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Fletcher was not finished upchucking yet, and he could only give Lafay a weak, pathetic attempt at a scornful glare. How could she be so calm? He was VOMITING here. That was as close to dying as one could get! His mouth tasted like he just licked the inside of a garbage can and there she was, conversing about breakfast.
That had been like six hours ago, lady.
"I bbring th' bacon. Bring th' bacon... friendly elves... common room near kkitititchen," Fletcher spewed, emptying out one last mouthful of vomit into the nearly-full bucket before him. He made a disgusted face and pointed his wand at his own mouth, aguamenti-ing the last few chunky remains of bacon and broccoli. He spat it out into the bucket and shook his head.
Still tasted gross. They should have brewed some mouthwash to go along with that potion. He laid back down onto his cot and closed his eyes, flexing his pinky toe --- and all his toes, for that matter, to make sure none of the other ones had been tampered with --- before responding to her question.
"Feels fine," Fletcher answered at long last, popping one eye open to eye the professor suspiciously. "Salander's potion worked.... I guess......"
"Of course it did... Master Salander is a natural..." She said and nodded to the boy.
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Nessa looked on as the students who had volunteered began to wake up. They were handed buckets for the vomit. wow she was glad she didnt have o indure that.
It seemed a lot of kids were squeamish... that needed to be fixed.
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Oh my Gilderoy! YES! The mirror! The mirror! Give him the mirror!
He took the mirror into his hands, rather fast, too, and immediately looked at his reflection. Eyes widening slightly at the redness, but then back to normal size and a small smile as Lafay said that it will go away.
Treyen...didn't feel like asking her anything else, he just smiled and nodded.
His face was just as perfect as before, he couldn't help but smile widely and eying the set of teeth in the mirror. Perfect. He was glad he'd gotten to drink from Lafay's potion, though, who knows what could've happened if he didn't.
It looked as if he used to have a beard but someone pulled it out of him, well, the redness gave that feeling. Amazingly enough, he felt nothing else, the sickness he'd felt was overrode by his want for a mirror, and now he was fine, and happy.
Though, he didn't know if he'll speak in Lafay's class again, unless, of course, it was to ask for a mirror.
But, Fletcher. Ack! Disgusting. And he only got to regrow a pinky toe. Imagine if he'd been the one with the jaw.
She smiled at the boy, as she took his face in her hands. "Looks good..." She said and then patted him on the back.
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Alice slowly eased herself off of the bed, putting her weight on the normal leg first before shifting some weight to the other. She flinched when at the weight of her leg on it.
"Not too bad Professor Lafay, but it is a little painful to put weight on." Had Alice done something wrong with her potion?
She tried taking a couple of steps in a little circle around the area in front of her. Well...the pain was getting a little better but it was definitely still there.
"That's just acheyness because it's new... keep walking on it, it'll feel better than new." She said watching the just walking.
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Kurumi swayed back and forth holding her head in both her arms. "Where did all the Cornish pixies gooooooo?!" she moaned. "Are they going to leave my face aloooooooone?" She opened her eyes wide and blinked several times trying to take in as much light as she could in the dimly lite classroom. She turned her head and saw *gasp* Dragon Lady looking at her. She really was having a nightmare..."Giant squid?" She swayed back and forth a little more before flopping back onto her chair and staring at the ceiling.
"No. I'm Professor Lafay..." She said narrowing her eyes at the child.
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Sophia stared at Kurumi. She was quite confused with what was going on. "Kurumi, are you okay?!" she asked. She didn't want her friend getting hurt, but she couldn't tell what was going on.
"She's fine..." She said waving her off with a hand. "And with that lovely comparison, I'm assigning homework." She said and rolled her eyes.
"As most of you seem to be squeamish about vomit, I want to assign you a project. You are to create your own puking pastiles. Think about what would make you vomit, brew it, and then capsule it. Should be no more than 10 ingredients. Test it on someone. Yourself... or a... volunteer..." willing or not... but she wouldn't say that... "I will need to know if it works so..." she began to smile. "I expect the vomit to be all over Professor Carlton's office door. Do not wait for her to come out and see it... just... leave." She said and smirked. "Worth 10 points. Class dismissed." She said. That will teach that manstealing blonde!