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Dusty Cellar (Incomplete Fanfiction)The cellar holds unfinished confections of storytelling, giving readers a glimpse into creative ideas that may one day be revived.
Dedicated to my three close friends; Laila, Maura and Stef Created; Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop
His feet hit the wet pavement with a splash, the dirty water from the puddle covered his shoes like a wave but he paid no attention to it. He carried on marching through the dark streets, the few remaining street lights that were not broken in anyway flickered constantly. The man crossed the road and into an alley, the darkness sucked him in like a cloak. Any passerby's who watched on would have noticed nothing.
The man walked on down the alley for a few steps then stopped, he didn't move just looked on. It was such a narrow alley that if he wanted he could've touched the walls of the houses, forming the alley, with his both hands if extended. He didn't wait long when he heard footsteps striding towards him
"Narcissa," He whispered.
She stepped out of the darkness from his left and into his line of sight.
"Why did you call me here?" The man continued after a moment's paused. He watched the women like a hawk.
"You have to help me," She replied instantly taking a step towards him, "You promised to look after my son."
"And I am," The man interrupted.
"...now the Dark Lord has risen and taken control of Hogwarts he's in more danger. The Carrows...too much is expected of him," She finished breathless. The man couldn't see her facial expressions clearly but he didn't need to. He had an idea of the look she would show, the look that told all, who cared to pay attention, she would do anything for her son. He didn't speak for a while, he let the silence fall over them both. The wind picked up around them, it rustled his robes around his feet and the hair that fell on Narcissa's shoulders. They paid no attention to it.
He nodded after a while in understanding and agreement and felt, as well as heard, the sigh of relief and gratitude from his companion. She touched his hand slightly as she said,
"Thank you".
AN: Declaimer; All characters and places in this story do not in anyway belong to me, they all belong to the wonderful J.K Rowling.. Hello and welcome to what i believe is my fifth FF here on SS. Now there are a few things i'd like to say before we carry on with this story. Firstly I'm Evangeline but most people call me Eviee. Now as to the nature of this story i will tell you nothing on the main character except for the fact it's set during the last book. You'll find out the main character in chapter Two sorry to say. As I said this is my fifth story here on SS, other stories i have written are as follows;
Welcome to Epic and Adventure, be sure you read the rules, post often and have fun!
Thank you
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
It's great!! I love it And I do like the way you let us feel the character's emotions.. which's elaborated in your other fanfics
Waiting for the next chapters..
Haii Laila, Thank you!!! And again thanks, i dunno i just tend to write what comes to my head and i wrote this in like ten minutes and yesh my other lovely FF's
You wont have to wait for long
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou
EEEEP I'm definitely going to stalk this!
And I love the characters.
Haii, i don't think i know your name sorry!
Thanks for stalking, means a lot!
And thank you.
Dedicated to my three close friends; Laila, Maura and Stef Created; Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop
His hand trembled as he held the picture in his hands, the moving picture of the laughing women looked up at him. She was laughing at something that was happening outside the photo itself anyone else, glancing at this for the first time, would wonder but not ask why she was so happy at a time like that but he knew. He always knew that she was for someone else and not him, he wished with all his heart that it was him she was suppose to spend the rest of her life with. He would have looked after her better then her husband had, she would be alive today if it wasn't for him.
It was the man who had ripped the photo in half, discarding the part he didn't like much and kept the half which housed the only women he ever loved.
As he continued to look at the picture, overwhelming images flooded into his head. He fought them back with difficulties but after a sigh of defeat, he let them go...
...the time he hid in the bush for like the 100th time, two girls sat playing on some swings. One muggle and one witch - It was the witch he only cared about - one swinging higher than the other. Daring gravity...
...He stood with his stone faced parents beside the Hogwarts express, their first year. His parents said nothing to either him or themselves, they hated him. She stood beside loving parents and a sister, excitement filled her face. He longed to be with her, be part of her family...
A thundering knock on his office door brought him back from his thoughts and the longing he still felt. The aging man jumped and dropped the photo he had been holding.
"Enter" The headmaster said lazily turning the photo over and leaning back in his large red chair.
