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In a small corner of the Divination tower, there is a large bookcase with numerous books stored on it's shelves. You take down one of the books and see that it's...blank? That's right, these books are for YOU to fill with your dreams! Feel free to take a blank copy and scribble down any dreams you remember, and place it back on the bookcase once you're done. Don't worry, no one will take it from you! Once you choose the book, it'll magically seal itself to anyone who tries to open it besides you (except Nolan of course, he gets to check these things--it's one of the perks of being a professor!)
OOC: This thread will be opened and further explained after the first lesson of term.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Dream Diary Assignment
1. Throughout the course of this term, you need to record THREE dreams in this thread for your character, all IC of course. Each dream needs to be a minimum of three paragraphs, and each paragraph can be no less than 5 sentences. The more details you give, the more you have to interpret!
2. Speaking of interpreations...DO NOT analyze your dreams in this thread. This is just for keeping a log of your dreams. You'll analyze everything later.
3. You can keep track of your dreams one of two ways: Either make ONE post and edit your three dreams into that one post, or make three seperate posts for each dream. All I ask is that when you pick one way to record your dreams, you STICK with it. Please don't make a post with two dreams and then change your mind and make another one. It's very confusing.
4. You MUST complete these three dreams before the final exam at the end of term. Since that gives you plenty of time to complete this part of the assignment, you cannot get full credit on the final unless you finish this part of the assignment first. Even if you DON'T do the three dreams, you can still TAKE the final exam, you just won't get the full points for it. Savvy?
Oh, and extra dreams will NOT lead to extra credit. Sorry. Feel free to write four or five dreams if you feel like doing so, however. They're fun to read!
5. Here is an example dream:
Tonight I had a dream that I went on a walk with my cousin Dan and his pink magenta bullfrog named Winston. In the middle of the walk, we were suddenly interrupted by dementors, who began to do a dance in front of us rather than try to suck out our souls. Still, we were sure this had to be some kind of trap, so we pulled out our wands and sent our patronus' after them. Oddly, my patronus had magically morphed into a bullfrog, which was strange since that is not my usual patronus. Our spells worked and the dementors ran away, never to be seen again.
As soon as we sent the dementors away, the Minister of Magic (who was not Allie Carlton, the current Minister, but Minister Cooper, who has long been out of office) and he began to yell at us like a mad man. He said we'd just run off a new Dementor hybrid. They were called Dancing Dementors that were not for guarding Azkaban, but for entertainment only. Since we scared them off, however, they were never coming back and his plan to entertain prisoners at Azkaban in order to get more votes during re-election was ruined. We tried to offer the man some chocolate as an apology, but he wouldn't take it.
Aurors suddenly appeared at his side and took us to one of the courtrooms in the Ministry, where we learned we were going to be charged with destroying Cooper's hopes at re-election. We had a very good Muggle defense attorney come speak on our behalf, but it was no use and we were sentenced to 30 years in Azkaban. On the way to Azkaban, however, they changed their minds and decided we were better off spending eternity as magenta bullfrogs. Once they transformed us, Winston, Dan's bullfrog, befriended us and brought us to his lily pad home (A lily pad PAD, haha!) and introduced us to his wife Shirley, and we all began new lives out in the Lake at Hogwarts.
6. If you don't follow these instructions, I will deduct a few points from your final score. Yes, you are being graded on reading the rules, so be sure you follow them carefully!
7. As usual, keep your dreams within the SS rules. Everyone has FREAKY dreams once in a while but if it goes against the SS rules, it doesn't belong here and WILL be deleted. Warnings/infractions will be given out if needed.
So, with that, you may start posting your dreams in here! Have fun!
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Last edited by Lissy Longbottom; 09-13-2010 at 06:18 PM.
| lottie+hollie ♦ | muma!caley | zara+shan;; too awesome ★ | the OC;; much love ♥ |
Dear Shmool,
Thats your new name btw. So this is how my dream started.
So first I thing I knew I was in my usual dream land, it was yellow and there was a rainbow in the sky dancing with the sun. Yeah, I’m not all mean. And then the next thing I knew I was twirling through a tornado and there was a turtle called Henry talking to me and I then I landed in a hot-air balloon and safely floated down to a world which was the opposite of my dream world. The sky was full of clouds and there were no rainbows dancing with the sun and there were spiders and grasshoppers everywhere. So I ran through the flowers, surprisingly there were flowers in this strange world.
I didn’t really know where I was but it was scareh and I didn’t like it. It was like some universe which was the complete opposite to Callie ville [my world]. I stopped and sat next to this tree, not a nice pretty tree like in Callie ville a horrible scareh tree that looked like a bent old women *shivers* So I ran some more under some random waterfall and through some more flowers, this time the flowers were dead. Although I wasn’t really surprised everything round here seeemed to be either oddly coloured or dead. Except there were a few birds around here, which also shocked little California. [did I mention I was only like 8 in this dream ? well I was.]
I stopped running and continued walking through the horrible grass all infested with grasshoppers, crickets, ants and spiders and a load of other horrible creepy crawlies that made Callie squirm. I don’t like bugs, y’know if you hadn’t guessed. The next thing I knew I saw a bright light and a very faint rainbow. I ran towards it and realised I’d been in Callie ville the whole time. Just y'know a different side of it. I know it doesnt make much sense right ? It didn't make sense to me hopefully after ive interpretated it hopefully it will make more sense. But yeah I didn't meeean to dream it, I don't even know why I remembered it, just did.
Lotsa Love California Parker,
xoxo. ENTRY TWO.
Heeey Shmool,
So yeah I decided I'd tell you about last times dream before I forgot about you. Not that I would, not that easily but yeah best to get this over and done with before I get more homework.
So I was sitting by the lake. Not so far away from that vicious scary moving tree. I dont just mean moving like as in wind blowing, slightly swaying sorta moving I mean MOOOVING like furociously like its having a spaz or maybe a fight with another tree thats invisible or something but yeah anyways. I sat there watching the tree for a while, no one seemed to go near it, not even like a fly or a bug and like spiders didn't make webs offa it. Maybe they all knew how scareh it was, Trixie had told her she could get damaged by it so yeah they obviously were smart enough to realise that.
And I forgot to mention, you were there too just lying the grass, grasshoppers and ants crawling all over you but yeah course you were enjoying because you were just super happy to be included in one of my amazing dreams that I have every night. I looked away from the vicious scareh moving, furouciously moving remember not just swayey moving. Trying to find something to focus on, I looked at the water which was also moving, but not firociously just swaying like the evil vicious tree should've been but the tree wasn't meh. I hadn't looked down at you for a while when I decided to lie down on the grass and look up at the purdy clouds like you were.
I get bored rather easily though, so yeah. I sat back up after about two minutes of seeing which clouds looked like what shapes, I only saw a dinosuar. RAWRRR. And a beetle, teehee. The others just looked like blobs of clouds. Sigh. I couldn't think of anything else, naturey to distract me so I decided I was gonna do some more of my homework and write in you, but when I looked for you you were GONEEEE. *gasp* I didn't worry much because I remembered Professor Reynolds had told us only we, and him of course cus he needed to grade you, could open you but I'd lost all my not so hard work. Mehhhh.
This dream makes me sound a leeettle stupid seen as I can't've lost you cus Im writing in you but yeah.
Lots of love California.
P.S I want a good grade on this so be a good little diary .
Lilah J. Mosely. _ p e r f e c t; accurate, exact, or correct in every detail
Last edited by ChloeeCloverr; 09-11-2010 at 04:58 PM.
Last night I had a dream that I was asked to teach Herbology. The professor had left, and they were looking for someone to take over the lessons. I remember looking up the different types of plants and fungi. As well as deciding which would be the best plants to teach first year students, and more difficult ones I should use on the older students. The choice had been difficult for me, I spent a lot of time searching the books I had on hand, and also those I found in the library.
Some I thought would be fun were particularly the Honking Daffodils, which I found funny, but might be a bit noisy. Mandrakes would be fascinating I thought as well. There were so many choices to choose from, and it was hard to keep them all straight. I had pages and pages of notes to go through. In the end though I chose the Puffapods for the first through third years and the Mandrakes for the 4th years and up.
I also remember debating whether or not I should use muggle plants or magical plants. Which ones would be the most educational as well as the most fun. When I got to the class, however, I found myself a first year. I had a lot of people laughing as I walked to the front of the classroom. Because until class started I hadn't realized I was a student myself, and not an adult.
This is an actual dream I had when I first joined SS
Last edited by Lizasaurus; 09-10-2010 at 08:52 PM.
Dear Claude (Yes diary, I had named you Claude so no complaining.)
I had a dream last night....
I was in the great hall sitting with my friends Fee and Freya, then suddenly this Gryffindor comes up on our table and started shouting! But the thing was,I couldn't hear anything that he was saying! I looked at Fee and Freya to ask if they understood what the guy was trying to say but it seems they were too busy listening. I looked around the table and it looked like everybody could hear him except me! I didn't know what was going on!!! and then suddenly I was by the lake, Rex was teaching me how to swim, I knew I couldn't swim to save my life so I was surprised to see that I had begun swimming successfully without Rex holding me. I dived down and saw colors, lots of it, but I didn't see any of the merpeople or seaweed, I did sea the giant squid though but he was drinking tea...I felt that what I saw was all completely normal, so I swam up to the surface again and found out that I was in the prefects' bath, much to my confusion, but it seemed like, me in the prefects' bath was a normal happening since I didn't feel panicked or anything...Then I got out of the bath, changed into my green robes and woke up.
