymore, the Easter Bunny is hibernating, Voldemort said he's going to hex you ..." and so it went on.

The little white cat purred and rubbed itself on Ottery's pant legs.

"Stop that Socrates, its tickling me," the boy remarked.

"Would you rather I did this?" where the cat had been standing now stood a white haired boy with cat ears and a swishing cat tail and not much else running his finger down Ottery's cheek.

Ottery shrieked, Teddy fired off a bomb and Tiffany knocked the boys down while the explosion rocked the tower.

Rocks came tumbling down into the courtyard as three cloaked figures walked across the courtyard towards the tower.

"Oh my god!" Hermione screamed. "Do you think they're in trouble? Someone's attacked?"

Luna looked up puzzled, "More likely someone made Teddy mad or Otty fired off his wand by accident." Ron and Hermione looked at her. "It happens more often than most wizards admit."

The sound of clattering feet behind them revealed Neville Longbottom. Luna smiled at him and the boy blushed. Ron and Hermione led the way.

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Old 12-09-2010, 07:15 AM   #61 (permalink)
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Hello ~Otty. This is such a hilarious chapter! Brilliant how you brought in all the super heroes. I bet the Teen Titans are feeling left out though.
Tiffany sucked her breath in and suddenly realized why it was in times of great peril that great men like Dumbledore and Santa Claus and the president would call on someone like Ottery St. Catchpole. The poor fool had no idea that he could fail. It was not arrogance so much as blunt determination to win in spite of all the odds, no matter what.
This might be true, but Ottery probably figures he's got the best bunch of people working for him there is. And how could he fail with Teddy and all his weapons. I can see Ottery thinking that fail isn't an option. Plus, let's not forget all his connections in, well, that's another story in time. I just think he figures it's do or die, no matter what.
Ottery shrieked, Teddy fired off a bomb and Tiffany knocked the boys down while the explosion rocked the tower.
OOPS! And here I was just bragging on Teddy. I guess he can't have everything going on all at once and keep it all stable. He'll get it all under control though. I have faith in him.
Great writing ~Otty. Always a delight reading your work. I'll be watching for your next.
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Old 12-10-2010, 09:43 AM   #62 (permalink)
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Talking Last night I didn't get to sleep at all ...
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

People, read this please.

I was going to put the new post up but ... I'm reworking it a little. So it will be a little late and I am still working on more of the story, trying to get ahead and all that ... we're running out of time to save Christmas y'all ... help!!!!!!!11111

This story needs a poll ...

Uuuuuuuuuuuuh, look everyone. Now with Poll! LOL


Last edited by OtterySt.Catchpole; 12-10-2010 at 09:57 AM.
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Old 12-10-2010, 06:02 PM   #63 (permalink)
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Hello ~Otts. I'll take a look at the poll. I don't know that there could be any suggestions on there that could improve your story, it's already the best.
we're running out of time to save Christmas y'all ... help!!!!!!!11111
I don't think I could be much help. I could send my Werecat if you like. He's pretty wonderful. Ummm maybe Santa has some tricks up his sleeve. He could be an air bender! Which brings me to a matter for the great and powerful Wizard of Otts. Is Dumbledore a water bender? Cause that looks like what he was doing in the end of TOOTP movie. You know, the only good part of the movie, where Dumbledore and Voldemort are warring at the Ministry? Anyway I'm afraid I'm not much good for help ~Otty, but you are very capable of getting it done. Catch ya later ~Otty. Hope you get your revisions done quickly. I'll be watching for it.
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Old 12-12-2010, 09:04 AM   #64 (permalink)
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heart Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat ...
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

Thank you Connie for your kind words ...


On the first day of Christmas,
my true love (Ron! ) sent to me
A clock work partridge that's a spy bird in an enchanted pear tree.

On the second day of Christmas,
my true love (Ron! ) sent to me
Two turtle doves with night goggles, and reconnaissance training
A clock work partridge that's a spy bird in an enchanted pear tree.

On the third day of Christmas,
my true love (Ron! ) sent to me
Three French ninja monkeys with covert ops experience,
Two turtle doves with night goggles, and reconnaissance training,
And A clock work partridge that's a spy bird in an enchanted pear tree.
~The Twelve Days of Ottery's Christmas Adventure

Socrates was a beautiful boy like some model from a fashion magazine, a chiseled face, still young with full cheeks that still held some baby fat, a provocative smile that showed the lie of his age as compared to the experience in his head, eyes that looked perpetually sad contradicting the smile that seemed forever placed on his lips, lips angels danced on luscious and kissable and his hair grey like a ghosts. The boy strode across the room, Tiffany looked away as Teddy made to cover her eyes, Ottery sighed as he threw the boy some clothes.

