Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 10-26-2010, 12:08 AM   #80 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
heart xxx

Chapter Twenty Eight

“Hi Sophia – is Ginny here?”
“You’ve missed them, she’s being admitted today – you don’t remember them telling you?” She said sitting on the couch as he dusted himself off from the fireplace,
“Ahh… I did have a lot of fire whiskey that night right?”
“You guys were celebrating pretty hard” she shrugged,
“I don’t remember what though” he grinned running a hand through his long red hair and retying the casual ponytail,
“It was kind of her leaving party” She laughed “Your memory must be terrible when you don’t drink if it’s this bad when you do”
“I guess – I wouldn’t remember though would I” he grinned sitting down comfortably on the couch opposite,
“You don’t remember what we talked about then?” she said with a smirk,
“I vaguely remember the gist of something – interesting we discussed” he grinned school boyishly “I may have said I liked you”
She cut in “You’re a lot different to your brothers you know” She smiled “A lot”
“We’re all different; the only real connection is the red blood and red hair”
“But your really different” her eyes were seeing him differently now, she’d noticed him looking at her the other night before he’d started drinking and looking like he might ask her out after he’d had a few but bottling out of it and they’d talked like old friends instead.
“I’m the oldest?” he shrugged,
“You’re the laid back one, yeah the twins are awesome and jokes come out of there ears, Ron funny and cute, Percy’s – well Percy’s Percy” she grinned “And Bill’s pretty cool but you’re the one that stands out, out of the six of you”
“You stand out too”
“But out of what?” she lay down to get more comfortable on the couch feeling at ease around him,
“Out of other girls” he half shrugged “I don’t really look you see, I figure Dragons are enough trouble, and then you waltz in to this world completely unawares and completely-” he cut himself off feeling embarrassed, she chuckled,
“Don’t be nervous Charlie, you know I like you too” she smirked turning her head to face him “Say it, don’t be self-conscious when you’ve been staring at me every time you see me”
“Completely gorgeous” he said with a grin
“You gonna kiss me now” she replied looking up at the ceiling, “Cause I’ve been waiting”
There was a pop “Maybe” he said standing behind her couch leaning on his hand relaxed with a grin,
She sat up,
“Maybe not” he smirked jumping over to sit beside her,
“You wanna pick one?” she giggled his hand on her cheek as she shuffled closer,
“What the heck” he shrugged and kissed her single-mindedly, until the front door opened.
“It’s Harry?” Charlie said as she nodded,
“He might be a bit put out, best not to spring this on him” She said and he nodded, kissing her briefly before going to the fireplace,
“See you later gorgeous” and jumping into the emerald flames as the living room door opened,
“Harry, you alright?” she said with a small reassuring smile,
“Yeah – you know me I’m a worrier when I can’t see her”
“Visiting hours, the healers are strict on them”
“That’s ridiculous she’s in there for months they could at least let you stay for a little longer”
“Nope” he sighed “I’ll go tomorrow morning”
“Ok, Ron and Hermione will be here soon, its transfiguration lessons today”
“I might stick around for it”
“We need to find you a hobby”
“I’m going to have a nap I’ll be back down later” he yawned “I’ll be working at the ministry properly in the training program after the twins are born – that’s hobby enough”
“You’re going to be exhausted”
“Aren’t all new parents” he said with a small grin “See you later” and wandered up the stairs to bed.


“What’s wrong with it?”
“We need a garden” Harry shrugged,
“Oh yeah” Sophia said “Ok so the next one – are you sure you want to move this far away?”
“Yes – Ginny picked it on the map, as far from the Burrow as possible”
“But do you know about schools and stuff in the area”
“I did check it out, it’s a nice area – green, magical and there’s no need for school – they’d only need a primary because I don’t think Ginny’s gonna want to home school them and then they’ll go to Hogwarts, I want them to have a view into the muggle world as well”
“So they’ll defiantly be magical then?”
“Generally kids are if there parents are – it’s still more likely to happen with one parent being a witch or wizard, then you are to get a squib”
“Squib sounds horrible”
“Ok – non magical but not a muggle”
“Muggle sounds horrible” she replied crossing her arms,
“Then you can petition the Ministry for a change and get Hermione to help you – she was all for liberating House Elves I’m sure she’ll want in on this”
She stuck out her tongue as the real estate agent came round, “What do you think?”