Well that's the name I'm going to call you from now on. Sorry that was the only name pop out in my head right now.
Continued..I had a dream last night. I was in my room back in Salvatore Manor. The room was dark and I couldn't see anything. I'm searching for a light but I couldn't find any. I felt really tired and slowly I walked toward the bathroom to clean myself. "Water On" I said and the water come out. I slipped myself to the bathtub. The water was so warm and I felt so relax suddenly sleep come over me.
I didn't realize how long I was asleep. I woke up at the sound of someone shouting my name over and over. I looked around but I didn't see no one. "Water Off" I said and the water come off. I grabbed my shampoo with my right hand and began to clean my hair. When I finished cleaning my hair. I felt something sticky on my hair and my body. I tried to see what that sticky thing on both of my hair and body. I took a sip of the sticky thing on my mouth and I felt something..I know this thing.. MERLIN..It's chocolate..!!Why in Merlin name there's chocolate in my bathtub??!! "TIBBY" I shouted calling my house elf but she never come. I shouted again again and again but the house elf never come.
I come out from my bathroom and running to my bedroom but the view surprised me. My bedroom turned to be candy room just like in that muggle story Hasel and Gretel. I looked around my bedroom to find a furniture that used to be in my bedroom but I couldn't spot any. They're changed into candy, sweets, chocolate, you name it. I ran my hand to my hair but it stuck because of the chocolate on it. I screamed as loud as I could. I closed my eyes and opened it again but the scene didn't change like I wish it could. I always hate candies and everything that related to it. I felt like I'm going to throw up right there. The smells and the sight making me sick. I felt dizziness come over me and suddenly I woke up. I looked around and I'm still in the Slytherin dorm. I sighed. What a weird dream but thank Merlin it was just a dream.
Okay that's it for now I guess
Freya R.Salvatore
Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God
Entry One
Hey Diary, well I'm meant to be writing to you, so uh lets go!
I am walking down the street, it's a perfectly normal day, the sun is not shining, but it's not cold, it's quite close and theres no rain, there hasn't been rain for a week, but this is Britain, it either rains constantly or doesn't rain for weeks, so this is of no surprise. I think it's the morning, but I can't tell, the street is completley empty and I can hear something clinking in my pocket, but when I put my hand in the pocket there is nothing there. I look around, the street is empty, no one is around, at all, the shops are open though so I don't take any notice, I reach my destination. Primark. I take a step inside, but there's still no one there, the silence is odd, but I don't take any notice, I take a step towards the clothes and begin to browse.
I pick up the clothes I want to try on and go towards the changing room, all I can hear is the sound of my breathing and flat ballet pumps slapping across the floor as I make my way across the shop, I reach the changing rooms and walk straight past the empty desk, where a woman normally sits, handing out numbers, corresponding to clothes you have. I walk into a changing room and change into the clothes, I inspect myself in the mirror, everything seems good and I'm like "OOOH this looks soooo nice" and stuff and then, I walk out of the changing rooms and over to the empty que line, I leave some money on the counter, I'm not a thief after all. I walk out of the shop and look around at the sun. Suddenly out of the blue, someone has their hand over my mouth and I'm feeling tired.
I wake up on a desert island, the sun is boiling hot and the sand is scalding to the touch, I jump up so as not to burn, I look around me, I'm still wearing the clothes I started out with and I'm holding my shopping bag in my hand, I walk around, trying to work out where I am, where I hear a rustle, in the bushes, I walk towards the rustle. And then-
Well I never find out, I always wake up, strange huh, well see you diary
Tonight we are young. So lets set the world on fire---------------- ----------------------------Belle-Marie. Hufflepuff. Fifth Year.
Last edited by city_girl_95; 09-11-2010 at 04:54 PM.
I already have a diary. Called Percy. But.. this is for homework. Gr. Writing dreams.
Half the time I don't remember them - but I must of been lucid dreaming or that whatsits, because this was CRYSTAL CLEAR probably because I've had this dream so many times.
I was walking into a room. The room was really brightly lit but there was nothing in it. No furniture. No people. Nothing. Empty room. Then suddenly everyone is there. People I recognise - or seem to. I laugh. It's a party. People are laughing and dancing and just generally filling the room with colour. This continues for ages - or seems to. Everyone is around, dancing, happy. There is so much laughter and colour.
Then I get up and the crowd parts, they seem to finally notice I'm there. And everything stops. The laughter. THe music. The noise. Everyone is quiet. Slowly, there is a buzzing around the room. People start whispering, looking at each other. Nervous. I feel really nervous but I walk towards the centre - where the light is projecting. I keep walking and the distance suddenly seems so long. I just keep walking. People stare and whisper and some even point. At me. I know they're pointing at me.
I get to the focal point of the room and there are stairs - two or three. I begin the ascent. It, again, seems to take forever. And then I trip. I fall in slow motion. Slowly but deliberately fall. There is silence from the crowd. And then laughter. Like something really, really funny just happened. I gulp. I don't know if I cry but they just keep laughing.
Embarassed. Red-faced. I try to get up but the stairs keep slipping. There is so much laughter I can't concentrate. THen suddenly - it's quiet. Everyone is gone and the bright lights and the empty room seem to stretch on in every direction for such a long time. Eons and eons. There is silence. No one there. I feel so alone. Then I wake up.
Entry #2
15th of October, 2073
I woke up crying. Stupid dreams..
It's Lori and I sitting beside the lake. Savannah and Aiden are there - Oliver and Trixie are running around the side doing.. Merlin knows what.
Lori laughs at a joke Adam has just said and I grin. She begins to say how she's going to miss school and everyone and I hate the topic.
I tell her it's going to be fine, but she refuses to believe me. She starts to cry. Everyone stops and stares. Lori is crying and she won't stop. But then.. it's not Lori crying, it's me. I'm mumbling jibberish about how we'll never see each other and no one reassures me.
They all just nodd and agree.
Then they all start laughing and there's just me, alone, standing by the lake, with friends who seem to think it's all really funny.
Then we're not at the lake anymore, it's graduation and everyone is delighted to be leaving. Not because Hogwarts wasn't fun, but because we get to become adults. But me.. I'm sad. Hogwarts is home.
I tell this to Oliver, but he's gone from beside me, he's saying goodbye to Trixie. They talk for a while - everyone is talking to someone. I'm alone.
The hall seems to get bigger with more and more people and still, I stand alone. Then suddenly they all turn and leave. They all wave goodbye to me as they walk out the massive oak doors. I run after them and stop Lori and Oliver. They seem to have been talking.
I ask them where they're going. Neither reply, they just smile.
I stare. I ask them again.
Then Oliver speaks, "Bye Cameron."
And he leaves.
They all do.
Then I wake up.
Entry #3
4th of November, 2073
I'm starting to get freaked out by my dreams. More often now, I wake up in a cold sweat, absolutely terrified and wanting to cry. It's pretty friggin' pathetic, but it's true.
The dream starts at home.. my home? I don't really know. I'm yelling at Oliver. He's done something but for the life of me, I can't recall what it was he did to get us to that place. Yelling. It's extremely loud.
Eventually we cool off. He walks out for fresh air and I just sit and stare at the wall. I presume school's finished. I don't know how long I sit there for before I'm off and going somewhere.
We've finished school, I think because where I'm going is a reunion of some sort. Everyone from school is there. Friends, people I knew in passing, friends of friends and .. it seems there's even friends that have brought family. Children litter the place like whoah. They're everywhere. Climbing tree's .. just everywhere.
I walk into the meadow type thing, alone. People are laughing and enjoying themselves. I feel awkward. As per usual, I really dislike spending time with large crowds. People always ask you awkward questions. I sort of shift to the sides, hoping no one will notice me.
Then Lori comes over. She's still as glittery as ever. She has a little girl in her hands and tells me that this is her daughter. I start laughing. It's a joke right? But.. her anger soon tells me it's not. This is for real. How old are we? Lori doesn't look eighteen. She looks older. Much, much older.
Then Torin comes over. He's got this gorgeous brunette. Where's Brody? And everything starts to blur. He's yapping on about his restaurant in Soho or something and then I see Oliver.
I don't know why, but I don't go over. Have we broken up? What's going on? He turns. See's me. Grimaces. He walks over and the conversation is stilted. What's going on?
Behind him, a few minutes later, a tall, statuesque woman appears. He introduces her name, but I can't remember. Something with a 'T'? I don't know. They laugh and cling to each other. It's the most sickening display of PDA I've ever seen in my life and I've witnessed Brodin.
It's a long while before they realise and they just giggle and whisper to themselves. Awkward. Very bloody awkward.
They say goodbye. Then Lori and her.. brood. Torin and his .. woman and then everyone leaves. I'm standing alone.
These dreams always end in the same bloody way.
- Assignment complete.
