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Ooh this is really good! It is incredibly well written, and I'm practically on the edge of my seAt wondering what will happen next. I, too, assumed the same as ^^ but I suppose we will have to wait and see. Great job!
carrot lover (not) // torturously friendly // secret spy // HP nerd // <3 sparkles // who am I?
Hi Evie! Wow! Just wow! I absolutely adore the imagery you use to describe the beautiful setting you have created in your mind. These descriptive words are like a breath of fresh air and it blows me away.
Anyway, I'm going to make two guessed on who the girl may be. I know you're not going to confirm whether I'm right ot not just yet. I'll give it a shot anyway. Is is young Lily and possibly young Snape? Or she may be a squib? Not sure why. Just a random guess.
Oh my! I love it! It's so good, you're writing style is amazing!
I can't wait for more!!
Why thank you, I do try *bows* It's so good to read your comments!
Originally Posted by bonnieginnyfan1
Love it, Eviee! Love it! <3
Keep up the excellent work!
Can't wait to see what happens in the nest chappie.....
Stef! Thank You! I'm running out of pre-written chapters!
I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as the last although It's mostly thought.
Originally Posted by narnia_potter
Hey, great chapter! though, I have to say, I am super confused. I know you probably won't tell, but here goes: who is the girl?
who is looking at her/scared of her/who she loves?
is she the girl voldie is holding?
if not, who is that girl?
Well, now that ive pestered you with questions, I shall say again, you did a great job!
I'm so sorry for getting you confused. The girl in the last chapter on the hill is NOT the same person Lord Voldemort has. Not this chapter but in a few chapters I will go back to the women Voldemort is holding.
As for the little, you wont know who she is till the end of the story. Sorry!
Thank You again.
Originally Posted by KP1
I love it!
Haii, Thank You!
Originally Posted by Mordanyes
Woah, awesome chapter! I'm having a few ideas of who the girl is...
SPOILER!!: Mah guessssssss
Maybe a certain Lily Evans ... Just a guess, only from what was said in the new chapter.
Nice guess! I wont tell you who the girl is. You'll have to wait and read!
Thanks for reading!
Originally Posted by LillyJames
That had been my guess too Mordanyes, but only for the second girl, I doubt they are the same person.
You are quiet right they are not the same person! I fear I've confused everyone! *hides*
Originally Posted by ashfig
Ooh this is really good! It is incredibly well written, and I'm practically on the edge of my seAt wondering what will happen next. I, too, assumed the same as ^^ but I suppose we will have to wait and see. Great job!
Thank You for reading! Ah I hope this next chapter will keep you sorted till the next chapter!
Originally Posted by crookshanks_kitty
Hi Evie! Wow! Just wow! I absolutely adore the imagery you use to describe the beautiful setting you have created in your mind. These descriptive words are like a breath of fresh air and it blows me away.
Anyway, I'm going to make two guessed on who the girl may be. I know you're not going to confirm whether I'm right ot not just yet. I'll give it a shot anyway. Is is young Lily and possibly young Snape? Or she may be a squib? Not sure why. Just a random guess.
I can't wait to read more! PAMS!!!
Ava Thank You, I wrote this in my spare time while on holiday and I know I wont get a chapter like this again anytime soon but with the next chapter with the little girl I hope to get at least halfway there. Your words are magnificent even if only used as a comment
Your right I wont confirm the girl's identity but I like your guesses, a Squib? That's interesting no one else has thought of that but if that's who you believe it is then part of it's gotta be true right?
Guys I've started college again and my clubs are to follow meaning I will have less time to post chapters. Although I will take my writing pad to college to write. Sorry for the trouble. You are all AMAZING readers and I love you all. Eviee.
Dedicated to my three close friends; Laila, Maura and Stef Created; Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop
A month went by since Snape's outburst with no real excitement. The students had yet to return to Hogwarts after their holidays. Though he doubted many would - he wouldn't have and didn't blame those that didn't - and those that decided to would be under the wrath of the Carrows, more than him that was true. He'd be strict and he'd advise the other professor's to do that same, this was after all a school and given the current situation, but it fell to the Carrows to force discipline. God knows whose idea this was and at the thought of an earlier memory filtered through his mind.
...His black hair covered one side of his face more than the other but he didn't care. He was far too busy keeping his thoughts running wild as he listened to the shocking news given to him.
The man standing before him was tall and lanky, hardly a Death Eater material. His pitch black robes held loosely to his thin body, his arms were stretched out before him holding a fresh looking parchment.
