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Professor Williamson finished putting the last little spell on the enclosure containing more than a dozen happy, humming pygmy puffs of every color before stalking over to the doors of the barn. He threw them open with a grin, shivered a bit as the nippy air started to filter in, and then moved back inside where it was warm.
The man took a seat on one of the bales of hay scattered in a semi-circle near the pygmy puff enclosure and nodded to the students who were filtering in. "If you have a pygmy puff, feel free to pick out your own hay bale and create a name card for you and your puff. If you don't have a pet puff already, grab one out of that corral over there and settle down. Feel free to name it, make a name card, pet it, get to to know it, all that."
He picked up his own pygmy puff for the day, a lime green one named Nerf, and started petting it til it purred. Hehehee. Hopefully the class would enjoy this low-key lesson a bit more than the ah, last eventful one.
Oh yes, and he named a name card for himself too! Williamson flicked his wand at the stack of scrap parchments in the corner and caused one to decorate itself for him and Nerf.
Name: Professor Williamson Year: Graduated House: Slytherin Pygmy: Nerf
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
Originally Posted by EW_FAN
Harvey watched as the list was written down. He wrote the list onto his parchment as well.. and then he heard they were supposed to partner up.. oh oh.. he was never good at this.. but he would have to overcome this somtime right.. well now was a good a time as ever.. so he put his Blue puff Doodle onto his shoulder and looked round to see if anyone was partnerless..
He then spotted a much older student.. woah.. he was feeling VERY nervous all of a sudden he had hardly ever worked with an older student before.. it was always first or second years and they were his friends.. but now it was time to overcome his nervousness and go up and ask her to be his partner.. so he went upto the older student who was also looking for a partner.. "H..h..hi er.. my name is Harvey .. second year Ravenclaw.. this is Doodle.. and er.. we were wondering if you would.. like to partner up." he asked nervousily.. well there it was out in the open.. he had asked and now to see how she would respond..
Arya looked down at the student when he approached, who looked muuuuch smaller from her spot standing on the hay bale, and grinned, swatting away MO's tounge gently. "Hi Harvey and Doodle!" She gestured at the red pygmy on her shoulder. "This is MO and I'm Arya. We'd love to be your partner!" She hopped off the hay bale and took a seat, gesturing for him to join her. "Okay, so I already know that pygmy means small, and now you do too, so why don't we pick a different question. Like..." She checked out the lists, then looked back at the second year. "What do YOU want to figure out?"
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Well first..she had been absent minded since the start of that lesson because of the mere sight of the Pygmy puffs. It made her remember one of her most unwanted memories last term and she got distracted by reminiscing those days when she was still struggling with the Pygmy that hated her. Not to mention her little friend who was with her in her time of need whom is not in Hogwarts anymore. But of course, she picked her own puffball. A beige colored one which she named Mushi.
Name: Beatrice Evangeline Castell
Year: Second
House: Ravenclaw
Pygmy: Mushi
Anyway..when the Professor asked them some questions, she merely listened to her classmates answering since her brain wasn't working. When they were asked to jot down the notes, she followed immediately and one question from the list of the Stuff they wanted to know about those creatures caught her attention. Why are they so adorable? Hmmm...that seemed like a good one.
"Errrm..anyone wanna partner with me? And we can discuss why they are so adorable," she called out.
Laura still needed a partner but as of yet she hadn't found one which in a way was good because if she couldn't find one she wouldn't have to do the work.
Glancing around the room, hoping there would be SOMEBODY he knew his attention was caught by somebody shouting. Hey, wasn't that the girl from Transfiguration? The one who managed to turn her paper into a man-eating moster? He was pretty sure she was, yes. And she was a Hufflepuff too so that was nice.
Not wanting to leave his Pygmy Puff alone for one second, Lewis decided to just wave at her hoping to get her attention. "Me!" He didn't even know her name. Can you see meeeeee?!
Great, nobody wanted to be with her. Nessie watched as everyone else got into pairs and sighed. At the rate things were going she'd probably be the last one left to get a partner. Me? Nessie turned around to see who was saying that. She turned around and saw a familiar face.
The older boy seemed to be waving he's hands around like he was trying to get someone's attention, but who's?. Looking behind tried to see who's attention he might have been trying to get, when she realized that everyone behind her we're already in pairs. It must have been her then right?
