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Astronomy II: You Spin Me Right Round, Baby (Orbits and Kepler's Laws)
The classroom doesn't look very extraordinary, with its semicircular arrangement of desks around a whiteboard. There's even nothing on the tables to clue you in to the subject of the day's lesson, just Professor Sandhu, not clad in the saree she usually is, but in activewear. No, not the obnoxious track-suity kind, but her headband makes it definitely clear that she's expecting to sweat.
Take a seat, children, and maybe you'll notice the pair of roller skates under your desk. What could the old lady possibly have planned for today?
OOC: Hey, hi, hello, and welcome to our second Astronomy seminar of the term. Please read through the Classroom Rules before posting if you haven't already! The lesson will begin apppproximately 36 hours from the time of this post (1700 GMT+2) The lesson has begun! Please do not post your character arriving if you want to avoid IC consequences.
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
At first, Tina wasn't sure how Professor Sandhu might react to her orbiting butterfly, but she was pleased to see it earned a smile. She beamed, nodding in reply at the professor's reminder to stretch well. She continued stretching, paying extra attention to her leg muscles, until time ran out and they moved on to the next activity.
So she guessed correctly… they were using the skates to practice the orbit creating charm. Tina wasn't sure what to make of that. It was a creative idea, but she couldn't help but feel a little nervous. If they were orbiting on brooms, she could handle it no problem, but skating was something she'd never done before. Somehow she didn't think she'd be very good at it! The announcement about the stabilizing charms eased her mind a little, and she had to commend the professor for thinking to include them. At least now she knew she probably wouldn't go careening into the other students as if they were human bowling pins!
After depositing her bag at the back of the room, Tina swapped her regular school shoes for the nearest pair of skates, making sure to lace them firmly but not too tight. Rising back to her full height, she wobbled slightly but didn't fall. Thank Merlin for those stabilizing charms! She took a couple of cautious steps with the skates. Well, this felt… weird. She was definitely going to take Professor Sandhu's advise and get used to the skates first!
She spread out as far as she could from the others - that way, if she did lose her balance, she wouldn't crash into anybody accidentally - and began to make her way around the room slowly at first but gradually gaining momentum. After about her second or third go around, she was feeling confident enough on the skates to try tethering herself to the pole. "Creare Orbis!" she said, making the correct wand movement. As soon as she said the incantation, she felt a sensation she knew must be the gentle tug the professor mentioned. It was strange, but not in a bad way. So… now what? Was she supposed to just keep orbiting the pole, or was there something else she was supposed to do?
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
didn't quote you unless you're stirring trouble but GO EVERYONE
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
SPOILER!!: oh its Erik ok
Originally Posted by oh its Erik ok
Well time to get the party started so to speak as Eloise started stretch and hoping no mist happens this time during exercise with adults. Really Really hoping. Once done with the stretches she went over and got some skates on
"Professor, does this mean i get to watch Drew and Nina look like fools on skates?"
Big smile to both of them because now this could be fun unless the skates actually were like she said helping them get balance which wasn't as fun. Don't think Eloise has seen Nina do anything athletic in her entire time know the Personification of Boring and being Judgey.
Now what was the spell again because all Eloise was remember was Law this and Law that...oh wait now she remembered She pointed her wand at the pole and with the correct movements here we go!
"kreahre ORbis!"
Feels weird but in a good way like a nudge.
Lets start going faster for fun!
Miss Fairfield was causing trouble. Why was she not surprised? But also, why was she so entertained?
"I think you'd only be able to see people who're fools off skates be fools on skates," she called from her location across the room. Then, she proceeded to draw into a closer orbit so she could watch the explosion of drama that was sure to happen close up just in case points needed to be taken.
Seemed harmless enough for now.
SPOILER!!: emjay
Originally Posted by emjay
Gunnar had wondered if today's astronomy class would be heavy in theory rather than hands-on practical learning since there wasn't much outdoor activity to be had these days. Even if seeing Professor Sandhu's attire might have told him otherwise, the Slytherin wasn't too surprised with his hand cramping up as he jotted down line after line in his notes. There really was a lot of information today and honestly, he didn't feel much like offering to the discussion himself.
But he put his notes away when prompted, and after jotting down the incantation and wand movement notes for the spell, and pulled out his wand to practice. Gunnar was just about to have his textbook orbit his head when he looked up. Stretching...? Oh. Oh right. He had forgotten about the roller skates he spotted upon entering the classroom. And though he missed some of the outdoor physical activity he was used to, he wasn't so sure he was excited about roller skating around the room with the rest of the class. Or at least that's what he figured they'd be doing.
And it would appear that he guessed correctly. After he successfully made his book circle around his head several times, Gunnar allowed it to drop to his desk with a THUD, then looked up as the professor clapped her hands to get their attention. Great. He did his part in gathering up his things and moving things out of the way in order for them to do this skating orbiting thing. And some stretching of course.