"...and until which time the Dark Lord decides different the Carrows will remain here at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry..." The man's lazy tone cut through his thoughts as he finished speaking. Once finished, the man closed the parchment and dropped his hands to his side.
Snape let the words sink in while he pondered on what to say. His mind was blank, no thoughts flashed around. Only one sentence appeared before his eyes; 'They cannot come here...', over and over again.
Finally brushing a stray hair from his face he spoke, "Very well, is there anything else from the Dark Lord?" It felt like a lifetime since the time the man stopped speaking till the time Snape began to, but in actual fact only mere minutes.
"Yes.." A high pitched voice said from the shadows, "I will take over Muggle Studies as Professor as our dear friend had vanished..." The voice continued as the speaker stepped out of the shadows. Alecto Carrow sneered at the headmaster, her small structure taking up no room beside her companion.
"And I will teach the Dark Arts, it seems you have no Professor to take that role," another voice, Alecto's brother, stepped from the same shadows and up beside her.
Snape glared at the trio with hatred as well as shock. He hadn't been expecting this when he was given the role of headmaster. This made him think that maybe the Dark Lord didn't trust him, but no he had done all that had been asked of him. They were waiting for him to speak but he said nothing, his hand curled up on his lap. He tried to control his anger.
He still said nothing.
"...The Dark Lord also stated that the Carrows will deal with discipline and you should advise the professors to hand over troublesome students..." The first man spoke slowly, unease in his voice.
Snape opened his mouth, "Very well..."
A crash behind him pulled him from his thoughts. The clash of metal against stone rang though his ears with pain. Snape whirled around.
♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥ ___________________Look Who's Back.
Last edited by Ladybug; 09-14-2011 at 05:26 PM.
Reason: Correct spelling.
˝ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ˝ Team House Elf
Yay I'm finally caught up!
For some reason when I was reading, that girl on the hilltop reminded me of Lily.. but that wouldn't make sense. I don't think... But it was a very nice chapter!
And as for the latest chapter, I love it! The way you write Snape is amazing.. it makes me love him even more. And whats happeneing?! *waits for your next post*
Hey Eviee, they say there's nothing like suspense to keep a reader coming back. So you should have it made with readers, cause who could read this and not come back. WOW, very suspenseful and well written.
This bit has me so curious!
Snape let the words sink in while he pondered on what to say. His mind was blank, no thoughts flashed around. Only one sentenceappeared before his eyes; 'They cannot come here...', over and over again.
Is he thinking of Harry, Ron and Hermione? Of course you aren't expected to answer, this is just me thinking again.
Great chapter Eviee. I'll be watching for your next.
I like it very much! <3 Can't wait to find out about the Hilltop girl
Haiii Stef Thank you for reading!
Yeshhh, A few teachers going missing too!
Glad you like and I shall bring her back in a few chapters! *nods*
Originally Posted by LillyJames
I like it to, a lot!
I really want to find out about the Hilltop girl but I'll stop asking...
Here's the next chapter! I will be posting another chapter for 'The Hilltop Girl' Soon. I Promise!
Originally Posted by Hera
Yay I'm finally caught up!
For some reason when I was reading, that girl on the hilltop reminded me of Lily.. but that wouldn't make sense. I don't think... But it was a very nice chapter!
And as for the latest chapter, I love it! The way you write Snape is amazing.. it makes me love him even more. And whats happeneing?! *waits for your next post*
Thank You for reading and yeah the girl reminded me of her a bit too...weird? hahaha.
Glad you loved it! I know the chapter's are not very long I do try but I think they're getting a little longer by each cahpter...And really? Awww I'm beginning to love him a lot too! *nods* More here!
Originally Posted by Hera
Re-activated: 13/09/11
What the....?
Originally Posted by sarahb
Oh interesting. A bit confusing but interesting.
Great writing Evvie. I can't wait to find out who this girl is
Heyaaa Sarah!
Sorry to confuse you, I will hopefully un-confuse you soon! *nods*
I can tell you that you will find out about the girl at the end of the story. I'm mean
Originally Posted by Stethoscope12
Evvie sorry I've been a few chapters behind, but now I"m all caught up and I LOVE IT!!!!!
Glad you caught up! (: And THANK YOU FOR READING!!
Originally Posted by Connie
Hey Eviee, they say there's nothing like suspense to keep a reader coming back. So you should have it made with readers, cause who could read this and not come back. WOW, very suspenseful and well written.
