Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 10-20-2010, 08:28 AM   #78 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Posts: 887
heart Your so nice to me have another lol xx

Chapter Twenty seven
“Can you not?”
“Not what Gin”
“Not do that”
“That” she pointed at his foot tapping impatiently on the tiled floor,
“This is a moment in that foot tapping is acceptable Gin”
“It’s not helping”
“It’s helping me”
“Remind me not to get you pregnant again so you’re never this picky”
“Remind me never to sleep with you again so you’re never this irritating”
He smirked “You wouldn’t”
“You really want to take that chance honey” She said with a completely serious face,
“You got me alright” He replied leaning foreword to kiss her but she moved her cheek out of the way, “Come on” he whispered “Just one, it’ll help both of us”
She smiled and turned her head back towards his,
“Ginny Weasley?” and got up and walked away when her name was called, he smiled to himself and followed after her, picking up the cloak she’d left behind.

“Well things are looking good” she pointed to the screen “You see that tiny little blot – that’s was the clot”
“Was” Harry said and squeezed Ginny’s hand relieved,
“It’s gone down significantly, should be completely gone by the end of the week, there is now something else I need to talk to you about”
“What is it?”
“Well the rate you’re getting bigger I’d say there was another baby in there”
“Another baby – twin’s guys”
“But there would have been two heart beats”
“She’s hiding behind her sister – there heart beats are just a little out of sync if you listen closely, but look” she pointed to a hand above the stomach of one of them and a foot protruding, “There’s definitely more then one”
“That’s your genes Ginny” Harry said staring at the screen,
“What do we call the other one” Ginny replied staring,
Harry started to laugh, “We’ll figure something out, and I’m more worried about looking after two never mind naming them”
“So two babies, all clear for the clot but I’m afraid with this news comes a greater chance you could haemorrhage again, so I’m starting to think admitting you to the hospital at this point would be a good idea”
“But there’s still four months left”
“Multiple births rarely go the full term, and with your medical history you’re likely to go into labour at six or seven months then you are to go for nine”
“Alright, anything else we should know?” Harry said, hoping to fill in all the blanks in his mind
“We might have to consider a c section if anything happens still”
“Alright but Harry has the final decision if I’m passed out or something”
“Your parents would have-”
“I’m Mrs Potter now” she smiled “Harry’s my next of kin”
“Now when did that happen?”
“Erm… well after the four month check up…”
“Don’t tell me you scared yourself into marriage”
“Oi it wasn’t like that at all” Harry started defensively,
“It was a little honey” She said touching his cheek “But it was because we love each other too”
“I believe you”
“So when do you want me?” Ginny asked as she printed out the familiar black and white update, “Or should I say us three”
“How about I give you a few days to sort things out, pack up some stuff and we’ll organise a private room for the long haul”
“And we might want to tell them its twins too” Harry smirked,
“Yeah that might be a good idea” Penny said moving the ultrasound around to Ginny’s side “Oh – there you go, there she is” she smiled “She’s got decent sized feet” she grinned going round the other side “And head – she’s a reasonable size considering how squashed it is in there, they like to wriggle a bit I’m surprised you didn’t notice the two of them”
“I just thought it was her” she shrugged “Couldn’t stay still, it doesn’t half keep you up at night”
“I can testify to that – she doesn’t lie still at all”
“Get used to not spending much time sleeping now; it’s only going to get worse”
“Thanks for that Penny” Harry smirked, as she cleaned Ginny’s belly and printed off the second scan,
“There you go – number one and number two” she pointed to them,
“Can I have a pen please?”
“Sure” She conjured one up and Ginny wrote on the back of them “Faith” she muttered “And – and help me out here Harry”
“We’ve got time to think of a name for her”
“But it’s not right to have a name for one”
“Gin, come on, her name will just happen – it will just sound right for her”
“Trust me it will” he smiled “Let’s go share the news with your parents, make sure they know your all ok” he held out his hand and helped her up,
“All – we’re going to have two children before we’re twenty, I mean I’m not going to be seventeen at this rate, and you’ll just be eighteen”
“It’s not about how old we are, its about doing the best for them, raising them right keeping them safe and giving them a safe and loving home”
“Gin stop thinking about how old you are it doesn’t matter if you’re sixteen or thirty six”
“Ok, ok, lets go” she said tugging on his hand as Penny smirked sitting down to put notes in Ginny’s file
“So I’ll better change this to Ginny Potter then”
“Go ahead – not many people know, we’d thought we’d do it properly once the babies are born”
“We did?” Ginny said looking up at him,
“I’m not going to let the only wedding memories we have as hole in the wall, one photograph and four angry brothers”
“When you put it like that” she grinned, said goodbye and led the way out to the open.

