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Term 34: May - August 2013 Term Thirty-Four: Poor in Fund$ but Rich in Ice Cream (September 2080 - June 2081)

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Old 06-19-2013, 03:12 PM
PadfootAndTheWolf PadfootAndTheWolf is offline
Default Divination Lesson Two (Palmistry)

Divination Lesson Two

It had been a short while since the first Divination Lesson of the term but at least the students had had SNAC to keep their minds fresh on the Divination Art. The Professor had been busy planning this lesson for quite some time and was really excited to teach it.

The room looked the same as usual. Elwood was sitting at her desk waiting for the students to enter. Stack beside her on the wooden piece of furniture was a stack of glass slabs, some rollers, a bunch of rubber pieces roughly the size of the glass and a few, small boxes. Material for the day's activity no doubt--or just random stuff the eccentric blonde had dug out.

Come on in and take a seat, the lesson will begin shortly.
Lesson Progression:
* Welcome and first question
* Second Question and beginning of hand types
* Third Question
* Beginning of Partner work
* Reading Heart line of With Birth hand

OOC: Read classroom rules before posting and the lesson will begin around 11pm (EST). The lesson has now begun!
Old 07-08-2013, 01:21 AM   #101 (permalink)
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Asher thought a moment. "What would a thumb have to do with it?" He looked at his own hands, trying to decided if his thumbs were long or short. He turned his hands palms in and palms out, looking at all the different features he had never noticed before.

"I believe the length of your thumb represents how long you will live. Long thumb, long life?"
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Old 07-08-2013, 02:18 AM   #102 (permalink)
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SPOILER!!: Water Hands
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
"Like those of you who remembered from the last lesson on Tarot, for those of you who didn't please get this in your notes, we learned that each card suit matches with a classical element. Wands goes with Fire, Cups with Water, Pentacles/Coins are for Earth and Swords match with Wind. Why I praised Mr. Branxton's mention of an old answer of Mr. Odessa's, was because he mentioned that these suits aren't limited to match only one thing." She paused to let that sink in for a second. "So far we've seen that they can match with elements and even Hogwarts houses. Today we will learn about something else that they match with."

She raised her hand and held it out to show them. "Raise your hand about a foot from your face, palm side facing you and examine it. It's no doubt pretty different than those belonging to your classmates."

"Hand types also correspond to the suits of the Tarot Minor Arcana. "The air hand is characterized by having long, thin fingers, with a square palm. The Earth hand is usually characterized with a squarish palm, and short fingers deeply carved lines in it." She paused and then continued, hoping they were all writing this down. "The fire hand has a squarish palm which is usually longer in length than their short fingers. And last but not least the water hand. What are the characteristics of a water hand?" They could use the process of elimination to figure it out, their textbook or previous knowledge. She had faith in them.
Eliza liked tying elements into things. It helped her remember them better, sometimes. She looked at her own hand, her familiar long fingers wiggling playfully. She glanced around at others doing the same thing and wondered what they all thought their hand shapes were. Hers was...sort of smallish, she supposed. In comparison to her fingers at least.

She didn't know the water shapes, so she just listened and took notes about it.

SPOILER!!: Thumbs
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
The majority of the other students who had chosen to voice characteristics they believed to belong to the water hand were for the most part correct. "Very good. The set list of characteristics we will be using for reference on the water hand will be that they have long, thin fingers, and a roundish more oval shaped palm." Now that that was settled they could move along.

"Now that we know the basic characteristics for each type of hand I want you all to begin thinking about what type your own hands fall into." They had already been doing that probably but there were a few students were rather distracted today. "Continue to observe your hands as well please."

The blonde gave them all a thumbs-up and just watched them for a second. Did they wonder what she was doing? Yes, no? Oh well. "The thumb, one factor that sets primates above other animals and also very important in the study and practice of Palmistry or Cheirology. Can someone tell me and the rest of the class what the length of the thumb suggests about a person?"

She supposed her hand was a toss up between the air hand and the water hand, which was funny because she was in Ravenclaw, the air house, and she was a Pisces, a water sign. It was funny how that stuff worked out sometimes, though she still wasn't sure if that made her believe it wholeheartedly or anything. But the fact that they all were allowed to share some ice cream was making her lean more towards the blind trust side - at least for today.

Now about the thumb lengths and what they meant... Everyone seemed to have a different idea on that. "Professor, I think I've heard too, that different segments in the thumb mean different things. Though I'm not really sure which is which...or what. Maybe from the base to the first knuckle could mean something to do with that first line in your palm that touches the base of your thumb? Or maybe that's just mine." She kept eyeing her thumb, turning it from side to side and bending it back and forth. Hers was pretty long, but not like freakishly long or anything. But still, definitely not stumpy by an stretch of the imagination. She flipped to the palm reading section of her book and saw that the line she'd been looking at was a Venus line or something...So she still wasn't sure what it meant.

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Old 07-08-2013, 05:38 PM   #103 (permalink)

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...Dylan was still eyeing his hard, trying to decide if his palm was squared or longer...It looked squared the more he stared and he finally turned his full attention to his fingers...and his thumb. His thumb was definitely longer...given that all his fingers were a little long. Musical fingers, the Slytherin liked to say.

"Longer thumbs suggest fast thinking and intellect....and being confident with challenges....Short thumbs suggest a more thoughtful nature...and being ruled by your emotions." That's what he was reading, anyway.

