Originally Posted by
Waaaait a minute.
He didn't volunteer to do anything. He was only asked to come to the front, and leave the food unattended while the rest cooked.
There better be points for this. Because he did nothing wrong. Nothing!
Treyen decided to play the cheerful part, "You're welcome, Professor" he said, with a smiled. Even if he was terrified to death. Surely, she'll make them drink from her potion, no? If they had to drink from someone else's then they were probably doomed.
Pick one? He had no idea what to pick. Every bone in his body was utterly important for...well...everything! "Do I have to? Can't you just choose one, Professor?" or two. He, of course, regretted saying those awful words after he'd said them. She was probably going to pick the one that hurt the most, and the one that will make any task impossible to make if the bone didn't grow well.
She smirked thinking of removing the kid's cranium... but then thought better of it. "Mandible it is then..." This should shut the kid up. She said and pointed her wand at his jaw, and removed it.
Originally Posted by
Say what now?
What did Destiny do!??!?
Frowning, Evelyn looked up from her potion and glanced between the professor and friend. Perhaps the Slytherin said something that Evelyn didn't catch? Or glared? That didn't seem like Destiny though.
Taking a deep breath, she kept her mouth shut however, and stared as her friend went up to the...front. Or well, fronter of the front since they were already..in the front. The evil place she should put it.
Picking up the tail, the Slytherin giggled slightly at it's jiggly movements before dropping it into the cauldron and then cleaned her mortar and pestle. And then, the grinding of the sophorous bean. Meh. Stupid, bean thing. Once it was in powder form, she sprinkled it into the mixture before...squeezing the marshmallow on top.
Really? Squeeze it?
"Umm...Professor..." she muttered, staring at Destiny. WHAT?! Was she serious?
Destiny, was going to lose a bone. In her body. A BONE! Darnit! Where was purple head!? Or Carter? Or Stalker Dude? Or...wait no, maybe not stalker dude.

Evelyn would kinda prefer he had all the bones in his body.
...However, the Dogasaurus Rex surely could lose a few. Perhaps it'd make him stop randomly burst out dancing.
"What is it Flores? Are you volunteering as well?" She asked.
Originally Posted by
Ivy Nienna
Bone removed?
Her throat very suddenly bone dry, Ivory tried to swallow. To gather enough gumption to refuse. To ...anything beside stand there with her mouth gaping like a fish out of water.
A bone removed? Could she un-volunteer? Maybe?
Glancing up and seeing the Professor's no-nonsense look, she gulped. If "supposed" volunteering lost her a bone who knew what a punishment would entitle.
Going through a mental assessment of her body, she tried to choose an inconsequential bone that it wouldn't bother her too much to lose... even as an internal discussion went on in the back of her mind on how much trouble she would be in if she just ran out of the the class.
Running through a list of bones, she thought about her options. Not a large one like a femur or brachialis, and certianly not something needed like the spine...something simple that people deal with all the time. Maybe her "...nose?" Contemplating under her breath, Ivory had no idea that what she said could have been taken as her choice of bone. Had she known...well you could be sure that she would've said her pinky instead.
"Hmmm most of the nose is made out of cartilage, only the top part, close to the cranium, is bone." she said before pointing her want at the child's nasal bone and making it dissappear.
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What was the Professor talking about? Destiny did not volunteer for anything! Usually the person who volunteered was aware of their volunteering and Destiny was not aware!
She only thought she was going up to pick up aprons for this cooking lesson. If she would have known that she was going to be boneless, she wouldn't have said anything. Or she would have stayed in her seat. Gah! There was no way Lafay would let her back out now, she had to pick a bone to lose. She was already spineless, so that bone couldn't be removed..
"My thumb!" she said, holding it up towards the Professor. "I think it would look cool without a bone, eh?"
Just..hanging there. Cool, indeed!
"The human hand contains fourteen digital bones, also called phalanges. Although there are three in each of the four fingers, the thumb only contains two. The distal phalanx is the top one, the one that the thumb does not have is the middle phalanx which is right below the distal, and the one closest to the palm is the proximal phalanx. I'll remove the proximal phalanx in your thumb." She said and pointed her wand at the kid's thumb and removed it.
Originally Posted by
Pick a bone?! Volunteer?! Dragon Lady was joking, right?!
Kurumi felt herself shaking in her small black school shoes and swallowed hard. She then looked around the room nervously and began to wish she had skipped potions today with Adam. "O-o-o-one in my arm?" she asked pointing to her left arm with her right. As if Dragon Lady needed a visual aid...maybe she should have gone with a finger bone, they were so much smaller.
"There are many bones in your arm... I think I'll remove the humerus, that's the upper arm bone." She said pointing and removing it from the girl.
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Salander picked up the wriggling newt tail "No escape for you pal...." he chortled as he let the tail drop and writhe in the heated mixture. He then re-scourgified his mortar and pestle before adding in the right amount of sopophorous beans, then sprinkled the powder into the pot. He took the marshmallow bottle and eyed it sadly. Did he really have to add sweeteners to this mixture? "But this could affect the pina colada flavor...."
Hmpf. Instructions instructions. He turns the bottle over the pot...
All that was written was 5 squeezes. It wasnt specified just how much per squeeze did it?
The lad looked up at the students lined up in front, then his eyes widen when he heard what the Professor had planned for them. "Talk about having a bone to pick..." he muttered.
She heard a mutter, but didn't hear what the kid said. "Are you volunteering as well Master Salander?" She asked.
Originally Posted by
Dianna Malfoy
Dropping the tail until it shriveled up and crushing the beans (add that one into the cauldron too) and then some drops a marshmallow. Ta-Da! Finished. Now just to simmer..
Dianna watched as Lafay called up volunteers (poor fellas) to demonstrate to the class how the potion should work.
Hecate nodded to the girl. She was doing well.
"Alright, anyone else want to 'volunteer?' " She asked.