long awaited and anticipated.... new chapter!!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ Chapter Eighteen - She Prefers Ginger Boys!
Changed and feeling much more awake now, Indie headed off to class after lunch. Luckily, it was Charms, a relatively easy subject, rather then Potions or History.
Everyone else had headed off earlier, while Indie was getting dressed and taking some horrible tasting medicine...
Aside from that, she felt pretty good. Except for the aching and bruises she felt all over her body. No doubt, everyone would ask her what happened last night, but right now that wasn't high on her list of things to do today.
She gave three hard knocks on the Charms room door, which swung open, all eyes on her. Clearly word of her little...adventure...last night had got out.
"Please, take a seat," Flitwick advised, as she took her usual place beside Harry and Hermione.
As the lesson continued, Indie noticed Harry tear a small piece of parchment off the bottom of his notes. After a quick scrawl, Indie found the piece of paper in front of her.
hey, how you feeling?
A small, though satisfying smile formed from Indie's lips as she wrote down a reply in her neat, curvy handwriting.
yeah, fine. just sore. and tired.
Passing it back to Harry in a subtle manner, she fiddled with the corner on her parchment, where a small heart had appeared, absent-mindedly of course.
Her very short daydream was cut even shorter by the floating parchment landing in front of Indie again.
meet me at the forest after Herbology later
Her smile reaching each dimple, she folded the note up and put inside her robe pocket. Finishing the notes that Flitwick had put on the board, she took out her wand, as they began to start their practical work.
Ron and Harry chose to work together, as usual, and Hermione seemed to have summoned up the guts to talk to Anton enough to be his partner. A small smirk accompanied Bella's arrival at Indie's desk.
"Partners?" she said, a bright smile on her face, as she pointed her wand at Indie's nose, causing her to become cross-eyed.
"Don't do that!" Indie cried, knocking her sister's wand away from her face, "or don't you want me to look pretty anymore?"
Laughing, Bella squeezed past Hermione's butt, and slapped Anton's jokingly out of the way, until she reached Indie.
"So, what are we doing?" Indie asked, tapping her wand on her chin, confused.
Bella shook her head, laughing under her breath.
"Indiana Stewart, you naughty, naughty girl," Bella said, "you know you ought to listen in class!"
Noticing the small, perfect love heart on the corner of Indie's parchment, Bella cocked her head and looked straight at Indie.
"Of course you could have other things on your mind....."
Indie covered the heart with another piece of parchment and looked at her feet.
"I don't know what you're talking about," she said, taking up her wand, and pointing it at the small, white feather on the bench top. Without speaking, it began to float up into the air.
Apparently, their topic of the moment was non-verbal Charms.
"Oh, come on Indie!" Bella cried, "you're like a little lovesick puppy! Of the extremely cute variety!"
Smirking, Indie looked up at her sister.
"At least I'm not the only one," she said peering over Bella's shoulder at a blushing and giggling Hermione conversing with a stuttering Anton, before looking back to Bella.
"And, a little owl told me, missy Bella," she began, pointing her wand at Bella's nose now. Actually, she did look more like a fish when she was cross-eyed.
"That you prefer ginger boys!"