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HAHAHAHA. Lafay said boy dung! Fletcher had to bite the inside of his lip, hard, to keep from laughing out loud at the professor. HAHAHAHAHA he was going to remember this lesson.
Grunting as he let out just one little chuckle, Fletch hopped off his stool and shuffled to the cupboard. He grabbed a little more bran --- he had hardly eaten any, after all --- and then slowly shuffled back to his seat.
Once he was reseated, Fletcher wrinkled his nose at mention of a pound of water buffalo cottage cheese. Wowwwww. That sounded more like it belonged in their last Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson than in here.
"Bran," Fletcher answered, half-raising his hand, "is great for your intestinal health."
That was probably the precise answer she was looking for. *snickerrrr*
"Yes, but that won't help with the bone regeneration." She said as if she was talking to a 3 year old. "Think before you speak..."
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After getting the kind of milk wrong Alice wasn't sure whether she should try and answer this or not. Well...the worst thing that could happen was she'd be wrong again.
"Bran is very nutrient dense, containing protein, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, and antioxidants, all of which are good for your body. So, bran would be good to use because it contains so many nutrients that are good for the body, which is in return good for your bones."
"Yes... but there is something more than protein and such..." She said and moved on.
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Hearing Professor Lafay's answer, Simon corrected his notes before double checking the cleanliness of his cauldron. Sure it was spotless, he added the cottage cheese to the bottom as he was told to do. Continuing to listen, he tried to think of what bran flakes contained that could help in the potion.
"Would bran flakes contain iron which would be another element beneficial to bone strength and help?" he answered tentatively. "So it would help the calcium in the cottage cheese work in the potion."
"Yes, Iron... but there is something else." She said moving to the next person.
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Salander nodded his head, agreeing that indeed a buffalo was way bigger than a cow. So we're gonna grow bones as big as a buffalo?
Then he shot a glance at the GitterPuff as he stood to get some more bran cereal Or better yet we're gonna disarm Fletcher and grow him a hoof?
The lad tilted his head at the next question. Bran... fibers.... "Bran can be helpful for growing muscle fibers" he offered, raising his hand.
"Yes, but that's now why it's being used." She said.
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Aww. Junk.
Jimmy made a nonchalant face. Nothing wrong with happening to have read something like that in a book right? Didn't mean he knew things.
His hand went up for the next question, though he wasn't entirely sure. "Uhh well, its a starch right? And because of all the fibre, it gets sticky and all, so I guess it'd be a good binding agent for all the rest of what goes into the potion. And obviously the point of fixing a broken bone or regenerating one is that the bone is fused together right, so maybe it helps to bind the bone material too. Its a bit acidic as well so, that'd help with calcium absorption and other minerals that are good for bone health and regeneration."
"Or so I read this one time."
Why was this kid adding the fact that he'd read something every time he spoke? "Yes, Master Wilkes, but there is something else."
Originally Posted by
Jason Potter Weasley
Rex raised his hand. " Professor Hecate, I believe the bran cereal could be used as a cover base for the potion" Rex told her.
"It's Professor Lafay!" She said frustrated. "And no. The Cottage Cheese is the base."
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Mrs. Weasley
Sidney writes down the information about Buffalo milk. She hadn't thought of the cottage cheese being made from any other milk than the cow variety. She raises her hand. "You use Bran in this potion because it is a whole grain. They are rich in Manganese which helps certain enzymes and local regulators to function properly. They help us form strong bones." Sidney hopes she worded everything right.
"Right... but there is something else." She said.
Originally Posted by
Dianna Malfoy
Making sure that her cauldron was clean and ready she added the cottage cheese before scribbling down notes on her notebook. She thought the information about the buffalo milk was cool. Haha.
"Erm..because bran is one of the hard outer layers of a grain and it contains a lot of starch, protein, vitamins and dietary minerals which can help in building strong and healthy bones." she said as she lowered her hand.
"Yes, however we are looking for something else." She called on the next person.
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Cass listened intently at what professor Lafay had to say, when she was finished explaining about cottage cheese she pointed her wand at her cauldron, and said "Scrougify" Then she placed the gallon of cottage cheese ast the bottom of her cauldron and wrote on her parchment afterwards
Then she titled her head to one side and started thingking, Why did they have to use bran cereal?
"Professor, is it because 1 cup of bran cereal contains 10% of the recommended daily calcium intake?" Cass asked, she hoped she gave the right answer...
"We have the calcium pretty much covered. We need something else." She said and looked at her note. "It isn't the fact it's cottage cheese, it's the fact it's made of buffalo milk. Correct your notes."
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Emmaleigh was so sure of her last answer. It wasn't her fault she didn't know about water buffalo. She raised her hand, hoping the little she knew about Bran Cereal would help. "Um, B-bran Cereal is high in I-iron, and Iron is an i-important part of b-blood. When g-growing new bones, or r-rapidly healing old ones, W-woven bone is formed. This had b-blood vessels weaving all a-around it. So could the B-bran Cereal be used to r-replenish blood?"
"Right, something else though..." she said looking around.
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"Bran ceral has Vitamin A which helps bones grow" She said she didnt really like it but it was good maybe that was why.
"Sure... not what I'm looking for..." She said and moved to the next student.
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Fee sat in the classroom carefully listening to what professor Lafay was saying.
She raised her hand as she spoke up.
"Bran is the outer layer of grains like rice, corn, wheat, or barley. It's also the part of the grain that is the most nutrient dense. It contains proteins, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, and antioxidants, so i guess it could be used as a base for the potion."
She couldnt think of anything else, so she sat there hearing what the others students knew about that.
"That is correct but not the reason it's being used." She said, "Next?"
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Amy raised her hand "well bran cereal has vitamin D in it and Vitamin D along with Calcium is good for your bones" She wrote down notes and then listened to the rest of the class as they shared their answers
"Right... but not exactly." She said and called on the head boy.
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Muggle science, muggle science... Oliver remembered something about this... although it hurt his brain trying to bring it to the surface. His mind was filled with much more important stuff.. like Quidditch, Star Wars and redheaded prefects. heh.
He raised his hand slowly. “Um.. doesn't Bran contain Vitamin D?" He asked hesitantly. "Vitamin D regulates the absorption of calcium and.. phosphorus. Both of which are vital for growth and development of bones and teeth.”
"Also a lack of Vitamin D can cause thin, brittle, or misshapen bones.. so it could also be needed for the structure when regrowing bones?"
Urhh.. that was painful. The lad went back to looking a bit glazed as Lafay continued the class.
"Precisely... Next to calcium, phosphorus is the most abundant mineral in the body. Both work closely together to build strong bones," she said instructing the class, "and about 85% of phosphorus in the body can be found in bones and teeth, but it is also present in cells and tissues throughout the body." She said and smiled at the boy. The Head Boy was very smart... maybe he would be more open to potioneering if she'd gotten him younger... Oh Well.
"Let's move on... Salt." She said raising the salt. "This should be easy... why salt?"