This bit has me so curious! Is he thinking of Harry, Ron and Hermione? Of course you aren't expected to answer, this is just me thinking again.
Great chapter Eviee. I'll be watching for your next.
Haiii Connie, Will get to catching up with your story ASAP I promise!
And I agree, that's what I've been trying to do here. I hope I'm doing it correctly! (: Awww thank you! I can say the same for your story *blushes* Just been VERY busy recently with college... Thank You again.
You mean Snape? When he thinks; 'They can not come here'? I believe he's thinking of the Carrows at that point and how they would harm his lives work in helping Harry....But that could be different
Thank You again for reading
Dedicated to my three close friends; Laila, Maura and Stef Created; Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop
The fire raged, crackling as it moved around. The fire wood didn't have a chance, Narcissa stared onwards. A glass of wine held in her hand. Her long stunning black dress with its floor length skirt and white flower pattern all around the top of it hugged her waist.
She was alone.
Behind her, music blared through the thick walls hitting her eardrums like a quiet drum. She had no reason to attend the party that was ongoing, he was worried about her son. While she was playing hostess, her son was planning a murder. Lifting her gloved hand - also black - she wiped away a tear from the corner of her eye just as the oak door behind her opened. She didn't turn around.
"Narcissa, come to the party," her sister Bella yelled dancing across the room. She'd obviously had something to drink because her words slightly slurred. Narcissa turned then to face her sister.
"I'll be back in a minute." But her sister didn't take that as an answer, before the first women could do anything Bella's hand wound its way round her wrist in a tight grip for someone not in their right mind. Bella dragged her sister from the room.
The party was in full swing but to most observers you would call it a death party with everyone wearing black although Narcissa could see some people in color. She always found these parties boring but because she lived there she had to play the happy wife. The host's wife. She just wished the party was over so she could go back to her thoughts but alas that was not suppose to happen.
Narcissa grabbed a new drink from a table as she past and proceeded to join her husband. She was glad Bella had left her alone when they had entered the room. Her husband looked older than he actually was, the fact he hadn't been getting any sleep and the stress of everything didn't help. His long blond hair fell against his shoulders where he ignored it as he spoke to a friend and fellow Death Eater. She came up beside him.
"There you are," Lucius Malfoy said turning to his wife, "Where have you been?" He sounded more annoyed than anything else.
"Sorry I was taking a moment away from the party," her reply was, she looked into her husband's face to try and send a telepathic message. He knew how much she was worrying about Draco. He didn't seem to be paying attention, instead he was looking over her shoulder at something. She turned also.
The various people that were attending the party were breaking away from each other and in to two separate groups. Walking through the middle was a small man with rat-like features. He twitched a little as he walked, as he continued to walk towards Lucius and Narcissa. Bella came to join them.
"Wormtail," Bella said first taking control of the situation. Narcissa watched as her husband glared at her behind her back.
"I…I have a message from the Dark Lord." He looked at the ground as he spoke in respect and fear. Nobody spoke. "He wants to..to hold a meeting here tomorrow. Everyone's to attend." Poor choice of words. Lucius paled at the information but Bella started firing questions at the twitching man.
"You lie, I was not told about this. Where's your proof?," She paused, "Why did the Dark Lord not tell us himself?" Her eyes bored into Wormtails, "Leave us," she commanded turning away.
Wormtail didn't wait around, he quickly left and was followed by all the guests. Soon only those that remain were Lucius, Narcissa and Bellatrix.
"This is my home, you have no right to walk in here and act like your more than a guest," Lucius thundered stepping forward. 'Cissa had been quick to pick up on the fact her husband hadn't said our home. She said nothing instead she took a step back. She never liked to get into their fights.
"You have no right to tell me what to do. You are finished, the Dark Lord does not need you." Bella stepped forward also so they were practically nose to nose. 'Cissa stepped back out of the way.
"That still gives you no right..."
Bella cut him off, "YOU ARE FINISHED, You are not needed. The only reason you are still alive is because Draco has something to finish even then we do not need you. And we both know he is going to fail and then you will be finished for good." Bella glared at him, Narcissa stifled a gasp.
Lucius had nothing to say. Bella was right the Dark Lord didn't need him or his family and they could be killed in an instant.
"You have nothing to say," Bellatrix taunted, "You know I'm right," she added smirking before turning on her heels and walking from the room laughing as she went. Narcissa and her husband watched her go.
"Lucius..." Narcissa whispered stepping forward taking his hand in hers. He turned and glared taking his hand away.
"Go to bed Narcissa," her husband said not unkindly. He seemed both worried and scared.
"I wanted to talk to you," she paused, "You cannot let Draco do this..."
"We cannot defy the Dark Lord, Draco will do this and bring our family back to power," he interrupted.
"He cannot do this we know it, the Dark Lord knows it too!" He voice began to raise.
"Silence!" Lucius cried silencing his wife, "We need to be prepared for the Dark Lord. Where is that damn houseelf?" He added before storming from the room. Narcissa watched him go, anger welling up inside her. How could her husband be incompetent to helping her save their son. She stood there for a moment more debating how she should persuade the Dark Lord to give Draco's job to someone else. Finally she left.
♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥ ___________________Look Who's Back.
Great job! It's very good and gives a good look into Narcissa.
I've always wondered about Narcissa and have always felt sorry for her. She was always my favorite Malfoy (aside from Draco ), especially in the movies. Your post makes me wonder (as have the books) if Lucius and her actually loved each other or just the arrangement of 2 good pureblood families.
Very, very good job!!
Hey Eviee, I'll start off with saying I think this is my favorite chapter so far. Maybe you heard that lately, but I had to think about it when I said it before. Your writing offers a unique style that causes an atmosphere of like, you're really there but in a separate reality where nobody can see or hear you, but you are right there seeing and hearing it all, as you read it.
I can only imagine what Narcissus must be feeling as her son is ordered to kill Dumbledore, and worse yet to know that he isn't expected to pull it off. Draco's first order though was to find a way for the Death Eaters to get into Hogwarts. Do you think Narcissus knew about that order? I don't think so, because he snuck away from her when he went to Knockturn Alley. And I think because he was able to do that, (find a way in) Voldemort forgave his inability to kill Dumbledore, and allowed him to live although he was displeased he wasn't the one to kill him. I think if he had failed that he wouldn't have had to worry about killing Dumbledore because Voldemort would kill him (Draco).
'Cissa had been quick to pick up on the fact her husband hadn't said our home.
Yes, I picked up on that too. I always felt sorry for Narcissa, still don't like her, but I did feel sorry for her. I think Lucius does love her, but not as a wife, but as one of his treasures that shows him off. And I think that it isn't until he realizes that they will more than likely loose their lives that he finds out he does love her and his son. But wow! I can't imagine what a life like that could be like. Awful is what it is.
"Lucius..." Narcissus whispered stepping forward taking his hand in hers. He turned and glared taking his hand away.
"Go to bed Narcissa," her husband said not unkindly. He seemed both worried and scared.
:hack: She :hack: is :hack: your :hack: wife :hack: Lucius! :hack:RESPECT HER!!!!!!!!! :hack:Anyway, your writing is brilliant, you make me think. OK, enough said before I have to start putting chapter titles on this comment.
Great work Eviee, love your story, keep up the great work. I'll be watching for your next.
Eviee great chapter. I love how you write Narcissa. It maakes her seem more friendly and motherly which I really think she is deep down. This FF is so exciting. I will be waiting for more
i like this! i'm honestly not a huge fan of the malfoy's and that whole lot, but this was entertaining. and poor 'Cissa...she's always been kinda good at heart. maybe that's why i was so mad at lucius...grrrrr
I was totally stalking you and I discovered this. I'm not really into reading fan-fictions. Just starting now. And it was awesome! I should do this more often.
I love the story. I am so interested about the girl at the hill. Snape's lovelife. Getting a little excited at the thought. Expect me to be here most of the time.
Dedicated to my three close friends; Laila, Maura and Stef Created; Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop
"Yes?" Snape asked irritated. The house elf finally looked up.
"Sorry Sir...sir," Dobby stammered bowing, Snape waited, '"This came for you, I...i was asked to deliver," Dobby concluded shaking.
Snape said nothing but stared at the piece of folded parchment in the elf's dirty hand, He snatched it away from him.
"Leave me," Snape snapped striding away. Not far from where they stood light bloomed into the hall from a large window. Reds and purples danced around from the colours of the window like that of a church window. Snape , parchment in one hand and wand in the other, stopped short of the window which gave the hall the only light and he broke the seal and read what was on it.
"Malfoy Manor Tomorrow 7pm
Bring News on Potter."
Nothing else sat on the paper that gleamed up at him, He turned it over to look for a signature. None jumped out at him. Turning it over once more he wondered who had written it, it was no writing he'd seen before. Snape stared at it for a moment more before leaving, unaware at the audience he had gained.
