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When the students and professors arrive at their destination, they are surrounded by what truly looks like a wasteland. Cracked, dusty earth, a dull brown in color, puffs up with dust when anyone steps down on the ground. The shapes of the cracks in the ground resemble a tortoise shell, and all around them...for miles, is nothing. Absolutely nothing. Birds do not fly by, there are no animals in sight, and the dense quiet that surrounds them was truly eerie.
This land, ruined in some way by muggles, was for all intents and purposes a desert. The soil was unusable, if you could call the hard ground soil at all.
It is YOUR job, as a student attending this field trip, to do everything in your power to help this land get healthy again! The plants grafted in Herbology from before Christmas are off to the side, just waiting to be planted. A small tent is located next to the potted trees, and inside this tent is a box of supplies that Professor Flamsteed procured for some good ole’ fashioned soil analysis! Professor Moxley has provided some muggle tools to help with the planting stuff as well! So enjoy your LOVELY uniforms...and let’s get to work! Professor Myers has some topical potions to prevent sunburn! So get your potion and let’s gooooo!
the above map is for OOC reference only.
It is meant to serve as a guide to help you RP tasks appropriately.
landing site and tents with supplies are located on the edge of the map at the bottom blue areas indicate not enough nitrogen yellow areas indicate too much nitrogen red areas indicate not enough carbon brown areas are useable soil
☼ Tasks ☼
Soil Analysis
SPOILER!!: Steps
Located inside the tent you will find the following materials to be used for soil analysis: vials of identifying solution (presently clear will turn colors), plastic beakers, trowels, and small jars of powdered carbon. To perform a complete soil analysis you must perform the following steps:
collect a trowel full of dirt and add to a beaker
pour 1 cup of the solution into the beaker with the dirt and swirl it around 5 times clockwise
point your wand at the mixture and say “Cibus Revelio” (solution will turn colors to indicate what that particular area needs most). The area has been sealed off and approved by the Ministry for underage wizards to perform magic.
based on the color change, administer appropriate restoration effort
blue : plant a grafted plant (see directions below)
yellow : plant cabbage saplings (see directions below)
red : mix one tablespoon powdered carbon in with the soil sample and massage the solution back into the ground with your hands.
brown/remains unchanged: nothing needs done
overlapping colors
: at the digression of the RPer
A minimum of 4 posts is required for this activity (preferably 2 posts in 2 different areas of the map)
Planting the Grafted Trees
SPOILER!!: Steps
The trees the grafted from the beginning of term are in a clump located on the right. This task requires a few steps in order to be considered completed. No magic is to be used during this portion. Use shovels, wear gloves, and keep hydrated as your work! These are still relatively small trees, but not as baby as they were in the beginning of term. Keep in the mind the grafted trees should only be planted where the ground is in need of NITROGEN [blue areas].The steps are as followed:
Digging hole (with shovel)
Unpotting tree
Placing tree in ground
Recovering with dirt (with shovel)
Watering the tree once it’s in the ground
Have fun with this and interact with each other! Minimum of 2 posts required!
Planting Cabbage
SPOILER!!: Steps
On the opposite side of where the trees are located are a whole plow of cabbage saplings waiting to be planted in the ground! The cabbages are for ground where nitrogen is too rich because cabbages help reduce nitrogen in soil. Planting these plants is pretty similar planting the trees with slight differences. There are also some buckets of compost to help the cabbage and soil in these areas [yellow areas]. The cabbages are in biodegradable pots. The steps are as followed:
Digging the hole (using a spade this time, cabbages are little!)
Mix compost into the soil in the hole
Wet the cabbage
Tear the bottom off of biodegradable pot
Place cabbage in the hole
Fill in hole
Water those baby cabbages!
Again, have fun with this! Get messy, interact with each other, ask questions, complain. Minimum of 2 posts required!
⌦Lesson Progression
▸ question: how do humans destroy the environment?
▸ happening: grab a portkey!
▸ happening: 48 hour warning
Her feet his the ground with a loud THUMP noise making stagger on her feet and loose her balance, falling on her back, releasing her hold on the hula hoop in the process. As he landed on her backside a cloud of dust erupted from the hard ground.
"UHMPF!" she exclaimed. She sat on the ground for a few minutes, looking around, her eyes as big as galleons. The land around them was dry, cracked and really... dead? As her eyes kept analyzing her surroundings she also spotted the plants grafted in Herbology before Christmas, a tent, tools and a bunch of other stuff as well.
