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Once you have gotten your number code correct and the door has let you through. The first thing you might notice is the room is super low. So low you might have to duck down or crawl to get in. Looking up there are little trap door all of course locked. Clear at the front of the room are more directions for you to follow.
Originally Posted by Directions
Lets have a little fun! Being small is now fun and not having guidance can be scary. So help your fellow classmates if they need and show a good role model is around. The doors above your head can easily be unlocked and I think you know the spell now, alohomora. Open the door and go through it. Waiting for you is a pair of sticky gloves and shoes. Place them on and climb the wall to retrieve one of the many smaller boxes flying around. They will come to you with a small whistle. They will not come with accio so don't even try. Once you have the box carefully go back down and take off the sticky gloves and shoes. The floor is charmed so no you can't fall to your death or even get hurt. You will need to unlock the box to retrieve the letters to get through your final door into our classroom.
Good Luck
OOC: Just as the directions say you will RP doing the steps, minimum of five to get through each step. Again there is no time limit for now so please have fun and don't feel rushed.
NOTE: If you have not been quoted in Room 1 with a link to this room please do not post here yet. I will delete the post. If you haven't started in room 1 that is okay, go have fun, do room 1! You are not too late or too far behind. I PROMISE!!
There comes a time where things do need to wrap up! I would like to move on Tuesday, January 12. So I will be closing room 1 and 2 at that point. You will have until Tuesday at 3 p.m. EST to finish up on any of your post! Once these are closed it will be said that door have opened for your character to just go straight to the classroom! Remember it is okay if your character did not get all the way through!!
Henric entered carefully as soon as he was let through the doors. Woah...why were the ceiling so low? Henric had to bend over his body in order for him to move forward. He stopped and waited for his girlfriend who was following close behind him,"llia...the ceiling's low...be careful with your head..okay?" This room was definitely not made for his height!
The door opened, Ilia watched as Henric entered, but....he bent over.....were they crawling? The ceiling was low he called back, and she frowned as she watched him. That was NOT something she wanted to do or deal with.....Opening the door, she slowly hunched down and followed VERY close to Henric. Her hand was on his back as she was as close against him as she could manage while she thought they still might be able to move. Don't leave her back here Henric, she did NOT like not being able to stand up straight. This was probably the first time in their relationship that she had truly clung to him, in this case like a cat holding a tree branch and trying to not let water touch it.... Could they still move as she clung to his side?
Originally Posted by Lady Marmalade
Bella was so excited to have made it to the next room, but that happiness slowly dropped as she entered the next room. It was small... too small for her. Truthfully, it was too small for her comfort period. She took in several deep breath trying to slow her pounding heart as she bent down lower so she could try and move forward, but she didn't make it far from the entrance. She looked to read the instructions on the board, but couldn't really focus on what was written. All she could think about was possibly not making it out of this room. It would be like the time... less than two years back... the hole... everything closing in. No, she didn't want to remember that. She just wanted to hurry and make it through this room.
She tried to move again, but to no avail. There was no way she was going to make it through this part without help. Bella found herself leaning slightly to the left, not expecting something or someone to be there to support her. She looked up with a helpless look in her green eyes, her face pale.
When Ilia finally turned to look up at her boyfriends face, a little paler than she normally was, she also saw a little girl leaning against him. First year? Wait, that girl looked a bit familiar. The one with the kitten on the train? "Bella?" She asked uncertainly. She wasn't able to see the girl well at her angle, but she thought she was right.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Hands and feet still stuck fast to the wall Hady had fixed her attention on the younger girl Azura for a moment. The girl had said she was 'okay' only not so much in those very words. She had actually said 'she thinks so'. Thinking so and knowing so are two very entirely different things and even more so when one happens to be crying. Before Hady could ask another else the girl in question went toppling down from the wall to land on her back on the floor below. Goodness gracious!
"Oh my, are you alright? Do you need the healer?!" she called out to her trying to detect from where she was up on the wall if the girl was badly hurt or not. Clearly this would be easier from on the floor. Quickly scanning the ceiling area for the little boxes she gave a short but very clear 'WHISTLE'.