Socrates discarded most of it and opted to put on a long white coat, lined with white fur, fake of course, and sat down on the chair behind Ottery’s desk. He smiled and winked at Teddy who took aim with his wand, Tiffany lowered his hand and the brown haired boy clenched his fists so hard Tiffany worried he would break his wand.

Ottery sighed again, as he was wont to do in these kinds of situations. Yes, it was often he found himself in the company of troublesome boys, even if they were werecats.

“Comfortable are we?” Ottery tried a different tact.

“Rather not,” Socrates replied. “This isn’t a Louis the XIVth is it?” He glared at the chair.

Ottery sighed again. “I love you little kitty, but what the devil are you doing here? And how did you … transmogrify?”

“Animagize,” Tiffany corrected.

“Yeah, what she said?” The boy said winking at Tiffany. The white haired boy glared at Ottery.

Ottery shrugged his shoulders, “What?!” The dark haired boy had obviously missed something.

“Seriously? In all the years you’ve known me you’ve never noticed I’m a werecat?”

“Well … I mean …” Ottery started sheepishly.

“Cairo, 1876.”

“Well, there was that thing with the mummy trying to kill us you know, and besides time travel addles the mind you know,” Ottery replied in his defense. Teddy clapped. Ottery turned and gave him a high five.

“Paris ‘82.”

“I was supposed to notice? I was hanging out with a young Jules Verne, and Edgar Allan Poe, remember? Time travel adventure again, duh!”

“Turkey in ‘73?”

“The zeppelin was on fire … and there were Nazis. Dude, Nazis are uber distracting!” The dark haired boy screeched.

“Madagascar in ‘68!”

“Remember my cute red haired sidekick?”


“We were totally making out.”

“The world was in peril you twit! That explains the exploding castle, and the international incident, not to mention that dragon swarm.” The grey haired boy laughed. “I wondered why the Ruby of Death’s Fears fell into the hands of the Russian Vampire Mafia fifteen years later.”

“Cute boys aside, Ottery,” Tiffany interjected. “Christmas needs saving and we’re running short on members for this little escapade.”

There was a knock on the door.

Teddy blasted it open revealing a Ron with windswept hair and a blackened face holding the doorknob which was all that remained of the door. Hermione glared at the brown haired boy.

“Luna and Neville are coming behind us,” Hermione replied leading a shell shocked Ron into Ottery‘s office.

“Then we’ll have to do it ourselves,” Ottery replied. “We’ll split up into teams and go from there.”

Socrates leaned over the boy’s desk. “Only if I get to be on Team Otty.”
“Have to, no way you’d be on Team Teddy,” the brown haired boy explained. Grumbling under his voice, the others could hear him say, “Team Otty, more like Team Pansy.”

“No, Pansy’s team is a lot more dangerous and I’ll only be calling them in as an emergency,” Ottery corrected.

[AN: The members of Team Pansy will be of course secretly held until the end.]

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Old 12-12-2010, 05:42 PM   #65 (permalink)
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Hello ~Otty. This is such pretty writing. Just love it!
Socrates was a beautiful boy like some model from a fashion magazine, a chiseled face, still young with full cheeks that still held some baby fat, a provocative smile that showed the lie of his age as compared to the experience in his head, eyes that looked perpetually sad contradicting the smile that seemed forever placed on his lips, lips angels danced on luscious and kissable and his hair grey like a ghosts.
Ottery sighed again, as he was wont to do in these kinds of situations. Yes, it was often he found himself in the company of troublesome boys, even if they were werecats.
Yea for werecats! Even if they are a bit of trouble for Ottery. He loves 'em though.
“Well … I mean …” Ottery started sheepishly.
Too cute! The whole rest of this was my favorite part. So much fun to read. I'll ask and not expect any answer, but where's Harry, sense he's not with Harmione and Ron? Is he still serving detention? Hope to read more soon. Great post ~Otty. I'll be watching for your next.
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Old 12-12-2010, 09:30 PM   #66 (permalink)
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I am writing to say I am getting close to being up to date. In the middle of page 2. I love your descriptive language and all the romances are lots of fun. I like how you are getting out of the Hermione/Viktor on the swing. Deus ex machina indeed. And everyone piled on the broken swing. Too many possibilities. Love it. I will return and I did vote and will check out your Love's Whimsical Melancholy.
When you were young
And your heart was an open book
You used to say, "live and let live..."
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Old 12-14-2010, 04:07 PM   #67 (permalink)

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I love this chapter! Great Job Otty!

