Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 11-17-2010, 09:02 AM   #88 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
heart thanks Soph x

Chapter Thirty One

Harry looked around the room, holding his head the hole bandaged but soaked and stained red. He ripped the edge of his cloak wrapping it round tightly replacing the old one and hobbling to his feet.
“You shouldn’t have fought against it”
Harry held his wand up to him, “How long have I been out?”
“A few hours - You can’t apparate out Potter – it won’t work”
“But I can fight you” he shot out and him and Draco shot back a split second later, yet again they met in mid air,
“Where the hell did you bring me?” Harry asked stepping forward; Draco struggled against the push of the red bolt, “Where Malfoy?”
“Just a little place out of the way”
“Let me out” Harry said stepping forward again; Draco pushed his wand out to further the blue from his own wand,
“You’re here for a purpose, you’re too valuable to let go”
“Why did you give me my wand?”
“A fair fight, I’m not going to make this easy for myself or I’d never prove the point”
Harry pulled away first again but this time only stepping to the side to avoid the sparks that hit the floor,
“My wife is giving birth, I’m not going to miss that, you want to duel me and you will die” Harry said adjusting his position holding his wand firmly,
“You’ll end up in Azkaban for murder, I’m sure your pretty little wife wouldn’t like that”
Harry shot out at the wall behind, a pile of rubble and bricks falling down, that Draco stepped forward from “I’m sure I can sort something out with the Auror office, being kidnapped allows me some privileges in this situation”
“I have to kill you to take his place, to been seen as the leader they need, they want”
“You can’t even say his name Malfoy; nothing entitles you to take his place”
He blinked struggling with his next sentence – Harry was right, his hand started to shake, “I got to you didn’t I, now I just have to kill you”
“You gonna rob my children of a father and my wife of her husband just so you can prove a point Malfoy?”
“I have too, this is the only way”
“My little girls are gonna be called Faith and Patience, and I want to see them grow up, I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do but I really, really want that – you don’t have to kill me Draco”
“I don’t and they’ll kill me”
“Just say I got away”
“I don’t have a choice, you have to die”
Harry shook his head; “I’m not sorry Malfoy” he shot out stunning him and watched him fall to the floor before he made a move.
He sent out a patronus ‘Harry Potter kidnapped by Draco Malfoy – unknown location’ to the ministry and then one to Ginny, ‘I’m coming’ before tying up Draco and stepping out of the room. He checked out the corridors wishing he had his cloak because it offered better protection then the Disillusionment charm he cast upon himself.

He looked around the corner to see the two death eaters guarding the room, he stunned them and made another move before he realised there was a whole room of them waiting. They were sitting down a long table, the seat at the end left empty, with goblets of wine in hand. He’d rather get out then go after them all. He made it too the door and unlocked it silently, stepping out to the fresh air. He was in a field, in the middle of nowhere and tried to apparate. He didn’t move. He looked back and then ran for it getting to a fence. He jumped over and tried again and yet again it didn’t work. He kept running his hand reached up to his head the throbbing getting worse, stopping to hold it and then ending up on his knees. He tried to stem the flow, trying to remember the spell.


Ginny saw the patronus, she heard the words and smiled but things were happening fast now, they weren’t going to wait for him,
“Ginny you can’t hold off – you have to push”
“He’s coming” she said breathlessly, “I can’t”
“Ginny if you don’t they aren’t going to make it”
“But – But”
“Ginny push”

He pulled himself along the grass seeing the cloaks and sending up red sparks, they got faster and closer, “Harry”
They found him, the place where the grass was mysteriously squashed and cast the charm to see make him visible before lifting him up,
“Ginny – I’ve got to get to Ginny”
“Harry we need to sort your head out” Charlie said pointing his wand and stemming the flow of blood,
“Just take me to Ginny” He said grabbing the front of his cloak “Please Charlie”
They walked him along to the next fence and over the field,
“It was Malfoy and death eaters there all inside”
“We’ve sent people in” a figure said walking along side Ron and Charlie, who were supporting Harry,
“We tracked your patronus” Charlie added,
“Who’s got my ear?”
“Cara – she’s with Sophia, Hermione and Dad at the hospital”
“How is she?”
“Everything’s fine, Hermione’s been keeping us updated via patronus, we’re here with the Aurors – she hasn’t had either of them yet”
He looked around recognising each of his brothers, “Thankyou”
“Couldn’t let you get killed now could we” Bill said as they walked,
Percy and an auror each held out there wand “We’re ok to apparate now”