Yea, his thumb was long...and that seemed legit. Dylan was a fast-thinker and he was confident with challenges. His heart might have ruled him with Beezus...but there were no other areas of his life that would deterred by emotions.
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Old 07-08-2013, 06:54 PM   #104 (permalink)
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SPOILER!!: Replies
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ella was staring at her hand just as she was asked, see? She was listening too cause class and the sixteen year old didn't know any of this stuff besides what she'd read about in her text book. She clearly wasn't an expert or anything.

Length of the thumb? Well Ella really wanted to point out that you could give a really awesome thumbs up depending on the length but she kept that bit to herself. Instead, she tried to remember what she'd read about Palmistry. "I think the length has something to do with success?" Or like...the drive to succeed or something? Ella wasn't completely sure but she thought she'd read something like that. Maybe.
Success? Callie could see what Ella meant by that. "That is a part of it I guess, but not what it fully means." The girl got a smile and a nod though.
Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
Yeah, okay. Sky really didn't want to answer that question, because of reasons, but she did open her book to the chapter on Palmistry and began to skim it. Though that wasn't doing her much good, considering that it seemed there were many different things that the thumb said about a person. So, summarization? "It tells the person's basic personality." Because that's what she'd gotten out of her skimming. Annd....studying her palm now.
"That's partially correct. The thumb alone doesn't tell the entire basic personality of a person but it does contribute to that total." Not exactly correct but on the right track.
Originally Posted by lemon View Post
Oh. Oh, cool. Less confusing now. Kind of.

"Will you tell me results and findings and stuff about it after you research things, professor?" And. Andddd. Also. Just wondering. "Do I get bonus points for asking a question that stumps you?" That sounded awesome to Alice. She grinned a toothy, toothy grin at Elwood, then continued studying her hand. Length of her thumb?

Nah, she had nothing.
"Of course, it may take some time to find that information but I will let you know as soon as I find it Miss Fischer." She was just finishing that thought when the Gryffindor Captain asked if she got bonus points for stumping her.

Haha. No.

The blonde chuckled before speaking again. "Not right now Alice, perhaps if you do well in today's activity? We shall see." Cheeky girl.
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post


If Daichi could have he would have jumped out of his chair and HUGGED the professor. But he didn't... no point in losing points right? He watched with a gleeful expression how the bowls were conjured and he happily scooped up some of his ice cream before passing the bucket to someone else.

BUT..why were people grinning at the Professor?! it was HIS ice cream that he shared! MAJOR!POUT! He did caught Ella's grin though and he waved at her before turning his attention to class again.

Having missed the previous question because he had been too busy with eating the ice cream, Daichi raised his hand on the next one though. "It tells your health and behaviour?" he asked. Mweh he wasn't sure if it was right or not but atleast he was paying attention~!
The Slytherin Prefect had been pretty preoccupied with his ice cream but at least he was paying enough attention to try and answer her latest question. "Not really Mr. Katheros but that is a valid hypothesis."
Originally Posted by Talikins View Post
Maybe answering wasn't a good thing, but then nobody could be right everytime unless they were some genius or something. She wasn't that, but she did try her best at everything she could.

Air hand, she had decided that before. That was her hand, and even observing it a second time she could see more so how air-like it was. So that she didn't have to worry about, if they were some activity later on with thier hands, she knew for sure what hers was.

BUT question. Thumbs? Yeah no...she didn't know this one, so she was just listening and taking notes down. ...till a question of her own popped in her mind. With her hand raised she began addressing the Professor. "Professor?" Poooooout. "What would happen if someone was born without fingers, lets say a thumb or something like that? Or even without any hands." That was possible, no? So what would they do? This badger was curious.
The Head Girl was a curious Puff wasn't she? "Well," Callie thought about the question before answering. "a person who was just missing one finger would probably use the other hand without much problem. If it so happened that that was the hand they wanted to read or if they are doing the classic two hand reading it would reflect accidents or illness/disability depending on how the fingers were lost."

And then awkwardly Professor Elwood answered the last part. "And if they did not have hands...then they could not practice Palmistry." Unfortunate, really.
Originally Posted by Princesspower View Post
Sarah was quite enjoying the absurdity of all this. What kind of hands did yshe have? She looked down she had long fingers and her palm was not ssqwuare.. or was it? Was she fire air or water? She did not knownor did she care..

Thumbs.. she raised her hand "maybe it determines how they GRASP information... y'know as the thumb helps us grasp things. Or maybe how controlling they are as thumbs help people grip..." she loved how this class helped her excersice her creativity.
"Not exactly but if you could connect controlling with ambition you would be more on the right track." The Gryffindor was close but just not quite right.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post

Elwood was giving them a thumbs up? Had they done that well at figuring out their hand types or...?

... Oh! No! Thumbs. And Palmistry. What did the length of the thumb suggest about a person? "Professor?" he said, raising his hand in the air, "Does it have anything to do with ambition? The longer the thumb, the more ambitious the person?" Was that it or...?

Also, his hand? And its type? Alec held it up about a foot away from his face and stared at his palm again. Okay... if his palm wasn't round/ovalish shape, then that meant that it wasn't Water, yeah? He drew a small cross next to that sentence in his notes before looking at the others. Elimination process. That would help find out what his hand type-

EARTH! He was... going to go with that for now.
Alec was really close, almost correct. "Yes Mr. Summers the longer thumbs tend to belong to people who are more ambitious than others. Good."
Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Nigel just smirked at the question and answered. "Does it suggest the person is Strong and Healthy."