Sure enough one of the boxes had heard her and came zooming straight at her. Tugging a hand from the wall the brunette made sure to catch the box before it could hit her in the box. Good, good. With the box in her arms tucked in the crook of her elbow and held against her chest she kept herself closer to the wall . This made it much harder to pull her hand from the wall and move downwards but it was doable and much safer then trying it with only one hand.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
As he stepped inside the cabinet, Jace was meant with nothing inside but a door just above his head. Looking around, it was quite obvious that it was his only way to go inside the second room. The 11 year old had no trouble climbing the trap door. It was one of those moments when he’s thankful he’s vertically challenged. The thing is, the door was locked. The boy's eyes gleamed with excitement! He quite like the feeling of knowing what to do, so without wasting another second, he pointed his wand at the door and unlocked it like a pro.
"Alohomora!" The door clicked as soon as he finished casting the spell. With that, the 11 year old pushed the trap door above his head, and showed himself inside the second room.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
As soon as Chloe ducked into the room she did not like it. Nope, nope. Not one bit.
She had to climb and retrieve things and she had nightmares about this kind of thing. Falling to her death. Anxiety was suddenly spiking her heart rate but she swallowed thickly and tried to calm it. This was a lesson. She wasn't going to die. She hoped.
Merlin only knew at this school.
Having moved through the door, Thornton sighed as he read the instructions. That summer growth spurt was certainly not coming in handy now. Dropping down to crawl along the ground, he was headed for a trap door when he spotted a younger student seeming a little.. well, out of sorts.
"Do you need help?" he asked, not wanting to presume. He came to a stop underneath a door and opened it with a quick alohomora as he watched the girl.
"We could stick together on the other side if you wanted?"
Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes
Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind
You can float across a rainbowsky
to once upon a time
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Janelle stepped inside the second room and immediately had to crouch down. Oh this was interesting. Keeping low, she moved forward to the front of the room where instructions awaited her. Janelle took a moment to read the directions and inwardly groaned. Help your fellow classmate, be a good role model. Well she had definitely failed on that assignment. Leaving an inexprienced kid behind was a fail on both counts. But......she had made her decision, so she had to live with it.
Looking up, Janelle saw the trap doors that had to be unlocked. Okay, she could do this. Concentration was the key. Hee hee. No pun intended. Shaking the doubts from her head, Janelle placed herself beneath a door. she pointed her wand at it and took a deep breath. "Alohomora", she said with authority, as she made the wand movement. Fortunately for her, the door opened. Step one completed
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Rachel decided she had better go check on Azura. With motivation to move along faster, she shifted her wait using her legs and arms (though a little awkwardly with her right one since she was carrying the box under that arm). "Almost there,'' she told herself after pausing to check on how much distance she had covered.
Huffing and puffing slightly, she anchored her feet back on the floor. "Phew. That was quite a work out.'' Rachel set down her box down on the floor then pulled off the gloves and shoes. "Thank you for assisting me get up and down that wall,'' she told the sticky apparatuses. "That was quite fun.'' Once she had replaced her own shoes, she picked up her box to go over to her friend.
"Azura? You aren't hurt, are you?'' Yes, she knew about the protective charm but Rachel wanted to ensure the other girl was fully alright.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: RandomRaven!
Originally Posted by RandomRaven
Her brown eyes spotted a young Slytherin girl (Ariadne) who looked confused and clueless. Ah, first year, it felt like she was a first year yesterday but now she wasn't. Maybe she could offer her some help? You know, being a good upperclassman because she was as clueless as her when she was being a first year student. "Do you need some help?" The young lioness asked.
Ariadne decided to try the gloves and shoes on the off chance they'd fit. She changed into the shoes on first, because she knew she'd have a hard try putting those on with gloves. They were a little big, but not by too much. She could deal with that. A charm to resize them would be better, though. Then she slid the gloves on her hands, and remarkably, they were a pretty good fit. Okay, so she had that much going for her.
Now she was starting to get nervous again. She didn't think being a first year would be hard, but nobody told her she'd have to do something like this with no instruction. O_O.
That was as far as Ariadne got before somebody was coming up to her and offering to help. She smiled at the girl. "I either have H-E-L-P written across my forehead, or people here are just that nice," she joked. "But yeah, I could use some help making it through this thing. Is every class like this? Where they just throw you out there without telling you what to do?" She looked up at the wall, sizing it up and wondering how she'd do this. "So I guess we climb the wall now..." Oh, and--... "I'm Ariadne, by the way."
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
As soon as he got through the trap door, Jace made a quick assessment of the room’s situation. Some just arrived too, some were on the wall, the others already vanishing to the next room. And...wait, what? Is that Azura on the floor? Jace rushed toward the girl...an older boy, and Rachel...bringing with him his sticky gloves and shoes provided.
