Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 10-13-2010, 09:56 AM   #72 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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heart too soon lol i'm avoiding assignments...

Chapter Twenty four

“I’m sorry that’s the law Miss Weasley”
“But I’m living with Harry – I’m not in any relationship with my family, they won’t give me permission”
“That’s the law”
“This is for my baby’s life, I can’t have my mother controlling that, this is because I love him and I don’t want to lose that because of some stupid rule”
“When you’re of age you can marry him”
“I might be dead then!” She yelled, “Please”
“Just one parents permission Miss Weasley”
“Come on Gin” Harry said an arm around her reassuringly “We’ll get it”
“They won’t, not if they know why”
“Then we find a way”
“I’m sorry to be a pain but how?” Cara asked “I mean when you say find away you’ve either got to age her a year or persuade her parents”
“Aging her wouldn’t work you know that” Harry said “So we do the next best thing” Harry led them to a lift and pressed the button for the fifth floor,
“Dad” Ginny said, “We can’t go to him, he’ll just tell her”
“Your dad will do this”
“How do you think he will – what do you plan to do use an unforgivable because there’s not other way?!” She hissed as the doors opened and people stepped out so they were the only four in the lift,
Sophia had already figured that the questions could wait so she kept quiet but Cara wasn’t so easy to leave out,
“Harry you can’t seriously be considering imperiousing him?”
“If I have to” He said his eyes focused on the door,
“Harry, it won’t count anymore if it’s you controlling him then if it is done and they think she’s seventeen”
“Seventeen…” Sophia mumbled confused,
“Seventeen in our world – you’ve been of age a year already” Harry said still staring at nothing “I’ll talk to him first, I’ll make him see sense”
“And if that fails” Ginny muttered,
“Gimme a chance and then you can try” they walked out and got to his office door, “You need to stay here, Cara, Sophia stay with her, make sure she doesn’t come in”
“I’m not a dog” She said angrily as he let go,
“Gin, I’m doing this for you, don’t get mad at me, do as I ask please” he leaned to kiss her forehead but she grabbed his cheek to kiss him properly as he made a move to walk away. She looked into his eyes for a second before he stepped back and watched him knock on the office door before walking inside.

“Mr Weasley”
“What do you want?” he carried on rifling through papers,
“To ask you to do something for your daughter”
He looked up “You have five minutes”
“I need you to give your permission”
“For us to get married”
“You have my permission you have Molly’s it’s just on the condition you wait until she is old enough”
“She might not last that long”
Arthurs passing glance became a stare “What?!”
“We went for a scan today; there is a clot, a potentially dangerous clot that could kill them both, so we need your permission today”
“If you don’t she will never forgive you, if you don’t Molly has control and she won’t follow Ginny’s wishes”
Arthur was getting angrier “Ginny’s wishes!”
“This clot could require muggle surgery, it would mean cutting our Daughter out of Ginny, she doesn’t want that – I want to do what Ginny’s wants – not to say that I agree with it, I’d do what I could to save her if she would let me”
“You’re going to let her die!”
“I’m giving her what she wants, what she needs to get through this, even if it means I’m going to lie to her to save her”
“I can’t replace Ginny with anyone or anything else” Harry started “I’m not going to lose her – I’ve got to save her if it means losing our baby, if it means she can’t forgive me for that so be it, as long as she’s still alive I can chose to kill our baby over letting her die”
Arthur looked at him in shock “Harry do you know what you’re saying?”
“Of course I do”
“If she survives and you’ve chosen against her, she won’t ever forgive you”
“I don’t expect her to; it’s for her own good”
“How long does she have?”
“Another month for the potion to work and try and clear the clot and if not at six months they’ll go for the surgery to give her the best chance of survival but if something happens between now and then, Molly is in control – if she thinks Molly has killed her baby she won’t ever get over that, it’s better that’s its me that takes responsibility then she lose her mother”
“You’re willing to give her up, give your baby up to save Ginny for us”
Arthur’s eyes closed, he kneaded his forehead with his knuckles and took a deep breath
“You want me to lie to Molly?”
“For her own good - this is for Ginny, for her piece of mind and so that if anything should happen I’m hers and she’s mine for life before it’s too late”
“I’m due a break, how long do you need me for?”
“Half an hour at the most”
“Let’s go”
“Thankyou -”
“Save it Harry, this is for her and her alone”
“- Thankyou from her because I don’t think the words will come until this is all over” he finished and opened the door,
“Ginny” he wrapped her in a hug careful of the bump “You’re – you look beautiful” his hand stroked her cheek “You look ready and so – so pregnant” he smiled looking down,
“She’s still growing just you wait”
“A girl, you know for sure?”
Ginny nodded, “She told us today”
“So Harry has said you need my permission”
“Yes, did you agree?” She stepped back wary that if his decision was not what she wanted to hear,
“I did, you are sure you want to do this now?”
“Like you said dad, I’m ready – what did Harry say to you?”
“He told me the truth”
“What do you mean the truth?” Ginny looked between them, Sophia and Cara were looking at Harry too,
“I told him that I loved you and we wanted to do this before anything happened” Harry answered,
“He appealed to the one thing that has any effect on me besides my wife and sons – my little girl” She smiled as he hugged her again “So let’s go before I’m chained to the desk again” he checked his watch and led the way to the lift.
“But mum”
“Don’t worry about her, she doesn’t need to know just yet – until you give her the wedding you both want”
“Ginny, today is for you and Harry, when you want to do it with fuss it will be your mother’s day”
He too was considering the fact she might not make it that far but to let her know the real truth was to hurt her.
He conjured a bunch of white roses handing them too her, “Now lets get you married”
She held her fathers arm as he led her down the aisle of the small room to Harry standing in front of the table with the official, Cara and Sophia on the left side waiting for her with smiles. Harry turned his head to look at her, to see all his hopes pinned on the one person he loved most in this world and was trying not to lose. Arthur took his hand and placed Ginny’s in it, “Look after them”
Harry nodded as the celebrant began and Arthur moved to stand beside Cara and Sophia watching with silent tears falling down his cheeks.

“I do”
“I do”
“You may now kiss your bride”
RIP JD Salinger
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