She turned back to him again and gave him a small nod as she walked over to where he was. Her pygmy puff was still snoring away, and she didn't think it was necessary to wake Puffles up just yet. "So..um..I choose you..." Wait what was he's name, she didn't remember all she knew was that this boy had saved her from her very embarrassing paper expedition. Anyway, the name didn't matter so much now...it was the class work that did. "Should we get started?" She asked.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by tomewitch
Well first..she had been absent minded since the start of that lesson because of the mere sight of the Pygmy puffs. It made her remember one of her most unwanted memories last term and she got distracted by reminiscing those days when she was still struggling with the Pygmy that hated her. Not to mention her little friend who was with her in her time of need whom is not in Hogwarts anymore. But of course, she picked her own puffball. A beige colored one which she named Mushi.
Name: Beatrice Evangeline Castell
Year: Second
House: Ravenclaw
Pygmy: Mushi
Anyway..when the Professor asked them some questions, she merely listened to her classmates answering since her brain wasn't working. When they were asked to jot down the notes, she followed immediately and one question from the list of the Stuff they wanted to know about those creatures caught her attention. Why are they so adorable? Hmmm...that seemed like a good one.
"Errrm..anyone wanna partner with me? And we can discuss why they are so adorable," she called out.
still having found no partner, Daichi startrd to wonder if anyone even liked him! He had sat there waiting for someone to answer his question After asking a hufflepuff who already seemed to have a partner...
He sighed loudly as he tickled the grey pygmy puff on his shoulder and thought he needed to go to the Professor with the most embarrassing question that he did not have a partner and that none liked him sniff sniff.
But just as he got up, a miracle! Atleast.to him.... Happened and he saw a familiar face.asking for a partner. Not waisting any second he ran towards her resulting in tripping over over one of the hay stacks and he lay over it with his one leg in the air. "can i be your partner? No one wanted to be mine!" he pouted from the ground and scratched his already messy hair look.
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Originally Posted by tomewitch
Well first..she had been absent minded since the start of that lesson because of the mere sight of the Pygmy puffs. It made her remember one of her most unwanted memories last term and she got distracted by reminiscing those days when she was still struggling with the Pygmy that hated her. Not to mention her little friend who was with her in her time of need whom is not in Hogwarts anymore. But of course, she picked her own puffball. A beige colored one which she named Mushi.
Name: Beatrice Evangeline Castell
Year: Second
House: Ravenclaw
Pygmy: Mushi
Anyway..when the Professor asked them some questions, she merely listened to her classmates answering since her brain wasn't working. When they were asked to jot down the notes, she followed immediately and one question from the list of the Stuff they wanted to know about those creatures caught her attention. Why are they so adorable? Hmmm...that seemed like a good one.
"Errrm..anyone wanna partner with me? And we can discuss why they are so adorable," she called out.
Elise smiled at her pygmy puff distractedly as she wrote down all the stuff on the board. She hadn't answered, which was strange for her. But the Pygmy Puff there, and it was bouncing around her hands. She'd picked a honey-gold Pygmy Puff and she'd named it Honey. Really original.
Name: Elise Fairfield
Year: Second
House: Ravenclaw
Pygmy: Honey not bunny
When she saw Beezus looking for a partner, she grinned. She'd found who she was working with. Walking over to her housemate, she tapped her on the shoulder lightly. "Wanna partner up?"
Great, nobody wanted to be with her. Nessie watched as everyone else got into pairs and sighed. At the rate things were going she'd probably be the last one left to get a partner. Me? Nessie turned around to see who was saying that. She turned around and saw a familiar face.
The older boy seemed to be waving he's hands around like he was trying to get someone's attention, but who's?. Looking behind tried to see who's attention he might have been trying to get, when she realized that everyone behind her we're already in pairs. It must have been her then right?
She turned back to him again and gave him a small nod as she walked over to where he was. Her pygmy puff was still snoring away, and she didn't think it was necessary to wake Puffles up just yet. "So..um..I choose you..." Wait what was he's name, she didn't remember all she knew was that this boy had saved her from her very embarrassing paper expedition. Anyway, the name didn't matter so much now...it was the class work that did. "Should we get started?" She asked.
