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Old 10-21-2010, 03:45 AM   #223 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Join Date: May 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sebastian Price
First Year
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde

Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post

Great. Fantastic. He WAS being forced to lose a bone. Now he would end up like LiL Lockhart over there, unable to speak due to his missing manjaw or whatever it was called. Fletcher abruptly stopped trying to back away from Lafay and looked mournfully down at his (currently) whole, 100% normal boned body. Soon he would be losing one of those precious bones and who knew if it would come back correctly?!

Especially if he had to try Salander's potion.

His gaze flickering between his Slytherin friend and the Slytherin Head of House, Fletcher slowwwwwwly kneeled down and untied his shoe, slipped off his stink sock, and then slowwwwwwwwly stood up again.

"That one. Take it. Take that one." Fletcher looked dramatically away and pointed his finger at his poor pinky toe. He couldn't even look at it before it was removed. Poor, poor little stinky pinky.
She laughed. "Pinky toe it is..." She said and made the bone vanish.

SPOILER!!: Evelyn/Kurumi Exchange
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi used the sleeve of her robes to dry some of her tears and looked out into the classroom of students for whoever this Flores person was. Her eyes stopped when she saw the cookie hater....


No....way....SHE wasn't Flores...was she? She doubted that she would be getting a potion from her...

Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post

Close call?

Too close in Evelyn’s opinion. Heaving a sigh as the professor’s attention was moved onto someone else, the Slytherin lazily picked up her ladle and cleaned it thoroughly, thinking that she was going to test her potion on Destiny. Hmm, who else would she test it on?

Cookie girl!? BAHAHAHA! Yea right. Cookie girl wasn’t worthy to try her perfect potions. Then again, she had been rather distracted this class a little bit. Maybe just a smidge less than perfect? Oh what nonsense. The potion look fine to he-


Having placed the ladle into the potion, she hadn’t been expecting the Professor to SHOUT her OLD name. Pfft, her name was Shepard now. Not Flores. Jumping in shock still, squishing her arms to her sides and near her face in case she had to block something being flung at her, like a spell of some sort, she realized she did not let go of her ladle. Which meant, some of her potion had been chucked through the air and landed…somewhere… Oops! "Watch out- Yes, Professor." Eh.

Staring at the cookie girl, Evelyn relaxed and suddenly scowled. No matter how hilarious it was that the girl’s arm looked all wonky and perhaps whatever cookie fever she had would finally die down, the Slytherin didn’t want to give her potion to her. Pffft. "Well, you gunna stand there all day?" HMMM? Or was she gunna drink this potion?

Ladling a tiny bit, she lifted it up and SMIRKED at the younger girl. Hehe.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Oh...that was not a good or friendly look on the cookie hater's face. Kurumi's body went all rigid when the girl semi-growled at her. Kurumi slowly took a step towards the was close enough now that she could peer into the girl's caludron. She wasn't sure what the potion was supposed to look like, but at least there was no fire or anything.

She took another look at the girl and then back at the laddle and then back at the smirk on the other girl's face. She hadn't poisoned it or anything, right? Kurumi's wet pasta arm swung back and forth as she stood there.

"I-i-i-i-is that enough?" she asked pointing with her non-pasta arm at the tiny amount of liquid. She would like her entire arm to grow back and not just a splinter of it.
Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
Mmm the girl was definitely taking her time; there was no doubt about that.

And her arm was becoming tired. Lowering the ladle back slightly into the potion, the bottom of it skimming the mixture, Evelyn let out a quiet frustrated breathe. Aw good, she at least looked willing enough; Might have been due to the fact that she wouldn’t be able to cook all that well enough with one arm.

Umm, what? Raising a brow, the Slytherin looked at how much was in the ladle before her eyes flickered back over to the cookie girl. "Alright, if you want more…" Evelyn wasn’t going to stop her. Ladling even more of the potion until it was full up, the smirk reappeared back on her face before carefully holding it out to the first year. "Go on. It’s raspberry flavored supposedly."

Not a bad flavor if Evelyn was approving of it.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
o_0 meep....

If looks could kill, Kurumi would be lying dead on the floor. Kurumi trembled as she bowed to the cookie hating laddle holding girl. "I-I-I-didn't mean to offend..." she said as she looked and the ladle that was now filled to the top. "I-I-I-just want to make sure I get my bone back..."

Looking at the potion, it didn't seem too bad...and there certainly was a strong smell of raspberry to it. Still, what if cookie hater had brewed it wrong? Would all the bones go out of her body? Dragon Lady had selected this girl's potion for her to drink, so it was safe...right?


