sorry for keeping ye, my gran and sis have been into hospital. *sadface* I'm really sorry for the lateness, crapiness and shortness.
Chapter 11:
A Strange Feeling
I felt...empty.
I can't describe it. I just felt as though part of me was ripped off. I ran my hands through my red hair and felt a sudden breeze whistle through the hole in my head. My hair was shaggy now. I let it grow that way so that no one would see...where my ear was.
"Georgie, come on and let us support you,"
Mother had been trying to plead with me for a while now. I ignored her, staring blankly into the fireplace, a untouched bottle of Ogden's Firewhiskey in my hand. Blink.. b...l....i...n...k. My body was working sluggishly.
whole family stood around my trying unsuccessfully to soothe me.
Someone loudly entered the Common Room. "Oh, Angelina. We'll leave you two alone," my mother said with a sad sing-song lilt. There was a bustling and I found myself alone with a girl I once loved.
"George," she cupped my cheek and made me look up at her. "There is no use being upset," I said nothing and looked at her. Angelina Johnson, the girl who rejected me and willingly went to the dance with my brother. The girl who dated my twin. The girl who snogged Fred. The girl who was my other half's
first. The girl who I loved.
The girl who I
still loved.
"George, I loved him. Heck, I still do. But, he's gone."
I edged away slightly but she had me in an awkward embrace. "He's g-gone George. He died a hero." I didn't hug her back or reply. I just sat stone still. "George..Please don't let him die in vain. He died for the people he loved." So she was saying that I wasn't allowed
grieve? Why did I even like this girl?
'Stop twisting what she said around,' a small voice in my head whispered.
I sighed and wrapped my arms around her ribs and heard her soft sobs.
Tears stung my brown eyes.
"Tell me more about him."
dated him, you would know."
She pulled away.
"I know, but please, let me help you."
I shuffled further away, glaring at anything but her.
And before I knew what was happening, her lips were on mine. They tasted exactly like I thought. I had always saw her apply coconut lipstick to her dark lips and now I could taste the gloss. I opened my mouth all too willingly to deepen the kiss when I felt her tongue request permission. Her hands tangled into my shaggy hair. The passion was dublacating and I felt fire burning somewhere inside of me...
I jumped away, gasping and backed away from her, shaking my head with wide eyes. "No Angie, we can't. You're- Were dating Fred, it isn't right for us to get together."
Angelina had tear tracks running down her face. "George-"
But I had already dissapperated.
Now I know what Harry felt like kissing the human hosepipe.
♥ So tell me how crap it was or how good it was. Lily