Captain Awesome?_________________________________ _________________________________.....Fidget works too.
Last edited by Lexers; 09-30-2010 at 10:31 PM.
Reason: Finished.
Well DJ is short for Dream Journal. I think it's tediuos to just not name you so yeah.
Last night had to have been the strangest dream of them all. I was at the school and I was asleep in the comfy bed when there was a big thud against the window I sleep near, and I'm on the seventh floor so how could someone be doing that and not getting caught was beyond me. So I got up and went to look out it and there was the odd looking kind of demon thing floating on a broom with a big muggle red ball looking thing.
I tried to run away from the window but all that happend was I fell forward and out the window. Just my luck you know. When I landed I was perfectly fine and comfortably safe but the demon thing started hitting me with the muggle balls. I ran and ended up in the Forbidden Forest and it was still following me and it had friends join them. My shirt ripped and I fell once or twice but I couldn't out run them.
The more I ran the further safety seemed to be from me, the darker it got, and the closer they came. The creatures in the forest were coming out to play and I was terrified. The last thing I did before I woke up was run over a hill and trip falling into a kind off roll like motion down the other side. I passed out there and woke up in my bed terrified. Fingers crossed I never experience that again.
-Daisy Elizabeth Rohdes
Entry 2
Well Dj,
They just all get more confusing. I can't stand dreaming at night when they're like this.
So last night my dream picked up where it left off. After rolling down the hill I got up and began running again. Without warning I fell into a big lake. Usually I'm a really good swimmer but in my dream there was something grabbing at me. Pulling my in. Another demon thing. All I could do to stay up was use my wand and last them away.
I struggled to the edge of the lake got out and ran some more. Then I stumbled upon this house. I've never seen it in real life before but it was there in my dream. An old lady came out and she offered me chocolate. I'm not allowed to have chocolate or major sweets anymore. I'm diabetic. In my dream I didn't care. I went after it and then the old lady locked me up in the house and set it on fire and I screamed and screamed.
Then thoes demon things popped up in the house and threw their balls at me. Laughing. Fire. Balls. It was hot. Really hot. I thought wand. I pulled it out and it was a twig. No magical ability in it what-so-ever. So I curled into a ball and waited for the flame to take my life. I woke up sweating. Heart racing.
At least it wasn't as bad as the toilet dream I had when I was eight.
-Daisy Elizabeth Rohdes
Entry 3
Well DJ,
It's like the msot confusing thing ever. Most dreams aren't remembered because they don't last as long. However, now I had three mini dreams in one night and I can't forget them. I mean they aren't scary scary but they kind of freaked me out.
So the first one was like a replay of my last dream. except this time I didn't go into the house as if my subconcious was like there and knowing I would die if I did go into the house so I ran away from the house. I was chased by the demons again and I screamed at them and shouted and they faded away from my sight. The darkness was becoming bright but out of nowhere a flaming cookie came flying at me. I woke up and I'd come to find out I'd slept for only an hour.
So I flipped my pillow over to the cool side. In the second portion of my sleep I met up with the guy I like. Te-he. You should read my other diary. That one knows all about the guy I like. Anyway I was able to actually control this dream and I brought all my friends to see the greatest thing ever. My happierness. I'm generally happy but, this made me happier. Then my ex showed up and threatend to kill me. I laughed but then I woke up after a bright flash of green light. I'd only slept for about an hour and a half.
So the third dream was actually the scariest. So we have this "royal family" I love it. I'm the Lady of Gryffie and my closest friends have titles. Well myy brother like friend it the knight and in my dream he told me he liked me. Like liked me liked me. It was a really weird dream and then my friend Kay, who I love, well she ahted me and she blamed me for everything that went wrong in her life. She started yelling and I shrank into a dark corner and she transformed into my mother who shouted and I had bruises all over my arm and tears down my face and she started hitting me and it just sent me over edge and I woke up. Deja Vu.
Well that's my last entry. So sad.
-Daisy Elizabeth Rohdes
She Can't Help Herself. Her Mind Won't Slow Down. Watch Out! There's A NEW Ravenclaw In Town.
Last edited by HOPEendures; 09-14-2010 at 08:27 PM.
Im going to call you that because it reminds me a lot of Vanessa back home. I miss her so much but im writing in her for a totally different reason. And beside's i need to call you something because of this homework.
I had a dream last night....well i do every night, but this one i need to write down.
It all started with me in the forest, you know the one i used to go to a lot when i was younger. The big, dark large one behind my house. Theone i used to get scared of all the time. I don't know really, i was young then but now im twelve i know it's just a bunch of trees. Thank God. Anyway i was in the forest - alone - i don't know why really. But i was alone and it was dark like the sun had gone down or something.
And i was scared.
I knew that much. But i felt like the trees were watching me, you know you get that feeling but i swear they were. My only thought was to get out of there and fast but which way i turned it all looked the same. It looked like i was only going in further and i still had that feeling of being watched. And it felt like the trees were following me, weird right? But i swear they were. I was still running after half and hour, i was tired, and i had started to cry. But just as i thought i'd seen the exit of the forest i felt things - branches i think - winding their way around me, trapping me and they felt like rock! I knew it was the trees - the one's i felt were following me because i looked up. They were just there! Not moving, like they hadn't moved before. How can i be!?
I woke up screaming. It was scary and i hope i never have it again. It was the weirdest and scaryiest nightmare i've ever had before. It actually felt real though! Like i was living it, isn't that like some sort of Fake Dreaming? False Awakening? Whatever that word is.
-Enya Mary Louise Mayberry
Entry Two.
Dear Vanessa.
Well what'll you know, im back. I've tired keeping a diary before but i just kept forgetting to write in it! Besides i only started the one before this one because Vanessa said it'll help my writing skills. Blah Blah Blah. Believe me if this wasn't homework i'd have not written in her today but now it is stupid homework im here to.
Well like always i had a dream today, a very weird dream i must say. and scary.
It stared with a knock on the door of my house - the one i live in when im not at Hogwarts - and i happened to be the only one to open it. Well that's not weird, im usually home alone i kinda got used to it years ago. But what was weird was the boy who had knocked, i mean i've never met him before (unless you count passing in the street as meeting someone) and what was WORSE was the clothes i was wearing!? Yuck! Some sort of uniform, and i can tell you it was NOT the Hogwarts uniform. Scary. And do you know what he said? "Come on Enya it's time to go to school" I was about to tell him to go away but Vanessa appeared behind me saying if I didn't leave then I'll be late for school.
Like some muggle. Because i can tell you the boy was not a student from Hogwarts. Wait...what if i was. *gasp* That would be the worse thing ever! Even worse then falling over in the Pumpkin patch and getting my best clothes and shoes covered from head to toe in pumpkin. It was disgusting! Backtrack to my nightmare ish dreamy thingy. I must say the boy was very good looking, the one i apparently was best friends with. Striking blue eye's and such, but don't get me started i'd be here all day and this was to be purely of my dreams.
The dream was a short one, well i read there only like three seconds long which made me laugh and tell the person who told me not to lie. Nevertheless Vannessa pushed me out of the house - giving me a VERY ugly school bag (at least i think it was one ) and shut the door on my face. Well the bang of the door woke me up thankfully, I would NOT want to still be in that dream. And i can saftly say being a muggle is scary. Gosh! And who would have throught Vanessa to treat me like that! Of all people, my best friend (who is not my nanny). For the Professor's sake. Sigh.
Believe me, i would not have written this down if this was homework but i kinda want to get a good grade and all. I guess i kinda like writing down my dreams too. I dunno.
Untill next time though.
-Enya Mary Louise Mayberry
Entry Three.
*crosses out last page and restarts*
Dear Vanessa.
This boring homework is almost done, yes! I mean having to write down all your dreams and all is so boring. Gosh! Then i can just put this...well anywhere, and forget it. But i guess i should get down to writing down my last dream. Well after the many month's i've been here i've never really had many friends. Not my fault! But one friend i have in particular is Louisa. She's kinda like a best friend to me, the only one i've had. Even though we fight a lot we still get on.
Well we were just sitting in the library - most boring place ever - she was reading, i was telling her how bored i was. Blah Blah Blah. Well it was boring, i really don't know what she was reading but she seemed really interested in it. Weird, it was only a book.
Well we started talking, the amount of times she told me to lower my voice. I lost count, but what was wrong with talking normally? Anyway she had the cheek to call me stupid! No one did that! It was just damn right RUDE! It was indeed. Anyway, i kinda lost it and throw her book on the floor.
Ha. She desearved it! Well she got mad at me obviously, and we fought again. Funny thing is she couldn't keep her voice down. Anywayy the fight didn't take long but i as still bored at the end! But i feel i was right in all of it! No one should call me stupid! Ever!
But what's weird is that it feel's a bit like Daja Vu. Weird right?
-Enya Mary Louise Myaberry
Assignment finished
♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥ ___________________Look Who's Back.
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are not."
Entry One
SPOILER!!: entry one
Dear Dream Journal,
The dream started out as being pretty normal. I had been sitting in the living room of our house with my dad and mom. My mom was writing something down in a huge book that she kept for work and my dad was reading his favorite mystery novel. It was cold outside so we had the fire going in the fireplace. I was sitting in the big comfy armchair that my mom and dad had bought when I was very little.
