Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 11-14-2010, 04:33 AM   #86 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
heart xxx

Chapter Thirty

Two months later
“I’m sorry I over reacted ok it was a surprise”
“Fred I know it’s you, so stop pretending” Sophia said with a grin,
“How can you tell?”
“George wears your name tag and you wear his – yours says George”
“And George doesn’t do sincere apologies” Charlie said with a smile, “It was a nice try though”
“Ugh, he just keeps going on and on and I thought I could at least try” Fred groaned, “It’s not like you were cheating on him”
“Too him it is though, I mean yeah he’s blown this completely out of proportion but he liked me a lot – enough to ask me out”
“He didn’t mention that” Fred looked surprised “When?”
“Months ago, I turned him down and told him I was with someone else, he didn’t ask who – I didn’t tell him, should have and saved us this hassle”
“It wouldn’t have, he’s just annoyed he’s losing out to his brother more then anything” Fred said “If it had been Ron that would have killed him - his younger brother – but now he just thinks Charlies picking on him”
“But I’m not, he can’t make me feel at fault about this, he lost out because he waited to long to do anything, Sophia knew I liked her and came to me, he just wasn’t that obvious and she didn’t see it”
“I didn’t see you liked her, everyone else saw that George did, Ron and Harry included” Fred put it,
“Charlie had the advantage of alone time to get to know me and the weirdness to be staring so much I noticed” she started with a smirk, “I also kind of already had my eye on you which is probably why I wasn’t noticing George…” She added looking up at him as Fred averted his eyes,
Charlie chuckling and leaning his head down to kiss her and Fred coughed,
“Sorry…” Sophia said “He’s just… You can see what I’m like with Charlie… you can see how much I like him – can’t stay away from him” she grinned “If he and I end up being – I don’t know - a more permanent arrangement… George is going to have to deal with it”
“I’m in the country for a few more weeks, I’ll talk to him”
“Weeks?” she said looking up at him, “How many weeks?”
“I’m going to leave you too it” Fred said wandering to the hallway and apparating once he got out the front door,
“How many weeks?” she repeated,
“Two then I’m back in Romania”
“– I thought I told you, I go back there to finish the programme”
“No you didn’t” she pouted,
“I’m coming back Soph, they offered me a long-standing post but I – well I turned them down, said I’ll go for the four weeks for the money and come back for – well for you”
“For me…”
“You know what you just said about a permanent arrangement, you being my girlfriend is pretty much that for now, I’m ready to stay here with you then chase after Dragons Soph”
“But you’ve only just met me – you can’t give up what you love for someone you’ve just met”
“I’m giving up something I loved for – for someone I love”
“You what”
“I love you” She tried to keep breathing, “Don’t freak out ok; don’t take it as a big deal”
“You ever said it to anyone else”
“Well no”
“Then it’s a big deal!” She got up pacing in front of him,
“Let me think”
“Sophia please”
“Charlie you’ve just told me something that changes everything”
“It doesn’t have to change”
“Then why did you tell me!?” she said stopping “I mean it’s not – I like you, I like you a lot – this is just – it’s fast Charlie”
“I’m not asking you to say it back, or - or to marry me, I’m just saying I’m staying here because of you, because I want to be with you”
She stood staring at him, and then leapt on him in a kiss,
“Are you sure?”
“Soph I don’t date because I’ve never found the right one, you’re the right one for me”
“Your nuts – honestly Charlie, I don’t know what to say to you now”
“Don’t say anything” he grinned holding her to him “Just don’t go off with George while I’m gone”
“You told me you love me, I’m not going anywhere” she grinned and kissed him happily,
“Sweet” he smiled kissing her again “Because I was wondering…”
“Do you want to finally see my place tonight?”
“Are you asking me to go home with you Mr Weasley?” she smirked making herself more comfortable on his lap, sitting facing him with her arms at his neck,
“I think I am” he grinned
“Mmm” she kissed him keenly “Let’s go”

“Ahh – Harry – Owww – Harry!” she called out,
“He’s on his way Gin, just breath, he’s on a night training exercise remember”
“But – but he’s going to miss them Cara” she got out breathing heavily
“You’ve got a little while yet Ginny, don’t worry he’ll be here” she smiled holding her hand and stroking her forehead soothingly,
“Can you get them to tell my parents?”
“Course” she smiled nodding to one of the healers who was strapping a monitor around Ginny’s belly, she nodded and left,
“You hear that Gin” she said smiling
“Their – their heart beats” she grinned and then cried out in pain, “They’re ok”
“Yep, they said this is going to be all you Gin, they don’t need to give you a Caesar because there on time, and their weights good, everything’s alright Ginny” she said stroking her forehead over and over,
“I just want Harry so he doesn’t miss them”
“He’ll be here don’t worry, he wouldn’t miss this for the world”

He ducked behind the wall his wand out the cloaked figure shooting at him, it was eight months in, he shouldn’t be here now, he should be there waiting with her but she’d told him to go, to take the chance they offered so he did. He checked – the coast was clear and he ran for it calling for his partner to run with him, they made it to the last wall when –

“Simulation pause!” was called out, “Potter H – an urgent message has been received” he ran as fast as he could,
“What happened – is it Ginny?”
“Your Wife’s gone into labour”
“Right – I mean”
“Go on then”
He only got as far as the corridor out side the designated apparition zones when something struck him in the back, he fell to the floor grabbing his wand out and holding it up at his assailant,
“This is going to be easier then I thought” he grinned pointing his wand at Harry,
“Now is really not a good time for you to attack me Malfoy”
“It’s the perfect time” he struck out but Harry met the shot in mid air holding his wand firmly stopping the blue bolt of light with the jet of red shooting out, he got up holding the duel in place,
“Really not a good time” he muttered to himself, he pulled away out of instinct and dived out of the way of the bolt, Draco was caught by surprise but he didn’t give up. Harry made it inside the room but Draco grabbed his arm just as he attempted to apparate to the hospital.

