Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 10-28-2010, 12:00 AM   #82 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
heart xxx

Chapter Twenty Nine

“Can’t they just come through the fireplace” she complained “Or get keys cut”
“Leave it” he grinned, refusing to let her go,
“I wish” she kissed him one last time rushing down the stairs, “I’m coming”
She opened the door, blinked and then closed it.
“Sophia, open the door please”
She sat down against the wall looking at the door,
“Sophia let me in”
Charlie looked over the banister dressed now “Soph?”
“My – my mother”
“Ahh – right” he walked down and sat beside her, “What’s her name again?”
“Wendy Davis”
“Ok” he took her hand “Erm… Mrs Davis” he called out through the door,
“Yes – who is this?”
“Charlie, I’m, I’m Soph’s friend”
“She’s a bit shocked right now, is it ok if you come back later”
“I would like to speak to my daughter alone and now please Charlie”
“Erm…” he made to get up but she tugged his shirt, shaking her head
“I want to speak to her, let me in the house”
She changed her mind, they got up, and she called out, “Ok” panicking a little “Give me a minute”
Her mother refrained from telling her that putting clothes on would be a good idea and stood waiting on the doorstep.
“Erm – would you – I don’t know…”
“I’ll let her in and wait in the kitchen” he smiled kissing her briefly and reassuringly before she hurried up the stairs. He waited until she was gone and then opened the door to her mother,
“I’m Charlie Weasley, she’ll be down in a minute” he held out his hand, she walked past ignoring him and into the living room,
“Ok then” he muttered to himself and followed her in,
“This is your house?”
“It used to be Sirius’s – it was the Black family house, he gave it to Harry, who split it in half with Soph” he said “So no”
“Right” she looked around and sat down crossing her legs, “And you know my daughter how?”
“I’m her boyfriend and I’m Harry’s brother in law”
“Weasley, interesting family”
“I guess, Harry said you’re a Whyte, one of the last I’m guessing”
“Do you guess a lot Mr Weasley?”
“Only when I’m nervous” he said with a anxious smile “But being a Weasley you get over that fast - the Whyte’s were known for there less then hospitable nature towards muggleborn’s and Blood traitors so it’s interesting you would chose a muggle life”
Sophia came down the stairs and into the living room walking in to hear her mother say,
“It explains my lack of respect for your family name and blood status; pure blood or not Weasley’s are not to be trusted”
“But we are not extinct” Charlie replied coldly,
“How did you find me?” she cut in and sat down next to Charlie taking his hand to apologise for her mother’s behaviour,
“Alone” Wendy said, Charlie got up kissing her cheek with a small smile and walked down stairs, “I went to Cara, who sent me away so I tried Anna and then finally Daria slipped up and gave me the address”
“Right, and what do you want?
“To talk to you, you’re my daughter”
“You lied to me – you kept the biggest secret ever from me and changed my entire life!”
“I’m sorry; I thought it was for the best”
“You didn’t think about anything, I’ve missed out on a completely different life – I’ve missed out on having a father – is that why you two never had kids, because you’d have to bind their powers too!”
She dismissed it “Michael’s your father, he loves you”
“He’s not my real dad, he’s never home to be a dad and he’ll never love me like his real daughter, you’ve seen the way he is with his own girls compared to me”
“He raised you”
“You raised me, you lied to me, I love you both but I can’t – I can’t do this”
“And him?”
“Charlie, he’s a recent addition, a nice and kind and loving recent addition to my new life”
“How old is he thirty?”
“Twenty five – what’s wrong with that?”
“He’s too old for you, your eighteen and your seeing someone no doubt ready to settle down when you still have a life to start”
“Don’t, I don’t want to hear it, Charlie is incredible and amazing and twenty five, I really like him and he’s mad about me there’s nothing for you to complain about especially how old he is, Charlie maybe a lot of things but settling down – he lives each day to the fullest, he studies Dragons for a living, he does what ever he can to never be boring while being completely laid back and himself at the same time”
“And the house”
“My house, my half a house from my father – Harry and his best friends live here too, I’m his sister now, there all my family and I love them to bits, I’m not leaving them”
“Where’s his girlfriend?”
“His wife – she’s in hospital at the moment, that’s where he is, there have been some complications with their twins”
“God, you just can’t bear it when things are working out for this world for me when it didn’t work for you, I’m happy I’m a witch, I’m happy I’m learning about my dad and what he did for us all, I’m glad I’ve embraced what I am when you make it impossible for yourself”
“I just don’t want you to get hurt”
“You know I’m happy and I’m fine, you can go now” she crossed her arms,
“If that’s what you want”
“It is” she stood up and walked to the door,
“Fine” Wendy got up and walked past her, “I love you”
“Bye mum” she replied opening the front door, and closing it behind her, “Charlie?!” she called out. He popped up behind her “Gimme a hug please” she said with tears falling down her cheeks,
“Aww Soph” He pulled her into his arms and she held on for dear life,
“What happened? What did she say?”
“She – she – said sorry but I told her I didn’t want to come back”
“You told her the truth didn’t you” he moved away to look down at her “You’re happy?”
“Course I am, I don’t want to go back, I like living here, I like being with you I’m not going to change that for anything, it’s my choice to stay” he grinned picking her up and wrapping his arms around her more securely so he lifted her off the ground,
She giggled wiping her eyes, “She asked me how old you were” her legs wrapped round his waist to hold herself there,
She kissed him “I told her – only because she thought you were thirty”
“Thirty! Do I look that old to you?”
“No – but I don’t care how old you are, I just want you”
“You got me gorgeous” he spun her around with a smile as voices came from the fireplace,