Oh goodie, he had gotten the girl's attention. Or not...? She was turning around to look behind her and around her and anywhere but him. Did she not want to work with him? Or did she just not know he was talking to her? There was only one way to make sure that the latter wasn't the case.
Lewis' waving started to get more frantic as he now added a lot of pointing into the girl's direction. Yes, YOU, I'm talking to youuuu!!! See, and that seemed to have worked. Or at least she was coming over now. Coming over and...she chose him?! What was he? A Pokémon? Blinking at her a couple of times, not sure if this was a good thing Lewis finally decided it was and even gave her a small smile. "Great." Yup.
In case she wanted to know his name, Lewis shifted his tag thing a little so she could read it even though he still didn't have a name for the cute little Pygmy Puff in front of him. He wasn't good at coming up with names.
Originally Posted by Tag
Name: Lewis D. Rasting Year: Fifth House: Hufflepuff Pygmy Puff: ...?
Now which question should they discuss? Glancing up to the front where the Professor had written down the questions open for discussion, Lewis bit his lip absently while trying to decide which sounded the most interesting. Finally moving his gaze back to the girl next to him, he asked her rather bluntly, "How do you think one discovers a Pygmy Puff's gender?" This WAS a pretty important question after all. He glanced down at the Pygmy Puff before him and poked its nose softly.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
SPOILER!!: Daichi
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
still having found no partner, Daichi startrd to wonder if anyone even liked him! He had sat there waiting for someone to answer his question After asking a hufflepuff who already seemed to have a partner...
He sighed loudly as he tickled the grey pygmy puff on his shoulder and thought he needed to go to the Professor with the most embarrassing question that he did not have a partner and that none liked him sniff sniff.
But just as he got up, a miracle! Atleast.to him.... Happened and he saw a familiar face.asking for a partner. Not waisting any second he ran towards her resulting in tripping over over one of the hay stacks and he lay over it with his one leg in the air. "can i be your partner? No one wanted to be mine!" he pouted from the ground and scratched his already messy hair look.
Just as she turned her head around to look for a partner, something..fell...on the hay stacks? Beezus pivoted around and saw Daichi, next thing she knew he was asking them to be partners. She couldn't help but chuckle at how he looked so she pulled him up. "Goodness..you didn't have to fall. We'll be partners," the eaglette said.
SPOILER!!: Elise
Originally Posted by iceblossom22
Elise smiled at her pygmy puff distractedly as she wrote down all the stuff on the board. She hadn't answered, which was strange for her. But the Pygmy Puff there, and it was bouncing around her hands. She'd picked a honey-gold Pygmy Puff and she'd named it Honey. Really original.
Name: Elise Fairfield
Year: Second
House: Ravenclaw
Pygmy: Honey not bunny
When she saw Beezus looking for a partner, she grinned. She'd found who she was working with. Walking over to her housemate, she tapped her on the shoulder lightly. "Wanna partner up?"
..just as she was about to help the Slytherin boy clean up himself from all the hay that was on his hair, someone tapped her shoulder. Elise, a fellow Ravenclaw who was also asking her if she'd want to partner up. Beezus looked at Daichi then to Elise and back again and again. "Oh, my Godric! I..uhmm.." This was so hard! "I already said yes to him," she told the girl as she pointed him. "I'm sorry.." she added sympathetically.
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Originally Posted by tomewitch
..just as she was about to help the Slytherin boy clean up himself from all the hay that was on his hair, someone tapped her shoulder. Elise, a fellow Ravenclaw who was also asking her if she'd want to partner up. Beezus looked at Daichi then to Elise and back again and again. "Oh, my Godric! I..uhmm.." This was so hard! "I already said yes to him," she told the girl as she pointed him. "I'm sorry.." she added sympathetically.
Elise smiled, shaking her head. "It's okay," she said softly. "I'll just go look for another partner."
Shrugging, she bounded off in the general direction of everyone else.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by tomewitch
Just as she turned her head around to look for a partner, something..fell...on the hay stacks? Beezus pivoted around and saw Daichi, next thing she knew he was asking them to be partners. She couldn't help but chuckle at how he looked so she pulled him up. "Goodness..you didn't have to fall. We'll be partners," the eaglette said.