“Are you alright, Azura-san? Did...something happen?” Well, obviously something happened because why else would she be on the ground, and not stuck on a wall like most of the class? Jace glanced over Rachel, and took notice of the small box in her hand. “What’s that?” the next challenge, right?
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Kitty excitedly walked in through the door to the second room. She wondered if the Professor was going to be waiting for them to give them another challenge or to grade them.
The room was so low that Kitty had to crouch to avoid hitting her head on the ceiling. Looking around at the trapdoors and the students she realized that the professor was not here, and that this was another challenge - one even stranger than the first one.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Text Cut: I think he'd actually be impressed if she hexed him
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh.
Now she did NOT like this. AT ALL.
This was dumb. And weird. And she sincerely hoped that nobody would have to brilliant idea of climbing the wall right after her. Again. Skirts were a thing. She might have to draw her wand and hex them if they tried. So far so good though. As long as nobody tried anything weird.
And yes she would even hex an innocent first year.
FINALLY they'd made it to the top, however. Ugh. She couldn't wait to come back down. Maggie very much appreciated his warning and so had time to pull one hand off the wall. Now catching. Catching wasn't exactly her strong suit. That one time Jeremy had taken her to one of those Quidditch games and had asked her if that was something she would want to try one day, Maggie had just laughed in his face. Like, lol, no.
Yet here she was, sort of up in the air, with something flying in her direction that she was supposed to catch.
The box was coming...it was coming....Maggie reached out her hand and....it slipped right through her fingers....and hit her shoulder. "Ouch!" It hadn't actually hurt that much. Her pride was definitely hurt more. Blushing she plucked the little box from the air now, then started her descent.
Stupid boxes.
Zeke wasn't necessarily an academic type, though he did fairly well for himself, and he wasn't necessarily a sportsman either, but he was athletic in many ways. So in that way, this was right up his alley. After all, what kind of Gryffindor would he be if he didn't like hanging from walls at a great height and catching objects that flew at his face?
And that's exactly what his did. One of the boxed zipped and zagged slightly before shooting straight for him, his gloved hand flying in front of his face in time to prevent an unfortunate impact. The sticky gloves though, were ACE for actually holding onto the darn thing. However he was promptly distracted from this tiny victory by Maggie's exclamation of pain. "You 'kay?" he called to her as he started descending with her (a feat that was somewhat more difficult with a box stuck to ones hand).
Once he reached the bottom, his first action was to kick off the sticky shoes before removing the gloves without finesse. Still, he got them off and unstuck, and removed the box from it's magically induced grip. "If we're dismissed after this, I'll fume," he noted as he produced his wand.
Kitty aimed her wand at the trapdoor and swishing he wand regally, shouted "Alohomora!" Then she opened the door and climbed inside, hoping that the climb ahead was not going to be very hard. Kitty was not fond of any physical activity that required hard work.
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
SPOILER!!: Ariadne
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Ariadne decided to try the gloves and shoes on the off chance they'd fit. She changed into the shoes on first, because she knew she'd have a hard try putting those on with gloves. They were a little big, but not by too much. She could deal with that. A charm to resize them would be better, though. Then she slid the gloves on her hands, and remarkably, they were a pretty good fit. Okay, so she had that much going for her.
Now she was starting to get nervous again. She didn't think being a first year would be hard, but nobody told her she'd have to do something like this with no instruction. O_O.
That was as far as Ariadne got before somebody was coming up to her and offering to help. She smiled at the girl. "I either have H-E-L-P written across my forehead, or people here are just that nice," she joked. "But yeah, I could use some help making it through this thing. Is every class like this? Where they just throw you out there without telling you what to do?" She looked up at the wall, sizing it up and wondering how she'd do this. "So I guess we climb the wall now..." Oh, and--... "I'm Ariadne, by the way."
Ava couldn't help but chuckled at this girl. Yeah, she was funny. "Well, your face screamed for help very loud." She joked her back. But this girl's face looked very clueless, like every first year students. Maybe she was like her too last term, being a completely clueless student. "And generally people in Hogwarts are very nice, of course." Which was very true. And the young lioness thought that the purpose of this class was to show the younger students (mainly the firsties) how to be a good upperclassman, like Adi and Zander. Yeah, she missed those two guys since they both liked to help her at the class like this.