I was about to ask my mom what she was working on when suddenly the chair began to change. Instead of the usual armrests beneath my arms they became actual arms, wrapping themselves around my waist so I couldn't get up. I told the chair to let me go, but the face on the back told me that it wasn't allowed to let me go. I kept looking to my parents for help but they were oblivious to the entire situation. I kicked and shoved, running my elbows into the back part of the chair but it merely laughed at me before turning around and jumping through the big bay window.
The chair was running through the streets and in between houses, but no matter how many people we passed none of them seemed to notice me or the chair. Deciding it wasn't going to let me go I asked it where it was taking me, and it merely said to Wonderland. I laughed, asking him if it was like Wonderland in the book Alice and Wonderland. The chair had reached woods and was starting to jump up onto the tree branches above us, saying that this Wonderland was going to be very fun indeed. As I was about to ask him fun how he pushed me off of him and I fell through a hollow bark, landing on the bottom. There was a faint glow in the shape of a door on the tree bark in front of me so I reached out to touch it with my hand, but as soon as I made contact I woke up.
It was rather strange to be quite honest...I wonder if I'll go back and figure out what is beyond the tree.
~Alice Page
Entry Two
SPOILER!!: entry two
Dear Dream Journal,
As I had been hoping last night's dream was a continuation of the one I wrote about in my first entry. It started off with the chair dumping me down the hollow tree, me landing, and noticing the bright outline along the bark. Like before I reached out and touched it. At first nothing seemed to happen, other than the light got a bit brighter, but as I turned I realized that the tree was moving around me. As I looked up it seemed to be getting taller, but I realized it wasn't growing, but I was sinking, deep into the ground beneath me. Once everything had stopped moving the door stopped glowing, and in the corner a small doorknob appeared. Curious I took a hold of the doorknob and turned it, pushing open the door.
I crawled through, coming out into a room. The side of the walls were covered in mirrors along with the floor, but in random spots there were barks of trees, almost as if someone had cut the middle section out of a tree and placed them in the room. I looked up and realized that the ceiling was also covered in mirrors as well, making me feel like I was trapped in a box. As I started to walk towards the other end of the room a bunch of arrows started to form on either side of me, creating some kind of fence, and they alternated between pointing upwards and pointing downwards. I started to run, desperately wanting to leave this room, and had smiled when I saw a door come into vision. I ran faster and faster, almost making it to the door when a huge broom came down and blocked it off.
I looked up at the broom, uncertain as to what to do next. I tried to go around the broom, but there was no way around it or even through it. I reached out and touched the bristle, jumping when it started to vibrate. I looked around and realized the broom was about to start moving. Uncertain of what to do I tried to hide behind one of the down arrows, but it merely brushed, knocking me back towards the way I came. Seeing no other alternative I ran back towards the door I had come from, the broom all the while following me and sweeping the arrows and trees out of the way. I finally reached the door, which now had an up arrow painted on it and went through, slamming the door shut behind me just before the broom had brushed me in itself. The last thing I remember was breathing quickly and the floor starting to move again, but where I went I am not sure.
~Alice Page
Entry Three
SPOILER!!: entry three
Dear Dream Journal,
I was sure that I would start off where I left off from the last dream, but unfortunately it didn't. Instead I had a rather unsettling dream involving both of my parents. We were sitting around the dinner table at my house, me on the one side, and my mom and dad at each end of the table. We were eating, like normal, but something about the room was off. I kept looking around trying to figure out what exactly it was that was off, but no matter how much I looked I couldn't figure out what it was. So I just sat there and ate my food, although I don't exactly recall what we were eating.
Everything was normal until an acorn fell out of the ceiling and onto the table. The only thing was that it wasn't a normal sized acorn, but rather the size of a serving platter. My parents seemed oblivious to its presence, so I got up and extended my hands towards it. I knocked on it and felt that it was solid, before running my hand over it, examining its smooth texture. Deciding that there was nothing really to do about it, I sat back down and started to eat again. I was mid bite when I noticed that there was a small crack formulating at the top of the acorn. I lowered down my spoon and stared at it as the crack grew larger and larger before shattering, acorn pieces flying everywhere, breaking glasses, plates, and windows.
I covered my eyes to prevent the pieces from hitting my eyes, my parents still completely unphased by what was happening. Once I was sure that there were no more shards of acorn coming at me I uncovered my eyes. Everything in the room was frozen except for me. Looking at the spot where the acorn had landed I noticed a pair of die in its place. Standing up I reached for the die, holding them both in my hand, before shaking them and throwing them against the table. The one disappeared but the other spun until finally landing. I leaned over to look what it read and saw a small picture of a harp.
~Alice Page
Entry Four
SPOILER!!: entry four
Dear Dream Journal,
My dream last night picked up where my dream in entry two had ended. I was back in that hollow tree stomp, breathing heavily from the near death experience with the broom. I sighed as the I realized the ground beneath me was starting to move up again, back towards what I had been hoping was land. I waited for a couple of moments after the tree bottom had stopped to make sure it wasn't going to move anymore, and I pushed open the door. I crawled out and found I was in a huge garden, kind of like the one near the greenhouses.
I walked through the grass, looking at all the different colored flowers and plants, and stopped when I got to a huge apple tree. Feeling hungry all of the sudden I started to climb the tree, until I got to the first branch with an apple on it. I picked it and observed it before taking a huge bite. I can't really recall if it tasted like a normal apple or not, but for whatever reason I decided I didn't want any more of it, and climbed back down the tree. As I continued to walk back through the garden I could feel the apple starting to change in my hand, turning into a bouquet of flowers, which I thought was very strange.
I continued to walk and as I did the sound of a harp playing got louder and louder. I started to run towards the sound of music, avoiding a huge anchor that had been lodged in the ground, trying to block my path to the music. After a bit of struggling I managed to get around it and found myself standing in the middle of a dance floor. At the center was a table like the ones you see in the romantic comedies, and standing behind one of the chairs was the figure of a man, although none of his features were defined. It was almost like someone had taken a snapshot of him while he was standing in the shadows. He extended his hand to me and I took it, feeling like this was a date. He started to twirl me around in circles and just as he was about to say something I woke up.
I still wonder who the boy was....
~Alice Page
'Cause there's always time for second guesses, I don't wanna know
If you're gonna be the death of me, that's how I wanna go
Last edited by Wonderstruck; 09-21-2010 at 05:18 PM.
Dear Claude,
Hello, I'm back! Sorry I haven't written for a while, I had loads of Homework for Divination and DADA. anyway, let me tell you about that dream I had when I took a little cat nap in the library, after all that's what you're for, right?
I was in Hogwarts..as usual, but something was different. One, I was a lot older, two I was head girl! Then somebody who I didn't know stormed into the girl's dorm. I started to draw my wand, but I stopped, the girl looked really distressed...she said that Hogwarts was under attack and Professor McGonagall was looking for me!
could you believe that Claude? Professor McGonagall!!
So without furthur delay, even though I was still in my dressing gown and everything...I rushed to the professor's office. She told me that the dark lord has come to destroy hogwarts and it was my job to make sure all off the students were safe.
don't you see Claude? In my dream, i'd gone back in time!!! It was so cool...if i hadn't felt so panicked...
The next thing I knew EVERYBODY was in the great hall, but instead of the four house tables there was this HUGE bed. EVERYBODY was lying down next to one another. I think, I even saw my uncle Draco lie down next to his enemy Harry Potter!! McGonagall said that I had to guard the door from intruders...and so I guarded...but I guess I fell asleep because the next thing I knew someone was putting a green blanket over me, and It was none other than Draco Malfoy!!
So far Claude, this is the freakiest dream I had ever had...but it doesn't end here.
Suddenly McGongall came back and said that the students were getting hungry and we needed to get food for them. So McGonagall, Sprout and I went out of the great hall, but the castle did not look like the castle!! It actually looked like the inn that i stayed in at Diagon Alley before the start of the term...it was all so freaky...then we went down on this tube and landed on the first floor, which I was sure looked liked The leaky cauldron...
You want to know what happened next Claude? Well I woke up.. Anti climatic wasn't it?
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
Entry #1;
Dear dream bookie-wook......
So, my dream last night was really weird.
I was sitting by some sort of lake under a tree, eating my favourite chocolate ever... Chocolate Frogs! And I was happy, alone, eating my frogs. But then, out of nowhere, this HUGE real frog came and started to pester me. I screamed, naturally, because I am terrified of frogs. I'm terrified of everything really. I threw a chocolate frog at the real frog, and it seemed to disappear. Just like, poof!
In a real life situation, I would have run away as soon as it disappeared, but I just sat back down under the tree and ate my chocolate frogs as if nothing had happened. That was until something hit me hard on the head. Looking twice, I saw that it was an acorn. And I was sitting under an apple tree? I turned around, and my brother was throwing the acorns, so I shouted. Obviously. But I shouldn't of done, 'cause he threw a real frog at me. (Normal sized this time). So I caught it and threw it in the lake. And I won't lie, I felt guilty afterwards. But I sighed in relief, and hoped it was over.