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Old 12-15-2010, 08:25 AM   #68 (permalink)
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Question Not very Christmasy we need something like candy cane gumdrop guns or something no?
Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:I♥Rupert

I've been alone
surrounded by darkness
and I've seen how heartless
the world can be

And I've seen you crying
you felt like its hopeless
Ill always do my best
to make you see

Baby you are not alone
cause you're here with me
and nothings ever gonna bring us down
cause nothing can keep me from lovin' you
and you know its true
it don't matter what'll come to be
our love is all we need to make it through

Now I know it ain't easy
But it ain't hard trying
every time I see you smiling
and I feel you so close to me
And you tell me

That baby you're not alone cuz yo'ure here with me ...

~Darren Criss, Not Alone

YouTube - Darren Criss performs "Not Alone" at Trevor Live

AN: Not a Christmas song but you're welcome to lodge all complaints with Professor Snape ... or not ... as the case may be.

The handsome young man trying to kill Dobby a couple of chapters back paced the floor, hands behind his back, his wand waving like a little tail back and forth as he walked in front of his men. Standing in front of him, their uniforms impeccably neat, the best, most evil of the elite squads at his magic school. Students, now soldiers, he had personally picked for this assignment. Their success would impress their dark master, their failure would ultimately lead to low henchman status or death, and at present the latter seemed more likely.

“What the devil was that? What kind of display of utter idiocy was that? You’re supposed to be the elite of St. Lucifer’s Academy for Miscreant Wizards & Witches. Seriously … we’re supposed to be evil, not mischievous. What the devil where you all thinking? Seriously! A stupid house elf got the better of ten of the schools finest wizards? More like wiznots!”

Before any of them could reply another sound attracted everyone’s attention. The great metal doors across the hall opened wide, and a woman with more curves than interstate 66 walked in, wearing very high black heels, a long black body tight cat suit, and a long fur lined black coat (real bear fur, but she’s evil so what did you expect? -- cub fur even because its softer).

Every boy in the room struggled not to turn and look in the direction of the door. Damian alone of them all could turn to look.

“Vex, what the devil are you doing here?”

“That’s miss Mercy Excess Vex please.”

“Vex. Get the …”

She kicked the boy in the shins before he could finish his statement and turned to the boys in front of her. She smiled invitingly, and they in turn did likewise.

“You miserable little excuses for magic wielding gnomes are going to help us thwart Christmas, like our overlords want or you’re going to he ll, literally. The demon Hinomatsuri is not happy with you losers, hence me.”

“I can handle this Vex,” Damian complained hopping on one leg.

“Like Merry Christmas you can,” she complained using the worst possible curse word she could think of. “Okay everyone … let’s get moving. We’ve got another one of Santa’s shops to crash. We must destroy everything. Except the candy canes. I love candy canes.”

All the wizards and witches stood at attention and saluted, “Yes ma’am!”

“That’s how I like my boys and girls,” Vex said laughing. Then stopped. “Otherwise …” and she made a motion with her finger across her neck.


Holly had run to the mechanic shop where the smoke was billowing out, but Finn held her back. From inside the large black cloud elves were popping out left and right coughing and crying but above that din was the sound of a giant roaring cough like a sputtering engine.

“Oy, Moonshadow is that you?” she screamed.

“Well, who the bloody devil else would it be?” he coughed in reply.

The girl smiled as she saw a bodiless long white furry arm waving the smoke away from its face. Next the goggled face of a tall fat polar bear looked out and grinned at her. She would have run into the bear’s embrace but the creature had dropped on all fours and ran at the girl slamming into her and picking her up in his arms he threw her in the air and caught her on his back.

Holly laughed.

The bear laughed.

As Finn ran screaming after them.

It was all fun and games right now but wait until Holly found out what was going on with Christmas.

SPOILER!!: What? Oh no you didn't!
Yes, I did.

Conners as always, thank you. You're far more eloquent than I could ever be ... from lack of practice. *facepalm*

Beautiful Dreamer ... uhm, your name's too long so from now on I'll call you Dream Girl after Brainy's girlfriend in Legion of Superheroes ... I ♥ Brainy so ... consider it a major compliment. And thank you for reading.

