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Old 10-13-2010, 02:10 AM   #51 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Sebastian Price
First Year
The Harpy of Hogwarts | Dungeon Mistress | Bimba di Serpeverde

SPOILER!!: Skim or Fat free Milk
Originally Posted by lilithpotter View Post
"Skim Milk isnt it professor" Renesmee said
Originally Posted by CharGryffindor View Post
Milk? "Uh, isn't it Fat Free Milk? Or Soy..." She wasn't sure. Why not guess though?
Originally Posted by Destiny View Post
Right. It would never happen again.

Destiny refrained from saying sorry once again. It would have become a never ending circle of sorries, and she had a feeling Professor Lafay would not like that. Then she would have to apologise for making that yeah..mouth shut for Destiny.

Until she needed to answer a question, of course. She raised her hand, because she did not want to have to apologise for not doing so, "The fat-free kind."

Or chocolate milk.

Originally Posted by Macavity View Post
Looking up at the professor when she spoke to begin class, Simon listened and took notes on what they were making. At her question he raised his hand to answer though all he knew for certain was that it wasn't whole milk. "Low fat milk has the most calcium I believe."
Originally Posted by ToryMalfoy View Post
Tory thought about this for a few seconds, Bone regeneration potion? That's a potion to re-grow bones with right?
"That would be skimmed milk right? Because it has more calcium than semi-skinned milk, which has more calcium than whole milk." she said concentrated.
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy View Post
If it was possible, Emmaleigh would have turned even redder at Lafay's eye rolling. She just gulped, and nodded. Maybe she could visit the nurse, but if she coulndn't help, well, Em didn't really want to visit Lafay's office.

This question was super easy for Em, since she lived on a farm, so she raised her hand to answer. "S-skimmed milk has more c-calcium. Thats because it r-removes that fat and l-leaves the watery portion that c-contains the calcium." There, she explained it, and didn't stutter too badly while doing it,
Originally Posted by MugglesStink! View Post
Adelyn thought to herself.She had no idea what she meant by which milk had the most calcium. Alll milk was the same, right..... "Cow Milk" she said a bit shaky. Then she remembered seeing a bottle that had Whole Milk on it. It must be WHole cause its whole! But, she decided to keep her answer. Most of the time your first answer is correct. But, chocolate milk seemed wicked correct. ""Chocolate Milk I mean, sorry for thei mix up" Even though she was the only one with that answer didn't mean she was wrong.
Originally Posted by CreativeAllie18 View Post
Alice figured Professor Lafay wasn't really looking for a reply back, since she had been rather curt, so instead she cleaned out her cauldron before setting it back over the burner.

Milk with the most calcium...hmmm....

"Would that be whole milk Professor Lafay?" Alice knew whole milk could be bad for you considering the amount of fat in it, but honestly it had the least taken out from it, which made her think it probably had the most. Although whose to say really? Alice wasn't a big milk drinker.
Originally Posted by eliza22 View Post
'Proffessor Lafay, then,' grace said cheefully, quite unaware of the proffesor's cold tone 'It's my very first day, see, so I didn't remember at first,' she added by way of explanation. Her very first day! Whoopeee! Grace knew it was a little odd to be so excited about school, but not everyone went to a school of magic. So THERE, she had a right to be excited. Magic!

She resisted the urge to poke her ingredients with her wand, and sat on her hands to stop herself from doing so. That would be very not good - and she'd get stuff on her shiny new wand as well. Very not good. She listened intently as... what's-her-face spoke about the potion they were going to be brewing. BONE REGENERATION? Wow. Magic could do that? Epic.
Originally Posted by Emms View Post
Emma smiled. Bone regeneration? Awesome! "Skim Milk?" she said. It was kind of funny to be talking about milk because she was over at her friend's house for tea during the summer vacation and they talked about milk.
Originally Posted by alohomora♥ View Post
Jacqueline raised her hand. ''Skimmed milk has the most calcium.The reason is simply that as the fat is removed, the watery proportion of the milk goes up, and this is the part that contains the calcium.'' Umm. Milk. She really wanted a glass of milk. Tasty!!!!!
Originally Posted by WeasleyObsession7 View Post
Sophia raised her hand. "Skim milk, madam." she said, politely. "It has all of the fat removed." she said. MMMM! She wanted milk. And Cookies. Milk and Cookies!!! Yum!!
Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post
Yeah! Bone regeneration! Awesomeness!

The Lockhart kid, who so nicely picked his spot next to the door, raised his hand, "The one with no fat or little one, Professor" he said, placing his hand down.

Bone regeneration. He suddenly hoped she wasn't going to ask them to lose some bones in their body in order to try it on. If so, he'd volunteer. Ha.
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi looked over her potions ingredients least there were no bugs in this potion. "Professor, I believe that fat free milk has the most calcium, but it has less vitamin value than others because of the watered down constancy of the milk itself." Thank you cookie books for that! "Or, you can always or soy milk."

Kurumi returned to her parchment and began making notes.
Originally Posted by PattyH. View Post
Patroclus loved Milk.......full fat of course, but that's was the wrong answer.

"Skim Milk, is best Professor!" Patroclus smiled, before quickly scribbling down the ingredients
Originally Posted by ☆Grrr..Meow☆ View Post
Brant raised his hand "Professor, my parents drink 2 percent, im not really sure what that means but they always try to get me to drink it, Im more of a water guy myself." he said.

"No... Skim milk, Fat Free milk, Soy milk and Chocolate milk is the wrong answer." She said waving the children off.

Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post

Okay there was no way possible Lafay could have heard that. No way.

"C'monnnnn whutttt?" Fletcher protested, swallowing the bran so he was devoid of evidence. "I can't very well replenish them now, can I? You'll just have to wait a few hours."
"If you are trying to disgust me it won't work, I've handled worse things than boydung. Part of being a potioneer. But what I meant was. Go. To the cupboard. And get more. Eat it again... and I will remove the bones in your hands and test this potion on you." She threatened.

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post
Salander sat staring at the ingredients, eyeing the cottage cheese as his hand slowlllyyy reached out for it......

.....aaand his hand jerks back down the desk.

he stares dumbfounded at the Professor. "Uh.... milk from a cow Professor? 'Cuz you know, its gotta bigger bones than say.... a goat." then flicks his eyes at a student suggesting soy ".... or a bunch of beans."
"No, Master Salander... cow milk isn't very heavy in calcium." She said. "But you are on the right track here."

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
"Can't you get milk with extra added calcium?" Jimmy asked hand up. "Because I'm sure that between skim and low fat and full fat and all that, the difference in calcium levels is only a few milligrams." So, you know, not that much. "Or do you mean different animals because sheeps milk and water buffalo milk have more calcium than cow or goat milk."


"Or so I've read."
Finally. "Yes, Master Wilkes."

She said turning to the students. "This cottage cheese is made out of Water Buffalo milk. We will place the gallon of cottage cheese at the bottom of our cauldrons and use it as a less than liquid base. It contains 480 mg of Calcium per cup." She said and went to the next ingredient. "Bran cereal... why are we using it?" She asked.

Last edited by Droo; 10-13-2010 at 02:16 AM.
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