“Garden” he said “I did ask for the houses to have one”
“Ahh yes, I forgot to mention that – the land next door is all so for sale, cheap and basically a field – you could fence it off”
“I’m having two kids not twenty and I don’t think we’ve got the money for a field as well”
The woman looked Sophia up and down noting that she didn’t look in the least bit pregnant, and saw the ring on Harry hand,
“Does she look like Ginny Potter to you?” Harry said suddenly and quite rudely,
“Well no – she doesn’t have red hair - but what ever your - your own affairs” she stuttered as Harry rolled his eyes,
“My wife is in hospital this is our best friend who’s helping me you have no reason to think of anything otherwise”
“I think we want to see the next one please” Sophia cut in elbowing Harry “And please excuse Harry’s rudeness, he’s just worrying for Ginny”
“I hope everything’s ok”
“It is, Harry’s just very protective of her – bit of a worry wart” she smiled ignoring Harry’s face, as the woman created a portkey, “You have to stop being rude to everyone -”
“- Because otherwise no ones going to like you, not even your own wife”
He frowned “I’m just sick of people assuming things, I haven’t got long to find a house – they said six months could be when she’s due”
“They’ll come when there ready – just be glad they’re taking longer, it’s worse if they come earlier and something goes wrong – I’m not saying it will” she corrected seeing his face tense up in shock, “Just be patient alright” she took his hand leading him forward to the smiling real estate agent holding out her glowing blue clipboard.

They looked around the next one Sophia grinned when he stood in the garden for a good five minutes and went through all the rooms imagining them living there,
“You like it” she said coming up behind him,
“You think Ginny will?”
“We’ll put in an offer” he replied laughing when she jumped up and down excitingly clapping her hands,
“This one is just under your price range Mr Potter; it’s been on the market only a few days you’re the first one to see it”
“I think we’re going to like living here” he smiled, “But I’ll have to ask Gin first – can I come back to the office in about an hour?”
“Sure – there’s no on else to see it”
“Are you able to hold it a week so I can sort out paper work and money?”
“Yes – we’ll sort that out this afternoon” she reached out and shook his hand, “Congratulations Mr Potter” and apparated back to the office.

“You want to come with me or go home?”
“Erm actually can you drop me off at the ice cream place?”
“Oh – erm sure” he shrugged “Can I ask why?”
“Erm… I kind of have a date” she grinned “With Charlie”
“When did that happen?”
“He came round that day Ginny was admitted to Mungo’s, he meant to see her but forgot she wouldn’t be there – we got to talking, we had a drink once and this would be our third actual date… we never said anything cause – well cause it wasn’t really definite until… well that night you hid under your cloak and stayed at Mungo’s with her the first time so really there was no reason not to tell but I guess it just never came up in conversation” she shrugged,
“Oh – well alright then – erm I guess congratulations – I mean is that what you say when you find out your sister has a boyfriend?”
“It ‘all do, just drop me off and go and see your wife silly” she laughed at his awkward grin,
“Yeah” he shook his head, held her hand and apparated them into Diagon alley,
“I won’t tell Charlie your putting in a offer yet don’t worry” she said,
“Thanks – can I tell Ginny you’re seeing her brother though?”
“Course, not a secret now I’ve told you is it” she smirked giving him a hug, “Everything’s going to be fine Harry don’t worry, just have some faith and a bit of patience”
“Patience…” he said to himself,
“Did I say something wrong?” she looked at him,
“Nope” he grinned and hugged her this time “Say hi to Charlie for us” and apparated to Mungo’s.

She sat down ordering a coffee and waiting for him, when she heard a whisper in her ear
“Hello gorgeous” She giggled as he kissed her cheek and sat down next to her “How’s things?”
“Better now – but I did just tell Harry about us”
“You did… ehh lets just hold off from my parents for a while, there not happy with Harry and Ginny still and it’s been over a month, none of us have been back there still”
“Do you think you ever will?”
“Do you think you’ll go and see your mum?”
“I – I don’t – it’s been months… Charlie – I don’t know if -”
“- Do you want me to come with?”
