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Albert Kettleburn EraAll historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Minister for Magic, Albert Kettleburn [IC January 2081 - December 2086; OOC June 2013 - January 2015]
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
SPOILER!!: Mr Atticus 'Attractive' Aldredge
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
"Good morning, Miss Lynch," Atticus replied, shaking her extended hand. It seemed the amount of arrivals was winding down, so the meeting would finally be starting very soon. He decided he'd wait to tell the rest what he preferred to go by 'til then. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
So. Time to start, yes?
Atticus excused himself from the last person he was talking to then made his way to the front of the room. "If I could have your attention please?" he said then waited until they all fell silent before continuing. "Good morning to you all! I hope your morning is going well. If you haven't already, feel free to help yourself to the donuts, bagels, tea, and coffee there on the table. Take as much as you want - I can always provide more if we run out." Hopefully they wouldn't though, and hopefully they wouldn't eat and drink too much. Employees hyped up on too much sugar and caffeine would not be pleasant. They were all adults, so they knew when to stop, yes?
"Anyway, for those who don't know me," which was fewer than he'd thought since many seemed to already know his name, "my name is Atticus Aldredge, but I'd prefer you all call me Atticus. If there's anything you'd rather I address you as instead of your last name, let me know, if you haven't already." He couldn't read minds after all, so if they wanted to be referred to by their first name or something like that, they'd have to speak up.
"Now, to begin this meeting, I'd like to go around the room and have each of you tell me what your position is in this department and what you have been working on recently. You don't have to give specifics - I'd rather you didn't, actually, as that is what reports and paperwork are for," he'd submitted himself to the fact that, no matter what, he'd have to get used to doing a lot of reading about these things, "and I'm sure there are some things that are not meant for anyone else's ears - just give tell me a general idea and whether you were successful or not."
Amy blinked. Ms Lynch? The only people who called her that were her Hogwart's professors. "Oh, you're so formal!" she giggled, "Please, call me Amy." Oh, will you look at that. He was shaking her hand! What a good handshake.
"It's a pleasure to meet you too," she said, smiling sweetly at the man. She was trying to match his formality. Eyelash batting and giggling aside.
Oh? It was time to start? Goodie! Amy kept the sweet smile on her face as she made her way towards the table and sat down in a seat that was next to Attractive man. She flicked her hair back and looked around at everyone as they sat down. She didn't even know half these people! Maybe she should stop flirting and get to know these people?
... Nah!
Food? No thanks. She had her figure to maintain now for a certain someone. Blegh! Coffee! Tea would be good though. Maybe she can get some whilst speaking to Atticus some more? She could find out about his favourite animals and make out that she loves that animal as well?
Oh good plan Amy!
Amy watched the man closely as he asked them to say their positions and such. He really seemed to want to get in touch with his employees didn't he? What a lovely Head! She waited for some people to introduce themselves before speaking up: "I'm Amy," Which most people in the room probably didn't know, "I'm an Officer for the Regulation of Breeding Magical Creatures. There was an upsurge in breeding crups but we've been pretty successful so far in contacting the relevant organisations. As for the regulations, we're working on it." She said this all in the sweetest voice she could muster.
Caitlyn and her's conversation was cut short as everyone took a seat. She made a note to go talk to her after. She looked towards the head of the table as their head finally introduced himself, Mr. Aldredge, Atticus Aldredge, well that was a nice name, and he sure seemed nice.
She listened to her coworkers introduce themselves as well and realized she was next. She cleared her throat quietly, a little nervously actually, what was wrong with her? Lis was normally such a people person. "Well I'm Felicity" she said with a smile and a glance around the rest of the table
"and I'm the Officer for the Import and Export of Magical Creatures. Things have been pretty quiet lately, nothing too big coming in or out...There was a small acromantula smuggled in illegally,but the man was caught and the spider sent back, so no harm done." she finished and smiled slightly again, hoping that sounded alright. She really wanted to do well, show that she was capable, with her being new and all.
♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
"Good morning, Miss Bellefleur," Atticus replied, shaking the woman's extended hand. "It's quite alright - the meeting has not started yet, so you're right on time as far as I'm concerned." He smiled.
Laurel returned a bright smile and then said,"Well I suppose it's quite the relief I got here just in time then..Looking forwards to working with you sir.." She gave him a light nod and then turned grabbing an available seat and settled in. Not long after Laurel had sat down Mr. Aldredge began addressing everyone that was there. Her hazel green eyes then as well focused on Mr. Aldredge and listened to him start the meeting. She smiled lightly as he spoke, he seemed like he was going to be a very easy and wonderful man to work with. Not only him, but her coworkers also seemed really wonderful as well.
She listened to each person introduce themselves and with each story she would give a warm smile followed by a light nod. Before Laurel knew it, it was her turn to introduce herself. Laurel then cleared her throat and said,"Right..Well...Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing alright.." She smiled again,"My name is Laurel Bellefleur...And I'm the Spirit Relocation Senior Officer.." Laurel added,"And a few weeks ago on the last trip we worked on relocating a little ghost named Marlene from a home, and it went pretty smoothly..Hopefully more of our trips will be like that in the coming months.." She smiled and brushed aside some of her blonde hair.
[COLOR="Black"]"Quite good," he replied with a smile. It was still only morning, but so far, the day was going pretty well. Better than he'd expected it, even. "How has your morning been?"
"Quite good, exept for the fact that I almost lost my way getting here this morning!" she laughed. "I really never did have a good sense of direction and it didnt help that a worker pointed me in the wrong direction" Anna said. "It was a... fun way to start the morning off I should say, but it doesnt matter! I'm here now! I love a good adventure and even though this was a small one, it was fun. Getting lost can be quite amussing to me" she grinned
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
OOC: Before the meeting started...