"Well, this is my second year in Hogwarts and last term I don't think there were classes like this... Yeah, no." But this activity kinda reminded her of the dueling club that Professor Dakest held last term, except that one was more challenging. More climbing, better set ups, more jumping and etc. "Nice to meet you, Ariadne. I'm Ava, second year." Maybe shaking her hand for now wasn't a good idea since they both were wearing sticky gloves and there's a possibility that their hands would get stuck together. "So, are you ready for climbing? You're not afraid of height, are you?" Because it's gonna be quite difficult if she was phobia of height, but Ava could handle this. Her twin brother was afraid of height too and she liked to force him climbing a tree when they were little. "I think you should climb first, so I can watch you from the back and in case... something bad happen." She didn't make Ariadne scared, right?
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
With her trap door unlocked, Janelle was ready to take the next step. She opened the door and hoisted herself through it. Finding the sticky gloves and shoes, Janelle grabbed a pair of each. She sat down and put on the shoes which thankfully fit her. Then she stood up again and donned her gloves. Feeling like Spidergirl (was there such a thing?) she pondered the best way to scale the wall.
Reaching up, Janelle placed her hand as high on the wall as she could reach. Then with a little hop, she placed her first foot on the wall. Man this was cool. She followed by placing her second foot and moving her hands upward. Alternating hands and feet, Janelle made her way slowly up the wall, the Spiderman theme song playing in her head. Up and up she went, until she finally reached the top of the wall. Maybe she could just hang out here for a while, cuz this whole climbing thing was fun. Then Janelle realized how far behind she was and knew that she had better get a move on. Now she just had to capture the flying box. Easy peasy. Yeah, right.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Zeke wasn't necessarily an academic type, though he did fairly well for himself, and he wasn't necessarily a sportsman either, but he was athletic in many ways. So in that way, this was right up his alley. After all, what kind of Gryffindor would he be if he didn't like hanging from walls at a great height and catching objects that flew at his face?
And that's exactly what his did. One of the boxed zipped and zagged slightly before shooting straight for him, his gloved hand flying in front of his face in time to prevent an unfortunate impact. The sticky gloves though, were ACE for actually holding onto the darn thing. However he was promptly distracted from this tiny victory by Maggie's exclamation of pain. "You 'kay?" he called to her as he started descending with her (a feat that was somewhat more difficult with a box stuck to ones hand).
Once he reached the bottom, his first action was to kick off the sticky shoes before removing the gloves without finesse. Still, he got them off and unstuck, and removed the box from it's magically induced grip. "If we're dismissed after this, I'll fume," he noted as he produced his wand.
Unlocking again?
How was this challenging?
All Zeke got for asking if she was okay was a half-hearted glare. Maggie's lips were still pursed into a pout as she continued her descent until she was safely back on her feet. Stupid box. It was even making it a lot harder to climb down the wall again. She could've stopped to stick the box to her robes or something but honestly she just wanted to get back down as quickly as possible.
No time to waste.
Once her feet were on the ground again, Maggie immediately set the box down, took off her gloves, then bent down to do the same to those hideous sticky shoes. Ew. "Accio!" She summoned her real shoes – NICE shoes – then put those back on. Okay. She felt a little better already.
Drawing her wand she waved it at the box. "Alohomora." There. Now what? Zeke's words made her look over to him again, though. "Mhm. This is pretty lame." She agreed before taking a step closer to him. "Although, if we're dismissed now we have some time until our next class..." She lightly ran her fingers over his arm, a smirk on her lips.
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Olly peered out at the boxes. He was at the same height as them now, so he should be able to grab one. What had the instructions said to do? He couldn't remember all of it, except for the part that accio would not work so they shouldn't even try. But he ignored it and tried anyway, because there was no harm in trying, right? So Olly took out his wand from where he had stowed it in the pocket of his robes and pointed at one of the boxes. "Accio." And of course nothing happened. Olly just shrugged and put his wand away. He would have to do things the old fashioned way.
He reached out with one hand. The box nearest him fluttered away just out of his reach. Olly frowned at the box that seemed to be deliberately avoiding him. He retracted his arm and waited for a moment, until another one floated within arms reach. He flung his arm out again, but again the box moved away. This one darted away so quickly there was no question that it was avoiding him on purpose. Olly glared at it. What was its problem? And how was he supposed to get one to come toward him?
Having moved through the door, Thornton sighed as he read the instructions. That summer growth spurt was certainly not coming in handy now. Dropping down to crawl along the ground, he was headed for a trap door when he spotted a younger student seeming a little.. well, out of sorts.
"Do you need help?" he asked, not wanting to presume. He came to a stop underneath a door and opened it with a quick alohomora as he watched the girl.
"We could stick together on the other side if you wanted?"
Chloe looked over.
