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Old 10-17-2010, 02:13 AM   #132 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 15,697

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sebastian Price
First Year
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde

Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post
A newt? Oh my Gilderoy! Poor newt!

Treyen...knew he had to make the potion, but he didn't feel like throwing a moving tail when the time to start brewing came. Hopefully the tail wouldn't move, and trust him to levitate the poor little tail into the cauldron, yes...unless...did they have to cut it?

He eyed whatever Professor Lafay was holding, ooooh, hand raised, "Those are sopophorous beans, no? And...because they can help a little with the pain that comes with regenerating a bone? Like, calming properties?" haha, he had no idea.
"It does indeed have calming properties, Master Lockhart." She said nodding.

Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post

Evelyn was soooo paying attention and not playing with the newt tail. Or poking it with her wand, or anything of the sort that caused a few giggles to escape her every now and then. Because, Evelyn, did not, giggle. At all! Pffft.


Looking back up to Professor Lafay, she was kinda hoping they would just get to making the potion, and learn what the ingredients are for as they went along, but well, she wasn't about to suggest that. She'd rather stay in class, then be kicked out.

"It's a sopophorous bean." she said, looking at the on that was ones on the table she sat at. "And..." Though why they were used, she had no clue. Beans were a form of calcium right? Or at least, some of them. Maybe. Then again, they were used in that living death potion thing if she remembered correctly. "Maybe they make you relaxed." So, regrowing bones doesn't hurt as bad.

She had noooooo clue.
"Sort of, yes." She said moving her head from side to side.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Was she going to turn them all into newts if they brewed the potion incorrectly? It seemed like something Dragon Lady would try and then have a complete new supply of newt tails *cringe* Kurumi returned to her notes to add the newt detail.

Sopophorous beans...Kurumi had no idea outside of them being difficult to cut and being one of the ingredients in Draught of Living Death. What did a sleeping potion and bone regeneration potion have in common? Numbing? "Professor," Kurumi said with her hand raised. "Do the juices of the beans numb the bone regeneration process so it doesn't...hurt?"
"Yes... but how?" She asked.

Originally Posted by Destiny View Post

Sopophorous. That was a funny word. As Professor Lafay said it, Destiny had to control the laughter that was about to spill. Control! Last time she laughed in class, it had not been pretty. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes for a second before raising her hand.

"The sopophorous," Snort. "bean is supposed to be really hard. Just like your bones!"

"No, Miss Shepard, you are incorrect." She said looking at the girl.

Originally Posted by MissFeenella View Post
"That are sopophorus beans,professor",Fee said rasing her hand,"they could be used to lower the pain in the process of regaining the bones."
"They do, but how?" She said.

Originally Posted by CreativeAllie18 View Post
Alice made a note about the newt tail in her notebook, and its ability to regenerate body parts. What a nifty little trick...

She looked up as Professor Lafay pulled up what looked like some kind of bean.

"They are sopophorous beans Professor. I'm not exactly sure what they're for, but I know their juices are used in the Draught of Living Death. So, could it possibly have something to do with getting rid of the old bone that we will be regenerating?"
"No... not really." She said and shook her head.

Originally Posted by Dianna Malfoy View Post
Dianna was glad that the tail has been placed down since it was making her feel queasy from the inside.
"Those are Sopophorous beans, Professor." Dianna said as she raised her hand. "It is a bean with magical properties and is a very hard bean. So I guess it can..make your bones stronger too..?" lowering her hand, Dianna waited for the answers of others.
"No... that isn't the answer, Miss Malfoy." She said.

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
James was quiet now. He'd decided to just.... listen. Act like he didn't know any answers. Keep his mouth shut. Wouldn't want the professor to expect him to know the answers, right?
"Master Wilkes, will you no longer enlighted us?" She said to the silent boy.

Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles View Post
And now they were talking about beans. Beans, bran, and lizards oh my. Potions was never a class that Legend understood at all. "Sopophorous beans are beans, so they make you fart." He said more to himself. What did farting have to do with bone growth? Absolutely nothing. Leaning back in his chair, he waited till the Professor told them the right answer, because at this point everyone was just guessing.

Merlin, Why me?!

"Yes, Master Chosen, because farting is so very important to bone regrowth!" she said sarcastically.

"No... The bean is used to facilitate sleep. It will help put and keep you asleep while you bone regenerates, therefor decreasing the awful pain associated with it." She said. "Alright, the last ingredient is liquid Marshmellow... this is put in for flavor. Chocolate and Caramel both contain caffeine, small quantities, yes, but that will make you stay awake. So marshmellow it is... honey can also be used, but is not as nice a taste. So lets get started shall we?" She said starting the fire under her cauldron. "Light your fires, make sure the cottage cheese is on the cauldron first."

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