Ok so this is one of these boring post. I'm sorry, but it is necessary (Katie, I don't think I spelt that right.) Last one before the prelims
yuck *goes to throw-up (sorry guys)* And then I'll have one to celebrate because they will be over...if I get that far lol
Post 38 "Afternoon Miss Weasley. Why, you have been inindated with visitors, I have not been able to give you this," Madam Pomfrey said forcing a small glass cup to my lips.
"This will help the remainder of the healing process." I threw my head back and let the foul liquid run down my throat.
"Madam Pomfrey?" I asked shuddering at the medicine.
"will I get out tonight?" "Perhaps" she thought for a moment.
"You have been a very good patient. You are a very fast healer, Miss Weasley. How about I let you out just before dinner? But you will have to attend class tomorrow. And no quidditch for a week or two."
"Yes Madam Pomfrey!" I beamed.
I got up out of the bed and streached my good arm! Then wriggled about a bit to get my joints working. I summoned my little purple bag that Ron had brought down for me when I was first admitted to the hospital wing. I pulled out the clean pair of clothes and waved my wand over the pile and then myself. My pyjamas now sat in the spot where the clothes once were and I was now in fresh clean clothes. It was a feeling I had missed from being stuck in pyjamas the past few days, and I wouldn't usually complain!
As I was putting the remainder of my of my belongings into the bag, two arms formed there way around my waist and a chin rested on my shoulder.
"Afternoon Gin." Said Harry. He kissed my cheek and sat down on the side of the bed.
"Hi." I replied. I kissed his hair then continued packing.
"Your getting out?" He asked surprised.
"Of course. I'm a fast healer apparently and I'm desperate to get out of here. Get some proper alone time with you." I sat down on his knee side ways and pulled out my wand and pointed them at the curtains that in a swift movement closed around us. I moved my lips closer to his and he made the final move, kissing my softly. His hands grapsed my waist tighter and pulled me closer to him. My arms wrapped themselves around his shoulders. It had been too long since we'd spent time together, though I think my trip to the hospital wing made it seem like an eternity. I pushed Harry down againt the pillows and continued to kiss him untill I heard footsteps. We pulled ourselves back up at sat in silence waiting for the noise to pass, both heavily panting. Our heartbeats thumped together loudly but whoever it was had walked straight past. They had spoiled the mood, though Harry didn't seem to think so. He resumed kissing me down my cheek and all the way up and down my neck. I didn't push him away but simply asked, "
So is the Team list up yet?"
"Mmm, not yet, I'll put it up tonight, after dinner." He told me between kisses. I pulled his lips to mine and kissed him fiercely.
"And is my name on it?"
"MmmHmm....don't know" Then I pushed him away.
"Well until it is, there is no more this." He seemed bewildered as I went back to clearing out the little cupboard where I kept a spare pair of pyjamas and slippers. Still sitting on the side of the bed, he took my hand and pulled me to him. I stayed standing as he hugged me and didn't give in to his softness. He stood up eventually and without warning, kissed me fully then sat down on the bedside chair, delighted with himself. I sat down to in frustration. What was he even trying to pull. He smiled at me then I forgot all about it.
"So what about the boy that got me in here. Is he on the list?"
"Yes, the bad list. And the bad list is not a place you want to be!"
"Harry, that boy has talent. I don't care how much you think you hate him cause he managed to stop me scoring, but you've got to put him on the team".
At that moment, our conversation was interrupted by someone who caughed loudly, then peeped their head around the pastel coloured curtain.
"Hi there, I'm Craig. Craig Burgess. I'm the one who knocked you off your broom. I'm really sorry". Then he held out a bunch of flowers.21,67,42
I'm smiled and held out my hand and introduced myself.
"Ginny Weasley, the first one who'll make the team!" I laughed, Harry smirked and the little third year who I now know as Craig smiled but blushed, very embarrased.
"Harry, why don't you ask Madam Pomfrey for a vase to put these flowers in?" I handed him the bunch as he grunted and tore the curtain away from his path and continued to her office. It was a tad awkward.
"Sweet?" I asked him as I offered a box of Berty Botts Every Flavored Beans.
"Sure" he took the box from my hands and began to munch, occasionally making faces at the more disgusting ones.
"So," he said eventually
"Did I do much damage?"
"Well, not too much. A few broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder. Nothing magic can't fix!" I smiled brighty.
"I'm...really, really...ever so sorry about, everything...I'm so sorry." He said nodding his head towards my bandages.
"Well I'm just glad it's my right hand. It means I don't need to do school work for a few days. But no quidditch for a few weeks."Harry came back in with the flowers.
"Thanks for my flowers. They're lovely!"
"So, um...Do you know when your getting out?"
"Yes! Tonight actually, just before tea time." Again I smiled. He was so sweet.
"The team list should be up tonight too!"
"Aww. OK." He didn't seem too enthusiastic.
"Well you did well at the trials, so you should go and see who you'll be playing alongside." I put my hand to my mouth and pretended to whisper.
"And if it has anything to do with me, you'll make the team." I smiled, Craig laughed, and to my surprise, Harry joined in.
"Well I'm glad you're healing but I must go. I've got potions next. See you around Ginny. Bye Harry." Craig left after redeeming himself. Then Harry turned around quickly.
"I've got a surprise for you." He said excitedly.
"Really? And what is that?" I was excited too.
"Well you know this thing Dumbledore wants me to do?"
"Yeah this whole task thing that you can't tell me about."
"Yeah well, on the way back from Quidditch this morning, Proffessor McGonagall said he wanted a word with me and Ron came with me and stuff, but he said he wants us to stay at school. He doesn't want us doing it anymore and said that he feared he was depriving us of our education. Plus he said that we could go on to do pretty much anything as long as we got good exam results this year."
"So you don't need to be away doing these ridiculous tasks?" He nodded.
"Thats great Harry." I threw my arms around him.
"So now what happens with the task? Will Dumbledore take care of it? Or will you do it?"
"Yeah something like that." He hugged me back. I was totally overwhelmed. I was so glad he was going to be safe and no harm was to come to him. I hugged him back with all my might knowing everything was going to be alright. He was with me. He was safe.