Did she need help? No. Did she want it? Not really. Lies. But only because she figured it would be rude if she said no did she comply. That was the only reason. Okay?
She nodded quickly, "If you're offering."
The second year did not want to do this climbing thing. Could he? If he wanted to bring her down the box she would do the spell. Honest. It was easy, that part.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: RandomRaven
Originally Posted by RandomRaven
Ava couldn't help but chuckled at this girl. Yeah, she was funny. "Well, your face screamed for help very loud." She joked her back. But this girl's face looked very clueless, like every first year students. Maybe she was like her too last term, being a completely clueless student. "And generally people in Hogwarts are very nice, of course." Which was very true. And the young lioness thought that the purpose of this class was to show the younger students (mainly the firsties) how to be a good upperclassman, like Adi and Zander. Yeah, she missed those two guys since they both liked to help her at the class like this.
"Well, this is my second year in Hogwarts and last term I don't think there were classes like this... Yeah, no." But this activity kinda reminded her of the dueling club that Professor Dakest held last term, except that one was more challenging. More climbing, better set ups, more jumping and etc. "Nice to meet you, Ariadne. I'm Ava, second year." Maybe shaking her hand for now wasn't a good idea since they both were wearing sticky gloves and there's a possibility that their hands would get stuck together. "So, are you ready for climbing? You're not afraid of height, are you?" Because it's gonna be quite difficult if she was phobia of height, but Ava could handle this. Her twin brother was afraid of height too and she liked to force him climbing a tree when they were little. "I think you should climb first, so I can watch you from the back and in case... something bad happen." She didn't make Ariadne scared, right?
Okay, so now that she had help, Ariadne had a little more confidence that she could do this without failing miserably. Her helper didn't look too much older than her, but she wasn't a first year, so she'd had at least one year of Charms that Ariadne didn't have. She laughed at the girl's answer to her question. "Well, thanks for coming to the rescue," she said. "I thought you were close to my age!" It was nice to meet another young person, because a lot of the people she'd met so far were older students.
She didn't know why classes were so different this year, but as long as she wasn't completely thrown out there, and there were people around to show her the charms, she thought she'd do fine. "Nice to meet you, too, Ava." Ariadne nodded...and then shook her head. Yes, she was ready to climb, and no, she wasn't afraid of heights. "I want to be a Quidditch player one day! A professional one, like my sister! You can't be afraid of heights and want to be a Quidditch player. Let's get this done!"
...and the girl wanted her to climb first?! Ariadne wasn't so sure of that, but this was a Hogwarts class set up by a professor. There couldn't be THAT much danger, could there?
So Ariadne placed her gloved hands on the wall and began climbing. "It's not so bad, Ava!" she said. And all they had to do was whistle? Ariadne began whistling, but the boxes were too far up there. She climbed some more, only slipping one time but catching her balance before she fell. Ariadne reached the height of the boxes and began whistling again. Boxes started flying her way, and for a moment, she panicked and wondered if they'd smack her in the face. She hesitantly let go of the wall with one hand and began reaching for the boxes. "Ugh! This part's harder!" she told Ava.
She reached out an snatched a box from the air and held it close to her. "I got one!" she shouted. She looked down just in time to slip again. She didn't fall, though. She just...wasn't quite sure how to climb back down.
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
SPOILER!!: Ariadne
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Okay, so now that she had help, Ariadne had a little more confidence that she could do this without failing miserably. Her helper didn't look too much older than her, but she wasn't a first year, so she'd had at least one year of Charms that Ariadne didn't have. She laughed at the girl's answer to her question. "Well, thanks for coming to the rescue," she said. "I thought you were close to my age!" It was nice to meet another young person, because a lot of the people she'd met so far were older students.
She didn't know why classes were so different this year, but as long as she wasn't completely thrown out there, and there were people around to show her the charms, she thought she'd do fine. "Nice to meet you, too, Ava." Ariadne nodded...and then shook her head. Yes, she was ready to climb, and no, she wasn't afraid of heights. "I want to be a Quidditch player one day! A professional one, like my sister! You can't be afraid of heights and want to be a Quidditch player. Let's get this done!"
...and the girl wanted her to climb first?! Ariadne wasn't so sure of that, but this was a Hogwarts class set up by a professor. There couldn't be THAT much danger, could there?
