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Brrrrrrr. It was much too cold outside, and that frigid air was seeping into the castle through every crack in the millenium-old structure. But that was nothing compared to the grounds. It was days like this that made Tiara grateful for her office indoors she currently had; her first office in the stadium had been quite drafty.
The first task was to light a fire in the fireplace. "Incendio," she said, pointing her wand at the grate. No need to bother the elves with this one. Then she propped open the door in eager anticipation. Time for some learning!
Angel was not having a good day, in fact she was having one of the worst days of her life and she had thought about just bunking off a class, for the first time in her life but it was Arithmancy and she actually kind of liked the subject, plus the professor was cool which also helped.
"Hi Professor." Angel said as she walked into the room, she looked around to see if she could find any clues about what they were doing, but she just wasn't that interested at the minute, everything was going wrong this year and she already wanted to get it over with.
She went and sat down and waited to see what they would be doing today, hopefully it wouldn't involve a lot of writing stuff down because she'd probably get everything in a muddle, though she would try her best.
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
It wasn’t that she disliked the subject. Well, Brooklyn definitely wasn’t fond of Arithmancy, but she wasn’t about to let anyone suspect that. At least, not the professor. She had made a decision to stick with the professors she knew, for the most part. There were a few of the new ones who intrigued her, but the ones who had been around knew her. It made things simpler. She didn’t have to change anything.
The expression on her face as she’d entered the classroom was, mostly, due to the weather. She had layers on, but she didn’t like freezing cold. Even having been here for years, she was still a Californian at heart. The fire she noticed as soon as she’d gotten inside definitely raised her spirits a little, enough that she was able to put on her traditional smile for the professor. “Good day, Professor Tanner,” she said politely, intentionally picking a seat close to the fire. At least she’d be warm, even if she ended up completely confused again by the end of lesson. That was normal by now.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
One thing that Kitty wondered about was why the wizarding world didn't have a magical version of air conditionals. She knew from studying Muggles and from her own personal experiences that Muggle places were almost never too hot or too cold, the temperature was controlled by machines called air conditionals. Right now she was wishing that Hogwarts would install one.
Thank Merlin there was a fire! "Good morning Professor!" Kitty tried to sound cheerful as she went to sit as close as she could to the fire.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
One thought kept entering Esme's head as she made the trek to the Arithmancy classroom: why haven't the Professors insulated the castle? Maybe she should learn the spell and perform it herself... Would take a while is all.
"Hello, Professor," She said as soon as she stepped inside. Aaah, a fire had been lit. She was going to take advantage of this and sit as close to the fireplace as possible. "Hey, Kitty." Seemed that they both had the same thought. Sitting beside her new friend, she tried to get as warm as possible.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Arithmancy time!
Jace didn't need to be told twice to hurry up as soon as he saw that Arithmancy was his next class. He likes numbers...and he likes discovering the meanings behind the numbers. Wrapping his Ravenclaw scarf tighter around his neck, the first year showed himself inside the warm classroom, and greeted the professor. "Konnichiwa, Professor Tanner." he said, giving her a bow and a grin.
Jace situated himself closest to the fire, and tipped his head at an older Slytherin girl (BROOKLYN HI!). "Hi." he said, ever so softly and grinned at her. She does look a bit intimidating, but right now, the fire is more important.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Janelle arrived at the Arithmancy classroom with plenty of time to spare. she gave her greetings as she entered the room. "Hello Professor Tanner. Hello everyone.' Then she headed straight for her favorite seat. Dropping her bookbag on the floor, Janelle sat down and got comfortable.
It was cold and Janelle gave an involutary shiver. Thank Merlin the professor had started a fire. That did kind of take the chill out of the air. Pulling out her necessary supplies, Janelle sat back and waited for class to begin.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Kaycee really missed Miami at times like this. Hogwarts was always FREEZING. How was this even possible for something to be this cold.
"Hello Professor." she greeted as she quickly made her way over to the fireplace. Yes. Okay. She would hang out over here where it was warm. She took a seat and rubbed her arms. Alright heat, start working.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Bewitching Bowtruckle | a roamin’ numeral | Newt's salamander eyes ❤ | Ko Ko Bop
Carl walked into the Arithmancy Classroom, with his arms folded across his chest. It was cold here! He was glad to see that a fire was burning brightly, at least he would not freeze during the lesson. He wanted to pay attention to what he was about to learn, because he really liked the subject.
"Good morning, Professor Tanner." The Hufflepuff said and smiled at the Professor. He then proceeded to look for a place to sit. Finding one in the middle of the room, he sat down and rubbed his hands together to keep warm.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Feeling rather good this morning despite the bitter cold and chill that seemed to have seeped it's way through the halls and classrooms, Hady made her way towards Arithmancy. Really she didn't fully understand why everyone complained so much about it being cold, warm clothing beneath her robes and a very simple heating charm cast nicely on herself and she was set to go. No fuss or whining from her.