“I’m not say that, I’m saying that if you were to cut it a little bit it would look at bit better”
“I’m not cutting it Hermione”
“My hairs fine”
“You just want to see if you can get a pony tail to match Charlies and I think it would look ridiculous – you wonder why he doesn’t have a girlfriend”

Sophia kissed him at this point before he made to protest and Hermione and Ron walked into the hallway,

She stopped in her tracks “I guess I was wrong” her eyes wide; Ron stared, blinked and then said
“Yeah I guess you were – I’m definitely not cutting it”
And wandered back into the living room, Charlie released Sophia with a smile and set her on her feet,
Hermione spoke with a grin, “And this?”
“What?” Sophia said innocently,
“The kissing I just witnessed?”
“Oh that was just a goodbye kiss; Charlie was going to see Ginny”
She smirked, “Without shoes?”
“I never wear shoes” He grinned swooping to pick Sophia up and carry her into the living room giggling,
“George is going to kill you” Ron started,
“George knows, we’ve just got a life time ban from his shop” Sophia said settling on his lap on the couch,
“We’re not sneaking anymore is all, this has been going on for weeks” Charlie said as back up, “He can get used to the idea she’s likes me more then him and get over himself, it’s not like she was stringing us both along, I just got in first”
“Didn’t say it was a bad thing, I just said he wasn’t going to like it”
“Was I the only one to actually not notice he fancied me or something?” She said “I mean he’s funny and everything but not my type, he asked me but he was too late, I’d already started seeing this one by then, why’d he still think I liked him like that when I told him I was seeing someone else”
“I think it’s more who the ‘someone’ is” Hermione added, “Like Ginny and Harry with Ron”
“My best friend and my little sister hook up, how did you want me to react?” Ron muttered “Happy?”
“Too much to ask from you Ron” Charlie grinned, “George will get over it eventually, he’s just being over dramatic”
“Since when did you start paying attention to girls anyway” Ron smirked
“Why does that keep coming up – I’ve had plenty of girlfriends, I just don’t feel the need to tell you guys”
“Yeah cause them Romanian Dragon taming witches are hot” Ron said continuing to look smug with himself,
“You can’t talk Ron, Lav- Lav wasn’t your best choice” Charlie smirked back, Ron’s ears turned red and Hermione started to laugh,
“You dated someone called Lav- Lav?” Sophia said before bursting into a fit of giggles,
“Lavender” he muttered “And there was nothing wrong with her”
Hermione coughed,
“Ok so she was like a human vacuum cleaner and a bit crazy – but you sent a pack of vicious yellow canaries at us”
“You were horrible too me you deserved it!”
“Yeah, yeah – I said sorry didn’t I”
She huffed and crossed her arms, he leant over and kissed her cheek, “Sorry” he whispered waiting for her to smile and punch his arm before moving away.
“So you and the team of Romanian dragon taming witches were?” Sophia said looking up at Charlie,
“Ron doesn’t know what he’s talking about, I’ve dated just not – well not loads ok, there’s not been many but plenty enough trouble for me ok”
“Ok” she laughed “I was just teasing”
“Phew” he smiled wiping faux sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand,
“He’s never dated anyone he’s making it all up” Ron grinned
“Right” Sophia laughed “That’s why he’s brilliant then, he’s never had to deal with a mess before so he’s being overly nice” she laughed, Charlie squeezing her to him with a grin,