So Ariadne placed her gloved hands on the wall and began climbing. "It's not so bad, Ava!" she said. And all they had to do was whistle? Ariadne began whistling, but the boxes were too far up there. She climbed some more, only slipping one time but catching her balance before she fell. Ariadne reached the height of the boxes and began whistling again. Boxes started flying her way, and for a moment, she panicked and wondered if they'd smack her in the face. She hesitantly let go of the wall with one hand and began reaching for the boxes. "Ugh! This part's harder!" she told Ava.
She reached out an snatched a box from the air and held it close to her. "I got one!" she shouted. She looked down just in time to slip again. She didn't fall, though. She just...wasn't quite sure how to climb back down.
"Anytime." The young lioness smiled at her. She was just trying to be a good upperclassman. Besides, charms was one of her favorite subject and she wasn't that bad in this class. So why didn't she offer a help? If Adi or Zander saw this, they might be proud of her. Remind her to write to both of them after this class because they had to know about this!!!
Good to know that Ariadne wasn't afraid of height. Oh, and her sister was a professional quidditch player? That's cool! Ava might gonna ask her who her sister was and perhaps got an autograph of her because she liked collecting professional quidditch player autographs. But well... they had a mission in here and surely it wasn't a good time to talk about quidditch now. Maybe once the class was over. "I like your spirit girl. And you're right, you cannot be a good quidditch player if you're afraid of height." Ava said. "I'm gonna climb right behind you, so don't worry." But that means... if Ariadne fell down, she would gonna hit her first and they would fall together.
Let's just hope that she wouldn't fall.
Once the Slytherin girl had climbed, Ava then put on her hands to the wall and started climbing. Climb climb climb..."Oh, glad to hear that!" She shouted, in case that she couldn't hear her. Now... all they had to do was whistling to call the box? Ugh, she wasn't that good in whistling. Okay, she tried to whistle to call the box. "Ouch!" Apparently there's one box hit her face. "Merlin, this is hard." She mumbled to herself. She tried whistling again while her left hand tried to retrieve that box. "I got it too!" She said once she got one box. Putting in on her pocket, Ava carefully climbed down and.... landed safely. But it seemed like Ariadne didn't know how to go back down. "You should put your box on your pocket, Ariadne. So you can use both of your hand to climb back down." She shouted to her. "Just do it carefully, one step back at a time... You can do this!" GO GO GO ARIADNE!!
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny
Oh... well, now. If this room's set-up was supposed to make Callum feel better about having come back to class, it was doing a terrible job of it. Sure, it helped that he was already small, so he only had to duck a bit like Davie did, but it was an undesirable predicament.
Following the Ravenclaw, Callum noticed the trap doors upon the ceiling first and foremost, and he lifted a hand to point at the instructions. "There," he nodded, approaching them alongside Davie, and read them over with furrowed eyebrows. So they had to... open a trap door, go up and put on sticky shoes and gloves, snatch a flying box, bring it back down, open it, and open the box to get the letters that would lead them forward?
Cue another Gryffindor sigh. This was such a weird class. At least it was exclusively using alohomora, was it not? No more of the colloportus that had given him trouble from his understanding, so that was a relief, and he verbalized that. "I think I will be okay this time around." Meaning Davie did not have to worry about him as much and wait around for him, and Callum moved under a trap door with a smile. "Thanks for looking out for me, David." He meant it, too.
"Alohomora." With a slight swish and tap of his wand, the trap door above him opened, and Callum beamed. This spell was very good to him, and he only hoped charms would continue to be his strong suit in the future.
Ah, there they were. David moved a bit closer to the directions so he could read them, even WITH his glasses, and blinked a few times to make sure he understood them. He was already doubtful that a pair of gloves and some magical shoes would enable them to climb walls, but it wasn't a disbelieving kind of doubt. It was more of a 'what charm made these objects sticky' and 'can you teach us THAT spell' kind of doubt. He already knew the unlocking/locking ones. Now he wanted to learn the sticky ones!
So, about to move on with his friend, David blinked AGAIN when Callum suggested splitting up. "You sure?" he tested the water, really wanting to make sure Callum would not run from this room as well, because it would be much harder to go find him now. "Okay then, good luck! Have fun with it. And don't hesitate to poke me if you have any questions." Gosh, that sounded like something a professor would say... Davie liked it. He liked sounding like a professor. But, in the spirit of independent learning, he let Cal go and focused on his own trap door above him.
"Alohomora!" the second-year cast, taking a deep breath as he pointed his wand to the ceiling. Oh hey, it worked. He began to climb up into the ... space? the attic? the second room above this room? Interesting. Which part of Hogwarts WERE they in now? Unrestricted magical space? A room that wasn't really a room, but was created by the professor simply for the sake of learning?!