He watched as the door opened before him.
♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥ ___________________Look Who's Back.
Hey Eviee. Thanks for telling me about this. It is very good, and I can't wait to read more. My heart breaks every time I read the part of Narcissa pleading with Snape in the sixth book. Also Snape's memories are so darling that it is hard to imagine the life of solitude because of the loyalties he had for Lily even after she married. I look forward to reading more, and I'm anxious to find out who is at the door knocking so harshly. I'll be watching for your next.
Okay guys this will be my last chapter update for a while. I'm sorry! I'm going on holiday tomorrow for two weeks *hides* But i spend all day Friday writing chapters Currently just finished chapter Seven. I also promise they will be getting longer...
SPOILER!!: Replies
Originally Posted by Mordanyes
I is stalking your story It's brilliant so far! I love how you write
Haii Welcome and thanks for the stalk
Thank you!
Originally Posted by ashfig
yay! can't wait for more! don't just leave us hanging...
Haii there! Haha i wouldn't dare leave you hanging...or will i?
Originally Posted by Connie
Hey Eviee. Thanks for telling me about this. It is very good, and I can't wait to read more. My heart breaks every time I read the part of Narcissa pleading with Snape in the sixth book. Also Snape's memories are so darling that it is hard to imagine the life of solitude because of the loyalties he had for Lily even after she married. I look forward to reading more, and I'm anxious to find out who is at the door knocking so harshly. I'll be watching for your next.
Connie thank you for taking the time to read these chapters. I always look forward to your comments *nods*
As for who's at the door your about to find out *points*
Dedicated to my three close friends; Laila, Maura and Stef Created; Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop
"Snape," Amycus Carrow said as he entered the headmaster's office. His sister entered soon after and closed the big old door with a click. She stepped up beside her brother and glared down her nose at Severus Snape.
Straightening his back, Snape placed his hands on the large ebony desk and watched his two visitors, extremely irritated with the fact that he had to house two Death Eaters. He could have dealt with anyone else but these two idiots breathing down his neck about how to run the school was unbearable.
"Yes?" He asked as he moved his greasy black hair from his face.
"What is THAT doing on the wall!?" Alecto suddenly cried while glaring daggers at the large portrait on the wall behind him.
"The filth shouldn't be allowed in this office," Amycus added.
Rage welled up in him to the point he began to lift myself from his seat to teach them not to insult his close friend and the only one who understood him, his pain and troubles. A voice, however, behind him stopped him.
It was so quiet that even he had trouble hearing it, he whipped his head around to find the source of the noise but was only faced with the portrait of Dumbledore. His eyes were closed as if he was asleep but he knew better. Turning back to his visitors he sat back down hoping the other two hadn't noticed his movements. Thankfully, it seemed they hadn't. Sighing, Snape piped up.
"What do you want?"
"To remind you of the instructions from the Dark Lord. Perhaps he didn't think you're worthy enough to fill you in," Alecto taunted smirking.
"I am aware of the plans," He shot at them clearly annoyed.
"Well then you know what must be done..."
"Leave me,"I wish to be alone, Snape finished in his head. He didn't want to think of the Dark Lord's plans...
He didn't know the two Death Eaters had left until he looked up moments later to find them out of his sight. He was the only one in the room again.
♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥ ___________________Look Who's Back.
This is fantastic! I love it, it's so well written.
-clings- I wanna read more!
Have fun on holiday.
Haii thanks for reading!
Thank you, i kinda just write what comes to mind. Glad you like it!
Thanks again, i had a fun time
Originally Posted by Connie
Hey Eviee. I had a feeling it would be these two "idiots".
Don't you just love Dumbledore?
That's great Eviee! You never have to apologise for having a real life. Have a great time. We'll be waiting for you to get back.
Haii Connie
Haha did you? XD Well i do try but i kinda wondered why they never had speaking parts in the movie...
Yes, Yes i do *nods* hahaha
Thank You Connie! And i know *hides* I just say Sorry and Hello far too much I'm back now though and ahem new chapter? Yes i think i shall....
Originally Posted by ashfig
yay! I <3 DUmbledore!
