Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
| xxx Chapter Twenty Five
“Aww congratulations!” Cara grinned hugging them both, Sophia being pulled into the embrace, Arthur was standing away from them watching but Ginny found his arms,
“Don’t cry Daddy”
“I’m just – just happy you’re happy”
“I am happy, we’re both happy” she said reaching for Harry “So please don’t stay mad at Harry”
“I’m not angry with him” He said coldly,
“Yes you are” Ginny pouted wrapping herself around Harry’s waist as much as she could manage,
“He’s not” Harry said looking him in the eye “He’s just in shock, it did happen quickly Gin”
“Hmm” Ginny said “But do you have time to have a drink with your new son?”
“I had better go sweetheart” He wiped his cheeks and kissed her forehead “I will be round tonight”
Ginny questioned him “Just you?”
“Just me, your mother, she’s not in the right place to see you again so soon”
“She will get there”
“Mmm” she said as Harry held her as tight as was comfortable for her, “You can have a drink with him then, then”
“Alright” He smiled and walked away,
“You think he’s ok” Ginny asked watching him go,
“I’m sure he is, I just don’t think he likes lying to Molly about it”
“Guy’s come on – let’s celebrate!”
“We’ll do it later, for now lets sort out Sophia” Ginny said pulling away to hold his hand, “I want out of here it’s stuffy in this place and she’s hungry”
“Alright” He smiled,
“That was a shotgun wedding if I ever saw one” a voice said walking away from the room. Harry knew that drawl, he knew the horrible voice and the creature it belonged to –
“Stay here” he said angrily drawing his wand and walking out after him,
“Harry don’t do it” Cara said warningly,
“Who was it?” Ginny said looking to him but he was gone,
“Malfoy” Harry said pointing his wand at the blonde boys back, the woman with him turned around too,
“Potter” he smirked, “Meet my girlfriend”
“Does she have a name or is she just the latest one?”
“Erm…” He grinned,
The girl slapped him and folded her arms against her chest “My names Juliet, Mr Potter, and I’m his ex girlfriend” she walked away but Sophia came out to replace her by Harry’s side,
“I’m the compromise” she said as Harry turned to look at her as if to ask why she was here,
“And who are you?” Draco said looking her up and down,
“No one for you to look at like that” she replied taking a stance to stare at him disgustedly,
“Your family” Harry replied, “Your fathers, cousins’ son – not Bellatrix but Narsissa, her sister”
“Wow, I really don’t like the idea of that” She replied, “Cousins with someone who looks like a ferret – I don’t like it one bit”
“What?” Malfoy said “There’s no way she is related to me – she looks like a mudblood”
“She’s Sirius’s daughter Malfoy, get used to the idea that all that money is hers now”
“I won’t allow it!”
“She is legally entitled there’s nothing you can do, she’s a Black and what was his and your dear Auntie’s is hers now too”
“Your little wedding won’t stay quiet if you plan on helping her”
“Go ahead; the only person you should be worried about is your father in prison Draco, because you should be in there with him and I’m not going to stop hunting you down for something so I can get you a family cell”
“Who’s her mother?”
“Gwendolyn Whyte”
Harry saw the look of shock on his face “Scared Draco”
“She – she’s pure, pure as they get just like the Malfoy’s and Black’s, how on earth did Sirius the traitor manage that?”
“The same way the good guy always gets the girl Malfoy – you do anything to screw up and I’ll make sure your locked up for good”
“And how do you plan to do that Potter?”
“Try and imagine me with a long black cloak, my wand taking you to the Aurors office to be processed by my boss”
“You working here” He laughed “Well the world has gone mad without the dark Lord’s influence”
“No – it’s just getting back on its feet, your master’s dead, you need to deal with it and join the right side”
“I’ll never betray my blood” he smirked “Just you wait and see what we’ve got in store and your little friend will find out what it is to be pure soon enough”
Draco walked away Harry lowered his wand,
“You’re going to have to explain what that was all about at some point”
“It starts with one boy and ends with living death, it will take a while but we’ll tell you everything you need to know”
“Right, lets get me a wand so I can zap the living crap outta that jerk first”
They walked back in, “Harry you and Sophia sort out stuff, Cara’s going to come home with us” she rubbed her belly, “We’ll have something to eat and maybe invite some people for dinner to celebrate”
“Gin, it’s not right for me to leave you on our wedding day”
“Go on, help our friend and we’ll get a room ready for her
“You’re sure”
“Yes” she smiled tiptoeing up to kiss him “There are something’s only you can explain and they can’t wait, go ahead we’ve got tonight to talk, to have fun and to tell”
“You’re ready to let everyone in?”