He had just gotten his skates on when he heard a loud, pointed question from his younger housemate, Eloise. Normally, he wasn't bothered with whatever nonsense she was often known to be spouting. But it was clear that she thought she was clever and when it was directed towards a friend (or two), it was a bit harder to ignore.
"Only if we get to watch you look like a fool first," he told her as cast the spell for himself, shoulder checking her as he passed her. "Oops, my bad," he said with an innocent and apologetic smile over his shoulder. "Still getting used to the spell." He wasn't too worried about bumping her accidentally since he didn't do it very hard and he doubted she'd fall. Not with the stability charm on the skates.
Simran snickered and gave him a thumbs-up of approval, but did not otherwise intervene. Physical activity really did bring out the best in everyone, and this was probably what they needed to get some of that pent up energy out. Also, well, it was nice seeing the usually more reserved McCarthy defending his friends.
Oh, how she loved her job.
SPOILER!!: hermionesclone; ArianaBlack
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Oh merlin oh merlin oh merlin.
Lucas redenned.
And not a blush, he was probably tomato RED.
Sandhu was saying something. Something about being proud in his success, something about motivators, and about dancing - what?! But all of that seemed to be dulled down by the amount of internal screaming that was going on. He looked up at her and offered a shy smile but didn't say anything. There was no need, right?
Thankfully, Sandhu was also starting to move on so he decided to concentrate on her, instead. He picked up his bag, dumped his pencil case - with his watch still inside - and his quill in it and then went to place it at the back of the room. Turning around, he was...... uh, surprised to see that the furniture was gone and a pole was standing up in the middle of the room. And.......
........ oh. This was the skating part?
The internal screaming was back, but this time from fear and not embarrassment. This was really happening? They really had to skate around?? Oh merlin. He let out a very small groan, even rubbing his face with his hands as he did so. It was a cool way to learn about orbits, sure, but-
The sound of tension (?) amongst some of the older students broke through Lucas's thoughts and he found himself, uh, looking. Awkwardly. He wasn't getting involved, of course, but it was hard not to hear certain bits, you know?
Okay, no. He was stretching. That's what he was doing.
"Tick tock," she said, eyeing Nina and Lucas determinedly. "There's nothing to lose here."
Especially since she'd taken care of the biggest risk factors. "UP UP UP. Follow the direction the room is skating in and you'll be okay."
P L E A S E? She'd put a lot of effort into this lesson.
SPOILER!!: Kimothy
Originally Posted by Kimothy
Eyes emoji.
Drewett gaped a bit at Trolloise's comment. The redhead wasn't lying, though. If there weren't stabilizing charms on these skates, he'd probably have fallen on his bum already. Perhaps five times. He could balance school work along with everything else, but to physically balance himself was a whole other level of struggle that the Ravenclaw didn't want to deal with. "Har har," was all the fifth year could manage. He wasn't about to play that game with Eloise, and he chose not to mind it. Her jokes were usually harmless unless directed towards Nina because that was an entirely different story.
But he still continued to slowly put the skates on, until he no longer had an excuse to be sitting around. Drewett stretched his legs and wiggled his toes inside the shoe before getting on his feet. Thank Merlin for stabilizing charms. At least it looked like he had some control over himself. He also allowed a tiny smirk to play on his lips at Gunnar being Gunnar right there. Thanks, mate.
Letting out a huff, Drewett started working around the classroom in a orbit to get himself into the momentum. He didn't want to go too fast. Slow pace was where it's at, and it was the only pace he could comfortably handle. It felt weird being on skates. It was his first time on them, actually, so he was taking his time to ease himself into the situation. Two rounds were probably enough and that was when he eventually did the wand movement and casted a "Creare Orbis."
The gentle tug was something. He hadn't decided if it was a nice or a strange one.
GO DREWETT. Simran mimed pompoms at the young man as he went around once, and then twice, and then cast the charm. Now, if that was everyone, she figured a little bit more chaos probably couldn't hurt.
Big Probably.
Well, if anything went wrong, being married to an Auror did teach her a lot of healing charms. So, that in mind, she skated one round really quickly, and then tapped the next person she could reach once completing her orbit.
"Tag, you're it!"
OOC: Ending the lesson in approximately 36 hours, so have FUN, guys!
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
She was starting to run out of stretches, which was not good as there was an entire lesson she needed pass by. Thus, even though she felt entirely stretched out, she continued holding various positions. Drewett provided a welcome distraction with his nearby presence, and his words were encouraging. She gave him a worried sort of look and nodded, but didn’t plan on following his lead. Sorry.
Especially not after the “question” Eloise had shouted out loud.