“You would do that for me?”
“Course, you need me I’m there”
“We’ve had three dates and you’re willing to meet my mum”
“I’d say all those times hiding in your bedroom count towards it to Soph - Have you never brought a guy home before?”
“Erm… well no”
“Hmm… but I mean I’m not you’re first…”
“No, but me and you are different – I’d go to there place, if I had brought a boy home and I was under eighteen she’d shoot them”
“But your eighteen now so we’re good” he grinned,
“Yeah but your like twenty five that might not be so good”
“She has problems with age too?”
“She’s conservative, a bit like your mum – nice and old fashioned” she grimaced, “Age that means more then two years between a guy and a girl she has issues with – she likes limits, she likes control and boundaries”
“Seriously?” he questioned considering what to do “But who says we have to tell her how old I am?”
“Look I like you, you like me – we’ve already sealed the deal on that one” he smirked “She can’t change the fact I’m crazy about you no matter how old I am”
“You are absurdly fantastic you know that” she laughed “I think shock would be good for her though”
“So when shall we go?”
“How about we have three more dates – then I can tell her more about you then just what coffee you drink and where your freckles are” she smiled and he chuckled,
“Well what about letting my brothers know – I notice the way George is around you even if you don’t”
“Seriously you Weasley boys are all the same”
“We just like brunettes” he smirked “And you’re the only one who laughs at his jokes”
“He’s funny” she shrugged “Just be glad I like you more and that I didn’t take him up on his offer”
Charlie looked taken aback for a second “He asked you out?”
“Hmm, that morning you were sneaking out the house the first time he came to see me before the others woke up and Harry came back, I politely told him I was seeing someone else and he said they were lucky to have me and he’d leave before he got too embarrassed”
“I’ve kind of stomped on my little brother then – ouch”
“He’ll be fine”
“That implies he’s not now – maybe I should tell him before the others”
She sighed and sipped her coffee, “We could go now”
“Let’s finish our coffee first, and maybe wander round the shops…”
“Lets drink and then get it over with” she laughed listening to him trying to avoid it “You’re his big brother, he’s not going to hate you, you never no he might actually be pleased for you finding a girlfriend after years of not having one because they scare you more then nesting dragons”
“I so should not have told you that”
“But you did” her hand slid to perfectly fit in his “I’m glad I don’t scare you”
“You do, your open – way to open then I usually know – in everything apart from this and I know that’s cause I’m a wimp when it comes to stuff that’s not dangerous and your being nice to me” he grinned,
“You big baby – come here” she leant up and kissed him “How did I end up with you?”
“Good luck” he smirked “Lot’s of good luck” kissing her this time.
“I think it was just one big perfect accident” she smiled leaning her head on his shoulder,
“Could just be” he shrugged. She coaxed him out of the chair eventually and they walked into the joke shop hand in hand. He was slacking behind a little but then Fred came out of nowhere,
“Sophia – Charlie always a pleasure” he grinned bowing and lifting a multicoloured top hat, “Come to see what wonders we have in store today?”
“Where’s George?” Charlie asked directly, Sophia noted that he actually looked worried and sighed letting his hand go,
“I’ll go find him, Fred - keep your brother entertained” she smiled,
He looked at her in surprise blinked and then tried to say something, she rolled her eyes and then said “Just tell him alright” and wandered off, she heard Fred say “Tell me what” when she bumped into George,
His face lit up into a big grin, “Hey Soph, how are you?”
“Good, good, is there somewhere less crazy we could talk?”
“Sure – follow me” he ducked as something swooped over head and led her into the back room. “Less crazy” he grinned and sat on crate,
“Right” she followed suit but the crate collapsed underneath her “To many pumpkin pasties” she grinned getting up as he helped her but watched as the crate put it’s self back together again,
“My brothers idea of a joke to the staff when they try to take refuge in here – no so fun when your holding wet start fireworks and a cup of coffee” he pointed at the ceiling as she found a safer box and saw the black singe marks,
“Huh – no” she smiled, “So I wanted to tell you something”
“You know when I said I was seeing somebody”
“Yep” she saw the hope in his face and wanted to run,
“Well it’s gotten serious and we’d figured we’ll start telling people, I just thought since who he is might be a bit of a shock to you I’ll tell you alone – and since you were nice enough to ask me out I’m returning the politeness I guess”
His face fell but he held it together “This doesn’t sound good – your not seeing a Malfoy are you – cause your technically related and there all psychopaths”
“So it’s not bad that’s a relief unless – well it’s not Harry on the side is it?”