I looked at my mountain of chocolate frogs (literally, a never-ending mountain), and I felt something hitting me on the head, and I thought it was another frog or an acorn, so I flapped my arms around, waking myself up. Turns out it was my mum tapping my head and I hit her in the face by accident. Heh. But as I reflected on my dream, it actually kind of freaked me out. Nightmare, perhaps.
That is all.
Entry #2;
Dear Dream bookie-wook,
The other night I had another odd dream. I don't remember so much how I got there, but there I was, standing in front of a motionless clown. I was terrified and I am surprised I managed to stay asleep without waking up screaming. But I stood there with a wand in my hand, just waiting for something to happen. I was waiting to be attacked!
But nothing... It just stood there like a mannequin of some sort. It made me stand a bit more upright from my frantic position, and I started to walk closer to it. (If this was real life, I'm sure I would've ran).
I got closer... and closer... and I POKED the clown.... It toppled over, and then I realised that it was a mannequin. Standing behind the clown, stood Savannah Conrad. Typical. Even in my dreams, she is trying to make my life hell. The girl giggled and ran off into the wilderness, leaving me pouting to myself.
I turned around and bumped into my boyfriend. I was still shaky from the clown experience, but all I managed to say to Aiden was;
"Wanna chocolate frog?"
I know, stupid right? And then we linked arms and skipped away. Not that I would ever be seen skipping.
Entry #3;
From how this dream started out, it seemed like it was going to be a good one for a change. It was graduation day at Hogwarts for the Seventh Years. I, myself am not a Seventh year, but regardless of that, I am still leaving. I was literally pushing people out of my way in the Great Hall. It seemed like MILLIONS of people were there, but I needed to find Aiden. Because he is the only person I actually care about seeing.
After about 10 years of searching, I finally found him. He was having a good old laugh with his friends. I felt like a bit of an intruder, but I intruded anyway. I said 'hey', but he ignored me completely. I punched him in the arm and then he gave me one of the most evillest glares ever. It was just rude!
The next part was completely random. I stormed off to the Headmaster's big chair (which was empty at the time), sat in it with my arms folded and frowned at everyone in the hall. I felt kind of alone and strange. And to top it all off, my front tooth fell out onto my lap. I remember just staring at the tooth, then looking away as if it didn't happen.
Weird. I then remembered that I would soon be leaving Hogwarts, and I smiled, showing my gappy grin.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
♥My Very 1st Tag | ~Filofax:Forever~ | ~Evil Slythie~ | Chris' Caretaker♥
Text Cut: Entry One
Dream Diary; Entry One
Subject: Norah E. Shire, aged fifteen
Year: 5
The time is currently 2:48am.
I had a bizarre dream tonight, as of now, I am still laying in bed after waking suddenly from it.
Things started normally enough, I was sitting at the kitchen table with my family. My mother and father, and three sisters; two of whom are older than myself, and one who is quite young. My older siblings seem to be talking about their latest adventure in Malaysia, where they are currently living, though the words are unclear and rather garbled. My baby sister Yvette looks at me and asks me something, I don't remember ever hearing a sound come from her mouth however, and I wasn't able to respond. I had the feeling of being suffocated, I couldn't breath, and my family continued to watch as if nothing was happening. My older sister Georgette places a large photo album on the table on top of her dinner plate; which vanished once the album was about to crush it. She opens the pages, and my family members look closer as though seeing the most wonderful thing in the world. I try to lean over and see as well, but all I see are blank pages. There weren't even photographs pasted down, or words written. My mother starts trying to communicate with me again, but I didn't know what she wanted. I felt like I needed to get something for her, to help her, so I stood up from my chair and started to frantically look for something in the next room. I don't know how I got there, the scenery just changed. There was a lot of paperwork that I was riffling through, the front door was open, it was dark outside, and I could see the stars clearly and decided to walk out of the house to get a better look.
As I looked up I remember having another sensation; falling. The next thing I knew I was sitting in my old astronomy classroom at Beauxbatons next to people I didn't recognize. They were all staring at me, and the professor was trying to speak to me even though I couldn't understand a word of it. The student sitting next to me tapped my arm and I looked at them, still not recognizing the face. She tried to get me to understand something, tilting her head towards the professor as though I should go up to the front. I don't know why, but she looked angry, like I had done something wrong. I stood up and walked to the front where the professor stood; he didn't look happy either, or familiar, none of the students did now that I think about it. The professor held out a box for me to take and tried to tell me something. Again, the noise was garbled...it reminded me very much of trying to find just the right station on a muggle radio, that hissing sound, and the combination of several people speaking at once while you are unable to make out what anyone is saying.
I stood there at the front for what seemed like a very long time while the professor still tried to hand me that box. It was dark and made of wood. I finally took it and meant to walk back to my desk, but the instructor stopped me. He pointed to the box again as though he wanted me to open it. I don't know why, but I started to feel sick when I held onto the box, almost afraid of what was inside. I ignored the professor and walked back to the desk and sat down. There was nobody in the room then. I was all by myself, except for the box in front of me that wasn't dark any more, it was bright, and clean, and made of some shiny glass-like material. The room was brighter too, and warmer, it made me feel happier knowing that there wasn't a room full of people watching my every move. I decided to open the box.
There didn't seem to be anything inside, but the inside was made of silver.
That is where I woke up; still feeling scared for some reason even though my dream hadn't ended with me being stabbed or falling to my untimely death. I thought it was very odd, and even now it's confusing to me. I suppose I'll be able to figure out what it means later, 'till then I'm keeping this diary right on my bedside table to make it easy to reach.
End Entry One
Text Cut: Entry Two
Dream Diary; Entry Two
Subject: Norah E. Shire, aged fifteen
Year: 5
The time is currently 2:36am
The dream I had tonight was like reliving something that I had done about eight months ago, parts of it anyway; which was to explore the Catacombs of Paris by myself on a dare. In my dream I was standing over a small entryway that was located away from the muggle streets, past some older structures that have been standing for goodness knows how long. I could see a few individuals standing near me as I climbed down the narrow opening to the tunnel; I didn't recognize any of their faces...nor do I think I ever saw their facial features anyway. I had a flashlight in my hand. (A flashlight is something that muggles use to light their way in the dark.) It was a big, bulky, black one with a shoulder strap, the same sort of flashlight my dad used to own until he lent it to someone and never got it back. Anyway, it was dark as it could get down there, and the floor started to move all of a sudden like I was on a conveyor belt. I could see the walls...which I didn't like very much. There was a little bit of water seeping from the crevices in the walls, and I could hear a cat somewhere farther down the catacombs. It felt like there were people down there with me when the floor was moving, and I felt like I was being jostled around by something I couldn't see. Guess that must be what it was like to be a cow being rounded up or whatever.
Anyway, the floor kept moving me farther down, and I stepped closer to the wall. That was when the floor stopped moving and I reached a dead end. There weren't any more cat sounds from what I remember. Now that there was a dead end my only other option was to walk up the way I came, so that's what I did. Something bumped into me and I ended up dropping my flashlight. The top opened up and the lightbulb and battery came out; though the lightbulb remained lit the entire time so I could see where everything had landed. I picked up the bulb and walked to where the entrance of the catacombs should have been, but I hit another dead end instead. I could hear the people on the other side; they were laughing or something, and it also sounded like someone was knocking on the wall to the left of me, but there was nobody there. All I could see were those bones and rocks that had built up the walls and I started to feel warm, like it was getting hotter by the minute where I was. I started to ask if anyone else was there, then I could hear something like footsteps and something being dragged farther down the tunnel, but I couldn't see anything. I don't know why, but I started to walk down the catacombs again, it felt like something I had to do, so I just did it.
There was nobody there, and I couldn't hear anything anymore. But where there was once a dead end, there was now an opening. It wasn't to where I had entered the catacombs either, it was a lovely field, and it was dusk. There were birds chirping somewhere and I could hear a train from really far away, though I was seemingly in the middle of nowhere. The bulb wasn't in my hand anymore, instead I was holding on to a cattail...one of those plants you see growing next to a lake. I turned around and the catacombs weren't behind me anymore, there was only a pond with a heron standing silently in the water waiting for a fish to come along, I suppose. The heron was white, and the pond was very dark and still. I don't imagine a pure white bird like that trying to catch fish would have much luck. There weren't any trees anywhere, it was all just one big open field with me in the middle of it, and that heron waiting in the shallows, the bird wasn't moving an inch. I dropped the cattail and it disappeared. Then I began to hear purring, and then started wondering where the chirping birds were coming from if there were no trees around for them to perch in. The purring got louder, but I still watched the heron, it was very interesting. There were more noises around me after a moment, and I started to feel suffocated by something. The sounds got louder, I don't even recall what the noises were made by, they were just there. I couldn't hear the chirping that smaller birds were making anymore, and that white heron still wasn't moving. I thought that maybe the heron had started to stir a little bit...
That's when I woke up. My cat had hopped onto the bed and had curled up next to me.
End Entry Two
Text Cut: Entry Three
Dream Diary; Entry Three
Subject: Norah E. Shire, aged fifteen
Year: 5
Current time, 2:47am
ooc: I am using a dream I actually had this morning/last night.
