Ciao Ladies! Sorry about the wiat but here is the post as promised! Post 37
It was dark when I woke up in the hospital wing. I could only assume it was after midnight as madam pomfrys office light was out and you could not hear footsteps of pupils parading the corridors. My right arm and shoulder was strapped up in a bandage and all the way around my ribcage. Harry was sleeping in the chair beside my bed with his hand in my right resting beside me. "Harry," I whispered not wanting to startle him. Harry. I shook his hand a little and he blinked a few times before coming around. "Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked me sleepily.
"I can't feel anything. I'm fine Harry, but your very tired. You should go back to the dorm. I'll be here in the morning."
He looked at his watch that was once his fathers. "Gin, it is the morning. I've been here most of the night. You've slept right through from about four o'clock yesterday evening. It's now five am. Go back to sleep." He kissed my forehead and settled back in his chair.
"I can't sleep. I'm awake now." I moaned.
"Scooch over," Harry said getting up and sliding under the covers.
"If Madam Pompfry comes out she'll kill us. I'm pretty sure she'll send us to Askaban if she finds us in the same bed!" I smiled but at the same time being serious.
"I'd go to Askaban anyday for you Gin. Is your arm still hurting?" He asked as I snuggled up to his side and rested my bad arm across his chest. "It's hot and throbbing slightly but it doesn't hurt. It's like it's got a heart beat." I told him. "It's in time with yours" I laughed half sitting up drumming my fingers to his heartbeat. He took my hand and kissed the palm. Then yawned. "You should go back to the dorm for an hour or two. I'll still be here later on. I hope to get out today anyway. And we can still go to your mum and dads grave, if you like." He hung his head.
"Dumbledore doesn't want us to. He said that its in the interest of my own safety that I should not be going. Plus he said that anyone working for Voldemort could be watching over places where I might go and I'd hate for anything bad to happen to you. I couldn't live with myself if anthing did." He looked down at my head that was resting on his chest and gazed deep into my eyes.
"We're in this together Harry. You can't keep lookng out for me. You should be watching your own back. That should be your top priority!"
"Ok, I'll go back. I'm meeting Ron this morning anyway for quidditch practice. I'll get showered and cleaned up then I'll come back to see you."
"Ok-doke, I'm getting out of here anyway. She'll give me some skelgrow and then I'll be fine. Take you time."
"Your too brave! I was in for two days and you've only been in overnight. I think you'll be very lucky to get out." He kissed me affectionatly before tucking me in under my covers and kissing my forehead ."
"Thank you. And I love you Harry. Oh and thank you for the flowers and sweeties"
"I know you do honey. I love you too. And your very welcome. Try to get some more sleep. I'll come by first thing." He got up and left. I watched through the gap in the curtains as he walked away then turned around to blow me a kiss. Then I snuggled back under the warmth of the covers, resting my eyes untill daylight.
"Good morning, Miss Weasley. How are you feelng this morning?" I jumped and my eyes flew open to Madam Pomfrey pulling the curtains back around my bed.
"Um... fine. Yeah, I feel much better! I would be ok to leave this morning I think."
"Well that's for me to decide, Dear. I'd like to keep you in just tonight and then you can go tomorrow. I'll give you some skelgrow today and we'll see how you get on. I might even let you out tonight." I smiled sweetly at her and she hurried away to her office.
I sighed heavily knowing I had a second night to stay in the hospital wing but still hoping to get out. I could here footsteps coming up the corridor. It would be Harry I though to myself. But whoever it was stopped outside the curtains around my bed and took a deep breath. "Ginny," Hermione sighed
"So what brings you here. You haven't exactly bothered with me the past few days. Shouldn't you be off having a good old gossip with Cho Chang over a cup of tea?"
"Oh Ginny, please don't be like that, I'm here to make emends"
"About what exactly?"
"Um...Well, Ron told me."
"Told you what?" I wasn't for giving in. I was going to make sure she knew how angry I was at her and see what she had to say for herself.
