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Old 10-20-2010, 03:56 AM   #204 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Join Date: May 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sebastian Price
First Year
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde

Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post

Grumble grumble. "It was only a hypothetical question, professor," Fletcher muttered, dropping the newt tail into his potion and dusting his hands off. And besides, how had she known he was talking about the tournament?! It was already OVER. HMMMPH.

Fletcher flicked his hair back from his face and stood up from his potion, following the rest of the students to the front of the room. He paused just as he was about to reach Lafay, however, upon hearing her last few words...

"'vegottabekiddingme......" Fletcher took one hesitant step back, his eyes wide with suspicion. She had not addressed him by name, exactly, so did that mean he didn't have to pick a bone to be removed? How was she going to remove their bones anyway?!! Fletcher wasn't so sure he wanted to find out....

He took another slowww step back, hoping the professor had forgotten about him. Yeah. Yeah. He'd just retreat to his seat and make no noise and pretend he didn't exist. Yep. Solid plan.
"Fletcher..." She said noticing him out of the corner of her eyes, "Bone. Pick one." She said plainly.

Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post
And then when he was about to mention that perhaps one other finger would do, of something involving his foot, she...made a decision.

Mandible? And will that hurt when it grows back? Will he be able to speak? How will he eat!? He was about to ask something else...and then...POOF! It was gone! His eyes widened, yes, in terror, as both hands went up to sustain the hanging skin, because without the mandible it will fall, no? Not to mention that his tongue had no lower teeth to help it keep inside.

He. Wanted. To. DIE.

Treyen had no idea what to do with his hands, should he fold the skin or something? He was holding, alright, just, he wasn't sure exactly how he looked and how bad the damage was. Scary. And he had SUCH A PRETTY FACE!!!

His terrified eyes made a 'NO' motion to those that Lafay was asking to volunteer. This was..not exactly painful, because he felt nothing, but that was the terrifying part!

He had sooooo many things to ask and say! And he couldn't talk! Well, yes, the boy could cry right now, but since boys didn't cry, then he didn't.

Eyes to Lafay, those eyes said nothing, but then quickly turned to her cauldron. Was the potion even ready yet?! Oh my Gilderoy! And he couldn't run out the classroom, because...he had no mandible! He needed it back!

Was is going to grow the same way? He had nice teeth, you know. TEETH.

She took her ladle and scooped her own potion, and gave it to the boy. "Hold your skin and mouth open, try to get as much of it in your throat as you can." She said to him.

Originally Posted by CreativeAllie18 View Post
Alice watched as"volunteers" made their way to the front of the classroom. Professor Lafay looked somewhat amused, in her own way she supposed.

Alice's eyebrows went up. Pick a bone? Alice looked down at her own body, uncertain as to what exactly it would be like to be missing a bone. Did it hurt re-growing bones?

Alice raised her hand. "If you'd like another volunteer Professor Lafay, I'd be willing."
She turned at looked at the Gryffindor... She shook her head. Just like a Lion... Brave enough to actually volunteer. "Very well, pick a bone." She said.

Originally Posted by Destiny View Post


Destiny stared at the Professor, wide-eyed and opened mouth. She had absolutely no idea what was being talked about. Those words..what did they mean? She needed a dictionary or better yet! a book on the Anatomy of the human body. She didn't know why Lafay was telling her all that useless information, it was like the woman knew she wouldn't understand and she only did it to tease her.


So, it was decided her something something bone was going to be removed. Hopefully it wasn't a major that she her jaw. She secretly snickered at the boy who was holding up his skin. He looked like her grandmother with all that extra flab hanging and she wanted to tell him to make sure his tongue didn't fall out, but at that moment..


It was just..hanging there. Crooked and flabby, wobbling all over the place. She tried to give a thumbs up, she really did, but it was useless. It wasn't moving! Well, it was, just not in the way she wanted it to. "Professor! What if the skin stretches so much that when I regrow my bone, my thumb will be longer than all the others? How will it fit inside my glove?"

It was still winter, and she needed her glove to fit.
"You'll be fine. The potion takes that into account. Stop whining." She said coldly. "Now. Let see if your potion works. Take a ladle full and drink it." She said.

Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post

"" Blinking a few times, surprised that that was what the professor got from her random speech, and surprised that she herself didn't think before speaking, the Slytherin slouched down on the table, as if trying to hide herself behind her cauldron.

No, she didn't want a bone removed from her body. She quite liked all her bones. They were all HERS. Not even the unknown of the universe could have it, or wherever those vanished items go. It wasn't worthy enough!!

MERLIN'S BEARD! Look at Destiny's thumb! It was limp!
"Alright then." She said raising an eyebrow. "Get a ladle of your potion ready. We'll test yours too." She told the girl.

Originally Posted by CharGryffindor View Post
Rubiey had just finished up adding all the ingredients, when she heard what the poor people up front had to do. a BONE?! yowchy.

Then ALICE volunteered. ALICE. Ugh. Rubiey reallllly didn't want her to do it alone. Sighing, she put her hand up. "I'll volunteer, Professor." She said, smiling weakly at Alice. They were in this together, right?

Sometime bravery... was just another word for stupidity. "Come on up then." She said and added. "Pick a bone."

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Wait....the what bone?! Before Kurumi even had time to register that she was having her upper arm bone removed, she felt it. Her arm now hung like a wet noodle from her shoulder. She felt the muscles in her arm stretching a bit as they were no longer supported by a bone. Kurumi poked her right arm where the bone had been removed and it was all squishy and perhaps even a little rubbery like jell-O that had been in the fridge for too long.

Kurumi could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. This was very very scary. She looked at the other "volunteers" who seemed freaked out, but by no means in the emotional mess that she was. She did not want to start crying on the spot...but she was only a first year after all and Dragon Lady scared the living daylights out of her.

Suddenly, a thought struck her. Was she never going to be able to practice kendo anymore? Was her favorite thing in the world, not to mention the only thing that kept her sane, going to be taking away from her? What about baking?! Could she never bake cookies again?!

She began to feel light-headed - this all was too much for her young brain to process.

Now a few tears fell from her eyes...for Dragon Lady, this was probably like Christmas.

Oh Sweet Circe...

The kid was crying?!?! Crying?! Really? "Hollingberry... stop. I..." Merlin's left ear! "FLORES! Give this girl your potion. And... get her to stop... the... tear thing..."

Merlin! This is why she hated kids.

It wasn't as if she set her on fire!

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
His eyes widening in alarm, the lad paled and stammered out a reply "N-No Professor, I...." like my bones just where they are ".... would leave that honor to the others." he said smiling widely. But his eyes betrayed the alarm as he saw Fletcher's fanboy looking like a Pacman ghostie, now devoid of his lower jaw. Oi! Yes, definitely sitting this one out, no bones about it.
"Very well... ladle your potion in a cup for Fletcher, we'll try yours." She said to the boy.

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