Nigel tried very hard not to laugh at the question and did not know if he succeeded or not. He knew he was being immature. But it was too funny.

Ignorance is Bliss, after all.
What was the boy on to? He was acting weird. Callie ignored it and thought about his answer. "Not exactly, but good guess."
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
It took for a while for her to come to the realization that the class had continued and there was now another question to be answered. Another question she didn't know the answer to but see...the Professor might have noticed her zoning out earlier and zoning out twice wouldn't have been very impressive.

She leaned forward in her seat and tried looking as attentive as possible, eyes falling on Daichi's ice-cream on the odd occasions. Self-control, she had it...for the most part.

Think Lex, this was palm reading. What would you want to know that you'd be so desperate as to ask one of the many body parts that wasn't meant for talking?

Slowly she raised her hand. It wasn't waving around this time, she was hardly sure she was willing to answer but again, zoning out twice, no. "Could it maybe tell you what kind of person someone is? Like you could walk up to them, spot the thumb and know 'oh I should avoid this one' or 'this one's awfully generous, I can mooch candy off them'?" Could palm reading do that???

She wanted to tell who would give her candy and who wouldn't!! That'd be EPIC.
"An interesting take on Palmistry Alexa, but the thumb alone would not tell you that. Perhaps a combination of the hand type, the different lines on the palm and the length of the thumb could possibly tell you whether or not it would be in one's nature to offer or lend you things but you couldn't tell that with any certainty using just the thumb." Callie had tried not to giggle at the girl's obsession with candy and its ability to permeate into the classroom.
Originally Posted by hpfan18 View Post
Kace was still starring off into space today. He really had NO attention for this class today. I mean can you blame him? He was tired and learning to juggle everything. He was really tired for some reason. But he was still alert.

Now they were learning about Palm Reading? Hmmm....interesting. This was gonna be an interesting class. He was flipping through his textbook for some answer. He was gonna participate and he found an answer he needed to question

"Professor is it true that if the thumb naturally hides within the palm, then the person is usually fearful and full of anxiety?" I mean it dealt along the lines with the thumb aspect. He shrugged but at least he proved to the professor he was attentive.
Not exactly what she had asked but still THUMB KNOWLEDGE!!

"Very interesting point, it is true that if the thumb naturally is hidden inward instead of outward that the person is usually more anxious than others who's thumbs rest normally or outward." The young boy seemed to have picked up some of the more abstract points from the chapter, but still good things to know.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Jory studied his hands. They weren't exactly oval so they weren't the water type. Anyway, back to that in a few. He raised a hand. "They tell us about a person's personality, maybe,'' the Puffer suggested.
"That's partially correct Jory." Professor Elwood nodded a the Puff. "They do tell about a part of a person's personality but the thumb does not determine the who thing."
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
Now what had he read about that?

West stuck his hand up. "Long thumbs are good with decision making and, depending which part of the thumb is long, it indicates the balance of willpower and logic in a person."

West was kinda skeptical about that though.
"Willpower and ambition are both characteristics of a person who has a long thumb, good Mr. Odessa." The boy had decided to answer her without sarcasm this time or perhaps he deemed she asked correctly this time. Regardless he was participating once more which was a plus.
Originally Posted by jrtpuplvr View Post
Asher thought a moment. "What would a thumb have to do with it?" He looked at his own hands, trying to decided if his thumbs were long or short. He turned his hands palms in and palms out, looking at all the different features he had never noticed before.

"I believe the length of your thumb represents how long you will live. Long thumb, long life?"
"That would be nice for those of us who had long thumbs but a terrible, daily reminder for those who had short thumbs." Callie smiled at the Puff boy. "Unfortunately that is not what the thumb symbolizes but good guess."
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon View Post
SPOILER!!: Water Hands

Eliza liked tying elements into things. It helped her remember them better, sometimes. She looked at her own hand, her familiar long fingers wiggling playfully. She glanced around at others doing the same thing and wondered what they all thought their hand shapes were. Hers was...sort of smallish, she supposed. In comparison to her fingers at least.

She didn't know the water shapes, so she just listened and took notes about it.

She supposed her hand was a toss up between the air hand and the water hand, which was funny because she was in Ravenclaw, the air house, and she was a Pisces, a water sign. It was funny how that stuff worked out sometimes, though she still wasn't sure if that made her believe it wholeheartedly or anything. But the fact that they all were allowed to share some ice cream was making her lean more towards the blind trust side - at least for today.

Now about the thumb lengths and what they meant... Everyone seemed to have a different idea on that. "Professor, I think I've heard too, that different segments in the thumb mean different things. Though I'm not really sure which is which...or what. Maybe from the base to the first knuckle could mean something to do with that first line in your palm that touches the base of your thumb? Or maybe that's just mine." She kept eyeing her thumb, turning it from side to side and bending it back and forth. Hers was pretty long, but not like freakishly long or anything. But still, definitely not stumpy by an stretch of the imagination. She flipped to the palm reading section of her book and saw that the line she'd been looking at was a Venus line or something...So she still wasn't sure what it meant.
Eliza had definitely read the material on Palmistry before the lesson but she was going into more in depth knowledge than would be necessary for today. "Good Miss Dawnsel but today we will be focusing on just the ambitious and confidence characteristic as a whole for the thumb since we are just beginning. We will continue with more sections in another lesson or for homework." Good job bringing it up though.
Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
...Dylan was still eyeing his hard, trying to decide if his palm was squared or longer...It looked squared the more he stared and he finally turned his full attention to his fingers...and his thumb. His thumb was definitely longer...given that all his fingers were a little long. Musical fingers, the Slytherin liked to say.