Daichi saw from his lying position that another Ravenclaw girl had walked up to Beezus and him and asked if she wanted to be partners too. Daichi looked at them both and started to pout already. Surely she would pick her fellow student but.... his mouth dropped slightly as Beezus helped him up and picked him. YAY~
"So, what you wanted to know about Pygmy Puffs?" he asked as he picked up his grey one from the ground and placed it on his shoulder. Allowing the second year to clear the hay out of his messy hair.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Originally Posted by iceblossom22
Elise smiled, shaking her head. "It's okay," she said softly. "I'll just go look for another partner."
Shrugging, she bounded off in the general direction of everyone else.
"Oh.." was all she could say when her fellow eagle walked away. She did wanted them to be partners and it was the same with Daichi too. But sadly, the he-snake had asked her first so yeah..that ought to happen. Beezus just made it a mental note to talk with Elise later and maybe they could hang out for a while?
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
Daichi saw from his lying position that another Ravenclaw girl had walked up to Beezus and him and asked if she wanted to be partners too. Daichi looked at them both and started to pout already. Surely she would pick her fellow student but.... his mouth dropped slightly as Beezus helped him up and picked him. YAY~
"So, what you wanted to know about Pygmy Puffs?" he asked as he picked up his grey one from the ground and placed it on his shoulder. Allowing the second year to clear the hay out of his messy hair.
And now, she was helping him clean off the hay from his hair. What did she want to know about the Pygmy Puffs? Maybe she wanted to know why one had attempted to chew off her leg last term. Perhaps the question that had caught her attention earlier? "Err--actually, I want to know how they are so adorable." she told him as she took Mishu into her hands. "Or..you could chose which one you would like to know.." Beezus shrugged. After all, wanting to know why those creatures were so adorable wasn't going to be that productive.
||Delta Goodrem Lover || Emma Watson Lover | | RavenPuff || 1 of 4 Amigos ||
Text Cut: Arya
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
Arya looked down at the student when he approached, who looked muuuuch smaller from her spot standing on the hay bale, and grinned, swatting away MO's tounge gently. "Hi Harvey and Doodle!" She gestured at the red pygmy on her shoulder. "This is MO and I'm Arya. We'd love to be your partner!" She hopped off the hay bale and took a seat, gesturing for him to join her. "Okay, so I already know that pygmy means small, and now you do too, so why don't we pick a different question. Like..." She checked out the lists, then looked back at the second year. "What do YOU want to figure out?"
Harvey smiled when she said hi and introduced herself and her pygmy. "Hi Arya and Mo.. nice to meet you both" he said to her.. now more relaxed than before.. meeting older students was not so bad afterall. He didnt know why he was so frightened to meet one.. but now that he had.. maybe meeting other older students would not be so bad afterall.. He then watched as she hopped off the bale and took a seat and gestured for him to sit as well.. so he carefully joined her on the bale and made a note that pygmy meant small as Arya had just told him..
Now what other question to answer.. he looked at the board.. hmm.. "Now thats a good question.. what do I want to figure out? umm..." he hesitated looking at his pygmy and Arya's pygmy.. they both looked the same except color.. exactly the same?!!! he looked at the board.. and then looked at Arya and her pygmy "Well I think looking at our pygmies.. gender comes to mind.. how do we know if they are male or female.." he said with a smile.. that is what he wanted to know about his pygmy and hers.. "What do you think Arya?" he asked.. he also wanted her opinion on this.. or if she had something else that SHE wanted to know.. if she did.. they can go for that..
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart
Justin chuckled a bit as she started talking to the little purple ball of fur. " Hey , Min... I just realized that this little puff is just the miniature versoin of a Puffskien. Maybe we should see what powers , if any the puffskien has. " Justin said.
Minerva listened to what Justin had said and turned her book to puffskein. "That's interesting Justin, let's see what powers they have and that might help us. You know your doing great." she smiled at him glad he knew more about these creatures. "This is where my muggle knowledge makes me weak." Minerva took out her parchment and wrote.
1. Finding similarities between it and other animals.
2. Asking it....
3. Putting items near it to see if it uses magic (cookies)
4. Look for Puffskein magic
Professor and Justin:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Williamson smiled to see the barn humming with the activity with all of the students working creatively and cooperatively. He stood up and removed Nerf from his shoulder, moving around the semicircle of hay to collect all the nametags. They would serve as a nice form attendance.