“I’m going to go before Harry comes back and decides to attack my character too”
“Aww don’t go”
“Persuade me” he said looking serious “Go on”
She rolled her eyes and kissed him much to the disgust of Ron and the amusement of Hermione,
When they finally came up for air Charlie laughed at Ron’s face and said “So… what’s for dinner then little brother?”
“Sophia apparently” Ron grinned standing up and stretching,
She threw a pillow at him,
“I’m dessert not dinner”
“Seriously guys” Ron started again “You’re together?”
“You want me to kiss her again just so your sure, I mean I can put myself through it if you really want me too” he sighed a smile creeping on her lips,
“Ugh, get a room”
“We did – it’s yours and Hermione’s now though” Charlie smirked pulling out his wand and apparating them to her bedroom before Ron could say anything,
“We were in a hurry in our defence” Sophia smiled rolling on the bed, he pinned her there with a grin,
“And we didn’t know it wasn’t your room until after” he kissed her, pulling her up at her lower back, pressing her to him and kissing every where he could,
“Charlie” she giggled “They’re downstairs”
“I don’t care”
“I-” he kissed her “-want-” and again “-You”
“Mmm” she gave in to it “Ok – but I’m not going back down there for a week out of embarrassment” she murmured as he reached her lips again with a grin.
“Who said I was going anywhere either?”

“Hey guys” Harry wandering in the house with a smile and an arm full of papers, “So… how’s things?”
“Did you know about Sophia and Charlie?”
“She told me this morning”
“Huh – so what about letting us know?”
“Well she told you, didn’t she?” he shrugged “Where is she anyways?”
“They’re upstairs” Hermione said,
“Ok then” he smirked and sat down “I’ll just tell you, me and Gin have found a house and a name”
They looked up “A house?” Ron said,
Hermione grinned excitedly “A name?”
“Here” he handed the papers and “And the Twins” he handed two pictures of the latest scans over, their names on the back,
“Faith and Patience” she looked up with a grin “Aww their amazing” she handed them to Ron who looked, smiled and handed them back,
“She’s been waddling around with them to get them to stop moving so much”
“We’ll go and see her tomorrow”
“She does miss you guys”
“We try to get there – there’s a lot going on at the ministry and then he’s helping at the twins shop and I’m organising tutoring for first years at Hogwarts for extra money”
“I know, but she needs more then just me right now”
“Her other brothers go too don’t they – I mean there still not going back to the Burrow for her sake”
“And that hasn’t changed, that woman hasn’t changed her mind”
“That woman is my mother and even though I don’t agree with her a little more respect wouldn’t go amiss” Ron said angrily,
“I’m sorry but she upset my wife so much she was crying for three days straight” he said just as annoyed,
“We stood by her didn’t we, we still are – just cause we don’t live there doesn’t mean she’s not still our mother”
“According to Ginny she doesn’t have a mother”
“Well I still do” he crossed his arms “I’ll go and see her tomorrow if it will stop your complaining”
“She’s your sister, I shouldn’t have to ask” He muttered leaving them there to apparate to his bedroom, he heard the giggling, laughing and talking in the room below and moved up to the last floor he could, he ended up in the attic sitting on the end of the bed holding the scans and smiling. He looked around the room, the dust, and the mess and the quiet. He liked the quiet.