Originally Posted by ksabo
"Quite good, exept for the fact that I almost lost my way getting here this morning!" she laughed. "I really never did have a good sense of direction and it didnt help that a worker pointed me in the wrong direction" Anna said. "It was a... fun way to start the morning off I should say, but it doesnt matter! I'm here now! I love a good adventure and even though this was a small one, it was fun. Getting lost can be quite amussing to me" she grinned
"Sounds like you've had an eventful morning!" Atticus replied with a smile. "But I'm glad to hear you like adventure - jobs with creatures are always an adventure." But of course, she probably already knew that. Anyone who had worked with just about any creature before would know that.
OOC: Meeting has now started! =)
Originally Posted by caithal97
Caitlyn leaned back in the chair she was sitting in. She rubbed her eyes in exhaustion. "I'm the Spirit Liaison. Some ghosts have been giving us trouble. So far I have not been successful." She decided to keep it short and sweet. She was already ashamed of her failure. No need to go into full detail. She really has to write that report . . .
Spirit Liaison, eh? He'd never cared much for interacting with spirits himself, not even the ghosts that were at Hogwarts, though he wasn't entirely opposed to it either. Perhaps even less so now considering... But this wasn't about him. So he focused instead on his Spirit Liaison.
Atticus nodded. "I'm sure you'll have some success soon." He'd probably be able to give more/better advice once he saw the report and had more of the specifics on what had happened. He wasn't going to press the issue now, of course.
Text Cut: MUDBL00Dpride & hrmy_lvr_4evr
Originally Posted by MUDBL00Dpride
Noah was delighted to hear Atticus say they could have some of the food on the table, and eyed the table for a few seconds before returning his attention to the Department head. He froze when he heard what they were supposed to do. Speak in front of all these people?! No way.
Noah quickly decided against eating, for fear he may just vomit. Noah did not like this one bit.
Maybe he could just scoot to the back, let the others do the talking and maybe get away unnoticed. Probably not, but it was worth a try, right?
Originally Posted by hrmy_lvr_4evr
Violet returned Atticus's smile. "Good. I'm glad that you're enjoying yourself, so far," she said with a light chuckle. "It only gets better, I'm sure!"
Before long, Atticus started the meeting. Violet returned to her seat next to Noah, who was looking more and more nervous by the second. Poor guy. Violet wished there was something she could d to help him feel more comfortable. She leaned over.
"Hey," she whispered. "Don't be nervous. I've just talked to Atticus and he's very nice. I think you'll like him...." This was probably not helping. She tried again. "Noah, I know you said you don't want to talk today, but I promise, it's not so bad. You'll feel much better once you get it over with." She smiled reassuringly at him. "You can do it!"
She straightened up when it came to be her turn to speak. "All right, then..." she said. "Well, I'm Violet, and I'm the Lead Pest Removal Officer. We haven't had too much lately...just the usual stuff. Doxy infestations and the like. Nothing too hard, and nothing we haven't been able to handle." She shrugged a shoulder.
Atticus noticed the young man from earlier who had seemed extremely nervous. Was he too nervous to say anything at all now? Aw. Poor guy. At least the woman he'd been talking to earlier seemed to also have noticed and was whispering something to him. Hopefully it was about the meeting and not just a side conversation.
And then she spoke up. Nothing much besides doxy infestations? That was good, yes? Especially since she and the rest of the Pest Removal Squad had handled it. "Excellent," he said with a smile.
Text Cut: hermionesclone
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Amy blinked. Ms Lynch? The only people who called her that were her Hogwart's professors. "Oh, you're so formal!" she giggled, "Please, call me Amy." Oh, will you look at that. He was shaking her hand! What a good handshake.
"It's a pleasure to meet you too," she said, smiling sweetly at the man. She was trying to match his formality. Eyelash batting and giggling aside.
Oh? It was time to start? Goodie! Amy kept the sweet smile on her face as she made her way towards the table and sat down in a seat that was next to Attractive man. She flicked her hair back and looked around at everyone as they sat down. She didn't even know half these people! Maybe she should stop flirting and get to know these people?
... Nah!
Food? No thanks. She had her figure to maintain now for a certain someone. Blegh! Coffee! Tea would be good though. Maybe she can get some whilst speaking to Atticus some more? She could find out about his favourite animals and make out that she loves that animal as well?
Oh good plan Amy!
Amy watched the man closely as he asked them to say their positions and such. He really seemed to want to get in touch with his employees didn't he? What a lovely Head! She waited for some people to introduce themselves before speaking up: "I'm Amy," Which most people in the room probably didn't know, "I'm an Officer for the Regulation of Breeding Magical Creatures. There was an upsurge in breeding crups but we've been pretty successful so far in contacting the relevant organisations. As for the regulations, we're working on it." She said this all in the sweetest voice she could muster.
This one seemed nice, and she seemed to enjoy her job, which was great. Not to mention she'd been successful in doing what needed to be done. Atticus smiled. "Glad to hear that."
Originally Posted by RoseMalfoy
Caitlyn and her's conversation was cut short as everyone took a seat. She made a note to go talk to her after. She looked towards the head of the table as their head finally introduced himself, Mr. Aldredge, Atticus Aldredge, well that was a nice name, and he sure seemed nice.