She got up, dusting her suit off - trying - started walking in the direction of the tent, which seemed to be what everyone was doing. She took a moment to read all the instructions, grasping what they were about to do. "We will have to do all of this?" she murmured, quite chocked. They had only been there a few minutes and she was already feeling the suffocating heat making her skin sweat underneath the suit.
She had head something about Professor Myers having something for the sunburns? She browsed until she found the professor "Can I please have some of that sunburn potion professor? I think I'm much too pale for this weather" she said, her cheeks rosy from the warmth in the air and the sun shinning down on them.
Despite my empty mouth the words are in my mind. Don't you wonder what's inside?
Genny arrived to their destination butt-first. The cracked ground was nothing like a cushioned trampoline but she wasn't going to whine and complain about it, she was a Gryffindor. Gryffindors didn't whine. So, jumping to her feet and dusting off her navy blue onesie, she looked around for Sam before catching the tent with her eyes. Ooh. Maybe there were some snacks and juice there? It was pretty lifeless out here she was already craving happiness a.k.a. food.
Only no. There were no food anywhere (unless you call cabbage plants food, ew). With a small sigh, and determination not to use any sunscreen because hey, Gryffindors did not burn by the sun hah, she started out by picking up a trowel and a beaker.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Hady landed lightly on her feet with a slight sway and a very small upset stomach. No matter how many times she traveled this way her stomach never got used to it but at least she remained upright. Nothing was worse then falling on her behind or face planting the ground in front of everyone expect for maybe revisiting that mornings meal. Happily neither of these things happened.
Taking in a slow breath Hady cast her hazel eyes around the area taking in the way to dry soul and the lack of...well the lack of just everything. Sad honestly. A group like there's though would get this place fixed up in no time at all. And she already knew just what task she would be doing.
First though she needed some sunburn potion. No need for a burn when it didn't have to happen. "Hello, Professor Myers. Can I get some sunburn potion please," she asked with a small grin as she made her way over to the man. Which she got what she needed she could get started on the tasks at hand.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
The landing wasn’t hard or all together uncomfortable. However it was hot, burn your skin off hot, which was a little unwelcoming when she thought about it. The first thing she was going to do was head into the tents and out of the sunlight.
Looking around at the landing area and the supply tents she saw the vials she would need, the beakers, and jars. Yep. She was going to collect her supplies. Reaching into the backpack she still had slung over her shoulders she took out her aluminium water bottle unstopped it and cast aquamenti into the bottle. After all it was filled she looked around again.
“Professor Myers – might I borrow some of your potion as well?” She asked and grinned. Sure she probably could have handled the heat more if she had been raised by Phil but, Phil was boring and his kids were absolute tyrants. It had been much more fun living with Finn in her old bedroom almost waiting for mum and dad to come back…Mel had known better.
“its so hot here” she muttered again and looked around. Where were her friends? She was almost excited to possibly work with them as a team.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Kitty's feet touched the ground - crashed into it was a better word to describe how it felt. She toppled sideways but threw her arms in front of her to break her fall.
"I'm okay!" She stood back up and tossed her head around to get the hair out of her face.
"Wow!" This was not what she was expecting. She was expecting to be transported to an old lot with debris all over the place like in the Muggle Studies lesson. but instead they were in a wasteland. Kitty took out her hand mirror to examine herself and make certain that none of her pale face makeup of dark eyeliner was gone.
Then she started looking for a souvenir to bring back to Rachel. As soon as she did that then she would get to work on the instructions.
Matt just about stood up once they arrived at their destination. It didn't take him two seconds to get his balance back and he immediately looked around. "TATOOIIIIIIIIIINE!!!" He whipped his head around to try and spot the two suns.
No? Okay. He could always pretend in his mind. Besides, that place didn't REALLY look that much like Tatooine, except for the fact it was quite dry. But THEN AGAIN, Matt's imagination was awesome so he would still pretend.
The Gryffindor wanted no potion to prevent sunburn because that was for GIRLS and boys didn't NEED any of THAT. Or at least HE didn't because he was TOOOUUUGHHH. Yas. And the suns was cool, he liked the suns. Both of them even though one of them didn't exist.