While Drewett chose not to take it seriously, Nina shrunk into her collar a little bit. She wanted to throw some retort back in response, but she knew better than to act up in class. Especially because she didn’t want to receive any more attention that had already been given to her this lesson. How was she meant to get away with not doing the activity if everyone had their eyes on her? Perhaps this contributed to why she felt so grateful for Gunnar McCarthy in this moment. He stood up for her (and Drewett). Though he was currently skating the length of the room, Nina watched him with appreciation filling her eyes and a small smile tugging at her lips. She’d have to thank him after class.
She was only shaken from her thoughts when she heard the sound of Professor Sandhu’s voice and saw the hurried motions. Oh no. Again, she had plenty she could argue with, but causing trouble during class was not something she enjoyed. So instead, she turned her head over to that Lucas kid (who evidently had the same idea she had) and gave him a resigned sort of look before moving to put on her pair of skates. Slowly.
Unfortunately she couldn’t stall forever and evidentially after lacing up both pair of skates, she began her way around, skating a single lap. Despite KNOWING that there was a stabilizing charm (that was very much working and helping), Nina FELT uneasy. So much so that as she skated around the room, she had her arms outstretched before her and kept VERY close to the walls.
Only after her first lap she took out her wand (which felt like a complete SAFETY HAZARD) and tethered herself to the pole, ”kre-ah-re OR-bis,” eeeek! She had been prepared for a gentle tug, but it still startled her and made her arms swing EVERYWHERE. It was only then that she noticed Professor Sandhu coming up behind her.
…………… TAG?
Tag you’re it???
What kind of foolish nonsense was this?? Nina looked over at their Professor and gave the woman a look. She had put on the skates and did an entire lap. Wasn’t that ENOUGH torture for the day??? Feeling utterly helpless, the Slytherin looked forward again, arms outstretched and skating slowly (and as close to the walls as possible), in attempt to tag the next person and rid herself of the responsibility.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Last edited by ArianaBlack; 07-09-2019 at 04:10 PM.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Oh merlin.
Oh merlin oh merlin.
Eyes wide, Lucas just stared at Sandhu. This calling out in front of everyone? This only added to his embarrassment which added onto the fear of trying the skates and possibly making even more of a fool of himself. He slowly glanced over at the Nina girl to see if she was feeling the same, only to find her giving him a....... look. Okay. Maybe she did feel the same way. And it looked like she was putting on her skates so.....
Guess this was it.
He walked over to the closest pair of skates that weren't claimed yet and started strapping them onto his feet. That was the easy part, but it seemed to take forever. An odd feeling started to settle into the pits of his stomach as he slowly got himself up to his feet and just stood there. It felt....... weird? Yeah. Weird. He felt like he was going to fall to his death doom but something else, something about the skates, was resisting that? Sandhu had said that she put a charm on them, right? To keep them stable?
It was time to test that.
The Gryffindor glanced up and slowly started skating. Pushing one foot and then the other and then the first one...... trying to mimic the way he'd seen other people do it. The first few strides were........ slow. Very slow. Everyone else was rushing past him, even some of those who were on a wider orbit than him. But soon - he didn’t know how long but it was enough time - he started to pick up speed as his feet got used to the feeling of these skates. The odd feeling in his stomach? Still there. The internal screaming? Hadn’t left. But he tried to do his best to ignore that while he...... skated?
He was skating.
When an orbit was done, Lucas whipped out his wand and started casting the spell, wand movement and all. "Creare Orbis!" ....... Oh. Oh. That was a weird feeling, wasn’t it? But that gentle tug told him enough: that his spell had worked - success! - and he was now stuck in this area of orbit. ...... Right? He couldn’t move out or move closer if Kepler’s Laws were still intact here.
But then he felt something else. This time, there was a small tap on his shoulder from someone behind him? Looking around, his eyes landed on the Nina girl from before and he....... was confused. Did she want to talk about what happened before? Please don’t. He reaaaaaaaally didn’t want to talk at all ever about any of-
Oh. Oh right, this was supposed to be a game of tag.
Oh merlin.
Uhhhhh. It was safe to say that his brain was going into panic mode. The internal screaming only seemed to get louder, and he might’ve let out a very small scream himself as he skated forwards and towards the closest person he could find. Someone. Anyone.
Approaching, uh, someone, he reached out a hand and gave them a quick tap.
Stealthy Ninja Queen | Snake For Life | waddling baker | binge royalty ♚
Nodding his head at the Professors answer to how he should go about the activity he pushed off with his right foot and started sliding side to side. He picked up a bit more speed feeling confident on his feet. Getting his wand ready he kicked his foot out,[b] “Creare Orbis”[b] he felt himself being pulled around. He squared a bit to not loose his balance and get wobbly against the pull of his charm.
A large smile crossed his face. He was having so much fun. It almost distracted him from all of the terrible things that were going around the castle at this point. He circled around trying to push closer to pick more speed up. Now this was his favorite kind of lesson.
Slowing down a bit he noticed that everyone was starting to play a game of tag. He smiled wickedly and moved around faster than he had on his own. This was going to get interesting. He watched as Nina tagged Lucas. He was moving quickly around the room dodging people left and right.
He lost Lucas in the circles around the room and couldn’t find him as he spun around once more. Just as he was about to stop he felt a tap on his shoulder. Letting out a belly laugh he took off around the room seeing the person in front of him he reached out and attempted to tag the next person
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Whatever drama was happening with the other students, Tina wasn't paying attention to it. It wasn't her business, and besides, she was too focused on the task at hand. She had her doubts at the start, but this activity was surprisingly fun and un-chaotic, once she got used to the skates of course. As she continued going around and around the pole, an idea occurred to her. What if she tried a few twirls as she went to simulate the earth spinning as it orbits the sun?
Tina was about to try it when out of the corner of her eye, she saw Professor Sandhu tag someone. Oh, so there was the element of chaos they were missing… she should've guessed. She liked this activity a lot better when it was just skating around the room. Tina Dantes did not do human contact! Just the thought of somebody touching her and having to touch somebody else made her skin crawl. Eew, no… just no!
She quickened her pace, trying to outrun whoever was "it" at the time. No, seriously, who was "it"? She'd lost track of who tagged who; she was too busy concentrating on where and how fast she was going. Maybe if she kept this up, she could make it to the end of class without getting tagged… or not. Just when she thought she was in the clear, somebody tapped her. Her dark head whipped around, and she saw it was the Slytherin prefect (Patrick).
Okay, she was "it" now. Whatever, let's just get this over with! With a determined look in her eye, Tina sped off to try and tag the nearest person. She didn't see who it was, and she didn't care. The important thing was that she wasn't "it" anymore. Now was it too much to hope that she'd get through the rest of this lesson without getting tagged again?
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Nina Castillo was skating, but hardly. Technically, she was. But perhaps what she was doing shouldn't be qualified as such. She was going as slowly as the pull of the pole would let her go. Her arms were outstretched before her, flailing this way and that every time she felt off balance (aka, all the time) (she felt off balance all the time on these damn skates). Despite KNOWING there was an enchantment to prevent any issues, she felt it in her GUT.
It also did not help that skating slowly meant she was quite an easy target.
Actually, it did the very opposite of help. Nina hated it. "EEEEeeeeEEEEeeek!" Because she was tagged yet AGAIN. This wasn't fair!!! With a deep frown and a rush of unease, the Slytherin stretched her arms even farther out, in attempt to tag someone who was lapping her and coming up from behind. Because clearly speeding up to tag someone ahead was not a feasible option at the moment.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
That was it. That was how Drewett Gunter felt at this very moment. He was already busy trying to not fall on his face with these skates despite the stabilizing charms in place. He was, in hind sight, trying to prove Trolloise that he wouldn't look like a fool on skates. It was the last thing he needed at the moment, to be the center of any sort of attention. Falling on one's bum was definitely attention-grabbing and the fifth year tried his best to avoid any kind of attention-worthy situations.
But did his heart just skip a beat when he heard someone say 'tag, you're it'? Drewett did. He heard those words. He wasn't deaf. The Ravenclaw turned to look at whoever started the game of tag, only to realize it was their own professor who did. Professor Sandhu really was encouraging this, wasn't she? How very Gryffindor. Drewett enjoyed the woman and her lessons, but he just wasn't physically (and emotionally) fit to be part of this game.
And so Drewett was basically trying to stick to the walls the entire time. It had served him well for the first few 'rounds' since people were busy trying to tag the person in front of them. But when the Ravenclaw had to make a quick swerve around a pillar, he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Wha—" He looked behind him at the person who had just tagged him.
Nina, how could you?
PANIC PANIC PANIC. He didn't want to be tagged. Trolloise was probably having the time of her life seeing all this possibly turning into chaos, and so Drewett stretched an arm out to tap the person in front of him. Your turn. Not his. He didn't want to be "it" anymore. At all. Nope. Can the lesson be over?
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Very bold move, there, Mr Gunter. Tagging your professor. Simran Sandhu was one hundred percent here for it. However, as much as she'd like to tag someone else, a quick glance at her watch told her that they were just over the amount of time she had allocated this lesson.
It sure flew when you're having fun, she supposed.
Casting a silent sonorous on her throat, just to be safe, she clapped to get their attention. "That's time, children!" she called, already ready to take the charms off students who might have some trouble with that.
"Thank you all for coming. Class dismissed!" And now she could finally get some sleep. "You may slow to a stop, but do that towards the sides. Don't forget your bags."
And that being said, the door opened, almost as if of its own accord.
OOC: Thank you all for coming and being silly with us, and we'll see you next term for more Astronomy fun!