She listened to her coworkers introduce themselves as well and realized she was next. She cleared her throat quietly, a little nervously actually, what was wrong with her? Lis was normally such a people person. "Well I'm Felicity" she said with a smile and a glance around the rest of the table
"and I'm the Officer for the Import and Export of Magical Creatures. Things have been pretty quiet lately, nothing too big coming in or out...There was a small acromantula smuggled in illegally,but the man was caught and the spider sent back, so no harm done." she finished and smiled slightly again, hoping that sounded alright. She really wanted to do well, show that she was capable, with her being new and all.
Hm, seemed most of them weren't having a lot of problems in their line of work. This was good. "Good to hear that the acromantula is okay." Who knew what the man had intended to do with his smuggled acromantula?
Originally Posted by SweetPeea
Laurel returned a bright smile and then said,"Well I suppose it's quite the relief I got here just in time then..Looking forwards to working with you sir.." She gave him a light nod and then turned grabbing an available seat and settled in. Not long after Laurel had sat down Mr. Aldredge began addressing everyone that was there. Her hazel green eyes then as well focused on Mr. Aldredge and listened to him start the meeting. She smiled lightly as he spoke, he seemed like he was going to be a very easy and wonderful man to work with. Not only him, but her coworkers also seemed really wonderful as well.
She listened to each person introduce themselves and with each story she would give a warm smile followed by a light nod. Before Laurel knew it, it was her turn to introduce herself. Laurel then cleared her throat and said,"Right..Well...Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing alright.." She smiled again,"My name is Laurel Bellefleur...And I'm the Spirit Relocation Senior Officer.." Laurel added,"And a few weeks ago on the last trip we worked on relocating a little ghost named Marlene from a home, and it went pretty smoothly..Hopefully more of our trips will be like that in the coming months.." She smiled and brushed aside some of her blonde hair.
Another successful one! Excellent. "Yes, let's hope so. I'm glad to hear this one went so well." Spirits could be pretty difficult and stubborn sometimes, or so he'd heard.
"Anyone else?" Surely the others had something to say. Like the quiet one from earlier, perhaps?
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
No no no no. He had been noticed. Noah looked down at his clenched hands. No bloody crying like a baby.
This shouldn't be that difficult, right? He remembered what Violet had told him and sighed, he'd have to talk eventually, this was his job after all. People were going to be part of the job. 'No-N-Noah...' He managed, he blushed at his constant stuttering. 'Noah Da-Dawson.' Now came the easy part, he could talk about his job right?
Noah looked up, the others had been able to talk about it without any trouble. BAD IDEA. He quickly returned his gaze to his sweaty hands, he did NOT like people watching him as he spoke. 'I- I'm the Officer for Larger Creatures...' This wasn't going to be that bad, this was something he could talk about, he had done it before, so why not again? 'There haven't been any major problems, except we had a Griffin who attacked it's owner. It's all been taken care of and both are fine.' He smiled before looking up carefully. He'd done that alright, hadn't he?
I've learned that doves and ravens fly the same____________________________♦♦
OOC: Before the meeting started... "Sounds like you've had an eventful morning!" Atticus replied with a smile. "But I'm glad to hear you like adventure - jobs with creatures are always an adventure." But of course, she probably already knew that. Anyone who had worked with just about any creature before would know that.
OOC: Meeting has now started! =)
Anna heard the meeting was starting and said goodbye to the Department head and went to go snag a seat. She wndered what the meeting would be like...
__________________ Hufflepuffs Rule
Last edited by ksabo; 12-05-2011 at 01:02 AM.
Reason: Quoting problems
so sorry for the long wait! gonna move this along...
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by ksabo
Anna heard the meeting was starting and said goodbye to the Department head and went to go snag a seat. She wndered what the meeting would be like...
Atticus nodded his good-bye before turning his attention to the next one who spoke up.
Originally Posted by MUDBL00Dpride
No no no no. He had been noticed. Noah looked down at his clenched hands. No bloody crying like a baby.
This shouldn't be that difficult, right? He remembered what Violet had told him and sighed, he'd have to talk eventually, this was his job after all. People were going to be part of the job. 'No-N-Noah...' He managed, he blushed at his constant stuttering. 'Noah Da-Dawson.' Now came the easy part, he could talk about his job right?
Noah looked up, the others had been able to talk about it without any trouble. BAD IDEA. He quickly returned his gaze to his sweaty hands, he did NOT like people watching him as he spoke. 'I- I'm the Officer for Larger Creatures...' This wasn't going to be that bad, this was something he could talk about, he had done it before, so why not again? 'There haven't been any major problems, except we had a Griffin who attacked it's owner. It's all been taken care of and both are fine.' He smiled before looking up carefully. He'd done that alright, hadn't he?
Atticus offered a brief smile for the nervous young man. He had never liked public speaking himself, so he understood how nerve-wracking it could be. He'd had to get over that, of course, otherwise he wouldn't be standing here today.
Atticus listened as Mr. Dawson explained the incident with the Griffin and its owner and nodded once he had finished. "Good to hear that they're both okay."
And now it seemed like it was time to move on and start winding the meeting down. He didn't intend for it to be an extremely long one after all. They all had jobs to do, including himself.
"I'm glad to hear that all of you seem to overall be doing well in your assignments. I expected nothing less." He smiled. "Now I don't want to waste too much more of your time as I'm sure you all have something you'd rather do than hear me drone on and on. So now I'd just like to hear any questions or suggestions you may have reagarding the department or myself or anything else you can think of that would be relevant. If you don't have any questions or suggestions, you may leave and head back to your work area. My door is always open if you happen to think of something later."
Hopefully they'd take more of the donuts and bagels too. There still seemed to be too many for him to actually take home and eat.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
And now it seemed like it was time to move on and start winding the meeting down. He didn't intend for it to be an extremely long one after all. They all had jobs to do, including himself.
