SPOILER!!: Silly Babies...
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Now that the cottage cheese was heating up, the room began to take on a strong and maybe just a little delicious smelling smell.
Kurumi's stomach was talking. Her free hand covered it, as if that was going to make the sound less noticeable. She looked around...maybe no one had noticed? After cleaning her spoon and setting it on the table. She picked up her CLEAN silver knife and began cutting her asphodel leaf. She mixed it with her dragon marrow and, ew, at least she knew that the swelling was natural. She then put that into her cauldron and waited.
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Mix. Chop. They were in...some other class.
It was Herbology all over again! Except, maybe it wouldn't seem so when they get to handle the tail. Eek, the tail!
Aha. Clean the knife. Done. Chop the leaves. Done. Mix it with two tablespoons of the dragon thing. Done.
Wait, wait, wait.
Swelling. Good. Now the boy was adding that to the cauldron mix.
What next? Oregano?

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Simon looked up as they continued, watching the professor's demonstration before he moved to do it himself. He grabbed the measured out portion of cereal and carefully poured it in, adding the salt after. Picking up his wooden spoon, the Gryffindor folded the ingredients together making sure not
Letting that set, he took out his knife and with an extra cleaning spell made sure it was fine. The blade chopped through the leaves at his hand and once he was satified that he thought they were what Professor Lafay wanted mixed it with the dragon marrow.
There that looks good, he mused to himself once the mixture had swelled. Simon looked back up at the head table and watched the procedure before mimicking it into his own cauldron.
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Finally it was time to start brewing the potion. Marie was happy that all the talking about ingredients was over and they were finally going to do something. Hopefully they weren't going to have to test out this potion though. She was not about to try anything from this class, even if she was the one making it.
She checked to make sure the cottage cheese was still in her cauldron... you know in case Destiny had decided to eat it when she wasn't looking. Seeing it was still there she lit the fire under the cauldron. "Incendio!"
Once the cottage cheese was warm she added the cereal and the salt then folded the ingredients together with her wooden spoon. It's a good thing the woman in the front of the room was showing them what to do because Marie had no clue what 'folding' ingredients meant.
Now it was time to chop up some leaves. Not just any leaves though, asphodel leaves. Making sure her silver knife was clean she chopped up one leaf into small pieces then mixed it with the dragon bone marrow and watched it swell. Gently paced mixture in cauldron.
Now what?
Update journal, that's what.
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Salander added the bran cereal, salt and folded the mixture mimicking how the Professor was flipping it with the wooden spoon. This feels familiar... he mused, recalling his summer camp activity where they made their own granola bar. Heck, if this proves to be as good as that, he really might take a bite out of this, maybe would grow himself a pair of nice buffalo horns heh.
He proceeded to take up his scourgified silver knife and chopped up the asphodel leaf, then mixed it in with the dragon marrow."Coool...." he snickered as the marrow mixture began to puff up like a homemade science project. Gently he levitated the mixture and added it into the pot.
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Destiny felt like she was in COOKING CLASS!
Yeah, she doubted there would be an animal tail in a kitchen, but one was never to know. Some people do like to eat weird things. Destiny's grandmother for example. That woman sat on the sofa once and ate a whole box of moth balls! Sure, the woman didn't know they were moth balls, but she didn't complain afterwards.
After flipping the..whatever that stuff would be called, she put down her spoon and waited for the next instructions.
Next was chopping. Cooking class, indeed. Picking up the silver knife, she wiped it off before chopping the asphodel leaf. Small wet pieces, that could be arranged and it was! A nice little pile slowly appeared and setting the knife down, she mixed in the dragon marrow.
It was like magic.
Gently placing the swelling blob into her cauldron, Destiny raised her hand. "Do we eat this with a fork?" Because there would be no way she'd drink a dragon marrow and warty newt tail milkshake.
"Eat it? No... No not yet anyway..." She said shaking her head.
Well... most of the students were doing well... if Hecate didn't know better, she would think she was proud of them...
... Nehhhh...
"All right," She said and grabbed the unicorn powder... "I have ground the unicorn horn as you don't need a whole horn for the potion, just four tablespoons. It's very hard and a simple mortar and pestle would not do the job. I will show you how."
She took a unicorn horn and placed it in a bowl. She pointed her wand at it and making jabbing motions at it three times, said "Permolus!" She held the wand firm and hard against her stomach as it seemed to kick back with each mini blast to the horn... which it continued to do until it was completely ground to a powder. She pulled the wand away.
That's going to leave another bruise... she thought. "And that's how you grind unicorn horn... This will make five horns total... enough for the whole class to have their dose."
She opened the packet of Jell-o "Hmmm Blueberry..." She said with a smirk. She loved blueberries. "Add the Jell-o powder to the horn powder and mix together before adding it to your cauldron. If the powder does not melt down... it just means we let the cottage cheese cook too long. This is not a problem, it happens 9 out of 10 times. Add a little water... just enough to melt the powder."
ooc: In latin 'permolo' means to grind thoroughly.