Once that was done, he moved around between groups, listening in on their planning and plotting. Looked good so far, but perhaps it was time to move the lesson along? He returned to the center of the circle and clapped his hands together loosely, magnifying his voice with his wand.
"ALL RIGHT, everyone, let's reconvene here on the hay, sitting next to your partner and your puff. Why don't we go around and have one person from each group say who you worked with and what you came up with. We'll explore the best ideas or most popular questions in today's lesson, as well as do a few fun pygmy puff-owner activities."
He nodded and looked to the first student group for answers.
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart
Justin looked to Minerva. they had to go back to the hay where the professor was and show their findings....Although they had not gotten very far in their quest. " Come on, Min. we need to go back up to the Professor. " he said.
As they were working the Professor gathered them together for a few seconds to see their process. She smiled and went over to the hay with Justin. She put her hand up "Professor Justin and I worked together. We are trying to figure out how to see if the Pygmy Puff has magic powers. We are trying to find ways to figure this out." she pulled out her parchment. "We have figured it could be a trial and error type of process and we have been writing ways to figure it out down." She showed the parchment to the class.
1. Finding similarities between it and other animals.
2. Asking it....
3. Putting items near it to see if it uses magic (cookies)
"Using our text book and knowledge of other animals we have been trying to figure out if there is any similarities that would give us a clue on powers it might have. We wondered if it might be able to understand if we ask, but it doesn't seem to. We also thought about putting things near it to see if it would use any powers to either move the item away or something to that sort." She hoped she explained their process well enough.
Minerva listened to what Justin had said and turned her book to puffskein. "That's interesting Justin, let's see what powers they have and that might help us. You know your doing great." she smiled at him glad he knew more about these creatures. "This is where my muggle knowledge makes me weak." Minerva took out her parchment and wrote.
1. Finding similarities between it and other animals.
2. Asking it....
3. Putting items near it to see if it uses magic (cookies)
4. Look for Puffskein magic
Professor and Justin:
As they were working the Professor gathered them together for a few seconds to see their process. She smiled and went over to the hay with Justin. She put her hand up "Professor Justin and I worked together. We are trying to figure out how to see if the Pygmy Puff has magic powers. We are trying to find ways to figure this out." she pulled out her parchment. "We have figured it could be a trial and error type of process and we have been writing ways to figure it out down." She showed the parchment to the class.
1. Finding similarities between it and other animals.
2. Asking it....
3. Putting items near it to see if it uses magic (cookies)
"Using our text book and knowledge of other animals we have been trying to figure out if there is any similarities that would give us a clue on powers it might have. We wondered if it might be able to understand if we ask, but it doesn't seem to. We also thought about putting things near it to see if it would use any powers to either move the item away or something to that sort." She hoped she explained their process well enough.
Justin stood by with his list if of magiacal creatures in hand in case the professor wanted to see that as well as the other list Minerva had ready and in hand.
"Hey, Kent," Kennedy said, attempting to pet the little guy. He didn't want to get bitten, or worse, get licked by it. It ate snot. "This is...um, Violet." he said. Although, he wasn't sure what gender it was.
He chuckled when the Pygmy puff tried hiding on his neck. "I'm not sure what gender it is, want to find out?" And NOT by finding its...yeah. Maybe comparing Kent and Violet. There had to be differences between male and female pygmy puffs, right?
He examined both puffs and came to a small conclusion. "Violet is smaller than Kent," he said, observing both creatures. "And violet has traces of eyelashes. Maybe a female trait?" he said, looking at Selena.
Kennedy turned his attention away from the puffs when professor Williamson began speaking...
Kent looked up at Kennedy with his huge blue eyes. "HAI VIOLET!!!" Selena exclaimed, beaming at the violet colored pygmy puff sitting on Kennedy's shoulder. She looked at the thing... hiding. Silly pygmy puff, Selena didn't eat them! She just balanced them on her head!
How did Kennedy name his pygmy puff without knowing what gender it was? "Why don't we just ask the pygmy puff if it's a boy or girl?" Selena asked.
Because that was the obvious way. And she was sure Professor Long Name with a W didn't mind them going on about pygmy puffs. Because pygmy puffs were cool. "Maaayyyybeeeeeee... Kent is a guy becaaauuuusssseeeeee...." Selena stared at the pygmy puff on Kennedy then plucked Kent off of her head to observe him. "He's fluffier."