Tucking a lock of brunette hair behind her ear the Slytherin entered the room quietly. "Morning Professor," she greeted quietly with a light smile as she took her seat somewhere near the front of the room. It wasn't her best subject but it didn't matter she was here and ready to learn something. Proving this fact to be true Hady took out a clean sheet of parchment, her self inking quill and her textbook setting them out on the desk in front of her. Ready to begin now.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Goodness! It was so chilly. Rachel shivered slightly as she walked down the corridor that lead to the Arithmancy classroom. When she reached there, however, she was relieved by the warmth emitting from the room. Obviously Professor Tanner would not let them suffer through a lesson in the cold.
"Hello, Professor. I hope I find you well.'' She smiled graciously at the woman before going off to find a seat. She smiled to her friends- Kitty, Jace, Esme, Janelle, Hady and Carl. She opted to sit next to Esme, whom she was growing attached to. "Hello, Esme. It is Esme, right?'' Sometimes, Rachel had a difficult time telling the twins apart.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
It was cold, yes, but Zeke didn't much mind... that's what thermal underwear and heating charms were for. Mmhhmm. And as it was, it was difficult to be worrying about such things when the threat of OWLs was waiting for them in the not too distant future. Like. IT WAS COMING.
At least he could expect a good mark for Arithmancy.
"Hi, Professor Tanner," Zeke greeted as he entered through the door, his satchel slung across his chest. He gave her a warm smile before turning his attention to his peers. Hady and Kaycee both received a nod and a hand up - because waving was for girls. It was when his gaze settled on Janelle that he suddenly felt the desire to join her. "Hey," he greeted the Ravenclaw as he slipped into the desk next to hers, "how've you been?"
Haddie entered the classroom, grumbling quietly with fake sobs... Of all the muggle subjects they had to adopt why did it have to be math!? Magical math was still math... Why couldn't it be magical english, or magical science or magical history.
Okay so that last one was a class, but that didn't change the fact that whoever created Arithmancy was the devil themself. "Professor," she greeted. She liked Professor Turner even if she hated magical math as much as math math. "Can we skip the math today and get a flying lesson instead?" She asked that question ever class pretty much. Today was no exception.
Norah grinned gratefully at the crackling fire as she entered the classroom, pulling off her fuzzy hat when it was clear that it really wouldn't be necessary during this particular lesson. That was a shame, really, 'cause fuzzy hats were the best kinds of hats, but it was probably better than being shivery and cold AND trying to do maths all at the same time. This hadn't exactly been her greatest OWL, but that was probably her own fault for being rubbish at the studying thing. It hadn't been too dreadful though, so here she was like every lesson, ready to be embarrassed sniffles and all.
"Hi Professor Tanner," she said, taking a seat right at the front of the classroom and pulling parchment and a quill from her bag. This was a sparkly ink kind of day. It just was. Arithmancy was just one of those subjects that NEEDED it, y'know? It was a science, really.
"Hi, Esme" Kitty smiled to her new friend as she moved over to sit next to her. "I love your hair, by the way." It was true. She didn't know what exactly it was about Esme's hair that she liked so much, but it was one of her favorite types of hair of anyone she had met at Hogwarts so far.
She also smiled at Rachel as she came to sit on Esme's other side. She waved at Haddie, but for the first time she DID NOT giggle when Haddie asked Professor Turner if they could trade math for a flying lesson. Every other time that Haddie had asked this question she had giggled (because it was funny, duh!) but now she was too cold to worry about laughing.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Tia liked Arithmancy. And it was nothing to do with her Aunt; okay, maybe a little bit was in part due to her. But it was also because the subject just made logical sense to her and Professor Tanner was kind and Ravenclaw proud.
Finding a seat near the front, Tia was grateful upon seeing the fire lit. See, that's what she meant by Tanner. The woman just was so genuine and caring about her student's wellbeing.
"Hello Professor," Tia greeted, as she got situated at her desk, taking her parchment and quill from her bag.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
As more people entered the classroom, Esme sent them waves. There were Hady and Jace, but they went off to sit elsewhere. Janelle, who she had met during Dueling Club got a wave as well.
"Hey, Rachel," she added with a giggle as her friend walked in and took the seat next to her. Part of her was tempted to say that she was Juno, but she decided it was better to be nice and honest. Maybe she and her sister could fool people later on; that always was a lot of fun. "Yep, it's me." Honestly she wasn't sure if Juno would even come since this was math...
Awww, Kitty was complimenting her hair. "Thanks! I rather like it with curls. Your hair looks nice too!" They all had nice hair in her opinion.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Arithmancy. Divining using numbers. His dad did tell him something about the importance of that. Although he was likely referring to the more financial aspects of divining with numbers.
And speaking of finances that is the reason why Tenacius keeps showing up for this class. Its been paid for, least he can do is turn up. Waste not want not and all that...