What was that? A girl that wasn't after the potion to prevent sunburn?? Matt already liked her! Hah, of COURSE she was a Gryffindor. They were always the COOLEST. So he joined her getting the trowel and beaker. "HEYO, GENNY!" He exclaimed also grabbing some material for him to work with.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
After getting her sunburn potion, which she promptly drank, feeling a cool wave flood her body, she then returned inside the tent. There she read the instruction in the first board. She retrieved her little notebook from inside her suit and tapped it with her wand - surely there would be no harm performer magic there, after all it was as if they were in Hogwarts right? Teachers and all? - she copied the contents of the board magically into her notebook.
Satisfied with the result, she then pulled her sleeve up to her elbows murmuring "First a beaker and a trowel.." she picked out a trowel with a green cable and put it in her pocket, handle out and carried her beaker and a small jar with something black inside of it.
She then walked outside into the boiling sun which - surprisingly wasn't as hot as it had been before. She took a few steps, gaining some distance from the tent and knelt down on the floor, using her trowel to get a sample of dirt into the beaker - which proved itself to be quite difficult since the land was so dry she had "mine" the dirt out. She then poured 1 cup of the solution into the beaker with the dirt and swirled it around 5 times clockwise.
Despite my empty mouth the words are in my mind. Don't you wonder what's inside?
Kitty wondered if it would be okay if she brought back one of the plants. It probably wouldn't be so she decided to look for something else, but it would have to be later after she finished the project because she was starting to feel very hot in her black robes. She read the instructions in the tent (which looked really complex, but at least they didn't seem dangerous) and took a blue trowel and beaker and exited the tent to begin. It was very hard to dig in this soil since it was do dry. "I don't think there are any worms in this soil at all," she muttered as she slowly dug out enough to put in the beaker.
By now she was starting to get very hot. She temporarily left her beaker and trowel behind and wandered back into the tent and spotted the sunburn potions. Picking one up, she approached Professor Flamsteed and asked while holding it up, "Professor, are we supposed to drink it?" Muggle sun screens were applied to the skin, but potions were usually for drinking so Kitty wasn't certain what was the right thing to do.
Last edited by Goblinfrog; 03-11-2016 at 05:08 PM.
The suits were actually meant to be quite cool, and Paul thought they were......ish. He honestly thought whatever they wore today would...make no difference in how sweaty they'd get.
After regaining composure from that nice, totally relaxing portkey ride, Paul smiled and went to grab the box of little potions he had stored up. "Anyone who wishes to protect from the sun--more so than just our suits--please rub this potion on your exposed skin!" he rubbed on his own potion.
Now where was Dot? He wanted to like fancy like her.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Last edited by kayquilz; 03-12-2016 at 06:45 AM.
Reason: just ignore me I'm dumb ok lalalalala
Katherine was NOT happy with how this whole portkey adventure ended. She'd somehow managed to stay on her feet, but she wasn't expecting such a strong landing, so when they landed, her legs could't carry her and she fell on her bum - with her knee cracking due to the sudden movement. The ground wasn't helpful at all either, so even though her knees had soaked much of the impact, it still hurt (it wasn't because she was such a cry baby shhh). She whimpered and looked around to see if she was the only one. Well - she wasn't the only one, but she was the only whining one. With a huff, she got up, made a face of pain, and walked over to Professor Myers to get her potion. She wasn't getting a skin cancer, tyvm. So she caaaaaarefully applied the potion on ever inch of skin she could, then she waited for a little for the potion to be effective. Once she felt protected, she first held out her hand carefully outside of the shadow as if she was somehow expecting it to burn... and when it didn't, she fully stepped outside and gathered the necessary gear: a vial of the potion, beakers (she highly suspected plastic would melt at this temperature and affect the outcome of the experiment, but she wasn't the one to judge the professors), trowels and powdered carbon. Then, she walked over to the least populated area - she wasn't going to be distracted by cheeky peers. No, she also was not interested in a soil fight or whatever they might think.
Setting her gears down, she picked a beaker, hoped it would not melt, and collected a trowel of dirt to add in it. Then, she paused to think: she had to open the vial and get some potion to pour into the beaker, but if she set the beaker down on the ground, it might melt down and mess with the potion's outcome; which meant she had to keep holding onto the beaker, but she couldn't open the vial with one hand... in the end, she knelt and secured the beaker (why wasn't this glass, again?) between her legs, and caaaaaaarefully opened the vial to get some potion.