He felt like he was being sliced in half but the shooting pain was his ear. He raised his hand to his head but there was only blood, his ear was missing. He was kicked in the stomach and then ribs before he had chance to react, kicked in the head as he reeled and a bolt of electricity cursed through his veins from Draco’s wand to his arm and around his body as he was kicked and hit again. He blacked out.

In the corridor of Mungo’s hospital a bloody ear and a chunk of black hair appeared out of nowhere and landed outside Ginny’s door along with a shout bellowed out when he was pulled away.

Ginny looked around hearing her name being called, she knew the voice was Harry’s. Cara let go of her hand and went to look. She saw the ear and then started to panic wrapping it in a bandage with her wand,
Arthur appeared suddenly and she stared at him
“Some things happened to Harry” she opened the bandage in her palm to show the ear “– I think he was attacked mid apparition”
“Go to the ministry, get a trace, I’ll stay with her – get her brothers to help look”
“If he doesn’t make it here…”
“I’ll keep her calm, just find him”
She nodded and went back into the room,
“Ginny I’m going to be right back ok, your dads here”
“But Harry – that was him calling me, where is he?”
“He’s coming, don’t worry about it” Arthur soothed walking over and taking her hand stroking her forehead “Just think about the girls for now ok, he’ll be here”
“Daddy” she said crying “I’m so sorry”
“Shhh Ginny, it’s ok sweetheart, it’s all ok”
“I’m really scared”
“Don’t be, your going to be fine, they’re going to be fine – are you going to tell me my granddaughters names?” he asked distracting her,
“Faith and Patience, Harry picked Patience” she smiled “Sophia was always telling him he needed it” she grinned before giving into the pain once more.

“What do you mean you can’t trace him?”
“Where ever he is it’s off the grid, he is untraceable”
“That’s impossible!”
“There are certain area’s of the world that make it impossible for us to get a hold of magic in – Bermuda triangle for instance”
“We’re not in the Bermuda triangle! Is there anywhere in England where you can’t find people using magic?”
“We don’t know – that’s the whole point behind not being found, we don’t know the places you can’t be found in”
“You people are ridiculous, why did know one see him apparate from the room when he left?”
“This is a training facility, students and teachers in a classified location, you were only allowed here because it was an emergency”
“Someone else obviously knew or I wouldn’t be looking after Harry’s ear for him would I – he is bleeding to death some where while his wife is having their babies”
“Look we’ll do what we can but we don’t have an exact idea of where he is”
“Flaming hell – just find him, I’m going to get her brothers and start looking”

She went to Charlie’s apartment banging on the door fiercely; Charlie appeared in nothing but boxers,
Said “What is it?” and yawned widely, tying back his hair as he spoke,
“Ginny’s in labour”
He stared in shock and then called out to Sophia,
“I need you to come with me; Sophia can go to the hospital”
“What – why – has someone told Harry?”
“Harry’s missing, kidnapped I think, we need to find him so Soph can go to the hospital where she can be of use and you can help me round up your brothers so we can find him”
“Kidnapped – but what”
“Charlie there’s no time to explain ok, just get some clothes on – I’m going to the twins now”
“I’ll go and find Ron – see you at the ministry in half an hour”
Sophia rushed down the stairs pulling on her t-shirt, “Honey, what’s going on?”
“Gin’s in labour, Harry’s missing”
“Oh right – what - Harry’s missing?”
“I’m gonna drop you at the hospital” He said taking her hand and apparating back up to the bedroom, they hurried into clothes –
“Did she say how he was missing?”
“No – I mean kidnapped I think - I’m guessing she will tell me more when I get there, are you sure you’ll be alright at the hospital?”
“Sure” she pulled on jeans “I’ll be better off there then you having to apparate me with you everywhere – you’ll have to teach me how to do that soon”
“I will – you ready?” he asked standing up after putting his shoes on,
“I just need-” she grabbed her wand “-ready”
“A true witch now” he grinned taking her hand and apparating them to the hospital,
“Wait does Ginny know Harry’s missing?”
“Erm – no- I don’t think so – just don’t mention it ok”
She nodded “See you later” she kissed his cheek and left him standing there with a smile as she walked away to find Ginny’s room.

“Gin” she hurried in the room,
“Sophia – where’s your no good brother?”
“He’s coming Ginny, the training programmes in a classified location”
“Dad won’t tell me what’s taking him so long”
“He’ll be here”
“He promised he wouldn’t leave me Soph”
“He’ll be here, their not here yet, he’s still got time”
“Not much” she got out breathing heavily “They said soon”
“Come on now Gin – how soon?”
“Hours” Arthur said looking to Sophia intently, “Just a couple more hours at the most”
“He’ll be here Ginny – I promise” she said holding her other hand with a smile.
RIP JD Salinger
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