"Longer thumbs suggest fast thinking and intellect....and being confident with challenges....Short thumbs suggest a more thoughtful nature...and being ruled by your emotions." That's what he was reading, anyway.

Yea, his thumb was long...and that seemed legit. Dylan was a fast-thinker and he was confident with challenges. His heart might have ruled him with Beezus...but there were no other areas of his life that would deterred by emotions.
"Very good Mr. Montmorency." Glad to see he was answering on his own this time and not falling suit with West. "The Long thumb often represents confidence and ambition with regards to decision making and what you said is also right for short thumbs."

Yes good, good. Everyone had made their guesses and at least a few of them were correct or partially so. Professor Elwood got all of their attention once again and began to address them all. "Like a few of you told us, the length of the thumb symbolizes different things if it is long or short. Long thumbs represent confident and ambitious persons in regards to their decision making skills and challenges. A person with a short thumb is more thoughtful and could be mistaken for a shy or slow-acting person because they are being more careful than those with longer thumbs." Make sense? She had watched all of their quills move back and forth over the parchment taking notes and hoped that they all got that.

So moving on. "What I want everyone to do now is to stand up, bring your notes with you and find a partner. Once you have you companion, decide together what hand type your partner and yourself have using your notes on each. When you decide please write down at least two to three reasons why you've decided that's what type you or your partner is. Once you've done you, your partner or both of you can come up and retrieve two glass slabs, one ink pad, and two rubber pads from my desk." She pointed to the stack of items piled up on the wooden surface behind her. Professor Elwood cleared her thought before continuing with directions. "Once you have done this please wait for further instructions."

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Old 07-08-2013, 07:27 PM   #105 (permalink)

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Ella was busy scribbling notes as she listened to her classmates offer info on thumb length. She glanced down at the thumb of her quill-less hand, head tilted to the side. Her thumb was small. As was her hand in general. Did this mean she was extra careful? Maybe.

Oh and time for partners?

The sixteen year old gathered up her notes and looked around the room. "Anyone need a partner?" Hopeful looks and a smile from the sixteen year old.
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Old 07-08-2013, 09:05 PM   #106 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ella was busy scribbling notes as she listened to her classmates offer info on thumb length. She glanced down at the thumb of her quill-less hand, head tilted to the side. Her thumb was small. As was her hand in general. Did this mean she was extra careful? Maybe.

Oh and time for partners?

The sixteen year old gathered up her notes and looked around the room. "Anyone need a partner?" Hopeful looks and a smile from the sixteen year old.
Asher listened and took notes as the Professor spoke. Then he realized what the Professor had said. He had to get...a partner. One of the older girls, Ella, from Hufflepuff was sitting near him. "Um, I could use a partner. If you don't mind partnering up with a first year."

He picked up his things and headed her way, hoping she wound't wave him off.
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Old 07-08-2013, 09:23 PM   #107 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by jrtpuplvr View Post
Asher listened and took notes as the Professor spoke. Then he realized what the Professor had said. He had to get...a partner. One of the older girls, Ella, from Hufflepuff was sitting near him. "Um, I could use a partner. If you don't mind partnering up with a first year."

He picked up his things and headed her way, hoping she wound't wave him off.
Ickle!Asher. N'aww. Ella smiled at him and waved him over. "Of course I don't mind." Who knows, Asher could totally know more about this stuff than Ella. Divination wasn't exactly her best subject, y'know.

When he sat down, the blonde smiled at him before glancing down at her notes. "So...any idea what type of hand you've got?" Cause Ella was still trying to sort that out.

"I'm torn about my own...cause my hands are quite small but they are pretty long." She then held out her hand for him to see. Hopefully they could work together and sort it out.
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Old 07-08-2013, 09:28 PM   #108 (permalink)

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A combination huh? Well then, she would find the most generous combination, hunt that person and live with sugar all happy like for the rest of her life. It was the perfect plan. She just needed to know which hand could get her there.

After taking down everything the Professor said she took a moment to read over her parchment. Maybe this was all she needed to find that hand type--

Say what now?

Partners?....Er....okay. She looked around the room thinking she should just yell that she needed a partner...but that never turned out well for her, like ever. Last time, she had her hair shaved off--while practising a hair growth spell might she add. This was tricky business. There most have been someone she could ask--OH!!! There we go! "Mo! You wanna be my partner?!" Pleeeeeease?
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________

______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.

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Old 07-08-2013, 09:39 PM   #109 (permalink)
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Mweh his answer had been wrong?

Daichi dipped the spoon in the ice cream and took a big bite. He chewed on it before he shivered and dropped the spoon on the desk. "Brainfreeze!" He said loudly as he pressed his warm hand on his forehead. He rubbed it and a few seconds later it was gone. "I'm alive!"

Taking another bite from the ice cream, the Slytherin listened to the next instructions and looked around afterwards. eyes landed on Alexa who seemed to be EYEYING his icecream. Waving at her, he pointed at the bowl that the Professor had conjured earlier for everyone and then to the ice cream. Meaning she too could have some you know. It was for the whole class~


"Who wants to be partners with an awesome person?!"