They got to the hospital. He stumbled into the room,
“I’m here now, I’m so sorry Gin” Arthur gave him her other hand, and left the room. Cara and Sophia retreated outside as well leaving them and the healers.
“That’s ok Gin” he smiled stroking her forehead, “Just get through this hey”
“Just one more Ginny” said a healer calmly,
“And here she is” there was silence all but hushed voices and fast hands,
She spoke breathing heavily, “What’s happening – Harry what are they doing?”
“I - I don’t know”
“Ginny you need to concentrate on the next one now” The healer continued,
“But Faith – she’s not crying – why isn’t she crying – what’s wrong with my baby?!”
“Ginny she’s just being looked after, don’t worry, you need to think about this one, you have to push”
“It’s ok Gin” he said as she cried and squeezed his hand, “It’s ok”
“I want to see her” she sobbed
“You’ve got to help this one out” Penny said “Faith’s going to be ok” She pushed again, screaming as she did so but hearing the crying of her first daughter in the background made all the difference. She pushed again. “And here is number two – we’re just going to clean her up”
She panted “But Faith -?”
“- Ginny, we’ve had to help her breath; she’ll be coming right over when we’re sure she’s alright”
Ginny nodded reaching for Harry, “You made it”
“Just” he smiled kissing her sweaty forehead,
“Your ear – the – what’s happened to you?”
“Nothing to worry about now” he replied holding her hands and moving them away from the makeshift bandage on his face,
“Your all beaten up and bruised – and I was so mean – you – you’ve been hurt, I should have known you weren’t here for a good reason”
“Gin don’t worry about it now” he smiled “Look” he said as two healers came over holding pink blankets,
“Here’s number one” Penny said placing her in Ginny’s waiting arms,
“Here’s number two” the woman smiled handing her to Harry,
“Faith and Patience” Ginny mumbled kissing her firstborn’s forehead and leaning over carefully to the baby cradled in Harry’s arms, “They’ve got your hair” she said with a small smile, “A tuft of black already” she said her fingers lightly touching her daughters head,
“Hopefully it’s got your neatness or they’re not going to be happy with me when they grown up” He said watching Patience wrap a hand round his little finger,
“There so small” Ginny sighed
“Hmm, but there amazing right?” he grinned looking up to meet her eyes,
“Uh huh” she smiled back,
“Thank you Ginny” he said looking into her eyes “Thank you so much”
“Just give me awhile before the next one ok” she grinned,
“If you don’t remember shouting it – you did say never again”
“For more moments like this I’d go through all that a thousand times”
“You say that now” he smiled as there was a knock on the door,
“Erm – family only at the moment” the healer said looking at every single member of the immediate Weasley family apart from Molly as well as a smiling, Sophia, Cara and Hermione.
“There all family” Harry grinned,
“Erm… well four visitors at a time then”
“Dad, Charlie, Cara and Bill – I want to know what happened to Harry”
“Yeah – my ear Cara”
She unwrapped it quickly “Its under a cooling spell, it should just go right back on – give her to someone and I’ll fix it”
“You’re a healer?” he said but not letting go of Patience,
“In training – this is basic stuff; I’ve done it plenty of times”
“Alright” he stood up and went to Arthur “This is Patience” and passed her smoothly into his arms, “Patience this is your Granddad”
“She’s – she’s”
“Perfect right” Harry said with a grin “So is her sister”
He sat down as Cara undid his makeshift bandage, cleaned the wound and reattached his ear “You’ll have to wait for you hair to grow back though” she added poking the bald patch with her finger,
“It’ll be there by tomorrow, it has a mind of its own”
“Harry, tell me what happened” Ginny insisted handing Faith to Charlie and holding Patience for the first time,
“It was Malfoy; he got me just as I was apparating here and took me – where did he take me?” He asked of Charlie and Bill,
“His house covered in a ridiculous amount of spells – there were lots to break through but he wasn’t very good in performing them, they didn’t hold strong, that’s how we got to you so quickly after you sent the patronus”
“For some reason the only spell he cast with certainty was the one to stop apparition in but members with the Dark Mark”