"Did you give it to him?" The aging woman asked the house elf as he trotted towards her. She'd been waiting for a while to do something about the current headmaster. Call her the 'spy' even though at her age that was completely childish and if she'd caught a student doing it then she'd most probably scold them but she was doing this for the children.
"Yes ma'am," Dobby said bowing towards her before evaporating away. Once he had gone, the Hogwarts teacher turned back to staring around the bulky statue to watch the current headmaster.
She could feel the memory of the past few weeks fill her mind once more when she had 'talked' to the headmaster himself the first time and vowed to look out for the students any way she could. At that meeting, her and a few trusted Hogwarts Professors had known that it was only the beginning.
The memory spoke for itself;
McGonagall burst through the door to the Professors lounge, the one place they could talk with each other regarding their school subjects and the like. That was once upon a time, now, however, they had to be careful about what they talked about for fear of it coming back to haunt them. Today the aging women didn't care, stopping to breath she looked left and right for the right person who happened to be reading a book in the corner.
"Poppy," She said rushing over, ignoring the few glances from the other staff. The Hospital Matron looked up in question, "I need to talk to you urgently." Was all she said before turning, McGonagall caught the eyes of a few more Professors to signal them to follow her before she left the room, followed by about six others. Leading them to her office she thought about what she was going to say, how to put it to sound realistic and convincing. Her office wasn't that far away so in a few minutes they were all crowded around the walls of her office.
"What is it Minerva?" Slughorn asked watching her, a few others nodded her head.
"I asked you all here because I feel you can all be trusted to help me in my plans?" My plans? So childish she thought but she'd said it. Everyone was watching her with interest now. With a pause she told them all about her 'talk' with the headmaster. A few bursts of shock, horror and outrage.
"How could he even think of letting them take charge of punishment!?" Flitwick squeaked.
She shook her head for silence, "Look, I don't like it as much as the rest of you that's why I've called you all here. There is no way to stop this madness but we can try and help those students who do fall under the Carrow's rule." She paused to look at all their faces; Horence Slughorn, Poppy Promfrey, Filius Flitwick, Rolanda Hooch, Pomana Sproat,Sybill Trelawney. "Look, you've all heard of the Order of the Pheonix and Dumbledore's Army that a group of loyal students here at Hogwarts created, this is nothing like those. All I'm asking is that you help me look after the students here at Hogwarts. They deserve better than what they are given." She stopped and looked around.
Nobody spoke for a moment and the Professor was worried she was sounding stupid but after a moment her best friend spoke up. "I'm in, I'd much rather I didn't see so many students in my Hospital Wing everyday," Pomfrey said smiling a little. Soon everyone else agreed.
"Good, now we just keep a look out and help the students anyway we can," McGonagall said before nodding and sitting down. They all filed out like she'd given them detention for a week. She was exhausted, laying her head in her hands she closed her eyes.
She found herself back in the shadows, by the statue watching as the Headmaster opened up his message and gave it a scan. As she continued to watch he flipped it over and over looking for something. Again she found herself going back in time, this time to a few minutes before she came to be in the shadows.
She was doing her usual patrol of the castle in her free period in case she found any rule breakers and students who were suppose to be in class. So far only five had had points taken from her in the last hour. She didn't want to give them detention because she knew what that meant, giving them over to the Carrow's and she didn't want to do that.
Just as she was about to give up her patrol and head towards her classroom for her next class she watched as an owl soared through the open great doors and landed on the stair banister. Watching it with beady eyes she slowly approached it to see who it could possibly have a letter for at this time. Calming the animal she slipped the message from its legs and watched it soar off into the horizon, once it had gone and she could no longer see it in the distance, she turned her gaze to the message.
"Professor Snape."
It read, McGonagall stared at it a moment longer before coming up with a plan, "Dobby," She called into the silence air, she didn't have to wait long before a loud pop sounded in front of her and the most trusted house elf stood bowing to her in the middle of the entrance hall. Casting a look around she said in a hush voice, "I want you to deliver this while I follow," She told him handing over the clean message. Dobby took it gingerly and read the name on the front. Gulp.
"Yes Ma'am." And he was off, the professor following him somehow.
McGonagall stood in the shadows of a near statue watching the retreating figure of the headmaster, a frown on her face. She had no idea what had caused him to look flustered of what was on that note but heaven forbid was she going to let this one slide. She was going to read that note
By now, the corridor was deserted and the Professor moved from her spot, still in thought and walked in the opposite direction. Plans already forming in her mind.
♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥ ___________________Look Who's Back.