Yup. Fluffier. Totally the reason why he was a male and Violet wasn't.
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Hit Wiz love | 1/2 of Bensky | Louisa's baby claw. <3 | kewe
Originally Posted by iceblossom22
Elise smiled, shaking her head. "It's okay," she said softly. "I'll just go look for another partner."
Shrugging, she bounded off in the general direction of everyone else.
Lily was still looking for a partner when she saw another girl who looked like she didn't have a partner. After walking over to the girl, she asked. "Um... would you like to partner up with me? I still need a partner..." Lily petted Blueberry as she stood waiting for a response, hopefully one leading to a partner.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Originally Posted by tomewitch
And now, she was helping him clean off the hay from his hair. What did she want to know about the Pygmy Puffs? Maybe she wanted to know why one had attempted to chew off her leg last term. Perhaps the question that had caught her attention earlier? "Err--actually, I want to know how they are so adorable." she told him as she took Mishu into her hands. "Or..you could chose which one you would like to know.." Beezus shrugged. After all, wanting to know why those creatures were so adorable wasn't going to be that productive.
"You know, even if my hair is already ruffled" he pointed at his messed up hair. "You still want to touch it" he laughed, meaning her help with cleaning the hay out of his hair.
Sitting back down on the hay stack, Daichi crossed his feet as he stretched his legs. The grey coloured pygmy puff on his shoulder was turning around in circles. Odd thing. "Oh, this is Ducky duck!" he said excitedly as he tickled the little creature again.
Why they are so adorable? Well... atleast it is something. "Nah this one is fine, i don't really know any questions so...let's do this." Because adorable things are Daichi style~!
"I think it's because of their fluffyness" was that even a word? O___o "A pygmy puff is a miniature Puffskein right?" he asked Beezus.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF
"You know, even if my hair is already ruffled" he pointed at his messed up hair. "You still want to touch it" he laughed, meaning her help with cleaning the hay out of his hair.
Sitting back down on the hay stack, Daichi crossed his feet as he stretched his legs. The grey coloured pygmy puff on his shoulder was turning around in circles. Odd thing. "Oh, this is Ducky duck!" he said excitedly as he tickled the little creature again.
Why they are so adorable? Well... atleast it is something. "Nah this one is fine, i don't really know any questions so...let's do this." Because adorable things are Daichi style~!
"I think it's because of their fluffyness" was that even a word? O___o "A pygmy puff is a miniature Puffskein right?" he asked Beezus.
She did? Beezus snorted then laughed with him. "Oh. Let's just say the messier, the cuter?" Well..because it was so. That's the very reason why she liked to ruffle his hair.
Ducky duck? 'Really, now?' she thought. Beezus heard all about that ducknapping which took place on the Duck Pond last year, and he was the one pointed out to have done it, saying that he wanted to bring it to their Common Room. Was he that obsessed with those animals? "Oh..hey ducky duck!" She then held her own pygmy puff in front of him. "And my puff's name is Mushi.."
After hearing his response, the young eaglette started to work up her thinking machine. The pygmy puffs were adorable because of their fluffiness? "Why not? I mean..their appearance are what really caughts attention. And also their playful nature, hopping and bouncing and all that," Beezus slumped on the hay stack next to Daichi. "uh-huh...an undersized puffskein."
Oh. "I'm sorry. I thought you were called Edvard." She made a mental note to call him by his last name instead. "But yes, I am Amelia." She smiled at him before she looked down at her notes.
"Ummm... how about... the magical properties they posses?" But if he would rather do another question she was open to it as well.
"That's okay." He gave the older girl a small smile. Everybody thought that beside no harm done. Fiuh! He didn't get the girl name wrong. He's really bad with remembering people names and their faces
Before the young badger could answer Amelia, the Professor already asked them to come forward to present what they have come so far. He listened while the other groups presenting their result. "Yeah. That sound good." Messer nodded his head. Okay onto the question. "Umm..Maybe they have same magical properties like the Puffskein? Since the pgymy puffs are the miniature of Puffskein." Well, that was he thought. Maybe Amelia has another opinion.