Dumbledore you back!
Thanks for reading!
Originally Posted by Mordanyes
Awesome chapter!
Thank you, I have many more chapters to come *nods*
Originally Posted by Hera
GAHHH brilliant! I just lllooovvveee Snape! Can't wait to read more!
Ahem Emily.....*eyes*
I'm glad you could stop by and read my somewhat short story that is growing by the minute XD haha I still need to read your story....give me like a day and i'll have read it! *nods*
I'm glad you liked the chapter and i have more coming up now!
Originally Posted by sarahb
Beautiful story Eviee. I am so exxited to read more, buut have no worries about vacation. Have an amazing time on your vacation.
Thank You Sarah for both stopping to read and commenting, it means a lot to me! Ah i'm so sorry to keep you all waiting for a new chapter....i had the first six written before i went on holiday so i'm reading for the next few days! haha.
Thank you again, it's good to be back
Originally Posted by bonnieginnyfan1
Amazing story Eviee!
Your just a brilliant writer! Can't wait for more of the FF! <3
STEF! Luff you hun, THANK YOU for stopping by....and your most welcome
Aww thank you, i bet your better then me! *nods* More is coming up now!
Dedicated to my three close friends; Laila, Maura and Stef Created; Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop
Frustrated Snape pulled himself from his seat and moved to the center of the room. From there he began to pace frantically, thoughts and feelings running through his mind like a roller coaster.
"Severus calm yourself," A soft voice called out to the room.
"Calm!?" Snape replied turning on the large portrait of the last and most famous headmaster/ Albus Dumbledore. "How can I be calm when I have to deal with those two..." He pointed wildly at the recently closed door, "All year! How am I to do as you as with them snooping around?!" His loud voice caused many of the other portraits to open their recently closed eyes to watchthe most recent episode...
"It must be done Severus," Dumbledore paused in while Snape began to pace once more, "...for Lily's son, Severus. Remember your promise".
Snape paused in his pacing to turn and stare at the headmaster. He dareed?... Snape thought as his small eyes grew smaller in a glare but he had nothing to say- he couldn't go back on his word. He wouldn't. He'd promised for Lily. Dear sweet Lily whom he'd always loved. Snape moved without a word, turning on his heel and storming out of the room, slamming the door in the process.
The portraits that he left behind muttered and whispered their views, of nothingness. Dumbledore silenced them with his soothing tone.
Within a few steps Snape found himself at the bottom of the stones steps leading to his office, bursting out into the empty hallway, he thought himself alone but then he heard footsteps striding towards him.
"Headmaster," The owner of the voice had an edge to her voice at the title
"Not now I'm busy," He shot back continuing to rush away.
"Headmaster I insist we talk," Professor McGonagall stepped forward to block his path.
Scowling, he stopped.
"What is this I'm hearing, you letting Death Eaters into the school. To Teach! I will have none of it!" Snape glared down at the older women and began thinking of ways to get rid of her. Fast.
"First dropping the magic boundaries protecting the school and letting Dementors to roam around..." She continued, her eyes glaring daggers.
Snap stopped her before she could carry on, "Enough! I am headmaster of this school and what changes I enforce will be up to me and no one else," He stepped around the old women and walked away, "And any students in detention will be handed over to the Carrows for Punishment. Tell the staff," The headmaster added throwing one last glance over his shoulder.
McGonagall watched him leave, anger welling up in her, "Over my dead body will I let a student of this school be punished by them," The professor called after Snape.
He paused once saying, "As you wish".
Huffing, the old women turned on her heels and stormed away, it was time for a staff meeting WITHOUT the new additions to the staff.
♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥ ___________________Look Who's Back.
Hey Eviee. Sometimes I do feel sorry for Snape. He's kind of caught between a rock and a hard place. He has to pass the part of Voldemort's right hand man, yet still keep his promise to Dumbledore. And nobody knows either way, except for Dumbledore of course. Very nice chapter. I'll be watching for your next.
By the way... Congratulations on your Golden Goblin Award
it's been so long, i practically reread the first parts. but i like this. and snape. even though i still dont like snape too much. maybe im just being stubborn