“Nobody told me what was happening; I could have lost him and been none the wiser”
“Ginny you were giving birth; you were angry and in pain as it was why would we make it worse?”
She protested “But!”
“Gin they did the right thing, you know that” He smiled as he took Faith from a worried Charlie as she started to cry, he cradled her and rocked her “Shhh sweetheart” he murmured, Ginny let a happy giggle escape her,
“She’s going to be a daddy’s girl” she smiled watching her stop crying,
“And Patience?” he smirked
“There both going to be Daddy’s girls, your going to give them want ever they want by the look on your face right now Harry”
“It’ll be daddy can I have a pony, and you’ll say have two each” Bill said with a grin and Harry looked up smiling,
“My girls can have what ever they want; they’re the three most important people in my life now”
“You big softy” Ginny smiled,
“We’ll let the others have some time with you four ok” Arthur said with a smile and nodded to his sons and Cara, they followed him out and Ron, Hermione, Percy and Sophia came in,
“Aww!” were the first words out of both Sophia and Hermione’s mouth but Ron and Percy just smiled,
“You can hold Patience” Ginny said to Sophia, “You helped find her name”
“They’re lovely” She walked over and Ginny placed her carefully in her arms,
“Hermione – you want to take Faith?”
“I don’t – I’m afraid I might drop her or something”
“Hermione you’ll be fine” Harry said “If I can do it you can”
She shook her head; Ron rolled his eyes “Can I?” he stepped forward,
“She’s your niece mate” Harry grinned standing up and passing her to him, “I’m just going to see Cara for a second alright” he kissed Ginny after she nodded and walked out,
“Congratulations mate” the Twins grinned, Charlie was standing away from them with Bill, Arthur was gone,
“Thanks – Cara you got some skelegrow somewhere? I have a feeling some of my ribs might be broken”
“Oh my god – erm sure, I’ll be right back - hold on lift up your shirt” He did and glanced down, nice and purple until she pointed her wand and conjured a bandage wrapping around his ribs tightly, he jerked a little in pain, “Owww”
“Just think it’s nothing to what Gin’s just done” She replied sticking out her tongue and walking away, he laughed and turned to go back inside but Sophia came out holding a crying baby,
“Ginny tried, even Ron - she say’s she probably wants you”
“Already like that?” He held out his arms for her and he whispered softly, “Don’t cry Patience”
“How’d you know which is which?”
“You were holding her when I left…” he rocked her in his arms soothingly, “And they’ve given them name tags, number one and two granted”
“Which is which?”
“Faith came first, only about a minute or so in between them” he looked down at a now quiet Patience, “Hmm”
“Magic touch” Charlie said appearing behind Harry and moving to stand behind Sophia wrapping his arms round her waist
“Apparently” she smirked and kissed his cheek holding his arms around her tighter as George and Fred made a move to go in and see Ginny,
“Have you spoken to him yet?” Harry asked watching her reaction,
“Tried, he’s ignoring me” Charlie said with a grin “He’ll speak to Soph happily but he won’t have a conversation with me”
“Ouch, he’s being a bit off then?”
“Just a bit mate” Charlie grinned,
“It’s not funny, he’s your brother, and you need to make up with him before you go”
“Go?” Harry asked “You’re leaving?”
“I’m going back to Romania, only for a month”
“It would be better he doesn’t have another month to stew over it” Sophia said warningly,
“I’ll talk to him ok” He kissed the top of her head squeezing her gently,
“Harry?” Ginny called out,
“She’ll be wanting this one” he grinned “See you later” he walked back into the room,
“You did it” she smiled “Daddy’s girls alright, see if you can help Faith too”
She gestured to the two cots now beside her bed and the crying baby in her arms, he placed Patience in but before he could take Faith she stopped crying and was blinking. “Hmm” she smiled,
“Mummy’s girl” Harry said lifting her from Ginny’s arms and placing her in the cot,
“Where’s my mum?” Ginny said and started to cry, Harry sat beside her taking her in his arms,
“Gin, she’ll come round, your dad did and so will she, she just needs more time”
RIP JD Salinger
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