...Wait....they had to WRITE NOTES?!
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Old 07-08-2013, 09:40 PM   #110 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ickle!Asher. N'aww. Ella smiled at him and waved him over. "Of course I don't mind." Who knows, Asher could totally know more about this stuff than Ella. Divination wasn't exactly her best subject, y'know.

When he sat down, the blonde smiled at him before glancing down at her notes. "So...any idea what type of hand you've got?" Cause Ella was still trying to sort that out.

"I'm torn about my own...cause my hands are quite small but they are pretty long." She then held out her hand for him to see. Hopefully they could work together and sort it out.
"Hmm, I"m not sure about mine. My hands seem rather thick, but I'm not thinking my thumbs are long." Asher looked down at Ella's hands. He reached his left hand out and touched her fingers. 'Oh my goodness, I'm touching a girls hand. An older girl.' he thought, with his stomach doing a little flip.

"Your thumbs look a little on the longer side. At least they look that way to me." He thought a bit more. "Yes, small hands, but long fingers and thumbs."
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Old 07-08-2013, 09:57 PM   #111 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
A combination huh? Well then, she would find the most generous combination, hunt that person and live with sugar all happy like for the rest of her life. It was the perfect plan. She just needed to know which hand could get her there.

After taking down everything the Professor said she took a moment to read over her parchment. Maybe this was all she needed to find that hand type--

Say what now?

Partners?....Er....okay. She looked around the room thinking she should just yell that she needed a partner...but that never turned out well for her, like ever. Last time, she had her hair shaved off--while practising a hair growth spell might she add. This was tricky business. There most have been someone she could ask--OH!!! There we go! "Mo! You wanna be my partner?!" Pleeeeeease?
Mo gave Lex a glance before scooting over to sit near her. It wasn't a bad idea to work with the younger girl - she paid attention and wasn't totally clueless, PLUS he sort of owed her. Several times over.

"Sure. Here." He thrust his hand at her palm up. She could go first. He wiggled his fingers at her helpfully. "Give it a whirl. I know what I think I am, but I'm interested in your opinion."
★ Dawn ★

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Old 07-08-2013, 10:04 PM   #112 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post
Mweh his answer had been wrong?

Daichi dipped the spoon in the ice cream and took a big bite. He chewed on it before he shivered and dropped the spoon on the desk. "Brainfreeze!" He said loudly as he pressed his warm hand on his forehead. He rubbed it and a few seconds later it was gone. "I'm alive!"

Taking another bite from the ice cream, the Slytherin listened to the next instructions and looked around afterwards. eyes landed on Alexa who seemed to be EYEYING his icecream. Waving at her, he pointed at the bowl that the Professor had conjured earlier for everyone and then to the ice cream. Meaning she too could have some you know. It was for the whole class~


"Who wants to be partners with an awesome person?!"


...Wait....they had to WRITE NOTES?!
She had been wondering herself what type of hand was hers. She still hadn't come up with an answer to that but it seemed like she would need to now. Since Elwood said they needed to. And find a partner as well. She looked around her looking for a someone to bug and partner up with. Oh, who was asking for a partner? Cassia looked around searching for the voice's source and saw that it was the prefect. She stood up and dragged her chair to where the Prefect was. "Hi, awesome person," You know since she was pretty much forcing herself to be partnered up with, might as well be nice and all.

"I'll partner up with you," She smiled. Lady Cassia herself. Did he know how lucky he was. He should. Sitting down and making herself all comfortable, the fourth-year brought her hands and spread them on the desk palms upwards.

She didn't really think he'd say no. So yeah.

"So, we're supposed to know what type our hands are," She said staring down at hers. "Spread yours so we can tell," Because they were doing both their hands and their partner's right? That was the point of partnering. Though it is not that she was being bossy or anything. Surely he knew more since he was a seventh year. Another Cassia!smile there.

Reaching for her textbooks, she set it aside to look at the notes she had scribbled. Then she spread her hands again.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such

And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'm yours
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Old 07-08-2013, 10:30 PM   #113 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by jrtpuplvr View Post
"Hmm, I"m not sure about mine. My hands seem rather thick, but I'm not thinking my thumbs are long." Asher looked down at Ella's hands. He reached his left hand out and touched her fingers. 'Oh my goodness, I'm touching a girls hand. An older girl.' he thought, with his stomach doing a little flip.

"Your thumbs look a little on the longer side. At least they look that way to me." He thought a bit more. "Yes, small hands, but long fingers and thumbs."
Thick hands and short fingers, hmm. Ella thought on this while she let Asher take a closer look at her hand. She tilted her head, watching him curiously. He seemed pretty interested.

"Small hands but longer fingers and thumbs. Hm." That...sounded a bit like Air and Water, didn't it. "I guess the deciding factor with be the shape of my palm, yeah?" And she looked down, observing her palm thoughtfully. "I'd say it's more of an oval...what about you?" Which meant...Water?

And then it was time for her to check his, yes? The sixteen year old held out her hand, palm up, and looked at him expectantly. "Your turn."
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Old 07-08-2013, 10:31 PM   #114 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by the fastest seeker View Post
She had been wondering herself what type of hand was hers. She still hadn't come up with an answer to that but it seemed like she would need to now. Since Elwood said they needed to. And find a partner as well. She looked around her looking for a someone to bug and partner up with. Oh, who was asking for a partner? Cassia looked around searching for the voice's source and saw that it was the prefect. She stood up and dragged her chair to where the Prefect was. "Hi, awesome person," You know since she was pretty much forcing herself to be partnered up with, might as well be nice and all.