“Let’s get it over with then” Ginny said with a sigh as they stepped out of the knight bus,
“This is good news” He said holding her in place at the gate “This is what we wanted to hear alright, you know what a let-up it is not to have to have the prospect of mourning you Ginny, it’s brilliant, and then the added bonus of another life – instead of losing one we’ve gained another”
“We’re not out of the clear yet remember, there’s still the fact I’m going to be in hospital for four more months”
“Just in case, and nothing will stop me from being there every day with you – hell I’ll move into the room with you if you want”
“That would be nice, I can’t sleep as it is, now thinking about not having you sleeping next to me or holding me-”
He pulled her into a gentle hug “Gin just don’t worry about anything please, your going off on a rant and upsetting yourself”
She burst into tears,
“Like that” he sighed wiping her eyes with his sleeve,
“I’m just relieved, I – I – thought that – you thought that – I was just hoping we weren’t going to lose her and now we’re not and its nearly certain, and she now has a sister - I can’t believe it”
“Believe it Ginny” He kissed the top of her head as he held her in a hug once more,
Ron burst out the front door, Hermione trying to pull him back inside hissing “Patience is a virtue”
“Ginny what’s happened, why are you crying? What’s happened to Faith?”
She let out a sob as more tears came and she clung to Harry tighter,
“No!-” He made his approach as Hermione put a hand over her mouth in shock, and before Harry could get a word in to tell them otherwise, “- I’m so sorry Ginny”
“Ron everything’s fine, she’s crying cause everything’s is ok, - happy tears - relief” he rubbed her back with one hand, the other in her hair as she tucked her face against his chest,
“Thank Merlin” Ron sighed reaching to touch her shoulder tentatively,
“Come on sweetheart, let’s go inside and sort this out hey?” He whispered in her ear and she nodded, “We’ve got something to tell you guys, is Arthur home as well”
“The shed, he’ll be in, in a minute for lunch” Ron replied, as Hermione opened the door,
“Harry” she started,
“Later” he muttered following her inside, Ginny still attached to him with no sign of letting go anytime soon.
Molly was knitting a large yellow thing, the food on the stove being watched by an occasional eye, sitting in the corner and didn’t even move when they entered as if she didn’t recognise there presence. It was only when she heard Ginny’s sobs she looked up.

She was still going strong when Harry placed her on his lap and not beside him as they sat down. He was cradling her to him and there was no sign of a bump. She knew Arthur or the other brothers hadn’t seen them for nearly two weeks, that was enough time for something to have happened in and Harry would have kept them all away, kept her locked away from her family insisting it was best for her until she persuaded him otherwise, to tell them the bad news.

Arthur appeared suddenly, he walked in took one look and rushed over, “Ginny, Ginny sweetheart”
“She can’t talk right now Arthur, there’s nothing wrong, it’s still tears of relief” Harry said amazed at how much she’d let go, “And I’m guessing there’s all so the fact she’s back at the Burrow and her mothers showing some sign she does care by knitting a baby blanket”
She nodded against his chest,
“Relief, why is she acting like a witch waterfall if she’s ok?”
“When she’s composed herself in a minute she’ll tell you” he replied and she nodded again, “She doesn’t want me to tell you this time, right?” he asked and she nodded again. He chuckled shaking his head a little, “Stop crying honey it will make it easier to talk – hey wouldn’t it be better if all your brothers were here, they didn’t want to get left out remember”
She got out a croaky “Yes” this time and tried wiping her eyes; he took over with his sleeve
“I already sent patronus’s they’ll be here in a minute” Hermione said, “I sent them as soon as you arrived”
“You left quite a puddle there Gin” He said looking down at the damp patch on the chest of his hoodie,
“Sorry” she mumbled, lying her cheek against his collar bone as the twins stepped out the fireplace, Bill and Charlie through the front door and Percy from the back.