"I'm glad to hear that all of you seem to overall be doing well in your assignments. I expected nothing less." He smiled. "Now I don't want to waste too much more of your time as I'm sure you all have something you'd rather do than hear me drone on and on. So now I'd just like to hear any questions or suggestions you may have reagarding the department or myself or anything else you can think of that would be relevant. If you don't have any questions or suggestions, you may leave and head back to your work area. My door is always open if you happen to think of something later."
Hopefully they'd take more of the donuts and bagels too. There still seemed to be too many for him to actually take home and eat.
Caitlyn raised her hand slightly. "Ah . . . Mr. Aldrege, do you want reports by owl or would you like reports done in person." Caitlyn kind of felt awkward asking this question but this was her first Ministry job and she was still trying to get a grip on how things work. She knew some people didn't really like human contact and although she was sure he wasn't that type of person she could never be too sure.
"I'm glad to hear that all of you seem to overall be doing well in your assignments. I expected nothing less." He smiled. "Now I don't want to waste too much more of your time as I'm sure you all have something you'd rather do than hear me drone on and on. So now I'd just like to hear any questions or suggestions you may have reagarding the department or myself or anything else you can think of that would be relevant. If you don't have any questions or suggestions, you may leave and head back to your work area. My door is always open if you happen to think of something later."
Hopefully they'd take more of the donuts and bagels too. There still seemed to be too many for him to actually take home and eat.[/COLOR]
Anna had not much else to say and no questions to ask so she figured she better move on and snaged a donut and bagel for the trip back to her department.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Originally Posted by caithal97
Caitlyn raised her hand slightly. "Ah . . . Mr. Aldrege, do you want reports by owl or would you like reports done in person." Caitlyn kind of felt awkward asking this question but this was her first Ministry job and she was still trying to get a grip on how things work. She knew some people didn't really like human contact and although she was sure he wasn't that type of person she could never be too sure.
"Atticus," he corrected almost instantly though kindly. "Mr. Aldredge" made him sound old and was far too formal in his opinion for his employees to address him as. Plus he'd just never liked the sound of "Mr. Aldredge," at least not when addressed to him.
Atticus considered the question for a few moments. Hearing the reports in person would certainly save him a lot of tedious reading time, but having these kinds of things on paper was generally the best way to go. He had a good memory but not that good. "By owl would be best, I'd say," he answered. "I certainly wouldn't mind if you could do both though." It'd save him tedious reading time and he'd still have a hard copy of the report for storing and file keeping and what-not. He wouldn't require them to do both though, since he was sure their jobs could get fairly busy and it might be easier on them to just write a report and send it rather than do that and explain to him what was going on.
Originally Posted by ksabo
Anna had not much else to say and no questions to ask so she figured she better move on and snaged a donut and bagel for the trip back to her department.
He gave Miss Black a polite nod when she grabbed some more food on her way out. Thank Merlin. That was a couple donuts and bagels that he didn't have to worry about taking home.
He then turned and looked at the rest of the people still in the room. Were there any other questions or suggestions, perhaps?
It seemed not. So once the last person had left, Atticus surveyed what was left of the food and drinks for a few moments. Then, with a flick of his wand, he made them disappear and reappear in the Break Room. It would be better kept there than in his office at the moment - perhaps someone would want some for a quick snack during their break time. Whatever was left at the end of the day, he'd take that home. But hopefully he wouldn't have to do that.
After making sure the room was clean and back in the condition he'd found it upon first entering, he exited the room, closed the door, and locked it, before making his way back to his office.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Last edited by AlwaysSnapesGirl; 12-27-2011 at 03:19 AM.
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Walking out of her office with several papers in hand, Ella made her way to the conference room for the scheduled Creatures meeting. She had probably more owls in the last week than she had in a year. It was time to get to work!
Ella walked around the large, circular table and stood behind the big chair for herself by the window. She spread out all her papers and went back over in her mind what she needed to say and what needed to be done. Once she was ready, she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and waited for her employees to arrive.
Walking out of her office with several papers in hand, Ella made her way to the conference room for the scheduled Creatures meeting. She had probably more owls in the last week than she had in a year. It was time to get to work!
Ella walked around the large, circular table and stood behind the big chair for herself by the window. She spread out all her papers and went back over in her mind what she needed to say and what needed to be done. Once she was ready, she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and waited for her employees to arrive.
Mathorda walked into the HUUUGE conference room. Easily finding her Department Head, she sat down with the COOKIES! And coffee and teas too! She was prepared for this. "Hello! What's this meeting going to be about?"
Walking out of her office with several papers in hand, Ella made her way to the conference room for the scheduled Creatures meeting. She had probably more owls in the last week than she had in a year. It was time to get to work!
Ella walked around the large, circular table and stood behind the big chair for herself by the window. She spread out all her papers and went back over in her mind what she needed to say and what needed to be done. Once she was ready, she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and waited for her employees to arrive.
Scarlett walk into Level 4 Shared Conference Room.She was holding her favorite coffee cup and a note book and Muggle Pen.She took a seat in one of the chairs.Hello How are you she asked the department head.
I am terribly sorry for what is about to transpire!
♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l
SPOILER!!: Terribly sorry
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
Walking out of her office with several papers in hand, Ella made her way to the conference room for the scheduled Creatures meeting. She had probably more owls in the last week than she had in a year. It was time to get to work!
Ella walked around the large, circular table and stood behind the big chair for herself by the window. She spread out all her papers and went back over in her mind what she needed to say and what needed to be done. Once she was ready, she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and waited for her employees to arrive.
Alright, so the zoning out and walking into things seemed to have subsided after a couple of days. And things seemed to have gone back to normal for Laurel....or so she thought...
Now was the day of the Magical Creatures meeting and when Laurel woke up today, she was seeming to be feeling alright. She went on with her usual schedule of showering, dressing appropriately, doing the hair, normal girly girl stuff that they all go through. She then was on her way to work, and she was feeling..alright-ish.
When she had arrived on her level and reached her dress, something odd started happening. While she was going through some paperwork about some cases that she would be taking up, she had accidentally....drooled?
Ugh, disgusting! She quickly cleaned herself up and tried not to think too much of it. It was time to go to the meeting.
15 minutes later, after the first drool incident, Laurel's drooling was seeming to be coming almost persistent. And to the point that Laurel had to carry a bucket with her now, for she had no idea what else to do. When she had arrived at the conference room, she seemed to be alright for now. Laurel saw Ella waiting for everyone to arrive.
She'd better go and say good morning before the drooling happened again. Laurel made her way over, with the bucket behind her back trying to make it less known. She smiled politely and said,"Good morning Miss Wellingto--" and drool came flying out of her mouth flying right beside Miss Wellington, just barely hitting the head of her department. Laurel gasped covering her mouth quickly. She quickly tried saying,""Oh I am so sorr--" once again drool came out of her mouth, that time it was just within inches of hitting Miss Wellington. Laurel tried talking again, but the drool came up again and it was seeping through her fingers. She brought the bucket up under her mouth as the drool began dropping into the bucket.
Without another word, Laurel made her way towards one of the seats in the slightly away from everyone else, in fear that she might get someone else with her drooling matters. Sadly for her though, some of the drool had gotten onto the floor as she was making her way towards the chair. But Laurel didn't care, drool or not, she was NOT going to miss this meeting, especially with the new head of her department. She did not want to give a bad impression..although judging from what just happened, it might have been a bit late for that bad impression.
Sorry about it being so late, my Internet wasn't working yesterday.
Thomas walked into the shared conference room for the meeting that he HAD to attend. Thankfully he just got back from Hogsmeade in time, or else he would be done for. He wanted to make a good first impression on his new department head, and also be welcoming to her. Unfortunately Atticus had left not to long after Thomas joined. So he wanted for his new department head to stay for a nice amount of time. So as he walked in he said "Good day. How has your day been?" Then he found a seat, and sat down, waiting for the meeting to start.
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
Serafina entered the room, hanging back from the others who were filing in as well, especially from some of the ones she'd seen exhibiting rather... odd behaviors. She took a seat that was well away from the drooling girl, though she did feel pity for her, she didn't wish to be slobbered on. The family dog did that enough as it was...
Perhaps she should mention this odd behavior to her husband. As Head Healer on the floor of St. Mungos that specifically dealt with magical bugs and ailments.. surely he would have an idea of what was going on. She contemplated this as she sat in her seat and waited for the meeting to begin.
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by ameliah_longbottom
Mathorda walked into the HUUUGE conference room. Easily finding her Department Head, she sat down with the COOKIES! And coffee and teas too! She was prepared for this. "Hello! What's this meeting going to be about?"
The first to enter was Mathorda, wonderful. She seemed excited, too. "Thank you for picking those up for us," she said, sliding the tray of coffee and cookies to the center of the table for everyone to reach. What was the meeting about? "You'll see in a moment." Suspense. Heh.
Originally Posted by gothicravenclaw
Scarlett walk into Level 4 Shared Conference Room.She was holding her favorite coffee cup and a note book and Muggle Pen.She took a seat in one of the chairs.Hello How are you she asked the department head.
Ella nodded as Scarlett walked in, apparently prepared. She was a good employee. "I'm doing well, thank you." She would be better once the assignments were out and being worked on.
Originally Posted by SweetPeea
Alright, so the zoning out and walking into things seemed to have subsided after a couple of days. And things seemed to have gone back to normal for Laurel....or so she thought...
Now was the day of the Magical Creatures meeting and when Laurel woke up today, she was seeming to be feeling alright. She went on with her usual schedule of showering, dressing appropriately, doing the hair, normal girly girl stuff that they all go through. She then was on her way to work, and she was feeling..alright-ish.
When she had arrived on her level and reached her dress, something odd started happening. While she was going through some paperwork about some cases that she would be taking up, she had accidentally....drooled?
Ugh, disgusting! She quickly cleaned herself up and tried not to think too much of it. It was time to go to the meeting.
15 minutes later, after the first drool incident, Laurel's drooling was seeming to be coming almost persistent. And to the point that Laurel had to carry a bucket with her now, for she had no idea what else to do. When she had arrived at the conference room, she seemed to be alright for now. Laurel saw Ella waiting for everyone to arrive.
She'd better go and say good morning before the drooling happened again. Laurel made her way over, with the bucket behind her back trying to make it less known. She smiled politely and said,"Good morning Miss Wellingto--" and drool came flying out of her mouth flying right beside Miss Wellington, just barely hitting the head of her department. Laurel gasped covering her mouth quickly. She quickly tried saying,""Oh I am so sorr--" once again drool came out of her mouth, that time it was just within inches of hitting Miss Wellington. Laurel tried talking again, but the drool came up again and it was seeping through her fingers. She brought the bucket up under her mouth as the drool began dropping into the bucket.
Without another word, Laurel made her way towards one of the seats in the slightly away from everyone else, in fear that she might get someone else with her drooling matters. Sadly for her though, some of the drool had gotten onto the floor as she was making her way towards the chair. But Laurel didn't care, drool or not, she was NOT going to miss this meeting, especially with the new head of her department. She did not want to give a bad impression..although judging from what just happened, it might have been a bit late for that bad impression.