"I'll partner up with you," She smiled. Lady Cassia herself. Did he know how lucky he was. He should. Sitting down and making herself all comfortable, the fourth-year brought her hands and spread them on the desk palms upwards.

She didn't really think he'd say no. So yeah.

"So, we're supposed to know what type our hands are," She said staring down at hers. "Spread yours so we can tell," Because they were doing both their hands and their partner's right? That was the point of partnering. Though it is not that she was being bossy or anything. Surely he knew more since he was a seventh year. Another Cassia!smile there.

Reaching for her textbooks, she set it aside to look at the notes she had scribbled. Then she spread her hands again.
Looking around the room, he wondered who would want to be his partner when he heard a voice coming from close-by. Seeing Cassia having dragged her own chair towards his desk he looked down at her from where he was standing and then quickly sat down on his own chair.


"Hi to you too"
he grinned and looked at her taking some notes. Right, the notes. "I think i missed something earlier" to busy eating ice cream you know! "Can i see your notes for a second so i can add them?" SMART SLYTHERIN!

Rolling up the sleeve of the black school robe he wore, Daichi spread his fingers as he SLAMMED placed his hand on the table. Now what?
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Old 07-08-2013, 10:49 PM   #115 (permalink)

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Kace was learning a lot today about divination. Well palmistry to be more precise. He was taking notes and such and even when the professor was talking to him. He was being attentive because all of this seemed interesting. Then he perked up his ears and heard they needed partners?

Hmm...that was called for. He knew they would need to do partner work. He took his notes with him once he copied the last bits from the board he went around the classroom looking for a partner.
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Old 07-08-2013, 11:07 PM   #116 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post
Looking around the room, he wondered who would want to be his partner when he heard a voice coming from close-by. Seeing Cassia having dragged her own chair towards his desk he looked down at her from where he was standing and then quickly sat down on his own chair.


"Hi to you too"
he grinned and looked at her taking some notes. Right, the notes. "I think i missed something earlier" to busy eating ice cream you know! "Can i see your notes for a second so i can add them?" SMART SLYTHERIN!

Rolling up the sleeve of the black school robe he wore, Daichi spread his fingers as he SLAMMED placed his hand on the table. Now what?
Did he ask for her notes? Must she warn him that the doodling which occupied like ninety percent of the page had nothing to do with the lesson? Naaah. He'd surely figure it out himself. Those random shapes she had drawn surely had nothing to do with Divination. Everyone knew that. Also, she kinda was a liiiiittle bit disappointed since when you bug a seventh-year and a prefect to partner with, you kinda expect that you'd be sitting back and they'd be doing all the work while she continued on the doodling. That what she gets for plotting into how to get other people do her job. Served her right. She pushed the textbook closer to Daichi allowing him a better view. That's if he deciphered her hand writing. :3

Anyway, back to hands. Cassia looked down at Daichi's hand and took her time inspecting it then measured his fingers with hers by putting her hand next to his. "Well, your fingers aren't short," She said. "I'm not sure if they are long though. They're average," She took a quick look at her notes and so that no average was there. "I think we'll consider them long." Because they weren't short. " And you're palm is...I'd say oval," She said glancing up at the older boy. Did he agree. "That means your hand is a water hand," According to her analyzes. "Do you agree?"

Before spreading her own hands again she reached again for his and put two fingers on it, "It's dry though,"PAUSE. Then her lips twitched in a grin. Oh she was hilarious, wasn't she?

Very proud of her sense of humor she spread both hands and stared. "What do you think," She did have thin and kinda long fingers. Though her palm wasn't really round nor oval. Hmm..
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such

And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'm yours
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Old 07-09-2013, 01:46 AM   #117 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Mo gave Lex a glance before scooting over to sit near her. It wasn't a bad idea to work with the younger girl - she paid attention and wasn't totally clueless, PLUS he sort of owed her. Several times over.

"Sure. Here." He thrust his hand at her palm up. She could go first. He wiggled his fingers at her helpfully. "Give it a whirl. I know what I think I am, but I'm interested in your opinion."
He said yes, without any suspicious looks or glances around to see if there were any better offers! Woot! Seemed like he was ready to get right to work too. Awesome! Sooner they were done was the sooner she could get some ice-cream from Daichi. He was giving her hopeful looks so she was taking that as a good sign. Yup.

But on to Mo's hand.

She squinted at it before turning to her notes again. "Um...gimme a minute..." She looked over her notes then focused on his hand again. "I'd say...Earth--no no," She glanced back at her notes.

"Water. It's a water hand, isn't it?" She gave a definite nod. "I do believe you have a water hand Branxton." BEAM. Was she right???
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________

______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.

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Old 07-09-2013, 03:45 AM   #118 (permalink)
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~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

So, it was time to partner up! Jory turned to Ronnie. "Your hand, my lady,'' he said with a grin, and he took Ronnie's hand and placed it next to his books containing his notes. "Okay, so let's see,'' he muttered, studying his girlfriend's hand.