Did the professors appreciate her attention and, well, wits?
What was that? A girl that wasn't after the potion to prevent sunburn?? Matt already liked her! Hah, of COURSE she was a Gryffindor. They were always the COOLEST. So he joined her getting the trowel and beaker. "HEYO, GENNY!" He exclaimed also grabbing some material for him to work with.
Hmm? "Hey, Matt!" she grinned at her house/year/schoolmate Matt. He was getting right into this business it seemed. "Do you want to do this together?" She did not really care about spreading out and collecting soil from different areas of this poor lifeless land, she was more into doing those tasks with a friend by her side. So there was her, Sam and Matt. Herbology was never more fun.
"No sun protection, too, huh?" Pride brightened her eyes. "Let's go." She set out to a further area from the students. "I usually don't enjoy Herbology, but the uniforms and this trip." She took a big inhale. "So fun." Stomping the ground with her foot as if to get a 'feeling' of the soil, she decided they were where they were supposed to be. Genny crouched down and took a trowel full of dried up soil and into her beaker it went.
Hmm? "Hey, Matt!" she grinned at her house/year/schoolmate Matt. He was getting right into this business it seemed. "Do you want to do this together?" She did not really care about spreading out and collecting soil from different areas of this poor lifeless land, she was more into doing those tasks with a friend by her side. So there was her, Sam and Matt. Herbology was never more fun.
"No sun protection, too, huh?" Pride brightened her eyes. "Let's go." She set out to a further area from the students. "I usually don't enjoy Herbology, but the uniforms and this trip." She took a big inhale. "So fun." Stomping the ground with her foot as if to get a 'feeling' of the soil, she decided they were where they were supposed to be. Genny crouched down and took a trowel full of dried up soil and into her beaker it went.
"Yaaaaaaaaah." He replied opening his mouth exaggeratedly and draaaagging the vowel. He hadn't even started and he could forsee this being a tad boring IF he didn't use his super imagination to help him fight it.
No sun protection? "Nope! That's for- well, not me." Matt grinned after stopping himself from saying that it was for 'girls'. Genny herself was a girl and she was having none of it, which was COOL. "I don't mind Herbology, I guess. It's cool to get dirty. Besides, it's way better than HIstory of Magic." Like pretty much anything, really. ALL THINGS were better than History of Magic. Except maybe Arithmancy but he wouldn't know because he didn't take that subject.
The way she made her comments made Matt CRACK UP because HAHA 'so fun', HAHAHA! Ah, mun, Genny was hilarious. Again, "At least we're not sitting at desks reading books." HANDS ON! RAAAAAHHHH!!! Way better.
Almost to prove a point, Matt grabbed the trowel and BOOM, he got a load of dirt!soil and put it into the beaker. He took a vial and poured the solution into the beaker as well. "Is that how it goes? I hope so." He said, not checking to see if he was following the steps correctly. If he was right, he was right. If not... WELP. It would be fun to see what would happen.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Azura landed with a bit of a thud and promptly fell over onto the hard soil.. She thankfully put her hands out this time, but ugghhh.. She didn't feel goooodddd.. Everything was spinning slightly as she was beginning to taste her lovely eggs that she had had at breakfast that morning!!
Holy Fwoopers in the Crystal Blue Sky.. Please don't let her lose her breakfast!!
She slowly pushed upwards once the land stopped spinning and staggered to her feet, her purple eyes squinting in the sun as she looked around.. She quickly made her way towards Professor Meyers and took some sunblock potions.. Cause.. Ummm Whiter than Snow.. over here.. Yup!
Red was not her color..
She smootjed the potion onto all exposed skin, fixed her hair so it was in a messy bun up off her neck, and moved over to start working.. She looked around for any of her friends to see if they wanted to help her!
Last edited by MunchyBubbles; 03-12-2016 at 05:55 AM.
Elsa then proceeded to point her wand at the mixture and say the enchantment "Cibus Revelio!". The mixture started showing a rainbow of colors quickly changing at first, slowing down until and settling at bright red. She took a moment to consult her notebook "If the mixture turns red you should mix a tablespoon of the powdered carbon in it and massage the solution back into de ground.. with my bare hands?!" that was revolting, they would get all muddied up! Azura was nearby, she saw, so the young Slytherin waved at her "All good?" she asked.