He pulled away the sheets, shook out the covers and lay down on the bed; he took out his wallet with the photo of Ginny and put it with the scans on the mattress beside him looking at them until he fell asleep peacefully for the first time in weeks.

“I’m fine really”
“You had an emergency scan Gin”
“There was a bit of pain, it passed they were worried and we had a scan, their ok, I’m ok – it was just a kick in the ribs, a little break – all healed now”
He stared “The ribs?”
“Space is limited sweetheart, I get any bigger and I’m not going to be able to waddle let alone walk – Cara’s offered to wheel me round in a chair when it gets to that point”
“I’ll carry you round if I have too”
“I’ll be too heavy for that” she said waving her hand dismissively, “So anyway, now you know I’m fine, you came to tell me something?”
“Erm… well it’s not so… it will make you mad at me”
“Don’t bother then” she grinned,
“It’s not something you want to hear but you need to”
“If I’m not going to like it Harry don’t tell me, I don’t need stuff like that until I can deal with it”
“Harry forget it, I’m currently hormonal, huge and locked in a hospital I’m not in a good enough mood for you to tell me anything that will make me upset with you since you’re the only one that’s bothering with me and I think I’d be a bit miffed if I killed you”
“Just a bit?” he said with a smile,
“Go on home before they kick you out then – its ten minutes after visiting times”
“This was an emergency situation I think they’ll let me have a bit more time”
“For a false alarm, that woman is crazy she’ll be in to drag you out soon enough”
“Then I’ll stay till she does, or I could stay like I did last time, I have my cloak”
“You’ll hurt your back sleeping on the chair all funny like you did last time, and you know how flaming uncomfortable it is with four of us in this bed” she smiled
“The chairs fine, you know I just don’t like being without you Gin so don’t try to persuade me otherwise”
“Soppy fool” she smiled getting more comfortable on her side a cushion under her back and bump,
“Better then a lonely fool I guess” he threw the cloak over his head as there was a knock on the door,
“Miss Weasley, visiting hours are -”
“- It’s Mrs Potter and he left a few minutes ago”
“Right – well that’s good then” she looked around suspiciously,
“He apparated that’s why you didn’t see him go”
“Hmm” she backed towards the door, “Right – well – yes – you have the button if anything happens during the night, your healer will be in to check before lights out”
“Yes, thankyou, good night”
“Wow she really is nuts” he grinned as the door closed,
“Take the cloak off so it’s a bit less strange for me to talk to you at least” she smiled, “Your lucky Penny doesn’t dob people in for staying over the hours”
“Because she’s your friend” he said taking it off “I doubt she does it for other people”
“Penny’s not just nice to me and mean to everyone else”
“She’s mean to me”
“She only knew about you when she thought you were cheating on me”
“People always think and assume they never ask – the real estate agent on the house was thinking the same thing about me and Sophia when we were looking at houses”
“I don’t think she was, I think you might be a bit tired and paranoid”
“I saw the way she looked Gin, I’m not just going mad”
“I believe you, but your taking it too far, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks – you’ve done plenty in your life without being bothered for the stares and whispers, you do things because there the right choices to make, it’s not your problem to live your life for everyone else anymore Harry, you have to do it for you, there’s no one for you to save, to protect from evil – theirs just me and your babies to love and the ministry to work for and to do what ever else you want to do – your not the chosen one anymore, your Harry, you’re my Harry”
He got up and kissed her gently kneeling by the bed and stroking her cheek his face beside hers, “I know your right, it’s just hard to let go of”
“It ‘all get better, once we’re out of here and in our house and we’ve got our girls, things will get better and easier”
He kissed her again, “You know just what to say to keep my world turning Gin”
She giggled “I am your world – just look at the size of me”
He smiled touching her cheek and her belly, “My everything”
“And mine” she smiled holding his hand there.
RIP JD Salinger
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