Thread: Harry Potter: The Bittersweet - Sa13+
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Old 12-06-2010, 05:53 AM   #109 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Jessica View Post
Never be too sure? Oooh does this mean we might see more of him?
No such thing as 'impossible.'

It's the little details
that are vital.
Little things
make b i g t h i n g s happen.

Simone's back disappeared in an instant, but Ruby continued to scowl, gaze fixed on the compartment door. The man at the door cleared his throat, causing her to snap back into focus. The moment she did so, she realized [Ruby being Ruby] that this man = hot = this man.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said coyly, batting her eyelashes. "How rude of me."

He ignored her, and turned to Philippine. "I'm going to levitate your trunks, ma'am. If you'll please step to a side."

"Oh, of course." Philippine nodded, giving Ruby [whose eyes had wiiidened as she registered that she, she the oh-so-beautiful Ruby Sarden, had been ignored by this man. How dare he?] a huuuge smirk as she did as directed, allowing Mr. He-Who-Ignored-Ruby [Philippine had a feeling she would remember him by this name, even ten years from now] to levitate the trunks in the compartment. He set them outside the compartment and, seconds later, they had disappeared.

He turned around once he had set the trunks outside, his eyes once again holding Philippine's gaze [and completely ignoring Ruby]. "If you could collect any handbags in this compartment, miss?" He asked the dark-haired girl.

He had brisk tones, a business-like type, but his voice was deep, and Ruby decided that no man this young could leave this compartment unless he talked to her - especially no this young that had this deep a voice. So, glaaaring at Philippine [Philippine openly stuck her tongue out at her friend, in response, and Ruby firmly turned her back on Philippine] she picked up her handbag and held it out.

"Here you go, sir." Ruby might have sounded super sophisticated, if she had not taken a step closer to the young man, and flashed him a stunning, flirtatious smile.

He raised an eyebrow. "Thank you, Miss Sarden." He still sound brisk, all professional, and Ruby's eyes narrowed for one, rebellious moment as he turned back to Philippine and paid her no further attention. "The other two ladies?"

Philippine gave Ruby a looooong, pointed smirk as she picked hers up and, since he had asked her to collect all the handbags in the compartment, bent down to pick Ariel's. Only to realize that Ariel had placed her usual, bright red handbag in the kitty's basket [to serve as a cushion for the kitty] and the kitty had, by now, actually fallen asleep. On top of the handbag. [Even though it - the kitty and not the handbag - did look a little... uncomfortable] She gave the man standing at the door an embarrassed, little look, before nudging Ariel, who had completely missed out on Ruby's [faaaaailing] attempt at flirtation as she stared out of the window, and counted PINK! signboards.

“Nine pink signboards so far," Ariel said, in response to Philippine's nudge. "Does the big, blue man need something else, now?"

“Lady -" The 'big, blue man' had just raised an eyebrow. "This is part of a Ministry-approved security check. I need your handbag.” He did not sound impatient, like Simone had, but he did sound unimpressed by the redhead's nickname for him.

“My handbag?” Ariel took a moment to stare at the handbag that the kitty lay curled upon and, after this moment, quietly but firmly decided that no, the kitty must not be disturbed just because somebody else needed her handbag. It might be dreaming of sheep, and pretty dreams like that should not be shaken. "I'm sorry, but my handbag is busy at the moment.”

“Madam." The man still did not sound impatient, but Ruby had a feeling that he might, just might, be the type that fly into a rage, all of a sudden; and to be honest, she had no desire to be called a co-conspirator in this case, should that happen. So she looked at Philippine to ask what they should do, only to realize that Philippine was still all smirks. UGH. You wait till I kiss Rylon Mahogany, Philippine Andrews. " I have already told you this is part of a Ministry-approved security check. Your -"

“But all I have in my handbag is chocolate," Ariel had this completely serious face on, now - a can-you-not-understand-the-unimportance-of-the-contents-of-my-handbag? face."Don't tell me you're planning to eat that instead of Ruby's lipstick." She smiled all brightly.

"I'm going to ask you one last time, madam -"

"But all I have in my handbag is -"

He raised his wand and, for one shocked moment, both Ruby and Philippine believed that Ariel might end up hexed or put into a temporary sleep [and the kitty, half-opening one big eye, thought, Perfect! Now I don't have to sleep on this stuupid handbag anymore. It makes me itch, human being, it makes me iiitch] but the moment passed as quickly as a sudden flash of lightning, and no hex erupted out of the tip of the man's wand. The handbag did slide out from under the kitty and right out of the basket, however [the man blinked as the kitty was turned upside-down and GLAAAARED at him. He'd had no idea she had put her handbag under a kitty] and this - and the sight of the upturned kitty - caused Ariel to staare at him.

"You can not be serious," she said, grabbing the strap of her handbag. The said handbag, under the effect of the Ministry man's spell, tried to squirm out of her grip, but Ariel refused to let go. "Do you realize you've just woken up the poor creature? That's terrible of y -"

"Love, just give it to him -" Ruby began coyly, deciding that this here was THE moment to impress this man, and get him to thank her. But Ariel held on to the handbag, as if for dear life and this act convinced the man that she had something to hide - he'd been suspicious of her, all bright and aloof, from the start [but then, who wouldn't be? Even the kitty thought, by now, that its super senses smelled something fishy here] and, since Law Enforcement personnel are the kind of people trained to suspect, he could not be blamed for taking Ariel's persistence as a sign of her sneakiness.

Of course, had he known her, he could never, ever had thought this, but of course, he did not know her. Trouble all around, even for the kitten because it now thought that it had been used to conceal a handbag full of dark artifacts. This human wasn't nuts, she was EVIL! Run, kitty, run!

Culmination? In an act Ariel had not seen coming – and Ruby and Philippine had, aaaages ago – he marched over to the redhead and, with a brisk, no-more-nonsense tug, attempted to take her handbag from her. The handbag, unfortunately, flew right out of Ariel's grip - literally flew right out of Ariel's grip - and sooaaaared through the air, landing by the door where, poor thing, it burst open at the seams. Its contents rushed out in a tumble, and the man might have slapped his head in frustration, had he not been in front of three ladies.

The contents?

Half a dozen chocolate frog cards, a packet of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, and a small teddy bear.


[] "It's the little details that are vital -" John Wooden.

Last edited by Maxilocks; 12-06-2010 at 06:00 AM.
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