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
magical creatures
girls seem to like them
resemble overly fuzzy hamsters
round balls of fluff
eat snot
found at WWW's in Diagon Alley
first bred by Fred/George Weasley
miniature puffskeins
exception to the Ban on Experimental Breeding???
eat what???
why are they so adorable???
can be trained to NOT eat snot???
what does pygmy mean???
how does one discover a puff's gender???
what magical properties do they possess??
"I'd like to, Professor, but I'm afraid I haven't found a partner yet..." Tayla blushed. She pet her little blue pygmy puff Teacup, and continued to look for anyone without a partner.
A moment later, she heard someone speak and turned to face the young girl. "Hello. I'm Tayla. Third year. Gryffindor," Tayla greeted with a smile. "You?"
"Hello, I'm Butterfly. First year. Slytherin." She said with a smile.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Sierra. Still. Needed. A. Partner.
Partnering up was the most annoying thing ever. It always took forever to find someone who wasn't already claimed, and Sierra always felt awkward asking someone to be her partner. She felt like she was begging for a friend, and it made her feel so much like a Puffer.
She cleared her throat. "Does anybody still need a partner?!" she said.
Oh there she was! Good. That meant he wouldn't have to attempt to make any new friends... aha right, well they'd better get started then. "Sure," Tristan replied at something above a mumble. He did seem to be better at speaking up.
With Aristotle on his shoulder, Tristan once more took a seat to begin their thinking. "What do you think pygmy puffs eat?" he asked. They appeared to be somewhat vegetarian, though perhaps they were onnivores? They could always just attempt to feed the animals a bunch of stuff. It seemed likely that they shared eating habits with puffskeins.
Evelyn grinned. "It's nice to hear you speak." She picked up her pygmy puff and introduced the creature, "This is Samwise, by the way." She continued to scratch the top of his head.
Hm. What did they eat? Evelyn was a little clueless since she knew next to nothing about those creatures. "Well...I'm not sure but I've heard that it likes to stick it's tongue up people's noses.." Eww. Honestly, that was a little disgusting.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Poolicious
"That's okay." He gave the older girl a small smile. Everybody thought that beside no harm done. Fiuh! He didn't get the girl name wrong. He's really bad with remembering people names and their faces
Before the young badger could answer Amelia, the Professor already asked them to come forward to present what they have come so far. He listened while the other groups presenting their result. "Yeah. That sound good." Messer nodded his head. Okay onto the question. "Umm..Maybe they have same magical properties like the Puffskein? Since the pgymy puffs are the miniature of Puffskein." Well, that was he thought. Maybe Amelia has another opinion.
Amelia nodded when he said it was alright, and really it was just as long as she made sure to call him by his last name instead. She looked around at other people who started to present her thoughts then looked back to Edvard.
She thought that of course Edvard was accurate in saying that Pygmy Puffs had the same properties as Puffskeins, because... well, that would be true if they were basically miniature versions of them. "I think so too, though I've never seen mine eat anything." She eyed hers. But then again she had only gotten her Pygmy Puff for Christmas. She wasjust musing now, not really contributing much.
"I really wonder what magical properties Puffskeins have though. I mean... they don't seem to do much besides be cute and fluffy."
Welcome Witch | Blue Galactic Hand Slytherin Graduate
Originally Posted by hpfan18
Annabelle smiled. "Hi I am Annabelle Lecium! Nice to meet you!." she was relieved she found a partner. "I am also in hufflepuff btw." as she held out her hand to shake. She figured this class will be fun. She had her yellow pigmy on her shoulder cuddling next to her neck.
im Olivia Wenesko she said while shook her partners hand. The other Slytherins who were here seemed to already have partners, but going with a Huffelpuff seemed to make sense when working with pygmypuffs! Olivia noticed her pygmy puff was on her sholder Did you bring your own? Olivia asked, stroking Flippert's fur.
im Olivia Wenesko she said while shook her partners hand. The other Slytherins who were here seemed to already have partners, but going with a Huffelpuff seemed to make sense when working with pygmypuffs! Olivia noticed her pygmy puff was on her sholder Did you bring your own? Olivia asked, stroking Flippert's fur.
"Hi Olivia nice to meet you." Annabelle said with a warm smile. "Yeah i brought my own, her name is Squishy. Isn't that right girlie?" she cooed at her pygymy puff as it cuddled her neck. "What is ur pygmy's name? she asked Olivia.