Probably about as safe as the look on cookie hater's face. Slowly, she reached out for the ladle...
Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post

Evelyn didn't know whether to feel irritated or beam at the fact, that cookie girl was bowing to her. Hmm yes, might as well let the girl bow all she wanted right? The Slytherin decided she wasn't going to complain. In fact, she even smiled slightly, more out of amusement then anything though.

However...if the girl took any longer to reach for this ladle, her bones would grow back normally!!! "Look, I don't have all day to hold this. I do have other classes to get to." she muttered, holding the ladle closer to the girl's hand. "I'm pretty sure I brewed it right. Just, drink it."

So she could know if she actually DID make the potion right or not. Ugh.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi took hold of the ladle. " can't go to your next class before dra---I mean, Professor Lafay lets out this one," Kurumi pointed out completely forgetting that she was talking to a girl that was already very agitated with her.

She took a large sip and felt like her taste buds were going to burn off from the unique flavor of this potion. She wasn't sure whether it was delicious or the most disgusting thing she had ever had. Having swallowed the potion she licked her lips trying not to look too dazed and confused. what...was she supposed to feel any different? Was it going to hurt? She thought she felt a tingle in her arm, but it could just have been her imagination. Too afraid to check on her noodle arm, she looked back at cookie hater.

"D-d-did it work?"
Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
Ummm yea, duh. Evelyn wasn't going to leave the room without permission.

Obviously the girl didn't catch the sarcasm in that sentence. Probably too scared too. Hehe, scared. Scared of her? Or Lafay? Or...BOTH!? Hehehehe, that would be just too funny. And weird. Eesh, she didn't want to be compared to Lafay.

Finally though, the girl drank the potion. FINALLY.

Well, Evelyn didn't really know if it worked or not. But, it was fun to see the first year like this. Before she could even begin to look like as if she'd seen the arm pretty much look normal once again, Evelyn put on a horrified look. "Oh Merlin! It's a big green tentacle!" she said, covering her mouth with her other hand to try and block the laugh. Didn't work out so well!

"No, i'm just kidding. It looks fine." Mmhmm. And she very lightly punched the Gryffindor's arm to prove it. Hopefully, there was bone there.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post

She had a big green tentacle for an arm?! Kurumi felt like she was going to scream, but nothing came out. Instead, she made a complete circle around cookie hater's desk flailing her free and bone-intact arm holding a ladle in the air and hardly heard her say that she was joking.

She had a tentacle for an arm!


Wait a she didn't! She glared back at the girl. "T-t-that wasn't very nice," she snapped just as she was punched in the arm.

*light bulb!*

"OW!" Kurumi gasped grabbing her arm where she had been punched. "It...feels like splinters are jabbing my arm....y-y-you broke my regrown bone!" Kurumi's face twisted in agony.
Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
Oh, oh Merlin! Her sides her so much!

Having been trying to keep her giggling and laughter as quiet as she could, it was proving to be a tough job! The first moment that Cookie Girl started running around her table, Evelyn couldn't hold it in. She had to hide her face in her arms on the table to keep her laughter muffled enough where it wouldn't echo in the classroom.


Standing up straight just as Cookie girl started talking about her not being very nice, duuuuh, Evelyn held a straight face and stared at her. Though the hint of a smile threatening to show once more was quite obvious. "I'm sorry." No, she wasn't. It was hilarious!

As the giggling started up again, the Slytherin's eyes suddenly widened as cookie girl started to pain. What? OMG! "I didn't touch her!"

Holding her hands up in defense to show that she was nowhere near the girl, Evelyn glanced in horror to the professor, taking a step back away from the young Gryffindor. She barely touched the girl at all! Still though, she felt as if she was caught putting a pretty flower on Lafay's desk. She didn't do anything!
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
"Just kidding," she smiled imitating cookie hater's previous tone. "All better." She knocked on her arm to show that all was well...for the moment.


Kurumi bowed again and said a very rushed "Thankyouforthepotion," before scampering back to her seat before she really did have a few bones shattered.
Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post


Evelyn continued to stare at the girl, expression and posture frozen in place as she watched her knock on her arm. It was...fine?

The fourth year couldn't even speak as the cookie girl went back to her seat. Her black eyes did however follow the Gryffindor, and continued to stare at her as her expression slowly but surely turned into a frown, and then to a scowl. Her hands just as slowly moved back down to her sides, hands balling up into fists at the same time.

That was...not cool. It was one thing to have messed up on a potion, but breaking someone's arm? That had nothing to do with a potion! And definitely detention worthy! COOKIE GIRL...WAS GOING TO GET IT!

For now though, Evelyn sat on her stool, cleaning up her utensils and such as she glared at the girl, plans running through her mind of making her life miserable. Hmm yes, that was going to happen. Maybe not this year, or the next, but she was going to keep the girl guessing and waiting nonetheless before striking.

It will...happen.