“Yeah – so bugger off already – the sooner you go the sooner you come back to me”
“I’m going, I’m going” he smiled going for one last kiss and ended up making it three more, the last being when Ginny started to giggle and Cara pulled Harry away.
“And sign here” the woman pointed to the parchment, Sophia did as she was told, “And your officially recognised as a witch, congratulations”
“Wahoo” she laughed “Lets get me some magic”
“A wand first, then the meeting with McGonagall, you can’t use magic yet and you don’t know about spells and potions so we’ll educate you on that next”
“So where do I get a wand – like just rob a tree branch?”
“We go shopping” Harry said “We’ll buy you a wand, not steal one from the bowtruckles”
“They look like stick insects, live in wand trees and eat wood lice”
“Right and what do I buy a wand with?”
“Your dad left me everything that was his, it’s yours now, you’ll have your own vault in Gringotts later and as another thing the house is yours”
“Grimmald place is yours Sophia”
“Nope, that’s yours to do with what you want, he left it to you – that’s his gift to you”
“If he’d have known you -”
“- but he didn’t, that house is yours sell it, keep it, burn it to the ground, it’s yours”
“Think about it at least”
“Nope, yours, your helping me, when I have no idea what I’m doing it’s a gift so take it or once I figure out how to curse you I will” she grinned as they walked out into Diagon alley “And Gringotts is?”
“Sorry, wizarding bank, and Olivanders is over here – the wand shop”
The familiar purple cushion with a singular wand was reassuring to Harry. If this shop ever closed again he’d know the end of the wizarding world was near.
“Mr Potter - so nice to see you, may I?” He held out his hand and Harry handed him the familiar instrument with a smile “I see your taking better care of it since last time we met, a fine wand if I ever make another to rival it I’ll let you know, I do still wonder what became of it’s brother” he handed it back,
“It was burned along with him I’m led to believe, I can’t be sure though, I would have thought it would have been returned to you being it’s maker and all”
“You forget we do not have the same customs as the Goblins, Mr Potter”
Sophia looked at him mouthing “Goblins?” to which he just grinned,
“And who is your friend?”
“Sophia” She said holding out her hand, he shook it,
“Strange, I must say, you have the air of your father about you now I notice, but Sirius was always full of secrets”
“He didn’t know this one; you know who my dad was just by looking?”
“I could tell you your mothers name if you’d like, but it tends to be off putting” Harry held off from laughing watching her face as she replied,
“Things are strange as it is, you could tell me if you think you know”
“As clear as Black and Whyte” he smiled knowingly turning to walk into the rows of boxes.
“He’s good” she grinned as Harry nodded sitting in the chair watching,
“Your mother was willow, nine and a half inches with a unicorn hair, nice and supple excellent for charms and the like but her real talent was Herbology and potions, your father on the other hand, eleven inches, mahogany with dragon heartstring, he was a transfiguration man”
“Transfiguration?” she said turning to Harry,
“Turning something into something else” he pointed his wand at his hair and changed it to blonde and then back again,
“Sweet” she peered around as Olivander came back,
“Birch, eight and a half inches, unicorn hair”
“Your wand hand?” she shrugged and waved her right one and he handed it to her “Now just” he gestured with his hand to wave it,
She did and there was a loud bang and green smoke before he abruptly took it back,
He handed her another and another and another until it came down to the last of three more to find it. “Cherry, nine inches, phoenix feather” Purple sparks bloomed to dance in the air surrounding her for a few moments and then fading into nothing,
“That was a sign” he smiled “Of magic long held captive”
“It’s been eighteen years in the making” Harry smirked standing up, she jumped on him in a hug,
“Thanks Harry, for everything”
“You can say it when you can turn a turtle into a teapot”
“I’d be able to do that?”