She knew what she had to do so.. buckle up! Pulling her hair up in a high pony tail she proceeded to add the carbon. The result was a substance similar to mud, that she poured on the floor, getting back on her knees, and quickly massaged into the earth. And just like that, the piece of land she was working on became less dry, more moist and plantable, if that was even a word. "Professors I think I did it!!" she exclaimed with excitement, even though she was pretty sure they were already aware of the results that were supposed to occur when such concoctions where made.
Excitedly and not minding her muddy hands and completely ruined nails, she got up, cleaning her hands on her suit - there goes the suit, she thought - gathering her materials in her arms and getting ready to work on another piece of land.
Despite my empty mouth the words are in my mind. Don't you wonder what's inside?
Professor Paul had just indirectly answered her question about the sunburn potion. Kitty applied the potion generously on herself before on to the next step. She read the instructions again (because she had already forgotten the second step) and went outside and emptied the cup into the beaker before stirring five times.
Now what? Steps three and four were jumbled in her mind and she didn't want to go back to the ten again, so she glanced over at what the others were doing. From this point onward she would copy them exactly. If she made a mistake then they would have made the same mistake. And they wouldn't mind her watching them, right?
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Ariadne looked around at the environment with wide-eyes. Her heart dropped. What had HAPPENED here? She was kind of scared, because it looked like the kind of place that if they ever got stuck here, they probably wouldn't make it very long. She was being silly, though. Of course they could make it out of here.
...they could, right?!
She accepted a bit of the potion Myers offered, thanked him, and then went on her way. Soil analysis first! Although the area looked horrible, this mission seemed kind of fun! Too bad this was a REAL affected area and not just some made up area for class purposes.
She ventured inside the tent and collected a few materials, starting with a trowel and a beaker. She cleaned both of them, because even though she was about to deal with DIRT, she knew from Potions class that you should NOT let elements mix together. Just in case there was any residue left on the trowel or beaker, she didn't want to come up with an incorrect analysis.
Ariadne headed into the thick of things and crouched down toward the soil. She scooped a bit of it up with her trowel and added it to the beaker. Well, then. Getting started hadn't been too hard.
Last edited by Anna Banana; 03-12-2016 at 05:25 AM.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by kayquilz
The suits were actually meant to be quite cool, and Paul thought they were......ish. He honestly thought whatever they wore today would...make no difference in how sweaty they'd get.
After regaining composure from that nice, totally relaxing portkey ride, Paul smiled and went to grab the box of little potions he had stored up. "Anyone who wishes to protect from the sun--more so than just our suits--please rub this potion on your exposed skin!" he downed his own potion.
Now where was Dot? He wanted to like fancy like her.
It was super dirty here. Like not just... dirty, but the place was literally made of dirt. DIRT WORLD. Dot turned her big blues on favorite professor ever Paul Myers, and maybe even managed a lip wobble for him. Because of reasons.
"I'm not emotionally equipped to deal with this sort of hard labor, sir. I'm allergic to dirt. And also I think I left the stove on." She did him the favor of cuffing his pant legs and sleeves and glitzing up his collars, though, because he needed to look fabulous way out here in the middle of nowhere. If they died, they should die fancy.
Still... "Can we really fix this place? Just with trees and cabbages? That's possible?" She would gladly get a little dirty to make DirtWorld disappear, especially after Moxley's lesson on making the world better, but it seemed like a really impossible dream. Dot scooped up one of the trowels and filled it with the soil at her feet. Like... look. This dirt was just... dirty."
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Ariadne had no idea if their plan would work or not, but she kind of felt like she was right in the middle of her ELEMENT. You know how some people just have their own little talent or interest or thing they really excel at? Well, Ariadne thought this might be one of hers. She just felt like she had this EXTREME interest in repairing a whole environment.
She reached for the solution she'd collected and noted its clear color. She was trying to be REALLY observant of everything, because gathering clues was how they'd fix this place. Plus, there was some prize for whoever figured it all out, and just in case it was CUPCAKES, she wanted to try and win. She poured exactly one cup of the clear solution into the beaker of dirt she'd just collected.
She swirled it once, twice, three...four...five times in a clockwise direction.
Mel was ready for this. More so now that she made her way over to Professor Myer’s side for his much needed potion. “Thank you Professor,” Melbourne grinned before applying a healthy amount of potion to her face and neck before moving to cover any of the other exposed sections of skin available – even going as far as to cover sections that could become uncovered by her suit shifting.