"All right! Enough you too! Miss Hollingsberry... you'll start feeling tired soon... You will need to lie down." She said as she transfigured the table into a chez.

Originally Posted by Destiny View Post
Destiny was NOT whining! She was just wondering about the growth of her thumb. She did not want a wonky looking thing attached to her hand, it was bad enough she wore glasses when she felt like it.

She wanted to tell Lafay that she wasn't whining but refrained from doing so. There was probably something she would give her to make her tongue fall out and walking around without a tongue was waaaay worse than having a wonky thumb. Heaving a sigh, she scooped a ladle full of the potion, held her nose and downed it all in one go.

She didn't feel anything happening..was she supposed to?

Clamping her eyes shut tightly, she held her thumb out in front of the Professor, "Is it fixed!? I can't look!"

And she couldn't feel anything happening!
"Nope. You will need a place to rest soon... " She said and transfigured another table into a chez.

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Salander looked down at his cauldron....

So we're gonna test my potion? Cool! On Fletcher? Hah, even better! At least I dont have to use myself as a lab rat....

The Slytherin lad took a scourgified cup and ladled in a portion of his Pina Colada mixture. He thought he followed the instructions well enough (except for the marshmallow thing), so it should regrow a bone. Somewhere.

Walking next to Fletcher, the lad tried to keep a straight face and not breathe as much. He handed the cup to his buddy "Bottom's up!" *BEAMS*snicker
She smiled at Salander. Then turned to Fletcher and smirked. Then she transfigured another chez.

Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post
Why were they volunteering?! He noticed Rubiey doing so, and he certainly hoped that she was smart and chose her bone. Unlike him. He decided to leave it to fate, and trust him not to do so again.

There was a girl crying, and all she got to lose was the bone in her arm! Well, she was a first year, it was understandable, because he could be crying if it wasn't for the tiny fact that he was a boy. They don't cry.

Huh? His eyes were back on Lafay as she spoke. YES! He was getting to try her potion. Treyen was glad she didn't say to try his own, like Chicken, because his potion was unfinished. What a disastrous turn of events it would have been.

How...gross, though. He must look simply awful without his jaw, BUT he wanted it back, so with one hand he continued to keep a hold of his skin and with the other one took the ladle. Potion come to me! It wasn't easy, but he knew where his upper teeth were, he'll have the potion follow that road, it was the safe one.

Sooooo....head back, he placed all the content of the ladle into his, mouth? No, throat. Only a few drops of the potion streaming down the sides, but he felt most of it go the right way. His eyes landed on the ladle and then Lafay's cauldron. Was that little amount of potion all he was going to take? He had a jaw that needed to grow, you know?

Terrified. Yes. He was. Very. His eyes spoke of that. Because there was nothing different. How long does it takes for bones to regrow? And..most importantly, how bad does it hurt?
This kid was weird... Oh well. She transfigured another chez...

Originally Posted by CreativeAllie18 View Post
Alice got up and went to the front of the class with the others. Pick a bone? Um...Alice didn't really know the names of the bones very well.

"I don't really know the bones very well, so you can take whatever you'd like. Perhaps something from my arm would work the best?"
She rolled her eyes. "I'm taking your upper leg." She said and pointed at her upper leg and vanished the bone.

Originally Posted by Ivy Nienna View Post

Nose made out of cartiledge??

Why was the professor talking about noses. She hadn't even decided on a bone yet...sure she'd considered it but she hadn't said that aloud...had she?

Realization dawned on her in the exact same moment that the bone in the upper part of her nose winked out of existence.

For anyone who had been watching closely well they might've seen the split second of panic and surprise, before it seemed as if her face collapsed in on itself.

Gone was her nasal bone and with it a part of her frontal bone and the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone, all in the space of one second. Blinking a few times, it took her a bit to realize that it wasn't her vision that had changed it was her face!

Without a nasal bone, the space between her eyes was diminished to the point where if she didn't work her forehead muscles in a permanently surprised look her entire vision would melt into a cross eyed one.

And her nose....

Oh her nose! Hesitantly bringing up a hand, she felt the still intact cartilage flopping this way and that, the tip hanging down so that it swayed over her upper lip.

The act of looking down at it though caused her eyes to tip in again. The skin of her eyebrows wrinkling forward so that she felt for all world as if she was one of those wrinkly faced dogs.

Panicking, Ivory slapped a hand to her forehead holding up her face and preventing her eyes from turning inward again.

Stretching the skin, she was able to concentrate her vision and walk carefully back to her workstation, her nose swinging back and forth over her face.

After a bit of fumbling one handedly, to open her potions kit and take out a ladle, she turned to the Professor questioningly...Drink potion now? Yes??
"Go on... Take a drink of your potion..." She said and watched the kids around her.

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