Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 11-22-2010, 01:48 AM   #90 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
heart xxx

Chapter Thirty Two

“Are you sure?”
“Yes – that’s everything” He checked the bags again, “We’re drowning in nappies”
“I just don’t see why we have to make the first move” She muttered putting Faith in her carrying cot,
“Because it’s been a week and they haven’t seen there Grandmother yet”
“If she wanted to see them she would come round here and have seen them by now”
“Not if she’s as stubborn as you she wouldn’t which is why were going now”
“Uninvited and I’m not stubborn”
“I asked Arthur – and yes you are sweetheart” he kissed her, taking her by surprise so she wasn’t angry with him and picked up the bags over his shoulder and one of the twins, “Let’s go”
“Are you sure their ok to apparate?”
“The healers said its fine Gin – don’t worry”
“I just don’t -”
“- Ginny, their fine, their asleep they won’t even notice”
“Ok” she picked up the other cot and took his free hand. She closed her eyes hoping but before she could say anything else she’d landed on her feet outside the burrow.
“Harry, are you sure?” she looked down to the baby sleeping, and across to the one in Harry’s hand,
“Ginny, this is going to be fine, she’s going to see them and fall in love with them just like we did, just like your dad and your brothers and everyone who’s met them”
She grumbled but he rolled his eyes and walked to the front door leaving her standing at the gate.
“Harry” she complained hurrying after him carefully and he knocked before she could say anything else, “Harry…” she said again,
“Ginny” he replied looking down to her with a smile “I’m doing this for your own good”
“Alright” she muttered, as the door opened and Arthur stood there with a smile,
“You came”
“Took a lot of persuasion, she’s very stubborn”
“Like Molly” Arthur added stepping out of the way,
“Am not!” she replied carrying in Faith and sitting at the table, Harry put Patience beside Faith on the table top and sat down as Arthur called in Molly,
“Who is it?” she replied bustling in floating a laundry basket in, in front of her
“Your daughter, her husband-”
The basket dropped, banged loudly
“- and your granddaughters” they started to cry, Ginny and Harry coming to life instantly,
“Shhh my babies, Shhh” Ginny murmured “We just got them off, thanks”
Harry smiled “It’s fine” He rifled through the bag taking out a miniature pram, he enlarged it with his wand and placed the twins in it carefully, before tapping his wand on the handle, the pram moved back and forth and there crying got quieter and quieter until it stopped altogether, “See” Harry smiled,
Molly looked at the pram and Arthur led her to a seat as her eyes refused to look away,
“They’re not suddenly going to disappear” Ginny said coldly,
“Ginny” Arthur said with a frown,
“What – she wasn’t there, she doesn’t know what we’ve been through to bring them into this world”
“Did something go wrong?” she said suddenly pulling her gaze from the pram,
“What other then the haemorrhage, the blood clot, the three month stay in hospital and the fact Faith wasn’t breathing?”
“Faith and Patience Potter” Ginny said, “Faith was 6lbs 6, Patience was 5lb 7, born at eleven fourteen and sixteen pm on the 28th of August”
“They’re ok now?” she asked meekly,
“Fine, healthy and fine” Harry said,
“Harry was kidnapped as I was giving birth just to let you know, so it wasn’t really a fun time for us”
“Your Dad told me about that”
“And you still didn’t feel that a visit to the hospital would be a good idea” Ginny muttered crossing her arms,
“I didn’t want to intrude”
“You’re my mother I wanted you there!” she said loudly before quietening down and glancing at her still sleeping babies, “I needed you and you didn’t come”
“I’m – I’m sorry; I didn’t want to upset you”
“Yeah well you failed with that” she muttered,
“Stay a few days”
Ginny continued to mutter, “We’re trying to get them used to the new house”
“We’d love to” Harry put in, cutting across her miserable excuse,
She looked up at him angrily,
“They won’t sleep”
“They will be fine and if not I’ll stay up with them every night and you can sleep to your hearts content”
“I hate you Harry” she muttered annoyed,
“Yeah, yeah” He smiled wrapping an arm round her waist, pulling her gently towards his side with a grin “You’ll get over it” she elbowed him in the stomach trying to get out of his grip and trying to fight a smile but he pulled away instantly holding his stomach,
“Owww – Gin” he complained,
“Oh my god – Harry are you ok – I’m sorry – I forgot – I didn’t mean to hurt you”
“Fine, thanks honey” he rubbed the bruised area “Just don’t do it again K”
She kissed his cheek and his lips “Promise”
He adjusted himself in the seat,
Arthur spoke up “What happened to you in there Harry?”
“Just Malfoy, everything else is good, it’s just this bruise, he kicked me during a curse but no one knows what it was and the bruise won’t go down, they just said to give it time; I’ve got my ear back I’m happy”
“Your ear?-” Molly said “-What on earth?”
“He got me mid apparition to the hospital, I splinched” he shrugged, “I’m just glad I got there in time”
“Just in time” Ginny added, “He was kidnapped and he made it” she muttered angrily,
“I’ve said I’m sorry Ginerva, what more do you want!”
Faith stirred in her sleep, opened her eyes and was about to cry but Ginny was too quick, she picked her up and walked into the living room closing the door to separate the crying twin from the still peacefully slumbering one.
“She’ll come round” Harry said, “Don’t even think about it and ignore the anger – works for me” he smiled,
“She’s madly in love with you Harry, she hates me”
“If she hated you, she wouldn’t be mad at you, she wouldn’t be here, and she wouldn’t keep saying how much she needs you and missed you”
“She can’t even bare to stay in the same room, she escaped the moment she could”
“She just knows Faiths the restless one; don’t take it to heart that she left – one just wakes up the other and its worse”
Molly sighed and stood up going to hover over the pram,
“She’s beautiful”
“They both are – completely identical”
She reached down but pulled her hand back “Your hair but whose eyes?”
“Bit of both - hazel”
“Harry?” Called Ginny from the other room, he got up and went to the door, “Nappy stuff please” she smiled
He went back grabbed the bag and set up a mat on the floor of the living room, “You’d rather change her nappy then talk to mum you must really be mad”
“You want to do it?” she said kneeling down,
“Ok” he grinned
“Shut up” she muttered undoing the current one and handing it to him, “Bugger off then”
“Gin you have to talk to her”
“I don’t have to, I could stay here for a week and not say anything to her” she replied cleaning up the baby and replacing a fresh nappy on her,
“You’ve got it on the wrong way round sweetheart” he smiled walking out, she huffed in anger and took it off, she’d done it perfectly every other time, he knew that she was just annoyed. She put it on the right way,
“You understand don’t you sweetie, you know Mummy’s right” she said cradling the little girl to her chest and sitting up on the couch “You know your mummy loves you lots too don’t you” she cooed as the little girl gurgled.
She went back out when Faith settled into sleep again and put her in the pram beside her sister, she sat beside Harry and took his hand but didn’t say anything,
“I was just telling them I’ll have to go back and get something’s if we’re going to stay”
“I might go now before their feed hey” he said looking down to her and she mumbled
“Uh huh”
“Before Charlie get’s here”
Those words made her look up “Is he bringing…?”
She grinned,
“Bringing what?” Molly questioned,
“A surprise” Harry said as Ginny refused to answer, “Before he goes I’m guessing”
“Yeah – has he spoken to George yet, is he still angry with him?”
Harry shrugged “No and yes - but there’s nothing we can do about it”
“They’re angry with each other – about what, what’s happened between my boys” Molly said looking at Harry,
“We can’t tell you, but you’ll find out this afternoon” Harry added, “I’m going to get the stuff – Arthur would you give me a hand”
“Certainly son” he stood up,
“Harry” she said annoyed, reaching for his hand,
“Be back soon” he grinned; she crossed her arms and kicked his shin, “Love you too” he replied sticking his tongue out at her before leading Arthur out to apparate.