This was probably the most disturbing dream I've had in a long time, though I never got the chance to see anything horribly graphic.
My first memory of it was that for some reason I was walking along the banks of a river, and in the middle of it, that was a sort of divide between the two branches of it, was a very large field that included a small horse barn, a large farmhouse that looked as though it could fall at any moment, and another structure that served the purpose of storing old equipment and housed a couple of dogs.
I ended up in the middle of the field that served as a divide for the two directions of the river. The ground was shockingly damp in parts, and dry in others. There was a large tractor with a plow attached at one end of the field, as though it was left there without finishing the current job.
Though I don't remember how I ended up here, I was on a large boat and a few people who I can't even describe were looking over the side at a number of trees, that looked old and young, some were even tipping to their sides and leaning on the neighboring tree for support. I remember some voice telling me to try and count the number of eagles I saw.
I started to count them, I believe I had counted seven, and once I mentioned that number in my head I was back to standing in the field again, and was next to that old building used to store broken down equipment and a couple of dogs...German Shephard dogs as I recall.
I felt as though something was wrong, so I made my way not to the house, but to the tractor and plow. Before I even made it past the building I was next to, I heard one of the dogs whining. The next thing I knew there was a lot of blood seeping out from underneath the wall. I made my way to the front of the building and saw the second dog staring at something that I couldn't see towards the back. Instinctively I grabbed him and just as I did this whitish-grey wolf came around from the back. There wasn't any blood on it's face, but the eyes were a strange mix between the colors gold and red, and it was larger than a normal wolf.
It seemed like it had meant to come after me, but it stopped once I grabbed and was behind the remaining shephard. I started hearing this voice in my head as the wolf backed away a little, still staring at me and the dog. 'Finish it.' I kept hearing it over and over until the creature had vanished...it had slinked away towards the back of the old building again.
Then I was next to the plow, the shephard dog wasn't next to me anymore, I don't know where it went off to. I got onto and turned the tractor on, it was so loud, and I was afraid that the wolf might show up again. I started to drive the tractor and it's plow up and down the field, turning up the soil, but after a while I stopped, it was getting dark or something, and I had started to feel scared.
I was in the horse barn now, and a lot of horses that I knew of where waiting patiently in the cross tie areas in the hallway. One horse I knew of, a large draft, was right in front of the barn entrance...which was a very large sliding door. I also noticed that once I stepped inside the horse barn, that the scenery outside seemed to change. It was light out, and there were a lot of trees with their autumn coloring.
Things happened really fast once I was in the barn. The last horse on the end started to get fussy, so I walked down towards her, I remember having to push other horses out of the way. It was like they all shifted their bodies to intentionally block my path.
I saw the whitish-grey fur again, and I hurried along even faster, though the horse still wasn't reacting the way I thought it should, which was to break away from the ties and run, or to start making lots of sounds and kick and rear.
I'll never forget what I saw next; the wolf had removed one of the horses back legs and was attempting to drag it away. There wasn't even any blood around. I started to chase after it, I guess trying to get the leg back for some odd reason. And I also remember seeing more of those wolves in my dream at this point, though none of them were the same color as the first one. There may have been three in total, since I don't believe I ever made a head count. Again, I started hearing the words, 'Finish it.'
I started saying back, "Finish what?" Because I didn't know what was happening. I was in the middle of the field again, and I couldn't see the wolves anymore. The ground was all dried up and there wasn't anything growing in it aside from a few blades of grass that were very far apart from each other. I turned around and the tractor and plow were all the way across the field, that old farmhouse was as old and crumbly as ever.
That is where I woke up suddenly. I have a horrible feeling that something happened to me when I turned my back, but I can't be sure at this point because I cannot recall anything else.
End Entry Three
Last edited by EquestrianGal88; 10-09-2010 at 02:13 PM.
Reason: Textcut/Add final entry
I was walking through the forest, when I heard laughing. I looked to my left and saw a leprechaun. I was surprised because the forerst I was in normally didn't have leprechuans in it. He was motioning for me to follow him, so I did. I followed him to a waterfall with completely white water. When I was younger, my Mum had me take Muggle school classes. I remembered that my Science teacher once told my class that when the water is white, that means that there are no impurities. The leprechaun told me to drink some of the water, so I did.
Suddenly, I was in the air. I started to fly around and flew through the clouds. I wasn't getting wet. Then, out of nowhere, night fell. And as night fell. so did I. I wasn't scared, though. I just let it happen.
I didn't hit the ground, but was laying on the grass. My sister was next to me. We started to talk about things: her work, my school. Then Mum called us. She said it was dinnertime. So my sister and I raced to the house, just like wa used to do when we were younger.
ooc: Seriously, my biology teacher told my class about the white water thing. I didn't make it up.
Dear Journal, Okay, so I'll go and start. I just have to tell you though that all my dreams are weird and crazy..
I was on my way to a candy shop when it suddenly started to rain. It was a downpour! I ran to the nearest house which was at the corner of the street. I knocked and surprisingly enough a human sized cat answered the door. It asked me if I want to come in, I was a bit startled that it can speak too! But I said yes and came into it's humble abode.
The cat seemed to be fond of sweets for everything in it's house is either made of candy or chocolate! It was like the muggle fairytale; Hansel and Gretel. Although no witch is found here. The cat introduced herself as Mary and asked me if I wanted to eat. She then conjured a dozen pies out of thin air. I was shocked because I knew that you could not conjure food in thin air. But I didn't care because I was hungry. I ate and ate until I was full.
Just when I finished, the rain had stopped and the sun was shining brightly up in the sky. I told Mary my thanks and that I am leaving already. That's when my dream turned upside down. Mary told me I couldn't leave and so she trapped me onto a marshmallow and started dripping honey all over me. This was like Hansel and Gretel, she was the witch! I tried to get out but the rope was top strong and just when she was going to dip me into boiling chocolate..
I woke up.
Fin. xoxo Di. PS: I remembered that before I slept, I was reading Hansel and Gretel. Haha.
Entry No.2
Dear Journal, Yet again my great clumsiness and my brain's taste of weird dreams made me fall off the bed. So I decided to write it down here! While I can still remember it, so here we go.. I was with my brother in his bedroom. Everything seemed normal but much much more silent than usual. I asked him why were not at Hogwarts because judging by the fact that it wasn't the season of school breaks it would be unusual for two kids of wealthy family to be stuck at home. But next thing I knew before I blacked out was he, telling me that we got expelled. I then blacked out.
I woke up at Hogwarts, in a classroom filled with students. They didn't seem to notice me even if I tried to slap one of the students. Then a Professor appeared and started announcing scores for and exam. I hear my name. Suddenly before I black out, he said that I.. FAILED.
I woke up inside the Potions classroom as students tried to make the potion the Professor made them do. I got all my material and started brewing. I felt incredibly happy when I finished and all of the students were staring in awe. Until the Professor came and a rush of cold went with her. She didn't look like my current Professor which made it creepier and she was wearing all black. She looked at me through those piercing eyes of her before she said... She was about to say something bad but I woke up.
On the floor.
Fin. xoxo Di. PS: I had an exam the day after I had that dream..
Entry No.3
Dear Journal, Where to begin? How about, I had a dream. So, I had the freakiest dream ever! I was hearing strange sounds from somewhere. When I looked down I couldn't see my body nor where I was! Woah.
I tried to move or make a sound but it was no use. I was stuck between space and time if I was not mistaken. The strange sound I was hearing became louder and suddenly I realized that it was rain! I felt wet and my body started appearing before my eyes. I was at the streets of London at night and when I turned around I was standing on the edge of a cliff.
I couldn't move nor scream because shook must have gotten over me. Suddenly there was a shake in the ground and I fell. I was falling with no end but I wasn't afraid. I didn't feel scared and my once wet clothes were now dry. A gush of wind pushed me towards a bright white light.
I woke up.
Fin. xoxo Di. PS: The rain must have been the pitcher of water that spilled over me and the air must have came from the open window.
(Yeppers, that's your name now. OhMyGosh, you should soo meet my other diary, Janie. You guys are so alike... kinda. You both have pages... But, she's just mine. You, Ellie, are for homework. Ah well. :])
Anyway, I had the weirdest dream last night.
I'm in the Astronomy tower, except it wasn't now. It was Victorian times. I look down at my dress, and that's how I know. It was puffy, and silk. My hair is done up, all fancy, my white blond hair falls in wringlets at my shoulder. I frown. When I look up, I see my cousin, Hayley Moon, dressed just about the same. She lifts half of her deep red lips up in a smirk and gives a gesture to the cups full of tea that metairielies on the table infront of us. I frown again. "Drink." I nod, feeling shivers run down my spine.
There is something odd about her. Something that is not right. I lift the teacup to my lips and taste tea going cold. I smack my lips when I finish in discust as it leaves a taste on my tongue. My eyes catch the sight of something in the bottom of my tea. My mind takes a few minutes to realize that it's tea leaves. A bag... They shape a bag. A...bag.