Droo *runningtackleglomps* You're too cute. I'm glad you're reading ...
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Old 12-15-2010, 05:05 PM   #69 (permalink)
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Hello ~Otty.
A stupid house elf got the better of ten of the schools finest wizards? More like wiznots!”
1. It was Dobby; a successful rescue/ escape is what he planned and it's what he did. 2. Damian didn't stop the breakout either, so... should he expect the same punishment as his men?
“That’s miss Mercy Excess Vex please.”
What a name! No wonder she's evil!
The girl smiled as she saw a bodiless long white furry arm waving the smoke away from its face. Next the goggled face of a tall fat polar bear looked out and grinned at her. She would have run into the bear’s embrace but the creature had dropped on all fours and ran at the girl slamming into her and picking her up in his arms he threw her in the air and caught her on his back.
I love polar bears! Moonshadow reminds me of another polar bear in another story I'm ashamed I read, and I won't honor with mention of it's title. But, I loved the polar bear in it also.
It was all fun and games right now but wait until Holly found out what was going on with Christmas.
Oh boy! The fun intensifies!
Great post ~Otty! I'll be watching for the next.
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Old 12-15-2010, 10:23 PM   #70 (permalink)

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New Chappie! Ooo and in SLYTHERIN GREEN!!!!

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Old 12-17-2010, 08:43 AM   #71 (permalink)
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Gryffindor This chappie is not a love song ...
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Harry was walking down one corridor his golden egg in hand, when he turned a corner and from the other corner another Gryffindor turned. He looked up and saw the familiar pretty face of Ron's younger sister smiling at him. They walked next to each other down the hallway. Harry looked at her, and Ginny looked back. The boy ventured a smile and said, "Hi."

"What's up Harry?" Ginny asked politely.

Ginny's speaking to him, Harry saw as a good sign, and so thought to start a conversation. "Oh, just out and abouts. I was wondering where Ron and Hermione had gotten off to." Ginny shrugged her ignorance. They walked in further silence for a bit and before Harry could talk Ginny beat him to it.

"Seriously Harry, what's up with that gold egg?" Ginny asked.

"What? Oh, this? Yeah, uhm, its for the uh, you know ... uh Triwizard tournament and all. It's like a status symbol. This is a golden egg to show I'm cool."

Ginny laughed at that. "You're too funny, Harry," she said.

"Ottery gives me pointers," he said smiling. "So, I heard that you're going to the Yule Ball with Neville."

"I heard you weren't going with Cho," Ginny replied, a little defensively.

"Yeah, well, it's not as if I didn't ask her. Someone beat me to it." He answered.

"Look I didn't mean anything by it," Ginny said stopping him. Her hand on his shoulder gave Harry a kind of electric spark (static electricity children, no wait, I mean love, yes l-o-v-e LOVE!) Harry shivered a little as if someone had run a finger up his spine, and Ginny let go. "At least you've got a chance, right? I mean, she knows you're alive." She smiled weakly. "Look I've got to run, Harry. Homework and all that ... charms and spells and ..."

"Love potions?" Harry said unable to hide the snarkness of his remark.

"Yeah, something like that. How else did you think I landed a stud like Neville." She straightened her skirts and started away, "I've got to go."

"Ginny, wait!" Harry said, suddenly sorry for what he had said, and angry at himself for being angry at her and clearly unaware of why. "Ginny!" But the girl had walked down the hall and away from him, and likely taken some secret corridor because she was now where to be seen. "Great time not to have that dang map with me," Harry thought to himself of the Marauder's map.

Holly walked in, or rather stormed into Santa's office, safe in the knowledge as likely all children eventually are, that as bad as they are at least their parents will get them presents for Christmas ... even if for no other reason than to not let it go to the other kids heads.

"What the h--" a shrill whistle sounded just then, Santa's curse word detector, "has been going on, pops?! What's up with Christmas? What's this Momma's telling me there might not be a Christmas?"

Finn rolled his eyes at that and Moonshadow stifled a giggle. This was a yearly event really. Just last year, giant mecha had been employed in the defense of Christmas, and before that Norad had tried shooting Santa down when they'd gotten hacked by the League of Seriously Not Happy with their Christmas Presents kids.

"It's nice to see you too, Holly," the old fat man said looking up from his papers. "I see you've made the naughty list for what ... the 14th year in a row."

"Oh, daddy!" the girl said. Santa laughed and another one of Santa's helpers walked in with cups of hot chocolate.

Outside an abandoned Santa's warehouse, New Jersey

"Why can't we ever walk in anywhere and not end up rushing out getting shot at?!" Tiffany asked as she ducked from a couple of spells.

"Why are you looking at me?" Teddy asked.

Tiffany, Ottery, Neville, Ron, and Luna all looked at the brown haired boy as if he had said something completely inane. The boy threw a stick of dynamite over his shoulder and asked, "What?"

"As if we wouldn't be shooting at them anyways, they're Death Eaters!" Teddy yelled.

"What the devil are they doing in league with those annoying St. Lucifer kids?" Ottery asked.