As another woman walked in and Ella smiled again, but she was rather curious as to why Laurel had a bucket in front of her. That was... odd. But she wasn't going to question it yet.
And maybe she didn't need to question it, because when Laurel spoke, drool flew everywhere. Ella's eyes widened and she backed away a little, not wanted to get hit by the airborne saliva. And when she apologized, it happened again. What in the world? That was what the bucket was for? Catching drool? It reminded her of poor Kensi in the food court who seemed to be drooling incredulous amounts. "Hello..." she said slowly as Laurel walked to her seat. Ella gave her a concerned look. "Are you okay?" she mouthed quietly to her. Or maybe it was... normal?
Originally Posted by natethegreat
Thomas walked into the shared conference room for the meeting that he HAD to attend. Thankfully he just got back from Hogsmeade in time, or else he would be done for. He wanted to make a good first impression on his new department head, and also be welcoming to her. Unfortunately Atticus had left not to long after Thomas joined. So he wanted for his new department head to stay for a nice amount of time. So as he walked in he said "Good day. How has your day been?" Then he found a seat, and sat down, waiting for the meeting to start.
Ella's gaze returned to the door as Thomas walked in. She put her smile back on and nodded to him. "Good, thank you." Slightly confusing, but good.
Originally Posted by Colley ♥
Serafina entered the room, hanging back from the others who were filing in as well, especially from some of the ones she'd seen exhibiting rather... odd behaviors. She took a seat that was well away from the drooling girl, though she did feel pity for her, she didn't wish to be slobbered on. The family dog did that enough as it was...
Perhaps she should mention this odd behavior to her husband. As Head Healer on the floor of St. Mungos that specifically dealt with magical bugs and ailments.. surely he would have an idea of what was going on. She contemplated this as she sat in her seat and waited for the meeting to begin.
And... no hello? Alright. That was fine. Serafina always seemed rather... distant from everyone else anyway. Independant personality, maybe. Ella smiled at her kindly anyway.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
With a glance at the clock, Ella decided it was about time to get started with the meeting. She left the door cracked open though, so any stragglers could still come inside. "Alright, everyone. Thank you for coming this afternoon. I hope everything has been going well," she began as she took her seat in the larger chair in front of the window.
"Before we get started, please help yourself to some coffee and cookies. Mathorda was kind enough to run to the food court and grab them for us." Ella gestured to the cookies and coffee mugs in the center of the table. Caffeine was a must.
Personally, Ella was a tea drinker. So she had her cup of tea from her office. Because she was special. "Okay," she started again, straightening out the papers in front of her. "First things first. We have a couple of promotions to announce. Congratulations to Scarlett O'Connell on becoming our new Senior Werewolf Support Advisor. Also, congratulations to Alyss Glass, who... is not here yet," she said, looking around. "But Alyss is now our Albino Bloodhound Team Leader." Hopefully, she would show up soon.
Ella sat back in her chair and smiled at her employees. "So, congratulations to the two of you. And if any of you feel like you deserve some kind of recognition or promotion as well, feel free to see me after this meeting." There. Now that that was taken care of... "Do we have any questions before we continue?" Questions of ANY kind. Feel free to ask now.
Ella nodded as Scarlett walked in, apparently prepared. She was a good employee. "I'm doing well, thank you." She would be better once the assignments were out and being worked on.
Your welcome and thank you for the promotion.I'm Very excited to be working as Senior werewolf support advisor.
The first to enter was Mathorda, wonderful. She seemed excited, too. "Thank you for picking those up for us," she said, sliding the tray of coffee and cookies to the center of the table for everyone to reach. What was the meeting about? "You'll see in a moment." Suspense. Heh.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
With a glance at the clock, Ella decided it was about time to get started with the meeting. She left the door cracked open though, so any stragglers could still come inside. "Alright, everyone. Thank you for coming this afternoon. I hope everything has been going well," she began as she took her seat in the larger chair in front of the window.
"Before we get started, please help yourself to some coffee and cookies. Mathorda was kind enough to run to the food court and grab them for us." Ella gestured to the cookies and coffee mugs in the center of the table. Caffeine was a must.
Personally, Ella was a tea drinker. So she had her cup of tea from her office. Because she was special. "Okay," she started again, straightening out the papers in front of her. "First things first. We have a couple of promotions to announce. Congratulations to Scarlett O'Connell on becoming our new Senior Werewolf Support Advisor. Also, congratulations to Alyss Glass, who... is not here yet," she said, looking around. "But Alyss is now our Albino Bloodhound Team Leader." Hopefully, she would show up soon.
Ella sat back in her chair and smiled at her employees. "So, congratulations to the two of you. And if any of you feel like you deserve some kind of recognition or promotion as well, feel free to see me after this meeting." There. Now that that was taken care of... "Do we have any questions before we continue?" Questions of ANY kind. Feel free to ask now.
Mathorda smiled. "Not a problem." But no info about the meeting? Darn. Any questions? Well Mathorda had one. But apparently she couldn't know about the meeting yet.
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by gothicravenclaw
Your welcome and thank you for the promotion.I'm Very excited to be working as Senior werewolf support advisor.
Ella nodded with a smile. "You are more than welcome."
Originally Posted by ameliah_longbottom
Mathorda smiled. "Not a problem." But no info about the meeting? Darn. Any questions? Well Mathorda had one. But apparently she couldn't know about the meeting yet.
She smiled at Mathorda, too. She had such good employees around.
And now, on with the meeting. "Alright, just a couple more announcements. The Ministry will be going through another hiring streak in about a month. I think we can expect a lot of new faces in here, so be ready to welcome them in." Ella certainly hoped there would be some more employees, anyway. Her numbers seemed to be dwindling.
"With that being said, you will all get a lovely break from work to celebrate the holidays while we department heads get everything ready for the new employees." Lucky ducks. At least she still got some holiday time.
Ella went checked those two things off her mental check-list and moved on. "Now, before we move on, I'd kind of like to do a survey, discussion sort of thing here." Ella looked around at all of her employees. "I've been your department head for about three months now, so I'd like your opinion on how I've been doing. I've never held a position like this before, so now is not the time to be shy. Tell me what you like, what you don't like, what you want to change, what you want more of, anything you can possibly think of." She hoped to get some good feedback. "It doesn't even have to be about me. It could be anything from wanting another coffee maker to wanting more action in the field." So please speak up?
And THEN they could move on to the GOOD stuff. The WORK.
The moment her alarm went off, Alyss knew she was late. Usually she was up before her alarm ever got the chance to ring and it was just there as a last minute precaution. Rolling out of her more than inviting bed, she pulled on the closest outfit to her person and jetted out into her living/kitchen/dining room. The moment she entered, she was greeted by the love of her life with great kisses and caresses. Grinning at her own thoughts, the twenty seven year old grabbed her dog's ears and headbutted him gently. "Not today, Kane. Winter's coming to take you out." Grabbing her keys and other essentials, Alyss very nearly made it out the door... When she remembered with a sickening realisation that she had a meeting. Turning on her heel, she rushed back into her room and chucked off the loose track-suit bottoms and old jumper she'd thrown on and replaced it with a far more suitable outfit.
Finally out of the house, she nearly took out a couple as she jettisoned down the street. Not even bothering to pause to apologise, it was their fault after all, she continued her pace all the way into the ministry. One good thing about working for Magical Creatures was the floor level. She hated taking the elevators and so whenever she had wanted to go to level nine, it had always been a trek and a half.
Pushing a strand of loose hair behind her ear, Alyss rushed up the wide winding stairs. No-one ever used them at this time of day, it was always the elevators that were stocked full of people, desperately trying to make morning small talk. Ugh. That was another bad thing about heavily populated places. People always wanted to talk to you. It's not like they'd ever stop you on the street and have a full conversation with you, but when you were tightly packed in an inclosed space, that seemed to be fine. Finally reaching her place of work, the small brunette opened the door to the conference room with a sigh. Now to look like you know what you're doing. Plastering a smile on her face, Alyss walked to an empty chair by the table, "Terribly sorry I'm late, I haven't missed much, have I?"
tomas edwin lear________________________ right now you should be honoured by my lateness
She smiled at Mathorda, too. She had such good employees around.
And now, on with the meeting. "Alright, just a couple more announcements. The Ministry will be going through another hiring streak in about a month. I think we can expect a lot of new faces in here, so be ready to welcome them in." Ella certainly hoped there would be some more employees, anyway. Her numbers seemed to be dwindling.
"With that being said, you will all get a lovely break from work to celebrate the holidays while we department heads get everything ready for the new employees." Lucky ducks. At least she still got some holiday time.
Ella went checked those two things off her mental check-list and moved on. "Now, before we move on, I'd kind of like to do a survey, discussion sort of thing here." Ella looked around at all of her employees. "I've been your department head for about three months now, so I'd like your opinion on how I've been doing. I've never held a position like this before, so now is not the time to be shy. Tell me what you like, what you don't like, what you want to change, what you want more of, anything you can possibly think of." She hoped to get some good feedback. "It doesn't even have to be about me. It could be anything from wanting another coffee maker to wanting more action in the field." So please speak up?
And THEN they could move on to the GOOD stuff. The WORK.
New faces? That'd be great! Mathorda had met the majority of her co-workers, but she was looking foward to meeting others too. This job was making her a lot more social than usual. Ella was great too! Dora found nothing wrong with this job yet; it was all great in general. Except.. "Well, the more-action-on-the-field thing sounds nice," she suggested. Yeah, more action. With DRAGONS. Heheh.
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by Hanaa ツ
Pushing a strand of loose hair behind her ear, Alyss rushed up the wide winding stairs. No-one ever used them at this time of day, it was always the elevators that were stocked full of people, desperately trying to make morning small talk. Ugh. That was another bad thing about heavily populated places. People always wanted to talk to you. It's not like they'd ever stop you on the street and have a full conversation with you, but when you were tightly packed in an inclosed space, that seemed to be fine. Finally reaching her place of work, the small brunette opened the door to the conference room with a sigh. Now to look like you know what you're doing. Plastering a smile on her face, Alyss walked to an empty chair by the table, "Terribly sorry I'm late, I haven't missed much, have I?"
Ella looked up from the table as the door opened. "Ah, thank you for joining us, Alyss. We were just recognizing your promotion." She smiled at the woman as she entered the room. "Go ahead and take a seat. And have some coffee... You look like you could use it." Someone slept through the alarm, maybe?
"Maybe one of your coworkers can fill you in on what you missed after the meeting." Because it was time to move on.
Originally Posted by ameliah_longbottom
New faces? That'd be great! Mathorda had met the majority of her co-workers, but she was looking foward to meeting others too. This job was making her a lot more social than usual. Ella was great too! Dora found nothing wrong with this job yet; it was all great in general. Except.. "Well, the more-action-on-the-field thing sounds nice," she suggested. Yeah, more action. With DRAGONS. Heheh.
And finally, some feedback. Even if it was simple, it was appreciated. Ella gave Mathorda a nod. "Well, you're in luck. We've got some good assignments coming up." Which Ella would get to after the feedback.