The Puffer's eye went back and forth, eyeing his notes and Ronnie's hand. After a minute or two he spoke. "I think you've got the air hand, Rons. What do you think?'' Her hand certainly had the characteristics. Quickly, he scribbled the reasons for his answer on a piece of parchment; he could make changes if the need arises:

1. Ronnie's fingers are long and thin.
2. Her palm is square.
"Okay, my turn!'' Jory placed a hand in front of Ronnie and waited for her to get started.
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The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be.🌺🌺🌺
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Old 07-09-2013, 03:47 AM   #119 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
He said yes, without any suspicious looks or glances around to see if there were any better offers! Woot! Seemed like he was ready to get right to work too. Awesome! Sooner they were done was the sooner she could get some ice-cream from Daichi. He was giving her hopeful looks so she was taking that as a good sign. Yup.

But on to Mo's hand.

She squinted at it before turning to her notes again. "Um...gimme a minute..." She looked over her notes then focused on his hand again. "I'd say...Earth--no no," She glanced back at her notes.

"Water. It's a water hand, isn't it?" She gave a definite nod. "I do believe you have a water hand Branxton." BEAM. Was she right???
"Water, hmm?" Mo turned his hand over to stare at it before shrugging. Sure. Why not? That was sort of what he'd been thinking as well. "Why, though? I think you have to say why."

While she considered it, Mo took up Lex's hand and studied her palm and the length of her fingers. "Square palm. Or squarish. Not oval, I mean." He measured out the length of her fingers in comparison to the length of her palm. "Long fingers too. So that's... an air hand. You have an air hand."
★ Dawn ★

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Old 07-09-2013, 04:10 AM   #120 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
"Water, hmm?" Mo turned his hand over to stare at it before shrugging. Sure. Why not? That was sort of what he'd been thinking as well. "Why, though? I think you have to say why."

While she considered it, Mo took up Lex's hand and studied her palm and the length of her fingers. "Square palm. Or squarish. Not oval, I mean." He measured out the length of her fingers in comparison to the length of her palm. "Long fingers too. So that's... an air hand. You have an air hand."

Why'd he have to ask why? Wasn't finding it out enough? She paused, giving it some thought. Now that he mentioned it, she did remember the Professor saying something about them giving a reason. Meant she actually had to. "Well..." She gave his hand another long look. "You've got thin, long fingers, see?" She began, pointing to his fingers. She took his palm and made a circle kind of motion just above it. "The palm's not's more oval like so there we have it, plus, I guessed water and you agreed so I'm most likely right."

He would have said something if she wasn't, he was the type to.

As he spoke she gave her own hand a look over. "Seems legit, I can live with that!" Not like she knew what any of them meant anyway. "So are you going to go collect the stuff from up there or you want me to run and get them?"
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________

______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.

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Old 07-09-2013, 09:37 AM   #121 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by hpfan18 View Post
Kace was learning a lot today about divination. Well palmistry to be more precise. He was taking notes and such and even when the professor was talking to him. He was being attentive because all of this seemed interesting. Then he perked up his ears and heard they needed partners?

Hmm...that was called for. He knew they would need to do partner work. He took his notes with him once he copied the last bits from the board he went around the classroom looking for a partner.
Nerida looked around as she picked up her notes and all that other stuff...Yeah partners...She looked around the room anybody want to be Nerida's partner...Nope. Before she actually said any of the words out loud she saw a boy and walked over, "Hey do you have a partner yet?" If not Nerida would gladly be his partner.

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Old 07-09-2013, 11:19 AM   #122 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by the fastest seeker View Post
Did he ask for her notes? Must she warn him that the doodling which occupied like ninety percent of the page had nothing to do with the lesson? Naaah. He'd surely figure it out himself. Those random shapes she had drawn surely had nothing to do with Divination. Everyone knew that. Also, she kinda was a liiiiittle bit disappointed since when you bug a seventh-year and a prefect to partner with, you kinda expect that you'd be sitting back and they'd be doing all the work while she continued on the doodling. That what she gets for plotting into how to get other people do her job. Served her right. She pushed the textbook closer to Daichi allowing him a better view. That's if he deciphered her hand writing. :3

Anyway, back to hands. Cassia looked down at Daichi's hand and took her time inspecting it then measured his fingers with hers by putting her hand next to his. "Well, your fingers aren't short," She said. "I'm not sure if they are long though. They're average," She took a quick look at her notes and so that no average was there. "I think we'll consider them long." Because they weren't short. " And you're palm is...I'd say oval," She said glancing up at the older boy. Did he agree. "That means your hand is a water hand," According to her analyzes. "Do you agree?"

Before spreading her own hands again she reached again for his and put two fingers on it, "It's dry though,"PAUSE. Then her lips twitched in a grin. Oh she was hilarious, wasn't she?

Very proud of her sense of humor she spread both hands and stared. "What do you think," She did have thin and kinda long fingers. Though her palm wasn't really round nor oval. Hmm..
When the girl pushed her notebook towards him, the Slytherin opened his own and flipped to an empty page. He dipped the quill in the ink and as his vision went to the notebook he stared.

Doodles, like, literally EVERYWHERE! He hoped for her sake that this wasn't the book she had to hand over at the end of the year.... Still, the little doodles were kinda cute, it was just missing some. "Where are the little duckies and ice creams?" he asked as he pointed at her notebook. HMMM? WELL?!

Turning his attention back to writing her notes over, the Prefect scratched his words every know and then because her handwriting was truely horrible. No offence but it reminded him of that handwriting from the groundskeeper....

"I'll...i'll do this later.." he finally gave up trying to decipher.