"Who?" Ron and Neville asked.

"Students from St. Lucifer's Academy for Miscreant Wizards & Witches," Luna replied.

"They're a bunch of Durmstrang rejects who like to get up to mischief, but not really trouble. Doubtlessly this is their attempt at another big caper," Tiffany added. She stood up and started firing hexes from behind the fallen wall they were hiding behind. A St. Lucifer's student went down and another Death Eater lost his wand.

"Pretty good shootin' there, hot stuff," Teddy said. Tiffany rolled her eyes.

"So obviously they're the ones behind the attacks on Santa's workshops across the globe," Ottery remarked.

"That solves that mystery," Tiffany added.

"And the why," Luna reminded them. "So now what?"

"I guess we just have to put a stop to it," Ron added.

"Yes, but how?" Neville asked. "We can't be at every warehouse around the globe as they attack them. There's got to be soemthing we can do, or ..." The boy looked as if he were about to cry. Ron patted him on the shoulder, and Luna put an arm around him.

"Don't you worry Neville, Trevor will get his Christmas pressies," Ottery replied, then standing up, his hand a fist at his side he exclaimed, amidst rapid firing spells and his mates trying to pull him down, "As God is my witness, there will never not be a happy Christmas again!"

Ottery fell over, a brick to the back of his head as one of the St. Lucifer's kids beaned him.

"That's what you get for being sentimental in war, boy," Teddy replied conjuring a cannon and filling it with rabid gerbils. "This isn't time to be nice!" He aimed and fired. There was a dound of screeching and the hexes and spells stopped.

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Old 12-17-2010, 01:41 PM   #72 (permalink)

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New Chappie!!!! *reads*

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Old 12-17-2010, 02:38 PM   #73 (permalink)
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I'm still up there ^^^ *points*

Monitors watch the children of the world. Detailed dossiers are kept on file on the behavioral patterns of children the world over, so beware if you've been naughty or nice.
I wondered how he was doing it. I think I need to scour my house for hidden cameras.... heh I always thought that part of the song was a bit creepy... "He sees you when you're sleeping He knows when you're awake... " Santa is a stalker!

Anyway. Not the point here, I know.

Skipping ahead... I am most certainly complimented to be Dream Girl. If you are especially pressed for time, DG for short and I know who you mean.

Ottery... Otts... Mr. St.Catchpole.... Hmmmmmm....
When you were young
And your heart was an open book
You used to say, "live and let live..."
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Old 12-18-2010, 03:57 AM   #74 (permalink)
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Hello ~Otty. I'm sorry I'm not feeling cheerful at the moment, but, I did love your new post. It's just what I needed to pick me up. Odd how something bad happens and you can't get your mind off of it, and then you come across a very well written post, and for the first time in a day, the bad thing is put to the back of the mind. Thank you.
"What? Oh, this? Yeah, uhm, its for the uh, you know ... uh Triwizard tournament and all. It's like a status symbol. This is a golden egg to show I'm cool."
Loved this ~Otty. Harry is cool too.
"Ottery gives me pointers," he said smiling.
One can learn a lot from Ottery.
"Love potions?" Harry said unable to hide the snarkness of his remark.
HARRY!!!!!!! I can't believe you said that!??!???!!!!!!!!!!!
"Why can't we ever walk in anywhere and not end up rushing out getting shot at?!" Tiffany asked as she ducked from a couple of spells.
~Otty, I thought this was so clever! As if she could forget who she is, what she does, and who she associates with.
Ottery fell over, a brick to the back of his head as one of the St. Lucifer's kids beaned him.
Which one of those kids did that?!!?!?!?! Just let me at him!!!!!!

Great post ~Otty. I'll be watching for my notification that another post is up.

Last edited by Connie; 12-21-2010 at 06:14 AM.
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Old 12-20-2010, 06:44 PM   #75 (permalink)
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Unhappy Bad news ...
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Hey Kids,

Sorry this isn't a post, I've lost internet at my house you spend all the money on Christmas presents for the kids you'll forget that you've got a bill to pay. And what a rotten time to cut it off too. Boo you internet company. Neways not to be bitter, so I won't mention them by name ...
they also make the Harry Potter movies ... XP I won't be finishing this fic before the end of the year, sadly or even Christmas ... life sux.

Conners, I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you ... I can't imagine how awful that must have been but you will be in my prayers and if I have more time and not library internet I will most definitely write you a longer more private reply, you and yours are in my prayers.

Everybody have a happy holiday I love you all. I hope I'll be back before then but ... who knows ... if I don't have a Happy New Year too ...

love y'all.

gotta go ... 10 minutes ...
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