David was getting very curious to meet this man now. Very, very curious.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Now that Scarlett had gotten the door open, she had to climb the wall. Like a spider. Gross. Slipping the gloves on over her pink tipped fingers, she then put the pair of shoes on and then slowly put her palm the wall, testing it out before actually trying to climb. She pulled, and her glove stayed stuck. This seemed pretty safe. If she did fall - well, there were worse things.
She leaned forward and put her foot on the wall, then the other, and another...in just a few minutes, she'd scaled the wall like an insect and was headed towards the floating boxes. Funny how the one thing she seemed to be really good at in this class was climbing the wall...
Now she just had to get a box and catch it! That wouldn't so hard...right?
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Breathe.. just breathe..
The fall hadn't hurt at all, thankfully. Azura was thankful to the professor for charming the floor and she wanted to go visit him later to see what charm he used! Could they do that on the whole school? Better that.. The entire world? Because her life would be much easier if they could!
It had knocked the wind out of her, so for a moment it was difficult to catch her breath and her eyes were closed.. trying to concentrate on getting her breath back before completing the task!
Though as voices started to call out her to, her purple eyes opened and she looked upwards to see the girl on the wall (Hady) Calling out to her! "I'm all right! Thank you! She wasn't exactly sure if she could hear her, so she sat up a little and raised a shaking arm to give her a thumbs up!!
She was so sore! She was going to feel it tomorrow and her legs were shaking so badly!!
She slowly peeled off her gloves and shoes and put them to the side of her.. when..
"Rachel!" And then.. not a few seconds later.."Jace! She smiled at her two fellow Ravenclaws and she nodded. "I'm all right, thank you guys! The floor is charmed! I just got the wind knocked out of me a bit." She said as she looked at both of them.
"Climbing is not my forte! And my help left.. but I got my box! She said proudly..
Though.. it would be a miracle if she could walk out of here!!
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: RandomRaven
Originally Posted by RandomRaven
"Anytime." The young lioness smiled at her. She was just trying to be a good upperclassman. Besides, charms was one of her favorite subject and she wasn't that bad in this class. So why didn't she offer a help? If Adi or Zander saw this, they might be proud of her. Remind her to write to both of them after this class because they had to know about this!!!
Good to know that Ariadne wasn't afraid of height. Oh, and her sister was a professional quidditch player? That's cool! Ava might gonna ask her who her sister was and perhaps got an autograph of her because she liked collecting professional quidditch player autographs. But well... they had a mission in here and surely it wasn't a good time to talk about quidditch now. Maybe once the class was over. "I like your spirit girl. And you're right, you cannot be a good quidditch player if you're afraid of height." Ava said. "I'm gonna climb right behind you, so don't worry." But that means... if Ariadne fell down, she would gonna hit her first and they would fall together.
Let's just hope that she wouldn't fall.
Once the Slytherin girl had climbed, Ava then put on her hands to the wall and started climbing. Climb climb climb..."Oh, glad to hear that!" She shouted, in case that she couldn't hear her. Now... all they had to do was whistling to call the box? Ugh, she wasn't that good in whistling. Okay, she tried to whistle to call the box. "Ouch!" Apparently there's one box hit her face. "Merlin, this is hard." She mumbled to herself. She tried whistling again while her left hand tried to retrieve that box. "I got it too!" She said once she got one box. Putting in on her pocket, Ava carefully climbed down and.... landed safely. But it seemed like Ariadne didn't know how to go back down. "You should put your box on your pocket, Ariadne. So you can use both of your hand to climb back down." She shouted to her. "Just do it carefully, one step back at a time... You can do this!" GO GO GO ARIADNE!!
Ava liked her spirit? That was awesome, but where was that spirit right now? Ariadne just wanted to jump down, but that was impossible to do without probably getting hurt. She wished she had a broom, because she was confident that she could mount it and just fly right back down. No such luck. "Okay," she mumbled to Ava. She squirmed a little as she tried to work the box into her pocket. She almost dropped it one time, but she managed to scoop it back up and push it into her pocket all in one go. "I got it! I'm coming down!" she called to Ava.
What would be way easier if it Ariadne could SEE where she was going. She was just going to step down with no clue about what she was stepping on--thin air? The wall? The floor? She sighed to herself then began moving. It was a slow process. She wasn't in a hurry at all. She started to step down again and was surprised when she felt the floor beneath her feet. "Thank Merlin!" she exclaimed.