She gave the Professor a small nod before heading off to find a section to explore and analyze. Toying with the trowel in her hand the Gryffindor knelt down before plunging it into the ground and collecting a small portion of dirt and pouring it into her beaker.
She looked like a scientist right now. That was cool.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Ariadne paused and took a glance around the area. It looked like most everybody was still testing the soil, so she doubted someone had found some miraculous solution. Besides, if they did, she kind of thought they would have let the others know by now. Whatever had happened to this land had done a really good job of destroying it. The ground looked like it needed a thousand and one 'Aguamenti's', but even then, would it stay moist without vegetation?
Pulling out her wand and aiming it toward the mixture, Ariadne said, "Cibus Revelio!" So according to the directions, the solution was supposed to change colors based on what the area needed. It was kind of cool the way the solution worked, which lead her to wonder why nobody had tried to do this before. Maybe the Muggles just didn't know what to do, and maybe the Magical population had just discovered this place...
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Azura waved at Elsa and she nodded at her. "All Good!" She said with a warm smile as she trudged around the barren land. What.. Had happened here? She wasn't sure but it was sad. She almost felt like crying and as she moved into the tent to grab a trowel..
She stopped for a moment and put her hand on the dirt. "We are going to help you.. I promise. " She whispered out as she moved out of the tent with her supplies
She stopped a ways from the tent and bent down in the dirt and scooped up some and then placed it in her beaker. She carefully measured out one cup of the solution and put it into her beaker along with the dirt.. And then
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Executing a perfect 10 point landing was second nature to the astronomer now, especially given how often he had to portkey and apparate for Astronomer Royal and personal affairs, so he thought nothing of it as he landed and shrunk the hula hoop so it fit neatly into his pocket. Pebbles was instantly placed on the ground, pink leash in his hand, and dragged walked with him over to the main grounds so he could help supervise soil analysis and planting.
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
By now she was starting to get very hot. She temporarily left her beaker and trowel behind and wandered back into the tent and spotted the sunburn potions. Picking one up, she approached Professor Flamsteed and asked while holding it up, "Professor, are we supposed to drink it?" Muggle sun screens were applied to the skin, but potions were usually for drinking so Kitty wasn't certain what was the right thing to do.
Just as he was about to answer the Ravenclaw, Paul clarified and the professor instead tapped the bridge of his nose at the young woman. That answered that!
Originally Posted by Jojogali
... "Professors I think I did it!!" she exclaimed with excitement, even though she was pretty sure they were already aware of the results that were supposed to occur when such concoctions where made.
Excitedly and not minding her muddy hands and completely ruined nails, she got up, cleaning her hands on her suit - there goes the suit, she thought - gathering her materials in her arms and getting ready to work on another piece of land.
Attention drawn to the Slytherin, Airey made his way over and offered an approving nod
"Stellar," he applauded.......and then face dropped ENTIRELY as she cleaned her hands on her suit.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Landing wasn't an issue for him, he was well practiced with all forms of magical transportation by this stage, what he did have issues with... was the task. They were supposed to rehabilitate THIS environment?
That was dumb, right? Like... it would take a LOT to do it. And time, and things would have to settle in their own way. Over time.
It would fail.
They would fail.
What was the point in this? For them to realise how much the world was stuffed up? Because, lesson learnt!
... Sighs.
Zeke ran a hand through the front of his hair, sunburn was not something he was concerned about, and nor was he motivated to start yet. Just WHERE did one start? Soil, obviously, maybe... likely... but, it was pointless. So instead he'd just stand there looking like the only attractive thing in this merlinforsaken place.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Soil AnalysisL: 1
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
After getting some of the sunburn potion from Professor Myers and quickly drinking it without much thought on it she was ready to get working. And just by the looks of things this place needed A LOT of work. It was bound to be a very long long day.
So first things first. Looking around once more Hady made her way over to the area where the supplies were. Collecting herself a trowel as well as a beaker of solution. From what she understood the solution would change color after she added some soil to it and preformed the correct steps needed to identify what the ground she was standing on would need.
Now where exactly did she want to get started? Casting a fast look around herself she choose to let her feet pick the spot and just began walking in a random direction somewhat away from where everyone else was at the moment.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!