“Gin, Harry what’s happened?” Bill said immediately,
“All fine” she mumbled “All clear” she felt a tear roll down her cheek but Harry’s thumb caught it “And – And it’s twins”
“Say that again” Fred and George said together, Molly dropped her knitting, Arthur’s eyes bulged, Bill, Charlie and Percy stared at the growing mound, and Ron and Hermione were the only ones that smiled.
“Its twins” she repeated “And just like Harry keeps telling everyone I’m crying because I’m happy” she smiled as if to prove her point –“It was just a lot to take in”
“Why would he bring you here straight away to tell us, why didn’t he give you chance to process it before you got here?”
“Don’t you dare Molly” Harry started looking up,
“This is my house Mr Potter”
“And I’m Mrs Potter – you abuse him you abuse me, you immediately accuse him of not looking after me properly when he’s doing what’s best for me and what I want, he brought me here because its what I wanted to do – to get telling you all over and done with because I knew it would be exactly like this, you wouldn’t understand – you still don’t understand, yeah you care but that’s not enough for you to trust him, or to trust me to do the right thing. Aren’t you glad you didn’t force me to abort them huh, cause then it would have been two lives on your conscious not just one little mistake you could forget”
Molly got up and walked out into the living room slamming the door behind her; Arthur took one look at Ginny and then followed after her.
“Ginny you didn’t need to do that” Bill said coldly,
“Yes I did, she won’t leave him alone, and Harry’s doing everything he possibly can -”
“He was willing to let you die-”
“He never would have” Ginny said shaking her head “I could see that the moment he lied to me when he told me he would do as I asked and that he would let me go because I asked him to, I know Harry, I know what he’s capable of and letting me die even for his own child was one of the things he would never do – it’s alright he thought I didn’t know” she smiled touching his cheek, “He knew I would never forgive him but if he was given the choice he would me still be alive and hate him then dead”
“Why didn’t you say anything Gin, why did you go through with marrying me if you knew if this went wrong -?”
“Cause I love you silly – you are my everything, nothing could, nothing will ever will change that, even if I hate your guts I’ll get over it, the reason I refused to see you after the Sophia thing was because I was sure that if I saw you I’d just end up forgiving you and kissing you before you even said anything”
“Your nuts” he replied shaking his head,
“Disgustingly romantic and soppy” Ron said with a sigh watching her lean up and kiss him softly holding his cheek in place,
“Did Dad know too?” Bill asked,
“Yes” Ginny nodded “I figured that much out by the way he just let Harry get away with saying rude stuff to him and when he refused to tell the exact thing he’d said to him – there all these little signs that it wasn’t adding up until you said ‘You can see right through me’ – I knew then and then we had the argument – and made up…” she smiled to herself before remembering were she was “So yeah, he knows”
“And that’s why you took so long” Ron said,
“Thanks for pointing it out to all of us out loud Ronald” Charlie said with a cringe,
“Our making up consists of a kiss nowadays guys” Ginny muttered to herself nearly sighing in discontent, as Arthur emerged,
“It’s time for you to leave”
“But they haven’t been here that long” Ron protested,
“It is time for them to leave” He repeated firmly,
“We’re going” Harry replied getting up lifting her up with him,
“It would be best if you don’t come back here again”
“What – no!” Ginny shouted from behind Harry as they approached the door, he held her shoulders to stop her leaping “You’re disowning me – us – you’re telling us we’re not apart of this family?”
“You said it yourself, you’re a Potter now”
“She’ll always be a Weasley” Charlie said “She’s your daughter why are you doing this”
“She goes, I go” Ron said, Hermione squeezed his hand,
“You’ll never see me here again” Percy added taking Ginny’s hand,
“Or us” Fred and George moved towards the door,
“You’ll change your mind” Charlie said opening the door, and walking out, Harry led Ginny through it, nodding at her as she walked through but she stopped to shout,
“Your going to regret this” She pulled out her wand and signalled the Knight bus, she kissed her brothers cheeks and clambered on board, Harry got on behind and Ron and Hermione joined them,
“Is it ok if we-”
“It’s fine”
“What about Sophia?”
“She’ll be ok with it” Harry said keeping his answers short as he could while he focused on comforting a silent Ginny. He stroked her cheek with his fingers lifting her chin up with a small smile and kissed her.
“I don’t want to talk about it, I don’t want to see them again and I’m not going to change my mind”
“I’m serious Harry”
“I believe you”
“You can’t be” Ron spoke up,
“I’m not talking about it anymore, don’t mention it again or you can find somewhere else to hide from her”
Hermione sighed but smiled talking quietly away from Harry and Ginny seemingly to busy talking between themselves “Ron… why don’t you stay with me?”
“Huh – your parents though”
“They won’t mind, we’ve got a spare room that no one ever stays in unless – well unless you want to share with me”
“You won’t feel awkward?”
“Not with you there, and it’s not like I’m saying-”
“’Mione you’ve slept in my bed before this won’t be any different unless you want it to be” He replied getting the gist of where she was headed,
“I’m not ready for-”
“- I’m fine with that” he kissed her cheek, “I’ll stay at theirs for a few days first, I want to talk to her”
“Sure” She grinned kissing him this time and taking his hand, as Ginny stopped talking and Harry stood up helping her out of the seat and the bus came to a stop.
“You think she’ll change her mind” Ron asked as they remained in the hallway and Harry led her up to the bedroom,
“Ginny never does, she’s as stubborn as Molly”
“This is tearing my family apart”
“It will come back together – you’re the Weasley’s, you’re the best wizarding family there is, nothing ever comes in the way of family in your family”
“Yes it does, new blood” he muttered “It was the same with Fleur, it is the same with Harry and it will be the same with you”
“Anyone new, anyone that challenges them – you think mum would have let Bill marry Fleur if she knew Bill proposed after the first week of knowing her but didn’t tell them they were engaged until three months before the wedding”
She stared incredulously “A week?”
“He just knew” he shrugged, “And Harry and Ginny getting married – being pregnant before hand – she doesn’t do different, she does ‘Weasley ish’ if that makes sense to you”
“It does, but – I mean both me and Harry have known her so long how can she not trust us”
“It’s just her nature” Harry said coming down the stairs “And as long as Ginny doesn’t want anything to do with her neither do I, she doesn’t get mentioned in this house from now – Sophia?” he called out,
She bounded up the stairs from the kitchen “Your back – when did that happen?”
“Just now, she’s gone to have a nap – I guess I’ll tell you the good news” he smiled, hiding how much he was lying – she was up there crying but had made him leave,
“She’s going to be ok – that’s brilliant” she hugged him happily,
“That just the half of it” he grinned “We’re having twins”
She squeezed him happily “That’s even better – wow”
“I know right, so I’m going have a drink and then start house hunting”
“You’re going to move out soon?”
“There’s not going to be enough room Soph” he smiled “We’d stay otherwise but I guess we’re going to look for a home now”
“Could I buy you out Harry?” Hermione said “I mean could I buy your half of this house?”
“How do you have the gold to?”
“I invested in Fred and George” she grinned “I’m quite well off now and my parents gave me some money they’d been putting into as a uni fund until they found out I was magical and it turned into a future fund for what I wanted to do with it since I’m working for the ministry now”
“You’d buy half a house?” Ron said,
“Then Harry could give Ginny and the twins a home, we’d have a home Ron and Sophia won’t be alone – I could tutor you if you want, then you wouldn’t have to start at Hogwarts”
“That actually sounds brilliant”’ Sophia said,
“You’d be lucky to have her, she’s was the best student Hogwarts ever had”
“So can I?” she asked Harry, who’d sat down on the couch,
“Are you sure?” he replied,
“Alright then, we’ll go to the bank tomorrow”
“You don’t half look bored Harry” Sophia grinned sitting on the coffee table in front of him “How can you miss her already?”
“She’s my other half” he shrugged “I miss her even if she’s just in the other room”
“Just wait until you’ve got a baby each to occupy your time”
“Yeah” he yawned “Oh yeah, before we were kicked out she forgot to add that she’ll be in hospital for the rest of the pregnancy”
“No wonder you look miserable, you’re thinking about missing her for four months already” Sophia said patting his shoulder,
“Yeah, yeah” he sighed “I’ll get over it – once she’s in there we’ll get used to it, I’ll be there every day to keep her company”
“You’ll be house searching and baby buying”
He groaned,
“I’ll help – you don’t seriously think Ginny’s going to let you buy baby girl stuff without having a female present”
“You’ll be busy” he stood up and wandered over to the cabinet conjuring four glasses, “You have to try some of this” he took out the bottle of fire whiskey with a grin “We’re celebrating the good news so you have to have some, you can’t say no”
“I can, that stuff looks dangerous”
“We’re celebrating, you’re having some” he handed the glasses round, “I think you’ll like it”
Hermione gave him a look that said otherwise as he handed her a glass,
“To Ginny and the twins” he grinned holding up his glass,
“Ginny and the twins” they all replied and laughed taking a sip,
Sophia choked on hers “The - that’s Ugh”
“You get used to it” Hermione smirked,
“An acquired taste, your get to appreciate it being magical – a muggle wouldn’t be able to take it” Harry smirked,
“Huh” she smiled “So what do you guys want to do for the rest of the day?”
“Sleep” Yawned Harry “Catch up on sleep”
“You haven’t been sleeping?” Hermione asked concerned
“Ginny moves around a lot now, the babies don’t stay still and she can’t get comfy with the extra weight on her back”
“She is pretty big mate” Ron said,
“Don’t talk about my wife like that” Harry said with a small smile “I still think she’s hot”
“Gross” he muttered in reply, “Do you have to?”
“Just to annoy you – I meant to ask Soph, is it ok if they stay – they’ve, well I’m guessing there moving out of the Burrow”
“Disagreement with the family” Hermione said hurriedly,
“Its fine” she shrugged “I’m not one to say no to new friends” she grinned holding up her glass and taking the last gulp.
“Is your mum still looking for you?”
“Cara’s told her that I’m fine, I’m staying with some friends before I go off to school”
“So she doesn’t know it’s me?”
“She suspects – but like you told me she can’t see this house unless one of us tells her right?”
There was a knock at the door,
“I’ll go” Ron volunteered, as they all sat down, he opened the door to find his trunk and pig in his cage, “Right then” he glanced around and dragged them inside.
“I’ve officially been kicked out then” he called hauling it through to the living room “I’m guessing she shrunk the contents of my room and stuffed it in here cause it’s bloody heavy”
“Dude you’re a wizard can’t you like make it fly or something?” Sophia said watching him struggle,
“Oh – yeah – you’re right” he shrugged “Wingardium Leviosa” he muttered swishing and flicking his wand perfectly and raising it off the ground,
“You remember how you got the hang of that spell Ron?” Hermione asked with a smirk,
“I never want to fight a troll again”
“Trolls – they exist?”
“And they stink” Harry added “There huge and their smell lingers for months”