She pulled the box out her pocket. "I guess all we have left to do is open it now," she told Ava. How many more rooms were there? And where was the professor?!
Did she need help? No. Did she want it? Not really. Lies. But only because she figured it would be rude if she said no did she comply. That was the only reason. Okay?
She nodded quickly, "If you're offering."
The second year did not want to do this climbing thing. Could he? If he wanted to bring her down the box she would do the spell. Honest. It was easy, that part.
Was he offering? He supposed so. As he pushed open the door he had unlocked, he nodded at her. "I'm offering if you want it." That seemed straight forward enough. He wondered if the girl would get credit if she didn't unlock the door herself, but well, it wasn't terribly specific on the board.
Besides, his back was starting to hurt and he needed to continue on. Standing up into the opening created by the now open door, he pulled himself into the new area. Sticky shoes. He chuckled to himself a little, remembering how he had managed to meet Dima and Kyroh that first year. Sticky shoes up into the dorms. It had been quite the work-around.
But nostalgia aside, Thornton reached back down through the opening to offer Chloe his hand and to help pull her through. "Need a lift up?"
Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes
Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind
You can float across a rainbowsky
to once upon a time
Katherine Moss, who was completely terrified of heights, had to c l i m b .
For a test she didn't even know the end of.
Of course, quite obviously, the gloves and shoes were to keep them glued to the wall and presumably, the floor was also charmed to cushion them if someone did manage to fall. Did knowing these make her feel better?
This was precisely why it was a phobia. She was just eleven years old and she didn't want to face the phobia of her short life in the middle of a test, thank you very much. She was bound to fail. She couldn't climb. But she also couldn't ask someone else to bring her a box, nor could she stop - that would be defying the authority, and she would rather die than disappoint a professor. No, she couldn't do this, but she had to.
But first, she needed to observe how people went about it.
Originally Posted by DJ ExpelliarMOOSE
"HEY WHAT'S THE DEAL!?" He shouted upset that he got a defective pair of sticky shoes!
And of course, her eyes fell on the person who shouted at that moment, who happened to be Tory or what-ever, who happened to be -
"THOSE ARE MY SHOES!" she yelled in the highest note her girlish voice could hit, "GET THEM OFF!"
WHAT - WAS HE DOING EVEN!!!!!!!!????????
Actually, do you know what she had to do? She had to climb that stupid wall, because HE could. And so she did - she quickly got her hands and feet on it to climb to retrieve not only the box but to get her SHOES too.
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
Even though the directions had warned about flying objects, which will not come with accio so don't even try, Davie was still a little stunned by all the winged boxes once he saw them for himself. There were just so many! And they were whizzing so fast! And while he knew how to whistle, he wasn't very good at it. Guh. Time to put on the sticky shoes and gloves, he supposed, and just go at it.
Once the second-year had those on, and once he had gotten his hands un-stuck because he had been curious what would happen to him if he applauded himself, he moved toward the wall and started to climb. What was the point of climbing anyway if he could just get the boxes to come to him with a whistle? Yes, it was fun, and yes, the professor was probably demonstrating his powers of awesome at being able to get his students to literally run up the walls, but what WAS the point?
As usual, he was over-analyzing things and so it was no surprise that he started to slip off the wall in lack of concentration. ACK! Were his gloves not as sticky because he'd stuck them together previously?! Should he probably just try to tackle a box now?! Yes, yes he should! David let out a low, faint little whistle to try to catch a flying box's attention, and was amused (and grateful) when one flew nearer to him. It had the mannerisms of a cruppy, in his opinion. A box-shaped cruppy with wings. Hehe. Cute. "C'mere, boy," he called to the box, waving one of his sticky paws at it in a 'come hither' motion.
The flying box didn't bite.
"Come HERE, I said, boyyyyyyy." The flying box continued to zip around David's hand, just out of reach, as though it were playing with him. He leaned out further, holding the wall with one hand, and stretching a free one out to try to get it. "C'MEREEEEEEEEEEEEE, YOU SNEAKY LITTLE O---"
Oof. The second-year had let go of the wall in his frustration to catch his box, and in the process, had fallen off the wall and onto the ground again. Yay for Charms, right, because that didn't hurt much. And fortunately, he'd taken down his sneaky box while he was at it, and had managed to trap it uncomfortably under his bum. Ouccch to that though. It wasn't comfortable, but it wasn't terrible either, and in the end, sitting on the winged box proved to the box-cruppy-thing that he had won.
David took off his gloves, wedged the box out, and held it tightly under one arm while he worked his shoes off next.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind