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Spells may be used from the following List. Any spells on this list are not permitted unless approval has been granted.
If you have completed/participated in the second DADA Lesson, regarding the homing spell, you are now permitted to use it during your duel.
Physical actions and their costs can be found below:
NOTE: Fatigue points ONLY need to be used when you are physically attacking someone, or avoiding a spell. All other maneuverings around the hall do not need to be accounted for.
Text Cut: Cost of Physical Actions
Roll: 5 pts
Sidestep: 5 pts
Duck: 5 pts
Jump: 5 pts
Dive: 5 pts
Climb: 10 pts
Punch/Kick/Physical Attack OR Defense against physical attack: All points remaining are lost
Physical Inanimate Object Damage: 10 pts
A referee (Professor Flamsteed or Dakest) will be assigned to your duel and present. They will only interfere if there is need, including foul play, serious injury or unacceptable or illogical use of spells.
OOC: Each duel must be completed by no later than November 20, midnight GMT-6 (OOC). Remember that a duel ends when one dueler has lost ALL magic or ALL health points. Please make duels a minimum of 3 posts each.
If you have questions, please ask. Also, if for some reason you cannot complete or start your duel, please let both me and your partner know. We will work something out.
Remember: duelers MUST keep track of their own points as they go. At the top of their post (in the tag line) they must include their current standing of points, as they are at the BEGINNING of that post. At the bottom of their post, they must include a 'spoiler' tag, including the spells which they've cast (and the directionallity of the spell, so the opponent can easily reference the potential damage to themselves), the spell(s) that have affected them (if any) and their own final Point Standing for that post.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Hp: 250, mp: 250, fp: 25
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
The second duel. Hady had been waiting on this with both excitement and nervousness. She didn't want anyone to get hurt this time unlike with her previous duel where Maggie had been injured unintentionally. This time she was going to be more careful and pay better attention. It was hard though when birds were attacking you. Anyhow she shook the thoughts from her head and took her place on the floor.
Flexing her fingers around her wand to grip it more firmly the fourth year bent low at the waist in a formal dueling bow her eyes locked on her older opponent. There wasn't any messing around and no time wasted as she straightened up and cast the first spell of the duel the Jelly-Fingers Curse. If it worked Candice wouldn't be able to grip her wand for a few moments.
SPOILER!!: Points Tracker
Spells Cast:
Jelly-Fingers Curse: Causes victims fingers to become unsteady, such that it's hard to grip objects Caster Points: H: 0 M: -15 F: 0 Opponent Points: H: -5 M: -15 F: -5 Additional Effects: n/a Directionality: At Candice's wand holding hand.
Its time for the second duel. Candice entered the duel are wearing her dueling gear. Her opponent was Hadleigh Lynch. A fourth year Slytherin. Even though her opponent was a year younger than her she knew that the girl could kicked some butt. So this time she would play smart. Not rushing things like what she did during the first duel with Nicolei.
Like her first duel, she gave her opponent a bow. Courtesy and all.
The Gryffindor was up and ready to go when Hady cast the first spell. She quickly cast PROTEGO verbally, deflecting the spell back to the Slytherin. And she made another wand movement "Everte Statum!" There. It shuld made her opponent a little busy for a while.
Text Cut: Points Tracker
Spells Cast:
Name of Spell: Protego: Creates a shield against MINOR spells (jinxes, hexes and curses), and sends them in rebound to the original caster (i.e. Shield Charm)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects:If spell being defended against is deflected back at the opponent (and is successful) the opponent takes the damage of the returned spell.
Directionality: at Jelly-Fingers Curse
Name of Spell: Everte Statum: Throws the target backwards
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Directionality: at Hady
Affected by Spells: Jelly-Fingers Curse (avoided by Protego)
Depleted: Protego: -15, Everte Statum: -20
Your Dueler's Current Points: Health Points: 300 Magic Points: 265 Fatigue Points: 20
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Hp: 250, mp: 235, fp: 25
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
There was no messing about or time wasting during this duel. The instant she had cast her first charm it had begun and she was ready. Or well she tried to be. Hady had expected the older girl to throw up a shield against her charm but what she didn't really expect was for the charm to be sent right back at her.
There wasn't enough time to really get a shield up and the Jelly-Fingers Crush struck her. Her wand fell from her fingers as it became hard to grip it. This wasn't a good start to the duel. Bending down she quickly scooped up her wand the best she could with her hand still shaky and not wanting to keep a firm hold. It was enough of a hold for her to throw up a "Protego" though and block herself from being hit by Candice's next charm. Good thing too Hady didn't really fancy being knocked onto her bum right now.
The very second she dropped the shield she was ready and performing the wand movement for her next charm. "Rictusempra!," she called out. Maybe some tickling would be enough to distract the other girl even if only for a moment.
SPOILER!!: Points Tracker
Spells Cast:
Name of Spell: Protego: Creates a shield against MINOR spells (jinxes, hexes and curses), and sends them in rebound to the original caster (i.e. Shield Charm)
Caster Points: H: 0 M: -10 F: 0
Opponent Points: H: 0 M: 0 F: 0
Additional Effects:If spell being defended against is deflected back at the opponent (and is successful) the opponent takes the damage of the returned spell.
Directionality: At Everte Statum
Candice saw the Jelly-Fingers Curse, the one she diverted back to its owner made a direct hit. But unfortunately her second spell didn't hit the Slytherin because she was managed to cast the Shield Charm on time before the spell hit her. Darn it. She was actually looking forward to see her opponent knocked back on her bum but apparently today was not her day.
She was about to cast the Shield Charm when she saw Hady sending another charm towards her but the tickling charm hit her first before she could even made the wand movement.
UGH! This is annoying. "HAHAHAHA...HAHAHA...." STOP IT! "FI...HAHAHA..." Okay. This tickling charm was getting on her nerve. "FINITE!" There. No more tickling. Now she could think clearly. "That was not funny, Hady." Nope. Not funny at all. Let me show you funny. The Gryffindor made a wand movement for her next charm. "Slugulus Eructo!" she hoped Hady liked slugs. Hehehe.
Text Cut: Points Tracker
Spells Cast:
Name of Spell: Finite: Terminates spell effects
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects:MUST be directed at one spell at a time (one Finite for EACH spell desired to be cancelled). Will not cancel everything in the vicinity of the caster. (Finite MUST be cast on EACH spell to cancel them. The exception is spells that combine into ONE big spell: like Oppugo and Avis combine into attacking birds. ONE finite would be required to get rid of the attacking and the birds. If it was say, Rope and Ice, however, these are two separate spells that would need separate Finite's to cancel)
Directionality: at herself - canceling the tickling charm
Name of Spell: Slugulus Eructo: Causes target to vomit up slugs for ten minutes (i.e. Slug-Vommiting Charm)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: -15
F: 0
Additional Effects: Target cannot cast a spell for the post in which the charm hits them
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Hp: 245, mp: 200, fp: 20
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
If there was one thing Hady learned so far from this duel it was the simple fact that Candice was quick to send a charm back at her. So something was telling her she would have to use a shield quite often or get out of the way...fast. This was fine by her though as it kept her on her toes and her focus in tact.
There was definite laughter coming from across the dueling space which could only mean one thing. Her previous charm had been spot on. A small grin formed on her face as the lion she was up against doubled over in laughter. As amusing as it was and the fact that she herself wanted to laugh she didn't. Her wand remained at the ready and she was already considering her next charm when she heard Candice counter the tickling spell.
This was enough for the small snakette to pay even closer attention to what was happening. The movement of Candice's spell Hady knew it well she had used it herself in her last duel. Without a seconds hesitation she called out "Protego!" throwing up her shield and deflecting the slug charm right back at Candice. No she did not like slugs! Maybe the other girl did though? And just to top things off... "Expelliarmus!" This was cast at her opponents wand of course.
SPOILER!!: Points Tracker
Spells Cast: Protego: Creates a shield against MINOR spells (jinxes, hexes and curses), and sends them in rebound to the original caster (i.e. Shield Charm)
Caster Points: H: 0 M: -15 F: 0
Opponent Points: H: 0 M: 0 F: 0 Additional Effects: If spell being defended against is deflected back at the opponent (and is successful) the opponent takes the damage of the returned spell. Directionality: At Candice
Expelliarmus: Disarms the target (of whatever they are holding) and can be used to knock-back a target if cast forcefully enough
Caster Points: H: 0 M: -10 F: 0
Opponent Points: H: -15 M: -15 (ONLY if spell disarms caster of wand) F: 0 Additional Effects: n/a
That tickling charm was not a very fun charm. Nope. She was glad that she managed to cast a finite if not she might still under that nasty spell right now.
One thing she knew, Hady was very aware with her surrounding and she had a good reflect. The Gryffindor kinda predict that the girl was going to cast the Shield Charm to avoid the 'all you can eat slugs' spell from her but what she didn't expect was Hady was sending the spell back to her. "Protego!" She managed to put the shield charm on time before the spell hit her. She was not looking forward eating slugs. No, ma'am. Thank you very much. Tickling was more than enough. But when her opponent cast the next spell, she didn't managed to put the shield charm on time and her wand was being 'taken' away from her. Darn it! But thankfully her wand was still inside the dueling arena and its not too far away from where she was standing. After she managed to get her wand back, Candice quickly performing the wand movement for her next spell. "Confundo!" And send it toward her opponent.
Text Cut: Points Tracker
Spells Cast:
Name of Spell: Protego: Creates a shield against MINOR spells (jinxes, hexes and curses), and sends them in rebound to the original caster (i.e. Shield Charm)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects:If spell being defended against is deflected back at the opponent (and is successful) the opponent takes the damage of the returned spell.
Directionality: at Slugulus Eructo
Name of Spell: Confundo: Causes confusion and befuddlement of the victim (i.e. Confundus Charm)
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Hp: 245, mp: 175, fp: 20
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Hady's mind was racing a million miles a minute as she tried to decide what move to make next. Between keeping an eye on Candice, protecting herself from any spells coming her way AND coming up with another charm to cast it wasn't easy.
The slug eating charm she had deflected back was shielded. But the second spell had worked causing the older girl to loss her wand. While Candice retrieved her wand Hady slowly began to walk back and forth not wanting to remain in the same spot. No she couldn't do that. A sitting target was the worst target. Only she didn't expect the lioness to get to her wand so quickly and before she knew it a curse was headed her way. There was no time for a shield so she did all she could and quickly sidestepped to her left nearly stumbling in her haste to move. There was noway she needed to be confused right now!
Fixing her eyes on Candice she gripped her wand tightly as she easily preformed the proper movements and incantations for both the 'Stinging Hex' swiftly followed by "Incendio!" just off to the side of Candice. She wanted to distract the girl not hurt her.
SPOILER!!: Points Tracker
Spells Cast:
Stinging Hex: Causes injuries like stings, which burn and appear as red welts and inflammation
Caster Points: H: 0 M: -15 F: 0
Opponent Points: H: -25 M: 0 F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Directionality: At Candice
Incendio: Creates fire
Caster Points: H: 0 M: -25 F: 0
Opponent Points: H: -25% M: 0 F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Directionality: Near Candice off to the side just a little
Physical Movements: Sidestep -5 (getting out of the way of Confundo)
Affected by Spells: Cunfundo (avoided by sidestep)
Just as a heads up, the duel has been extended. You have until midnight (GMT-7) on Sunday November 22, to finish your duels.
If you have any questions or concerns, please ask
IMPORTANT:Also, please indicate in an OOC note in your next post whether you would prefer your next duel to be the FINALS (with possible dueling guests) or another round with students. We only have time for one or the other
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
It was a shame to end a duel that had it's opponents moving so hopity-hippity. But the grandfather clock was calling for an end, and the rules were the rules.
With a sigh and a push, Sabel moved away from the wall and sent up the shield curtain between the two students. When he got between them, it was Lynch who had the gold spark of the winner shoot above her head. But his smile was for both of them. "A very, very close call. A hair fraction difference. Good job."
OOC: Thanks so much for dueling! It was an awesome read! Duel is now officially over.
In consideration of feedback and time constraints, we are going to do a final round of duels between students. However if you would like to duel a Professor from the club, please VM or PM me (and I will check with the chosen professor) This will be a 'for fun' challenge duel, if you decide to do so (and should not replace the duel with the student you are paired up with, so please consider your own time constraints/options).
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.