They got into discussing the last six years at Hogwarts, then explaining Voldemort and the wars until Harry fell asleep slumped on the couch. They moved down to the kitchen eating as they talked discussing right up until today and how they thought there friends would cope after so much had happened and there was so much left to come.


“Drink, it’s my leaving party you have to do as you’re told” Ginny grinned sipping her pumpkin juice happily sitting on Harry’s lap,
“You’re not going for a few days though” Bill put in with a chuckle,
“Aren’t you hurting his legs?” Fred said with a grin,
“She’s as light as a feather” Harry replied lifting her easily a few centimetres off his lap and back down again, “Or lighter then she looks anyway” he added with a grin as Ginny hit his arm playfully,
He glanced around the room, Sophia and George in conversation which was her laughing every few moments, Charlie, Fleur and Bill talking to Hermione with drinks in hand, Ginny talking to Cara who sat beside them and Ron with Fred trying to show him something with a pack of cards. Percy was sipping his drink nodding his head as Cara’s sisters kept him occupied in conversation but it was still George looking at Sophia that got his attention.
“What are you looking at?” Ginny whispered to him trying to place his gaze,
“Hmm… nothing honey, just thinking”
“Thanks for the party Harry” she said with a smile,
“That’s ok; just think of this trip as a vacation not a hospital visit and I won’t miss you so much”
“You’re going to visit me though”
“Nothing could keep me away” he smiled placing a kiss on her cheek before Cara caught them both in conversation.

Sophia was animatedly talking to George – he was hilarious but she kept feeling someone else’s eyes on her the whole time. She caught them at one point and smiled for a second before going back to talking to George. She’d been looking at him too though and when the twins left, Bill, Fleur and Percy shortly after Charlie stayed behind drinking and laughing with Cara, Ron and Hermione while she was giggling with the other two triplets. Harry put Ginny to bed and came back down for a while longer, and slowly everyone left leaving her and Charlie to share a bottle of fire whiskey before he left too.
“I’d better be off” he yawned, stumbled and she laughed
“Be careful you land in the right grate”
“I’m not that drunk” he smirked waving and stepping into the fireplace throwing the floo powder at his feet.
RIP JD Salinger
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