“George be serious”
“Fred?” he asked,
“Stop guessing please” she replied closing her eyes and pinching the bridge of her nose,
“Then I’m outta ideas, my other brothers are either taken or not interested and I can’t think of anyone else that we both know”
“Your wrong there George” she looked up “I’m not seeing Percy, or Fred, I’m not seeing Harry or Ron or Bill and I’m not seeing you but I am currently seeing Charlie”
“Charlie” he whispered in surprise “Charlie” he repeated “But – but he doesn’t like girls – he likes dragons!”
“He likes me” she shrugged “And I like him”
“You said it’s gotten serious, why didn’t you guys tell before?”
“Because it wasn’t exactly definite”
“You what”
“George please don’t sound so shocked, Charlies not completely oblivious to girls as you think, he’s great and he’s -”
“I don’t need you telling me about my own brother” he stood up “Is he here?”
“With Fred – don’t do anything stupid”
“I never stood a chance did I, all the time Charlie shows off that he doesn’t need a girlfriend and the moment a girl comes along that’s not nuts, that we’re not related to or is with one of our brothers he decides to like them again?”
“It wasn’t like that, yeah I like you, yeah I think you’re hilarious but Charlie’s different and I just like him differently, you’re like a big brother”
“Flaming hell – I’m only a year older he’s what six years on top of that!”
“It’s not age that’s the issue here” she stood up “He’s obviously more mature then you if you’re forced to turn to that when there’s nothing else for you to attack!”
“Guys – customers” Fred said walking in “We are running a business shouting doesn’t send the right message”
“She’s sleeping with Charlie!”
She yelled out in frustration “It’s more then that with him ok, I like him, I like him more then you or I would never have agreed to go out with him, yeah I’m sorry it hurts your feelings cause he’s your big brother but your being over dramatic about this when I’m actually only telling you out of politeness rather then necessity!”
“Soph” he appeared at the door, “George I’m sorry – I know you like her but-”
“Even better - you knew!”
“Calm down” he muttered,
“Why couldn’t you just - I don’t know - not like her? - just like every other girl?”
“Because she’s special” he replied “And just because you liked her doesn’t mean I can’t, you took so long to actually ask her out I was already seeing her”
“I’m right here you know” she said crossing her arms,
“Sorry Soph” he put an arm round her waist “We just came to tell you we’re together ok so we’re not sneaking anymore”
“Why were you even sneaking in the first place?”
“Cause it wasn’t exactly serious at first…”
“How many dates have you actually had?”
“That’s not serious”
“We’re a couple” Charlie said “She’s my girlfriend”
“Right – thanks for telling me now get out of my shop”
“You’ve turned into Mum you know that” Charlie said making to walk out with Sophia,
“Better then aspiring to my big brother though hey” George shouted after him as they walked out,
“That went well don’t you think” Charlie grimaced leading them out,
“Ugh take me home” she mumbled as he kissed the top of her head.
“Gin” he peered round the door, “Gin?”
The room was empty and he panicked going back to the desk,
He was still looking around nervously when he got there “Cara – you seen Ginny?”
“Nope – don’t worry, she’s wanders a bit you know that, she just gets bored”
“I’m might go have a look”
“You stay in one place and she’s more likely to - there she is” she nodded her head down the hallway,
“Thanks – Gin”
“You look scared – Harry we went for a waddle” she patted her belly, “They relax when we’re walking, I have a feeling we’ll have to take them out for walks to get them off to sleep when there out of here” she grinned taking his hand and leading him back to the room, “What’s news?”
“Well three things – I may have found us a home” he took out a small pile of pictures of the house “And I may have a name for Faith’s sister” he wrote something on a piece of paper “Oh and Sophia’s seeing Charlie”
“Right… well the house looks amazing” she poured over the papers “Can we afford it?”