"Hey there Professor Tanner." And off he goes to the back of the class.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Sam hadn't been sure about Arithmancy, but it turned out helping out with her Dad's er, business, had done more for her calculating skills than it had for her reading and writing ones. Admittedly, she still wasn't so sure about the meanings bit, but she was pretty sure the maths was the most important bit. Yep.
She immediately noticed the warmth of the fire as she entering the classroom, and gave Tanner a grateful smile as she greeted her. "Good day, Professeh Tanneh!"
She wasn't so cold she felt the need to sit by the fire though. Instead, she headed to a desk next to the Head Girl's. Tia would help her if she needed to read the meanings of things from the textbook, right?
Oh and there was Tenacius. Haddie was suddenly glad she hadn't taken a seat yet, because now she could sit near him without being obvious about it. Well anymore than she had been while poisoned...
Might as well, given that everyone else was sitting Rachel. Haddie waved back to Kitty and made her way to the back, trying to make it look as casual as possible. Nope, nothing deliberate about this here. Not at all. She didn't sit directly next to him, that would be too obvious, but close enough.
Haddie smiled, a little bit of a blush warming her cheeks and nodded at the boy. See casual. "Hey, Tenacius." Now she just needed to make it through this class without embarrassing herself in front of him. Again.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Olivia was used to the Scottish winters, even those cold days in an old castle, so the cold wasn't all that much new to her. It didn't mean that she didn't appreciate the fire that was burning bright and full in the classroom fireplace as she entered for the latest arithmacy class. It was a nice change from the drafty corridors. "Good morning, Professor," she greeted the woman standing there waiting for them all with a smile.
Onto getting a seat and the Ravenclaw took note of the familiar faces already there.
"Hey..." she greeted to Rachel and Esme and Tia and Sam seated together and Haddie, Kitty, Hady and Zeke each sitting randomly or with others she didn't know. Hmmm...the options were open. Finally she decided to take a seat near the Hufflepuff prefect(Norah) to strike for a new face. "Hello," Olivia said, deciding to channel her inner badger today.
Kitty waved back to Olivia before turning back to Esme, who had just returned her compliment by complimenting her own hair. "Thank you! You like my bangs?" Her long black hair was combed in its usual fashion, but this time the bangs were longer and more profound than normal. She snapped out her hand mirror to admire them (the bangs) before snapping it shut to look at everyone else's hair style. Truthfully, she liked everyone's hair - even the ones who had arranged their hair in ways Kitty would never do. Everyone's look seemed to fit their personality, and that was truly mattered - at least in her opinion.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Ariadne wasn't quite sure how she would feel about Arithmancy. SHe'd never gotten too much into the subject, because in her mind, it seemed kind of boring. She figured she'd give it a chance, though, because who knew? Maybe her opinion had always been the wrong one, and this professor would just change her mind completely.
"Hi, Professor Tanner!" she said, walking into the classroom. OHHH, A FIRE! "Thanks for the warm fire!" Looking across the room, she saw where a few of her friends were already here. There was Brooklyn, Kitty, Carl, Hady, Rachel, the other Haddie, and Tenacius. HIII, FRIENDS! Ariadne sat kind of in the middle of them all then waited for class to begin.
This was not a class that Jaemin was sure about, like at all. They were this far into the term and he still had no idea what he was really doing, or what was happening, or what the applications of it really were. Still... his intense need to understand it kept him coming back.
That and the fact that he had to come back. That was also a major driving force.
The small boy hugged his warm sweater tighter around himself and watched the professor intently, a few things spread out on his desk so he could take notes on everything that she said. He'd been doing this every time he had this class... one day he'd actually fully grasp what he was writing down. He was sure of it.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Originally Posted by Hera
It was cold, yes, but Zeke didn't much mind... that's what thermal underwear and heating charms were for. Mmhhmm. And as it was, it was difficult to be worrying about such things when the threat of OWLs was waiting for them in the not too distant future. Like. IT WAS COMING.
At least he could expect a good mark for Arithmancy.
"Hi, Professor Tanner," Zeke greeted as he entered through the door, his satchel slung across his chest. He gave her a warm smile before turning his attention to his peers. Hady and Kaycee both received a nod and a hand up - because waving was for girls. It was when his gaze settled on Janelle that he suddenly felt the desire to join her. "Hey," he greeted the Ravenclaw as he slipped into the desk next to hers, "how've you been?"
Janelle was just checking out everyone as they arrived to class. Hearing a "hey", she looked up to see Zeke taking the seat next to her. "Hey yourself, she replied. "I've been great. How are things with you?" Janelle smiled, thinking of her "getting to know you" partner from last term. They had learned a lot about each other in that Ancient Runes class........and had some great laughs.
"Glad to see you in Arithmancy and not Astronomy." Janelle gave Zeke a smile about their shared joke. "Wonder what we'll be doing today?", Janelle said as she looked over toward Professor Tanner.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!