I frown once more, feeling a chill run down my spine again. It's not right. I feel cold. Hayley suddenly isn't Hayley. She's got a look of pure hatred on her face. Then, her face is twists with evil. She glares at me and I shrink. I can feel nervousness fill me. I glare back. All my love dissapearing. She seems to melt suddenly to the modern Hayley and begs my name. Then it's evil Hayley again and a growl slips through her teeth. I feel myself fade away...
I had that dream for a WHOLE week. It's too vivid. I'd say it's lucid dreaming or something. I don't know. I'll I think is when I wake up is I whisper "Oh no..."
Ah well.
Dear Santa, (Yes I'd like to pretend I was telling Santa my dream)
So I'm not one for homework usually but just mere seconds ago I woke up, freaking out from a dream I had. So I've decided to share it with you.
I usually forget my dreams so that's why I'm writing this at 3:56 in the morning.
So there I was, in Sadie's world which is completely pink and sparkly with unicorns and pretty colored bubbles that everyone floats in. I was running through my cotton candy flavored grass with a giant sparkly grasshopper and it suddenly started to rain sparkles. Too many sparkles. I fell over in the cotton candy grass and everything around me started to morph. The sky turned dark and my grass hopper friend leaned over me and before I knew it he ate me as a snack.
At first I thought I was in his stomach but instead I was sitting in this creaking shack and it was dark and freezing. When I stood up everything became tight and I figured out I was in a small closet with my hands bound and my mouth was gagged. I tried to kick and flail around, there was just no escape. Then this really scary voice started telling my they had my horses and favorite pair of shoes. I tried screaming, but my voice was gone. It kept taunting me until the door to the closet opened and a bright shining light hit my eyes and I saw my savior----
And that's where I fell out of my bed and never got to see who actually rescued me, although I think it may have been the grasshopper who ate me. Anyway, there's the end of my first entry. I just wanna get this homework stuff done with.
Entry 2
So It's been a month or two from my last interesting dream. So here's entry 2. I'm trying to be a better student so I don't get shipped off to Maine again. Anyway, may I begin.
Dear Santa,
So there I was...in the old beach cottage I used to go to in Florida when I was a little girl. Except I was with my ex boyfriend from when I was 14, Lucas. We were talking and stuff about our future careers and stuff and all of a sudden I accidentally blurted out I was a witch. He's a muggle so that really freaked him out. I had covered my mouth when a smirk came upon his face and he morphed into a HUGE sluggish thing with four eyes and left a trail of icky slime. I started to scream and his evil laugh echoed out. I always knew he was evil. So he lunged at me and I started running. Inch by inch my usual 5'10'' self shrunk to the point where I was only 5 inches tall. Slug boy was sliming toward me when....
The door to the room open and in came my boyfriend Fletcher! He scooped me up and took out this sword and stabbed slugboy with it and Lucas vanished into dust. I was in his hand and smiling up at him when his face changed from his normal one to my other boyfriend James! He took his wand out and tapped me hard on the head which made me get really angry and I bit his hand and he flung me at the window which shattered and I flailed, screaming out and falling to my death. The world around me started to change again and green trees were everywhere. Luckily I was back to my normal size.
This time I was wearing a outfit from the 1700 era and I was still screaming when someone or something came swinging by, wrapping it's arm around my waist and dropping to the ground. It was now my boyfriend Finn! This time he was wearing green tights scary, a Robin Hood hat, and a costume to match it! It was a really freaky sight. He led me to this spot in the forest where all of the other fair maidens were waiting for him and then that's when I heard cries echoing around me and turned around just to see an arrow racing towards my head----
*sob* I DIED! *fail* This time I was woken up by this scary music a girl in my dorm was playing. So I thought I would share the dream of boys who tried to kill me and saved me. Gahh. Until next time Santa...
Last edited by Ellieeenator; 09-17-2010 at 08:12 PM.
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Dear Frodo, (whaaaaaaaaat, yes Frodo because he is an awesome event logger)
I had the weirdest dream last sunday evening. I donno if it was because of all the food I ate at the opening feast or something. But anyways, I was walking along the sixth floor corridor and like all these house elves just popped out and started singing the Hogwarts school song and dancing in a circles around me. Then one pushed me down the stairs and it turned into a slide or something and I ended up in the lake and like Bartholomew, that's the giant squid was singing the school song too and like totally talking!! He wanted us to go on a date or something at a party the mermaids were having in the west bottom end of the lake. I told him I couldn't breathe under water and he like dropped his tentacle on my head and I could breathe under water!!!! Anyways the mermaids had some weird drink like gillyweed juice or something and they were singing the school song too and we were like swim dancing to it. Who knew Bartholomew was such a rocking dancer!! Anyways I swam through some weeds and ended up in the room of requirements or something and I was just floating in mid air then a whirl wind came out of nowhere and started sucking me in and I woke up. O_O I've been humming the school song since.
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
Last edited by Davvy_Wavvy; 09-12-2010 at 03:36 PM.
So upon waking up I think I've reverted back to where I was right after my name was drawn from the Goblet, and after Jacob came up screaming in my face. I had a bad dream tonight and even though I know it was a dream it felt....so real. Are dragons like that in real life? I don't even think I want to know. I can still see those beady evil eyes and those sharp teeth come closer. Ugh, still makes me shudder. Well the point of this journal is to write about it so here goes.
I find myself in, what looks like to be the middle of the Forbidden Forest, not exactly sure how I got here or where I'd been but here I am none the less. Then I am walking, I don't know where I am going but my feet seem to and my hand holds my wand firmly like it knows there is danger approaching. Deeper and deeper into the forest I walk, encountering no one and nothing except darkness. Ahead I hear a loud roaring that makes me pause for a moment until my feet start moving on their own. I don't want to go toward it but it appears I have no choice and yet, as I walk nothing appears and the roaring continues at what seems the same distance away.
Next thing I know I am in the middle of the Quidditch Pitch, the wand still gripped firmly in my hand, but it was evening. I look around at the stands and se students and professors all around chanting. Where they chanting for me? No...I cam hear them now they were chanting for the dragon. But where is the dragon? It was then that I hear it behind me with its tremendous roar that makes me jump a mile high and turn around, nearly falling off of a rock that appears out of nowhere. The chanting grows louder and louder; "Dragon, Dragon, Dragon, Dragon." Is no one cheering for me? My eyes scan the crowd nervously searching for Fia, if I can find her I know it will be okay but she is nowhere to be found. Turning toward the dragon that now seems to grow in size with its big teeth and large claws I try to run but my feet are chained to the rock. My eyes grew wide as I look at the dragon who doesn't seem to be restricted at all by a chain as it comes closer and closer. Its tongue seems to run along its teeth in anticipation as it took a deep breath and...
That's all I remember. I awoke burning up and drenched in sweat.
Last edited by Cinn-O-Bun; 09-12-2010 at 09:19 PM.
|Who's On First? | Challenge Accepted.| | :Ink For Blood: | Team SUITS!|
Entry 1
I know i'm in the forest; I can smell fresh dirt and the shade from the trees, and I can feel how the ground curves under my feet. I start to walk, and after thirty steps, I can hear water running, farther ahead and to my right. I don't have my cane, so I hold my hands out a bit in front of me. The trees I encounter all have thin trunks--but not smooth like birch trees. I get the feeling they're pine trees, but I can't be certain. I know it's day because it's not cool enough to be night, but I hear an owl in the tree directly above me. It calls out two or three times, then goes quiet. The ground starts to slope downwards a bit and the noise gets louder.
I know I'm wearing my dress shoes because I wobble, even with the low heel. I have a hunch I'm wearing my blue layered skirt because the tag is bothering me, but the shirt I'm wearing isn't one I know. It's thin, but longsleeved. Cotton. It's a bit of a V-neck. As I get closer to the sound of running water, I feel mist on my face, and I suddenly remember having this dream before. I put my arms down because I know that there's only one tree left in front of me before the ground is flat again. Now I'm really wobbly because the grass is so thick.
I bend down and un-fasten the buckles so I'm barefoot now. I take a few more steps before I'm standing in the water. It's neither hot nor cold, and the rocks on the bottom are smooth. I keep walking, even though I know what's going to happen. The mist gets thicker, and fifteen steps in, the water is up to my waist and I'm nearly under the waterfall. Suddenly, I can't hear the water anymore, but the water I'm standing in feels very warm now.
And then I feel two hands on my shoulders, and they push me under the water. I slip and then I wake up. I've had the dream before, and, of course, I see nothing, but it always is the same. I'm always surprised when I'm pushed under the water.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Dream One | October 2072
Dear.... Journal,
You are not a dream diary. Let's get that straight, first of all. I am a boy and I do not own a diary. A journal, sure, but a diary? Not for me. Second of all, I only have you because this is for a grade and I want to pass to my seventh year, all right? Good. Glad we're square.
Now, onto my dream.
The other night I was having a dream about the first task of the Triwizard Tournament. I was wearing chain-link armor and standing on top of this big, fat Hebridean Black dragon I had just slayed. I had my sword held triumphantly above my head in one hand and I had the Triwizard Cup in the other. Yes, diary journal, I had already won the tournament after just one task.
Anyway. I was standing there and the crowd in the stands (oh yeah this was taking place on the Quidditch Pitch for some reason) was going wild. I beamed around at them all and then suddenly the dragon I was standing on disappeared, so that I fell to the ground. Then my sword poofed out of my hand and I was left clinging on to the cup.