“Under budget it can be ours by the end of the week if you want”
“Fantastic – ok so the name?” He handed her the piece of paper, “Ahh” she smiled “I like it”
“Are you sure?”
“Faith and Patience Potter, it sounds right, it’s her, it’s hoping for them and waiting for them it fits” she grinned, “And now Charlie and Sophia?”
“Apparently it’s been going on since the day you came here, their pretty serious I’m guessing – I just ...”
“What is it?”
“I’ve been there when the twin’s have and I’m pretty sure George has a thing for her”
“Oh – well he’ll get over it, I mean there brothers”
“I’m guessing she doesn’t have a clue though, she’s pretty stuck on Charlie, you should have seen her grinning”
“Aww – hey and if all goes well she might end up being my real sister” she grinned, “And yours”
“Hmm, so now what else is left to do?”
“Nothing Harry, I don’t think there’s anything left for you to do so just relax”
“There’s still shopping to do – clothes, cribs, baby stuff!”
“Harry relax”
“I can’t when this is all looming over my head”
“Don’t think about it for now” she moved the papers to the beside table and made space for him on the bed, “Come and lie down”
He got up and sat beside her she made him lie down and stroked his cheek with her fingertips, “Close your eyes Harry”
“Close your eyes Harry” she insisted firmly, “Now breathe” she said calmly waiting for him to take control, then ran her fingertips down his arm from the crease in his elbow to the palm of his hand with a smile, then along his cheek to his jaw and his lips before she bent down and kissed him,
“Hmm” he smiled “I’m good”
“I’m not now” She held the bump to sit on his legs and leant down as much as she could manage but it wasn’t enough to reach his face, she groaned and huffed moving to sit beside him frustrated, Harry rolled over to his side, sat up and put his arm round her waist turning her to the side and kissed her, “That better?”
“Not nearly enough” she pouted, and he leant in again,
He smiled pulling away “How about now?”
“More please”
He chuckled “I shouldn’t be getting you excited in your current condition”
“Shut up and kiss me, these hormones are driving me mad” she clung to his t-shirt pulling him in to kiss him, her arms wrapping around his neck,
“I love you, but-”
“- Don’t ever put but in that sentence” she continued to tug him towards her kissing him breathlessly,
“-But your bonkers sometimes”
“- Not bonkers – hormonal, there’s a big difference and if you don’t give me what I want I’m going to be fiercer then Voldemort with a headache” He kissed her softly but her hands gripped the back of his neck, in his hair tightly “Harry your holding back” she murmured,
“It’s just weird being in here”
“Please Harry; I’m begging you - before I start killing people” He felt for his wand and cast Muffilato, locked the door and rolled over to meet her, “Why didn’t you do that before?”
“You didn’t give me a chance – once you pounce; you pounce” he grinned kissing her “Hormonal psychopath” he muttered as she kissed him to shut him up.
“You think he’ll get over himself?” Sophia asked, “Cause at the rate we’re going he’d better”
Charlie looked down at her “Let’s not talk about him”
She rolled into his embrace and murmured “Alright”
His hand stroked her bare arm shoulder to fingertips as he spoke, “Thanks - - he’s my brother and I love him but -”
She cut him off with a kiss, “-But he makes it hard for us do this if he’s going to make you feel guilty, I get it but why should I not be allowed to have the guy I like just because his brother wants me too, I’m not interested in him like that, I am however very interested in you”
He chuckled lightly, “Good to hear all things considered”
“Hmm” she rolled out of the bed wandering to the en suite in her underwear,
“Where you going?” he stared after her,
“I’m going to get dressed before my housemates come home and bring their best friend for dinner – that best friend being your brother who doesn’t know about us yet”
“Ahh – ok then, I should probably head off”
She came back in the room an over sized t-shirt and stripy socks the only addition “You’re not going anywhere, you’re staying for dinner” she jumped on the bed at his feet “Your going to help tell them unless they don’t already know” she shuffled forward “And you’re not going to run away, or you never know George might start looking like a possibility”
“Don’t even joke about that babe”
“Try and convince me otherwise” she giggled leaning in seductively “Go on” she smirked. They kissed only to be interrupted by the doorbell.
RIP JD Salinger
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