So his hand was a water hand? He looked at his own hand before flipping the pages of his textbook to find out what a water hand was. And what he found was SCARILY accurate. This was Divination...DIVINATION! shouldn't be this scarily accurate! "Yeah, i agree with you"

Moving on to her hand, the Prefect eyed it when she showed him her hands. Her fingers were thin and long , they looked typically girly to be honest. The shape of the palm was definitely different than his.

"I think your hand is an Air hand"
he answered while he read the textbook. Long fingers, yup. Square palm, yup.

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Old 07-09-2013, 12:25 PM   #123 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post
When the girl pushed her notebook towards him, the Slytherin opened his own and flipped to an empty page. He dipped the quill in the ink and as his vision went to the notebook he stared.

Doodles, like, literally EVERYWHERE! He hoped for her sake that this wasn't the book she had to hand over at the end of the year.... Still, the little doodles were kinda cute, it was just missing some. "Where are the little duckies and ice creams?" he asked as he pointed at her notebook. HMMM? WELL?!

Turning his attention back to writing her notes over, the Prefect scratched his words every know and then because her handwriting was truely horrible. No offence but it reminded him of that handwriting from the groundskeeper....

"I'll...i'll do this later.." he finally gave up trying to decipher.

So his hand was a water hand? He looked at his own hand before flipping the pages of his textbook to find out what a water hand was. And what he found was SCARILY accurate. This was Divination...DIVINATION! shouldn't be this scarily accurate! "Yeah, i agree with you"

Moving on to her hand, the Prefect eyed it when she showed him her hands. Her fingers were thin and long , they looked typically girly to be honest. The shape of the palm was definitely different than his.

"I think your hand is an Air hand"
he answered while he read the textbook. Long fingers, yup. Square palm, yup.

Cassia beamed proudly when she saw Daichi taking a prolonged look at her doodles. He liked them, no?! She knew one day her art was going to be appreciated. And yeah doodles were art. Mhhmm. Duckies? "I never really drawn any." She said and she wondered if she could draw any. Because her arts mattered she snatched took the quill from him and started drawing the duck's bill then his head and neck then wings. The feathers followed. Then she added the eyes. She grinned at Daichi, "Here, that's a duck!" She really was feeling artsy. Awesome huh? Too bad it was a lesson and she couldn't draw more. Or could she? Hmm..Would Elwood mind turning her lesson into a drawing class. Probably.

Did he not understand her hand writing. Ehhhh..No surprise.

Back to hands types. Cassia spread hers and waited for the older boy. And good thing he agreed on her analysis.

Air hand? Cassia looked down at her hands and considered. Seemed legit. The shape of her hands did match the the air hands. "I think yes," She answered with nod.

Now they needed to get the stuffs for the next part, right? Unless they could continue to draw stuffs.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such

And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'm yours
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Old 07-09-2013, 12:53 PM   #124 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Thick hands and short fingers, hmm. Ella thought on this while she let Asher take a closer look at her hand. She tilted her head, watching him curiously. He seemed pretty interested.

"Small hands but longer fingers and thumbs. Hm." That...sounded a bit like Air and Water, didn't it. "I guess the deciding factor with be the shape of my palm, yeah?" And she looked down, observing her palm thoughtfully. "I'd say it's more of an oval...what about you?" Which meant...Water?

And then it was time for her to check his, yes? The sixteen year old held out her hand, palm up, and looked at him expectantly. "Your turn."
He studied her hand a bit more as she spoke. Asher nodded and said "Yes, oval. I agree with oval."

Asher watched as Ella held out her hand and he gently placed his, palm up, on hers. "Sorry, mine are kind of scratched up from playing outside." His hands were always bumped and bruised from climbing trees and digging around in the dirt and rocks. "I think I'm an earth person."

'An Earth person?' he thought,
'why did I just say that.' He blushed and hoped Ella didn't think he was a complete dork.
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Old 07-09-2013, 06:38 PM   #125 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by jrtpuplvr View Post
He studied her hand a bit more as she spoke. Asher nodded and said "Yes, oval. I agree with oval."

Asher watched as Ella held out her hand and he gently placed his, palm up, on hers. "Sorry, mine are kind of scratched up from playing outside." His hands were always bumped and bruised from climbing trees and digging around in the dirt and rocks. "I think I'm an earth person."

'An Earth person?' he thought,
'why did I just say that.' He blushed and hoped Ella didn't think he was a complete dork.
"Brilliant. Oval it is." She was glad he agreed because it was much easier to set this down in writing when you had a second opinion to back yours up, yeah? "So my hand is a Water hand, then. Long, thin fingers and an oval palm." Awesome. Now they could figure out Asher's.

The sixteen year old smiled at the first year before observing his hand curiously. "That's okay. My little brother's are like that too. He likes to climb trees." Which meant lots of scrapes but she supposed that lots of boys had those. Some girls too. "An earth person, huh?" What were earth hands meant to look like again? The blonde glanced at her notes to double check, oblivious to the blushing.

"I might be right, Asher." Beam. "Squarish palms and short fingers, you've got those." Nodnod. She then ran her finger gently over the lines on his palm, trying to tell whether they'd be considered deep or not. "I suppose these are deep lines as well," She offered after a minute.

" we'll need to record our findings, yeah?"

Ella pulled a piece of fresh parchment towards her and got her quill ready. She then began to write.


Ella Bishop: Water hand
1. Oval palm
2. Long, thin fingers

Asher _____: Earth Hand
1. Square-ish palm
2. Shorter fingers
3. Lines that are pretty deep
"What's your last name, Asher?"
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