It suddenly went from being sunny and fair weather to being dark and stormy, and the crowd in the stands all became dark, hooded dementors, sucking all my happiness at winning away. The grassy pitch I was sitting on turned into a churning, choppy ocean and all I had was the Triwizard Cup to cling to even as my armor made me start to sink.
"HELLLLLLLLLP!" I remember shouting, and then Moaning Myrtle was floating above me, picking at her chin. "HELPPPPP MEEEE!" I begged her, but she just giggled and said, "When you dieeee, you're welcome to share myyy toilet."
And she even fluttered her eyelashes at me.
I screamed (I mean, c'mon, imagine haunting a girl's loo with Myrtle) and took in a bunch of water. I could feel myself going under. I closed my eyes to brace for being totally underwater and then when I opened them, my dream was over and I was safe and dry in my bed.
Whew. What do ya have to say to that, Journal? Horrible, horrible dream, innit? More like a nightmare if you ask me.
Well that's about it. I'll write again when I have another important Triwizard dream that will HOPEFULLY never come true.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
Last edited by BanaBatGirl; 11-17-2010 at 04:33 AM.
Reason: wrong date. whoopsies!
I already think this ‘dream diary’ writing thing is quite girly, so I don’t want to make it even more so. So, let’s get to the point of this thing. I had a dream last night.
It was a little bit better than the one I explained in lesson (the inferius/zombies chasing after me). Though, instead of physical pain, this one held more mental pain. I was at the lake, or a variation of the lake, it actually looked a lot prettier, with pink blossoms and the water crystal clear. One tree in particular had a silhouette sat underneath. I wasn’t close enough to tell if it was a boy or a girl, but I know it wasn’t a child, so it must have been an older student. But, I distinctly remember the pain in my chest, not physical, but psychological pain of someone ripping out a vital organ in my body; it may have even been my heart. I don’t know.
I didn’t die though, no. I was more just wincing and aching from the niggling pain which came from chest. I was also annoyed that the person under the tree hadn’t come to help me. It was more that the person was quite happy that I was feeling this way. I was closer now, and it was definitely a girl, because she had long black hair. She wasn’t happy with me, but she was at the fact I was in pain. She didn’t smile or anything which could indicate any of this, I just knew. I also remember a sharp pain going through the already niggling ache, which brought me to my knees. And then I apologized to her.
I have no idea why. But I wished I didn’t.
Because then she jumped right into the lake! And at the point the pain had gone and my eyes were incredibly wide. She didn’t come back up for air, and I was a little stunned. But after she had gone, the pain had disappeared and I could breathe again, like the fact that she wasn’t there made everything better.
But I’m sure my dreams will get better, hopefully.
Entry Two.
Hi. [:
I just had to write this down, HAD TO. Not because I thought that I may forget about this diary thing and therefore receive no points, but because I thought this precise dream to actually be pretty awesome. Now, I’m not the one to really care for my dreams, however I’ve started to find this incredibly interesting, and because I’m thinking about it more, my dreams are becoming more vivid.
Well, let me tell you, this one was pretty dam cool.
So I was at home (great place for a dream by the way), and I was sat up in my room, and I can remember feeling really sulky. I am one to sulk, so there really was no surprise there. I was sat on my bed with my arms folded, with a suit on. I love formal wear; so again, it wasn’t surprising that I was wearing a suit. However, in this dream I was twelve, and I know this because there was a mirror in front of me. I could hear my mum on the other side of the door calling me a ‘baby’ and that I should ‘grow up’. Obviously I came up with great, clever comebacks such as ‘Of course I’m growing up mother I am human you know.’ She’d always mumble something like ‘You don’t act human.’ And nothing had changed in my dream to stop her from saying that.
It must have been one of those Pureblood parties again, because that is what I normally did when they were going on downstairs; sit and sulk in my room until my mother stopped pestering me. Thing is, I didn’t start sulking about them until I was around 14, not 12. When I was 12, I was very happy to participate, not really realising that these parties were basically a parent’s way to sort out arranged marriages from early on. Marriage is not my thing, so I sulk. However, I didn’t question the fact that I was too young to realise and continued to sulk in my bedroom. Suddenly, I then woke up, and I was back in the Slytherin dorm. I was so thankful it was a dream because to be honest I do not want to be back home right now.
Then something horrible yet wonderful happened. Cosette Soleil (Yes, that gorgeous French girl from Ravenclaw) was sat in the dorm on the opposite bed. She was all dressed up and kept telling me to hurry and to get downstairs. I sort of just looked at her funnily, but also sniggered at the fact that she was in my dorm. She just rolled her eyes and threw a tuxedo at me. And then she said THIS;
“Oh stop acting like a baby and grow up!”
She sounded just like my flippin’ mother! And THEN ... I WOKE UP FOR REALZ!
Yes, oh girly diary of mine, I had a false awakening! I thought that I had woken up in my dorm with Cosette Soleil looming over me, when really; it was a dream within a dream. Come to think of it, she was wearing my mother’s hideous clothes, or one of her hideous dresses, definitely not something Miss Soleil would wear. But still, it freaked me out yet it was awesome at the same time.
Well, that’s enough excitement for one day. Let’s home I dream about my actual girlfriend sometime soon, rather than everyone else I know. Siiiigh.
Entry three.
Now it's been a while since I wrote in this, but I have a perfectly good explanation so please don't sigh and roll your eyes. It's a personal matter, but I feel it may link to my dream; I'm adopted and I have a long lost twin.
Yeah, try and take that in and you'll see why I haven't recorded any of my dreams for a while. Mainly because, well, I haven't exactly been sleeping, but last night I did and before I forget, here I am writing it down.
It was cold, very cold and I remember this because I was wearing my rather long yet lovely and warm trench coat. I never wear it unless it's freezing, because I look a little bit strange and as if I'm going to flash someone i.e. I don't like it. But, as to make sure I stay at body temperature I wear it. Because of the high collar, my view was comprimised and I could only see half; as my view was split horizontally, one part which I could see, and the other which I could not. The part from which I could see, I will tell you about. I'm guessing it was around November as that would explain the cold and the fireworks which were now crackling in the sky and making dogs bark nearby. I always felt bad for animals during Bonfire night. My friend's cat would claw their living room armchair and hide under the table - not at the same time of course but you get the picture.
Believe it or not but I was on a hill. I have no idea where, possibly somewhere near where I live, but I didn't recognize it and on the horizon was a city, and it's light pollution had dimmed for the purpose of this firework shiw, which I thought was very nice of them. I was behind everybody else; they all looking up and 'ooing' and 'ahhing' now and again, which made the girl who had now linked her arms into mine giggle. It was Callie, trust her to laugh at something which wasn't that funny but I won't get into that. Bless her little cotton socks. She probably doesn't celebrate Bonfire Night in America because some Muggle didn't try and blow up her country's Houses of Parliament. Maybe that's why she was giggling? Now thinking about it.
I have no idea how, because you'd think the fireworks would take over the noise of her giggling, but obviously not. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE turned around, all with MY face. Now that's scary right? Now, I believe it to be linked to the twin thing because, it's another person with my face right? And so, to find someone with the same face as me is quite horrifying, even if Fletcher's kind of nice. So, in my dream, to have everyone having my face is kind of like a symbol yes? Maybe. I dunno.
But, I think that's it now. (: Quite a short one, but I woke up and rant to the bathroom to splash water on my face.
Hmm, I don't like that. Sounds too... impersonal. Lets try this...
Hello, Bryne.
Yes, dream-thingy, I have named you after my daddy, because I luffs him lots, and miss him incredibly. I think he would have liked this, so here goes.
So, Bryne, here is my first dream-jotting-down thangggg. I hopes you enjoy it. It was about you (again).
Originally Posted by The Dream
We were in the park. You, me and mum. I was four, I think. We were having the picnic, and it was in the summer, just after the Quiddich World Cup Final we went to. I had found a stick, and was pretending I was flying around, zooming after the Snitch to win Ireland the World Cup, again. You remember? And you threw a Ferrero Rocher at me, pretending it was the Snitch. I went to catch it, but then the dream changed..
We were running. It was dark. I don't remember this happening in real life, so I don't think it wasn't a flashback like the first part. I was scared, I know that much. You kept looking behind us, like there was someone following us. I was tired, and wanted to stop, but you made me carry on running. I asked you why, but you ignored me, and pulled me up, so you were carrying me. I looked over your head, and saw people, running. One of them pulled out a wand, and raised it, facing us. I screamed, but the dream changed again.
I'm standing in the middle of an arena, and there are people surrounding me EVERYWHERE, in stands and stuff, cheering my name. I'm a Hogwart's Champion, dad, in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. And I'm not eleven anymore. So anyways, everyone's like "Rubiey! Rubiey! Rubiey!" cheering and stuffs, then there's a shadow that covers the entire stadium, and everyone goes quiet. I turn around, and see the single, most scariest thing of my life....
A giant Pygmy Puff. Literally, the size of a block of flats. Scary, right?
Yeah, so they were my joint dreams last night. Hope you enjoyed them, Bryne. Interpret that.