"I'm really sorry Ginny. I should never have said a thing like that about you. I worry, thats all. Your like my sister. I would hate for anything to come between us."
"Save it Hermione..."
"I just don't want to see you hurt. Harry has too much going on for him and you are both just a distraction for each other."
"Oh Please! And whats that supposed to mean... You just said you didn't mean any of it. There you go again Hermione! You change your tune like you change your clothes, your unbelievable!"
"I'm really sorry, what more do you want me to say!"
"I don't know. I just think that your supposed to be my friend. Your ment to stick up for me! It's Ron I'd expect that sort of thing from but all through it he's been the one defending me! What happened to our friendship Hermione? We used to be so close."
"Well maybe if you wern't sucking the face off of Harry half the time we could maybe do more things together!"
"Oh I'm sorry, I forgot, you must be jelous! Cause you and Ron don't even show any signs of affection for one and other! So don't you dare start blaming the fact that Harry and I love each other and spend time with each other because you happen to want to go with Harry to his parents grave. That's part of your problem Hermione, you don't listen! You won't take no for an answer. And anyway, were not even going. Dumbledore said he'd rather we didn't." My voice faded into a whisper..."I'm sorry too."
Then I burst into tears. Hermione came and sat on the edge of my bed and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "I've brought you something." Sho told me pulling away and wiping my tears. She handed me a large parcel. I quickly but carefully unwrapped it. I picked up the piece of cloth in the box. It was the dress. The Second one. A black and green pattern and the staps crossed over at the back. Lots of little dimanti "Oh Hermione, I love it but when did you get it?"
"Yesterday. I watched you try it on and then you couldn't pick between the two, but this was my favourite. I went down after the quidditch trials. Though Ron insisted that he'd pay for it. Its a get well soon present for his little sister."
"Well I plan to be well and out of here by tonight."
"Your being very optomistic Ginny!"
"Well I won't get anywhere if I'm not." I said. She wiped away my tears. "Stupid teenage girl hormones!" I muttered to her and she laughed as she sat on the chair beside my bed.
"Woah. TMI sis. brothers don't want to know about that sort of thing!" He had just came in but pretended to back away with his fingers in his ears. He spotted the smiles on both Hermione's and my face then smiled at both of us. Then unexpectedly he ran over to us "Oh big brither hugs!" He said squishing us together as the three of us laughed. He helped himself to my stash of sweets mum and dad had sent me, grabbing my half-eaten cauldron cake that I was leaving for later and one of the two chocolate wands. He then flopped down beside me on the bed. I stared at him incredulously. "What?" he asked with his mouth full.
I shook my head. "If you want mum and dad to send you a hamper of sweets like they did for their darling daughter, why don't
you fall off a broom Ron."
"Because I'm the smart one. I won't fall off the broom and then I'll eat you sweets, its a win, win situation for me Ginerva." He proclaimed speaking in his matter of fact tone. I stuck my toungh out at him. I remembered the dress and picked it up folding it. "Thank you, Ron" I told him, puting it back in its box. I kissed his forehead and gave him a hug. "Your welcome, I'm just glad you two are talking again! And now I've been fed so I'm offskay! I'll see you in the common room Hermione" He waved bye and left. After hour of chatting with Hermione, she got up and streched. "I'll need to head back Ginny, and feed the Gruffalo!"
"The what!" I asked, mouth hannging open!
"Oh never mind, childrens book character that basically every muggle should know! But I'm refering to Ron! He'll be wanting fed since I told him I'd make him and Harry tea cause they were going to go play quidditch this morning first thing, thats why Ron is up so early. I was surprised he was actually awake when I was making myself tea before coming here. I thought it was only food that he would get up for!" I shook my head, it sounds so like Ron.
"Isn't it weird that your at school but not doing any school work?" I asked her.
"A little," she shrugged. "I'll see you later."
Little did I know, things were about to change and in the short term, be great, but for the long term....well.....
Ok so this post is partly based on a true story! Katie, Your a saint and I don't know what I'd do without you!
So how was it......xx