“Are you going to talk to me like a grown up Ginny, you can act like a child all you want but Harry will get fed up of it and your daughters will see through it”
She didn’t reply, she stared at the pram instead,
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there, I’m sorry about what I said, what I did, and now when I look at them you should know I do feel guilty – just know I said and did what I did because I love you, because I thought that would be best for you”
Her arms crossed tighter at her stomach,
“I know I was wrong, but I didn’t want to lose you, to risk your life, you’re my only daughter, my little girl I couldn’t risk that”
“You banished me from your house, you told me to give them up to be so selfish as to save myself, you didn’t want to know them, or me or my husband – it was you that told me that family comes before everything else, you that said to do what’s right no matter what, and I tried, I tried so hard but you changed your mind”
“I didn’t want to lose you”
“Neither did Harry but he trusted me enough to get through this, we have our babies because he’s the only one that stood by me no matter what happened”
“Harry would do what ever you asked even it meant killing you”
“He wouldn’t go that far, he would never have let me die, he married me because I asked him too, I wanted him to be my next of kin so if anything happened he could make a choice, he was willing to lie to me, to make it so I hated him just as long as I still had you and dad”
“You’ll always have me and your father”
“I needed you a week ago and you weren’t there, I needed you to help me for eight months of my life and you weren’t there, I needed you and you abandoned me!” she said loudly but her eyes checked the twins, they were still sound asleep. She started to cry angrily, trying not to make any noise, trying to stifle the sobs but failing.
Molly was crying to, dabbing at her eyes fiercely with a handkerchief, she approached Ginny to hug her
“Don’t” she said coldly wiping her eyes on her sleeve, “Not yet” she added “I’m going for a walk” she pushed the pram through the door conjuring an extra blanket over the twins.
RIP JD Salinger
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