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Old 10-17-2010, 07:13 PM   #146 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Join Date: May 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sebastian Price
First Year
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde

SPOILER!!: Potion Babies
Originally Posted by Macavity View Post
Finish up his notes on the various ingrediants, Simon set his quill and parchment aside for the moment to start working as Professor Lafay mentioned. He absently looked down into his cauldron to double check all was in order though his cottage cheese had already been added earlier when instructed to do so. Everything checking out he lit the fire beneath his cauldron and waited patiently for the next step.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Well, with that mystery solved, Kurumi returned to her notes to add about the beans and how they make one fart are used to facilitate sleep. She then used Incendio to light a small fire under her cauldron. She rather liked honey and like the taste better than marshmallows....they were probably only using it because Dragon Lady preferred the flavor.

She looked up. Dragon Lady was in a really good mood today and it was kind of frightening.
Originally Posted by Dianna Malfoy View Post
With the cottage cheese already in her cauldron, Dianna took one last check to make sure that her cauldron was clean before lighting it.
"Incendio." and a small fire appeared under her cauldron. She was excited in making today's potion.
Originally Posted by potiongirl10 View Post
Amy lit the fire beneath her cauldron that she had cleaned and filled with cottage cheese and wrote down some notes in her journal she then waited for the next step she giggled to herself as she thought about what that boy had said about the beans making you fart.
Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
What? The bean made them sleep? For real?

Soooo many ideas flew through her mind at that moment, she was sure she was going to receive a headache at any second. The mention of the liquid marshmallow though was enough to stop her thought process altogether. Liquid marshmallow was just like, complete sugar. Ewwww.

Having already put the cottage cheese in her previously CLEANED cauldron, the Slytherin picked her wand back up and pointed it under the cauldron. Hehe, she was getting good at the creating a fire without burning herself or anything else around thing. "Incendio." she muttered, letting the flame appear under the piece of...metal.

It was metal right? Oh, was the headache. Yup.
Originally Posted by Canoir Greengrass View Post
Freya just finished her notes on the ingredients when she heard Professor Layaf instructed them to get start. She put down her quill and took her cauldron. She pulled out her wand and pointed it to her cauldron "Scourgify!" now her cauldron was clean and ready to use. She put the cottage cheese on her cauldron first before light up the fire. "Incendio!" and a small fire appeared. While waiting for the next instruction she update her notes.
Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post
Awesome! He was half right. So...they make you sleep, huh? That was nice to know, which is why he wrote that down. There were easier ways to fall sleep, trust him.

The cauldron had been cleaned before placing the cottage cheese inside it, so he was free to set the fire up. Those pretty flames.

Fire. Done. Do they had to wait for the cheese to melt?
Originally Posted by PattyH. View Post
"Scourgify!" Clean Cauldron, tick!

Patroclus was excited to get to work, the first part of the lesson had been very illuminating, and quite helpful but Patroclus was most excited about the brewing part. It had come as quite a surprise to the Fourth Year, but Potions had become one of the boy's favourite subjects!

With that thought in his mind, Patroclus placed the cheese into the cauldron and got his burner....well burning!
Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Okaaay, time to get cookin....

Salander scourgified the cauldron and checked for any cracks. Satisfied that all his materials are in good working order, he took the cottage cheese and dropped it into the pot. He got the burner heated up and settled the cauldron on it.
Originally Posted by CreativeAllie18 View Post
Alice scribbled down the notes on the sopophorous beans into her notes before leaning over and turning on her burner. She eyed the cottage cheese that she had measured out and put on the bottom of the cauldron.

She did like cottage cheese...if there was some strawberry yogurt to go with it...
Originally Posted by lilithpotter View Post
She jotted down notes on her parchment and then turned to her cauldron.

Nessa placed the cottage cheese in the bottom of the cauldron and then carefully she lite the flame as she was instructed.
Originally Posted by Ivy Nienna View Post
Her hand moving swiftly across the journal page, Ivory jotted down the main points about each ingredient and why it was being used. Glad that nothing too volatile was going to be used, she hurried around setting up her equipment and donning her safety measures as the time to start brewing began.

First thing was first, inspecting her cauldron. Checking it inside and out for any flaws, she moved on to cleaning it thoroughly, she was most definitely not in the mood to be yelled at today.

Beginning a new page on the process of the potion, she wrote down the first step of adding the 1 gallon of Buffalo Milk Cottage Cheese to her cauldron.

Setting up her cauldron over the designated small depression where she would cast her fire, Ivory remeasured out the cottage cheese before adding it glop by slow glop into its recesses. Watching the curdy substance settle determinedly down at the bottom, she unholstered her wand and held it in her hand the skin contact on the age old wood resulting as always in a small blue heat-less flame that danced at its tip. Aiming for the depression, Ivory casted. "Incendio." The small flame blossomed out to cradle the pewter, and checking to see that it was of a nice size she put it away taking up her journal and waiting for the next instructions.
Originally Posted by Destiny View Post

Destiny was incorrect. Not that she cared really, she had tried her best and that was all that mattered..or so her parents would say. Shrugging, she looked into her VERY CLEAN cauldron. Well, it would have been clean if the cottage cheese wasn't sitting at the bottom of it.

Cottage cheese..

Drawing her wand, she pointed it underneath her cauldron. At least she didn't have to help Evelyn make the fire anymore.. "Incendio." she said, watching the flames appear. What if..the cottage cheese BURNS!?

Everyone was doing well... "Now that the cottage cheese is warm, toss in the half cup of bran cereal and the two tablespoons of salt. With your wooden spoon, fold the ingredients together in a flipping motion." She said demonstrating.

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