But since no one else seemed to be speaking up... "Alright then? Time to move on." They weren't very talkative this morning, unfortunately.
Ella stood up and grabbed a small stack of papers up. She handed one out to everyone at the table. "This is our most current list of job tasks. Every part of this department has something to do, so make sure you all are on top of your game. Some of it is in-office work, and some of you will be going out into the field. No task is more important than the other. Every assignment is important." Just to clarify. Ella eyed them all for a moment, just to make sure that was clear. She didn't want any complainers.
Text Cut: Job Tasks
Albino Bloodhound Team -
- Nogtails have made an appearance in rural farms in Cotswald, England. Make sure the Bloodhounds are in excellent condition. They need consistent, continual training. Under the direction of the team leader (Alyss Glass) take them to Cotswald to hunt out the nogtails.
Dragon Researchers -
- Winter is coming, research new diets to help the dragons hold onto health fat to keep them warm. Send the information to the dragon reserves throughout Britain.
Dragon Restraint Officers -
- The new Swedish Short Snout in the Welsh Dragon Reserve is being unruly and wreaking havoc. Go to the Reserve and help isolate him in a separate enclosure until he calms down and adjusts to the new setting.
Werewolf Operative -
- Prepare for the next full moon. Make sure you have all the necessary tools to capture a werewolf in case of an escape.
Mermish Liasion Office -
A report needs to be made on the status of the merpeople residing in Scotland. Send out a team to speak with the Selkies tribe.
Goblin Liason Office -
- Visit the goblins in Gringotts and make sure they are being treated well. Make sure they are happy with their working conditions.
Werewolf Support Services -
- Contact all werewolves currently working in the Ministry of Magic and create a status report. Make sure they aren’t being treated unequally. Make sure they still have a safe and secure place to transform and enough wolfsbane potion for the next full moon.
Spirit Relocation Office-
- A woman in Yorkshire has reported her mother-in-law’s spirit has been haunting her. Find a new place for her and relocate her accordingly.
"An enlarged copy of this will be posted on the bulletin board in the work area so you all know what you're supposed to be doing. So... Take a look at each of your assignments. If you have any questions, please ask me. Otherwise, this meeting is dismissed and you are free to start working." Yes, it was sort of a short meeting, but Ella just wanted to get together with all her employees so they were all familiar with her. "Also, I expect a report of each of these assignments, either in person or in written form."
Ella stood in front of her chair and waited for any questions or comments to be voiced, or for her employees to leave. "Take some coffee and cookies on your way out. I won't eat them."
Is there going to be a certain place to RP the job?
Originally Posted by sarahlooo
And finally, some feedback. Even if it was simple, it was appreciated. Ella gave Mathorda a nod. "Well, you're in luck. We've got some good assignments coming up." Which Ella would get to after the feedback.
But since no one else seemed to be speaking up... "Alright then? Time to move on." They weren't very talkative this morning, unfortunately.
Ella stood up and grabbed a small stack of papers up. She handed one out to everyone at the table. "This is our most current list of job tasks. Every part of this department has something to do, so make sure you all are on top of your game. Some of it is in-office work, and some of you will be going out into the field. No task is more important than the other. Every assignment is important." Just to clarify. Ella eyed them all for a moment, just to make sure that was clear. She didn't want any complainers.
Text Cut: Job Tasks
Albino Bloodhound Team -
- Nogtails have made an appearance in rural farms in Cotswald, England. Make sure the Bloodhounds are in excellent condition. They need consistent, continual training. Under the direction of the team leader (Alyss Glass) take them to Cotswald to hunt out the nogtails.
Dragon Researchers -
- Winter is coming, research new diets to help the dragons hold onto health fat to keep them warm. Send the information to the dragon reserves throughout Britain.
Dragon Restraint Officers -
- The new Swedish Short Snout in the Welsh Dragon Reserve is being unruly and wreaking havoc. Go to the Reserve and help isolate him in a separate enclosure until he calms down and adjusts to the new setting.
Werewolf Operative -
- Prepare for the next full moon. Make sure you have all the necessary tools to capture a werewolf in case of an escape.
Mermish Liasion Office -
A report needs to be made on the status of the merpeople residing in Scotland. Send out a team to speak with the Selkies tribe.
Goblin Liason Office -
- Visit the goblins in Gringotts and make sure they are being treated well. Make sure they are happy with their working conditions.
Werewolf Support Services -
- Contact all werewolves currently working in the Ministry of Magic and create a status report. Make sure they aren’t being treated unequally. Make sure they still have a safe and secure place to transform and enough wolfsbane potion for the next full moon.
Spirit Relocation Office-
- A woman in Yorkshire has reported her mother-in-law’s spirit has been haunting her. Find a new place for her and relocate her accordingly.
"An enlarged copy of this will be posted on the bulletin board in the work area so you all know what you're supposed to be doing. So... Take a look at each of your assignments. If you have any questions, please ask me. Otherwise, this meeting is dismissed and you are free to start working." Yes, it was sort of a short meeting, but Ella just wanted to get together with all her employees so they were all familiar with her. "Also, I expect a report of each of these assignments, either in person or in written form."
Ella stood in front of her chair and waited for any questions or comments to be voiced, or for her employees to leave. "Take some coffee and cookies on your way out. I won't eat them."
Mathorda skimmed her copy for the Dragon Restraint officers' task. A Swedish Short-Snout, aye? It had amazing flying abilities, but if they could keep it on the ground... Dora was already hatching a plan! She reached over and took a few extra cookies (after all, she brought them!) before standing up to leave.