“If you follow in both your parents’ footsteps you’ll be brilliant – your dad was one of the only guys to be able to transform in an animal ever and he learnt it while they were still in school”
“What did he turn into?” she asked,
“A dog, big black dog called Pad foot” he grinned remembering “Seven galleons right?” he asked taking out his wallet,
“Yes Mr Potter”
She stared “Hey what you doing?”
“Happy birthday” he smirked handing over the money before she could stop him,
“I’m gonna pay you back – it’s been months since my birthday”
“Shut up; let’s get you a book – guide to magic to give you a background before we get into the heavy stuff”
“You mean your history”
“Yeah my history – See you in a little while Mr Olivander”
“I’d say about Eleven years” he called with a smile.
Harry led the way to the book shop and she stared standing in the doorway looking around, “Come on” he walked to the counter,
“My friend needs a magic guide for dummies – the basics; she’s new to our world”
“New – she’s got to be more then seventeen”
“Late bloomer, so the book?” he said to avoid more talk,
“Sure, sure, over here” he led them to a bookshelf, “There you go, guide book for first years and squibs, perfect for a newbie”
“My Hogwarts books should cover everything right?” he asked,
“Yes if you’ve got them from first year to seventh”
“Then we’re set, so we just want this”
“Can I offer you a suggestion?”
“What?” Harry said putting the book on the counter, the man waved his wand and a book floated down from the top floor,
“Madam Moppets guide to magical children”
“Word travels fast” he muttered,
“I’m guessing the leaky cauldron isn’t the best place to tell a secret” the man grinned,
“I’m not taking the book, how much is this one” he said coldly, rifling through his wallet for galleons,
“I’ll get it”
“You don’t have wizarding money Sophia, we’ll go to the bank” he added watching the man stare at the wedding ring on his finger, the silver circle gave away everything, “Merlin, look I’m gonna start cursing everyone that doesn’t keep there mouth shut, just sell me the book and I won’t make it so you have to spent a few months in Mungo’s”
“Four galleons” he replied holding out his hand “I won’t say a word”
“Yeah because I really believe you” he handed over the money and took the book, and then they made there way to the bank,
“Griphook, hi”
He looked up from the desk “Mr Potter and the madam?”
“A Miss Sophia Black”
“Black – there hasn’t been a Black in here since – well Mr Sirius Black, and his cousins - but his cousins, there vaults have been seized – do you have proof?”
She handed over her birth certificate she brought just in case,
“Well Miss Black, it seems you’ve inherited quite a fortune, we’ll have to organise it with the Malfoy’s of course and it could take a few days”
“I wanted to know how much Sirius put in my vault and give it to her – it’s hers now”
“Nope – Harry we’ve discussed this already, he left it to you”
“Because he didn’t know you exist”
“Alright then he was like your dad right, and he was mine, so we were his kids and so we get half each”
“Your letting me have the house, I can’t take your money too”
“Then we sell it and half it too – you’re my brother, he’s our dad, we’ll go halves on everything if it will make you feel better”
“But – but”
“You’ve got a baby, she’s going to be my niece, look after her and look after your wife” she said quietly but firmly,
“Harry, this is what he would have wanted, us, together getting along and being family, this is what families do when there not lying or stabbing each other in the back or dying on us”
“I give in” he sighed, and she grinned hugging him,
“Alright, I wore you down, lets sort this out” she went back to Griphook, “We’ve worked out that of what my dad gave Harry, we want to split it and put the half in my new vault and leave half in his”
“That can be done by the end of today”
“Thankyou, now we want to sell a house – you can help?” Harry asked,
“That was quick decision; you don’t want to tell Ginny?”
“We were going to sell it anyway, she won’t mind, I’ll tell her when we get back”
“Your not doing well with this whole honesty thing, you don’t think she might want a house to raise the baby in?”
“We’ll find one”
“The time it sells she’ll be ready to pop”
“I’ll tell her tonight and come back tomorrow if it makes you feel better”
“You’re going to tell her that on your wedding night?”
“Seriously – you want to not criticize every decision I make today Sophia, because it’s starting to annoy me”
“Let’s go home before you bite my head off again ok”
“Please – I need sleep alright, I’m sorry for getting so – so – let’s just go” he sighed and rubbed his head,
“Sure” she replied his hand reaching for hers, “Let’s go”
He took out his wand and apparated them both to the front step, “Don’t say anything to her will you”
“Not a word”
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |