Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 10-12-2010, 07:20 AM   #68 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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heart ^ Postie 2

Chapter Twenty Three

“Are you comfy?”
“Yes – Harry, stop fussing please” she smiled reaching for his hand to caress her cheek, “I love you but your driving me mad”
“I’m sorry, I just don’t want your mum to have an excuse to abuse me for not taking care of you two properly”
“She hasn’t been here in a month; she’s only coming today because you asked her too”
“You told her not to come round until she’d come to terms with it Gin, I don’t think she has, I don’t think she will but she has to see your alive as much as she’s trying to avoid it”
“I don’t see why she’s been sending round Dad to do her dirty work; she should be annoying me herself”
“She doesn’t want to see you like this” He said carefully,
“What pregnant, happy and loved up with the best boyfriend in the world looking after my every whim?”
“I mean tired -” he kissed her softly “- pale, pregnant-” he kissed her once more as there was a knock on the door “- and bedridden”
“Couch ridden now” she smiled as he walked to the hallway leaving the door open to open the front one to Molly, Arthur, Ron and Bill.
“Harry” Arthur said walking in as Harry stepped aside to lead them in, - she brought back up then –
Harry made to sit next to Ginny; she sat up patting the space seeing him approach as everyone else took up the couches,
“She shouldn’t be sitting like that, give her some space” Molly started immediately and Ginny reached for his hand to pull him to her in case he attempted to follow her mothers orders in their own home.
“Harry can sit where he wants and he wants to sit with me”
She turned so her back was to his side and his arms around her protectively, her knees bent under the large purple blanket.
“You should be lying down”
“I’ve been lying down for the last month, I’m allowed one day-”
“- You should be in bed”
“- Mum, if your planning to complain for the whole time just go home now”
Harry’s head moved down of his own accord to rest on top of hers, and he whispered to her “Behave”
“I am” she said with a small smile “So Bill, how are you?”
“Fine little sister, you?”
“We’re good” she nudged Harry with her elbow “This one’s been looking after us, I’m not even allowed to brush my own teeth”
“Slight exaggeration there Gin” he smirked,
“It’s just so they get the picture I hardly do anything for myself anymore”
“Glad to hear it” Bill smirked “So Harry you been kept busy then?”
“It’s for a good reason” he smiled as Ginny stroked his hand with her fingers, “I’m doing this for her”
“You know Ginny; you’ve got him wrapped around your finger”
“He doesn’t mean me silly – when he says ‘her’ he means her” she said looking down and patting her tiny baby bump gently, “You too Gin, you know what I mean”
“Of course I know Harry” she turned to kiss his cheek, “I know you inside out”
“It’s a ‘her’?” Molly said slightly wobbly as if knowing the sex had an influence over her daughter doing this,
“Maybe, I mean when we both talk the baby it ends up being ‘her’ and when we imagine her – even at the beginning we both imagined a girl”
Molly didn’t say anything else,
“Hmm a niece, I could get used to the thought” Bill said with a grin, “But if it’s a boy will you be annoyed?”
“Honestly we’re not fussed as long as they survive” Ginny said wrapping her arm around herself, holding Harry’s their as well and trying not to cry.
Harry felt her body shaking a little and whispered to her “She’s going to be fine” A small smile appeared on the edge of her lips, “She’s going to be perfect like her mummy”
They watched in the quiet before Ron started in the silence
“Yes” he replied watching Ron’s attempt to talk while looking at his feet,
Harry shut down, his arms twitching holding her to him even more protectively then the moment before,
“Harry” Ginny said calmly, “It’s ok, he can say her name”
“No it’s not” he said coldly “You told them what she said?” he asked Ron, as his feet shuffled on the floor his eyes still staring at them intently,
“Right then, so we don’t bring her up” Harry replied “You tell them, she tells them and then we might talk”
“Why can’t you just tell them?” Ron muttered
“Because it’s up to her or you, you want to tell them Ron?”
“Well no but…”
“You’re still dating her right?” Ginny asked, Ron nodded “Well then do it because she doesn’t stand a chance without it”
“Can’t you just forgive her?”
“NO!” shouted Ginny and made to get up throwing off the cover, “I can’t ‘just’ forgive her!” Harry’s arm was still there and he walked her into the other room closing the dividing doors as Molly tried to come in.

“I’m fine” she started to walk back and forth across the wooden floor boards holding her stomach, “She’s fine, and I don’t want to talk about it”
“Your pacing like a fruitcake sweetheart, calm down” he said sitting a the table watching her, there was no point in stopping her, she would get there by herself.
“I’m calm” she stopped and sat on his lap “See” she held his hand to her heart; it was racing under his fingertips but slowing down as she breathed. He calmed her like nothing else, his arms around her, his comforting warm embrace and his familiar smell, “I love you”
“Love you too” he stroked her hair,
“I want them to leave” she said curling into him “I think I’m going to lie down for a bit, don’t worry I’m just -” she yawned “- a bit tired”
“Alright” he smiled, “Let me take you up though”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way”
He lifted her up gently and walked through the other door and up the stairs. Bill appeared at the bottom of them,
“Is she ok?”
“Asleep” he said pausing on the step “I’ll be right back”
He nodded carrying her up the rest of the way,
“Thanks” she mumbled “For everything Harry”
“Stop saying thanks alright” he laid her on the bed and tucked her in “Cause you don’t need to” he kissed her “Now sleep”
“Hmm” she sighed, yawned again and closed her eyes.
Harry apparated down to the living room door,
“Harry, what’s going on?”
“Nothing, she just gets worn out quickly”
“This is ridiculous, she should be at home”
“She is at home, he’s happy, she knows you can’t deal with this – you are the only one by the way”
She stood up pointing angrily “Don’t you dare Harry Potter”
“She’s my fiancée, she’s having my baby and she’s living with me, you still don’t think any of this is happening, you think it’s happening too fast live with it because it’s going ahead without you otherwise”
“None of this should ever have happened!”
“She hears you say that and she’ll never speak to you again”
“You’ve got her brainwashed into your nonsense, when she dies for your baby never mind us forgiving you, what about you forgiving yourself for killing her”
Molly raised her hand to slap him, but his hand caught it with his seeker reflex’s “You don’t have the right to touch me, this is my house, and now I’m asking you to leave Molly” She stepped back in shock,
“You’ll kill her Harry; I’ll never forgive you that”
“Get out now” he said firmly “Before you force me to throw you out”
Arthur took her arm watching his face carefully; Bill was at the door pulling Ron with him. They left and Harry was already up the stairs as the door closed. He lay down beside her,
“Are you ok?” She rolled over to face him,
“Don’t you dare die on me Gin” he replied running his fingertips over her cheek “Because I can’t live without you”
“I’m not going anywhere” she kissed him softly “I promise, I’m never going to leave you”
“Their gone Gin, your mother – she nearly slapped me, I’ve screwed it up with them”
“Forget about them, we’re all the family we need” she wrapped him in her arms “You’re my everything, your baby only adds to that, I don’t care what they think, this is all that matters” There hands joined to envelop there baby bump, “We are happy, we’re in love and we’re having a baby, what more do we need” she smiled “I’ve got you two, I don’t need them”
“You do though, look what I’ve done I’ve made a mess”
“Shhh, Harry, its fine – I think we need to sleep now” she snuggled up closer to him and closed her eyes. He sighed and closed his own trying to clear his mind, trying not to think about the worst case scenario.

“Harry it’s time to go”
“I’m coming” he said with smile “The taxi here?”
“Yeah” she stood at the door hands on her four month old bump, “He’s taking a phone call” she rolled her eyes,
“Hmm – alright, lets go” he closed the door behind him leading her down the steps,
“Ehh she’s not having the baby right? – I don’t do mess in my cab”
“I’m not due for a while yet” Ginny frowned as Harry helped her in,
“Drive carefully alright, or you’re not getting paid” He said with smirk and got in the back seat beside her.

They got to the leaky cauldron eventually, and she pulled Harry’s hoodie on before they got out of the Taxi to hide the bump, but they were stopped before they even got to the way out of the small pub.
“Don’t Bill”
“Their worried alright”
“We’ve got an appointment” Ginny pulled on his arm as he spoke trying to get him to move,
“Just talk to them”
“Not a chance in hell Bill” Ginny said firmly “I’m not speaking to any of them until they apologise, I don’t need there spite, neither does Harry and neither does our baby” she hissed trying again to pull Harry away, he moved with her but Bill reached out and grabbed her wrist,
“Ginny think about what you’re doing to them, they love you, there just worried”
“Let go of her” Harry said as Ginny stared him down, Bill refused, “Let go” Harry said again drawing his wand pointing it at Bills chest, the whole bar turned to look,
“I don’t want any trouble” Tom said coming out from behind the bar “So lets calm down”
“Tell him to get his hands off my fiancée and we’ll get going” Harry muttered,
“I’m her brother; I just want her to see sense”
“I can see it without you having to force me to William” Ginny took her arm back as Bills grip loosened in shock,
“What has he done to you?” Bill said staring “You’re not Ginny anymore”
“Harry isn’t doing anything but support my decision to keep our child” Whispers gathered around the room, “Yeah that’s right people I’m pregnant” she smiled squeezing Harry’s hand that was in her own.
“We have to go – we’re going to be late” Harry muttered his eyes only on her and then the only escape near to them,
She nodded and started walking pulling him along behind her,
“Ginny give them a chance” Bill called out,
She stopped and turned back “When they don’t want me to abort my baby I might consider it”
They walked out and eventually ended up in there appointment with Penny.

“It’s looking good guys” she smiled “There’s only a small amount of-” she paused “- let me just- hmm” she paused and squinted,
“What is?” Ginny said urgently peering at the screen,
“This is a clot” she pointed to a dark area on the ultrasound “It must have been too small to register before but now – there’s potions we can give to sort it out, its not going to have a major affect unless it doesn’t dissolve”
Harry spoke as Ginny’s grip on his hand became more apparent, “And if not?”
“Then we have to go in, we’ll have to organise something with a muggle doctor”
“You mean surgery?” Harry asked
“Surgery – you mean cutting me open”
“But those doctors, they mess around that’s why I’m here, I’m not a muggle I’m a witch, surely there’s something the healers can do?”
“Ginny, these doctors are Witches and wizards, they know what there doing, they’ve trained as both for this reason – when there’s nothing else magic can do”
“But this is only in case the potion doesn’t work right”
“So we just have to give the potion a chance and if it doesn’t work…”
“The surgery will be to clear the clot, but if that doesn’t work it will be to – to”
“This is hard because I know you guys – but it will be to remove the baby”
“What but you said everything would be fine?!” Ginny said
“Look it will be if this works and if not the baby could still survive this early on, because it would take weeks for the potions to start having any affect”
“I’m only four months as it is”
“The surgery would have to be after the sixth month milestone, we’d be keeping you in hospital, keeping a check on you both and doing what we can”
“She’s not going to be cut out of me Harry” Ginny said angrily
“Ginny please”
“Ginny, this is all if the potion doesn’t work” Penny said “For now the only thing I can do is tell you the sex if you want to be sure”
“Yes” They said together,
“Well I’d say congratulations but you already know – it’s a girl”
“I told you” she smiled as Harry kissed her forehead,
“You did” he replied, stroking her hair thinking about there situation.
“Guys I’m going to organise the potions” she replied cleaning the goo off Ginny’s stomach with a wave of her wand and printing out the scan and handing it too them. Harry held Ginny watching her stare at the black and white image running her fingertips over it, “It’s not going to come to that Gin” he spoke feeling her in his arms,
“You don’t know that” she cried into his embrace, “I don’t know what I’ll do if – if, I can’t think of her not being now, she’s so real”
“The potions going to work”
“And what if it doesn’t – they can’t – I won’t let them”
“If you don’t you both won’t make it”
“I’m not going to choose my own life over my child’s Harry”
“I’m asking you to see that you can both be with me if you let the doctors do there job”
“You can’t force me”
“I can’t – but your mother is your next of kin and who do you think she’ll chose if something happens and you can’t make that decision, I don’t have a say in what will happen, you don’t have a say she’ll be in complete control”
“You’re my next of kin, you’re my family”
“Not really I’m not, not if she decides what happens to you and our baby – that’s your decision”
“Will you do as I ask Harry; will you let me do this my way if anything happens?”
“I can’t”
“Please Harry, will you?”
“I don’t know if I can choose not to save you Ginny”
“Please Harry, make that choice for me, do what I want and I’ll be happy”
“I’ll do what you want”
“So will you marry me?”
“Marry me, and then you can look after us in case something happens”
“You want to do this now?”
“Yes, and then if something does happen – if I don’t make it I’ll be yours, I’ll know your mine and it will be permanent”
“I don’t know what to say to that Gin”
“Say yes, please just say yes” she replied holding his cheek and looking into his eyes,
“Thank -” he cut her off with a soft kiss, “Today Harry” she murmured “I want to be yours today”
He nodded as Penny came back in,
“Alright, here’s the potion – one teaspoon a day for a month – you have stopped morning sickness right?”
“Yes” Ginny said wiping her eyes “Just nausea with smells and the cravings now”
“That’s a good sign that everything’s kept going even after the haemorrhage, I think she’s going to be ok Ginny”
“Uh huh” she smiled weakly taking Harry’s hand,
“Your all booked in for next month – I just have to measure-” she pointed her wand at her stomach as a tape measure came out recorded the width before Ginny pulled Harry’s hoodie back on snuggling herself into it encased in him.
Harry led her out to the busy street “Gin lets go home first, I want to talk to you”
“I’m sure I want to do this Harry, if your not then say it”
“I do, I just want to talk”
They caught the knight bus back, Harry sat her down “Ginny”
“I want to see if you want to do this properly, and I’d thought you’d like a chance to actually wear a dress on your wedding day”
“You mean you came back so I could get changed cause you don’t think I’d forgive you for not giving me the big white wedding you wanted too” she smiled, “It’s not about the big fuss anymore then it’s about my mother not giving us permission, I’m going to be yours, I want to be yours and I want you to have the opportunity to have a say in our family life when I can’t”
“Ok” he said with a small smile,
“I love you; please just tell me if you don’t want to”
“I do, let’s do it; we’ll need witnesses though”
There was knocking on the door,
“Leave it” Harry said,
“Go on, we’ve got time, I’m going to find a dress” she smiled. Harry went to the door as there was banging again,
Harry stared “Cara, Sophia what?”
“She lied to me, she bound my powers – I went to Cara, she brought me here, you’re the only one that’s told me the truth Harry, what am I supposed to do now?”
“I – I”
She swore “I’ve come at a bad time haven’t I, I can see it on your face - I’ll just go”
“No – wait – come in; you’ve actually come at the perfect time”
The two girls looked at each other,
“You can be witnesses, Ginny’s picking a dress, you help us and I’ll do anything for you guys”
“What?” Sophia said,
Cara squealed and jumped on him in a hug,
“Harry?” Ginny called down “Who is it?”
“Cara and Sophia” he called back as Cara released him,
“You talk to Sophia, I’m going to help the bride!” she grinned sprinting up the stairs,
“So she bound your magic, I didn’t know it was possible”
“So your getting married today” She smirked, “It is a bad time”
“No, you see we’re doing it so I can look after them, I can protect them from her mother”
“You seem to be doing a lot of that, mothers are dangerous, I bet Ginny’s going to be the only decent one on the planet”
Harry didn’t say anything, he was considering that she might not make it through the birth let alone to raise there daughter,
“How pregnant is she now?”
“Four months, we’re having a girl before you ask – but your problem, so she unbound you?”
“Yes, it came out in an argument, we were just getting through it all, Michael stayed with her dealing with the fact she’s a witch and then she tells me when I turned two I changed my pet cat to a rock statue that’s in the garden and she knew she had to protect me by stopping any magic from me at all!”
“Wow, so you’re not a squib after all, I was wondering how it was possible with the Black family’s genes” he smirked,
“What about my family?”
“Let’s just say the only decent member of that family was your dad hey”
“Oh god, I’ve inherited the worst family in wizarding history haven’t I?”
“Yeah but I’m guessing now your officially magical your really rich now too – the Black family as well as being crazy evil are also mega rich and filled with old blood – your wizarding bloodline is like pure – like blue blood in muggles”
“Great – hey it means I can move out though and I don’t have to be all pompous do I?”
“No - You’ll have to go to Hogwarts though”
“She mentioned that”
“I can set up a meeting with the Headmistress if you want”
“You’ve got enough to deal with at the moment”
“This will be a welcome distraction and I’d like to help you – I’ve finished school now, and with Ginny being house ridden”
“House ridden?” she asked worriedly “What’s happened?”
“There have been some problems with the baby, but lets not do this now” He stood up hearing her footsteps on the stairs and her laughing as Cara talked to her,
“We will talk Harry, I’m gonna be there for you just like you are for me” she said patting his shoulder tentatively,
“So what do you think?” Cara said presenting Ginny in a white summer dress, emerald ribbon at her waist showing off the bump “We had to change the colour – she can’t get married in red polka dot, and the green was her idea”
“Gorgeous” Harry smiled walking towards her and taking her hands “I couldn’t marry anyone more beautiful” Ginny’s hands moved theirs to her more pronounced baby bump, “She’s happy, she’s moving” she grinned,
“Whoa” he said holding his hands there, “She’s amazing”
“So you’re getting hitched today; any guests or just witnesses?”
“Just witnesses” Ginny smiled as Harry let go to put his arms around her shoulder, “How are you Sophia?”
“Good, I’m a witch apparently and I’m homeless” she grinned “But I’m going to inherit a fortune from my ridiculously rich but evil family”
“Ahh your officially a black when you know there history” she grinned “and as for homeless why don’t you stay with us?”
“I couldn’t”
“Yes you could, we’ve got like three empty rooms, and I could do with a girl to talk to – Harry is brilliant but I’m at a loss for more company at the moment”
She glanced between them “But your friends from school?”
“We’re not speaking, some things just aren’t worth it” she smiled a little as Harry squeezed her to him gently, “So Harry you know where to get married in Diagon alley?”
“The ministry – there’s a whole department, and we can show Sophia the best place in our world”
“What the ministry of magic?” Cara smirked,
“Nope – Fortescues ice cream shop” Ginny grinned,
“I was thinking more along the lines of the Quidditch emporium but hey” he shrugged, “Lets just go”
“But I can’t – I mean I don’t have a stick thing”
“You don’t have a wand, we’ll sort you out at the ministry to, you have to be registered – my dad works there, and you don’t need a wand to come with us we’ll take you – just not in a magical way unless you want spew in your hair?” she smiled up at Harry,
“She’s just a bit like a vomit volcano when we apparate, so we’ll take the knight bus”
“Nice” Cara smirked “And I don’t think Sophia will like apparition anyway – she nearly threw up when we got here but she was too angry”
“The bus it is” Harry grinned, “And off we go”
“Ah – not you just yet” Sophia smiled “Your not anywhere near decently dressed to be getting married Harry – you will be when I’m finished” She grabbed his arm “Come on, show me your wardrobe”
Ginny giggled watching and sat down on the couch, “I want to see this”
“What’s wrong with this – it’s clean”
“Nope” Sophia pulled him up the stairs, “Shirt and trousers not jeans and T Mr Potter”
They eventually got to diagon alley, making there way through the crowded pub once more only this time to be stopped by Tom, “Mr Potter”
“There’s someone upstairs looking for you”
He turned back “Who?”
“A Miss Whyte”
“We haven’t been here” Sophia replied as Harry nodded to her,
“She’s missing someone and she fits her description” Tom said gesturing to Sophia,
“You know me Tom; would I do something wrong unless it was to help someone else?”
“I’d say no but I’m weary of you now, you said you’d die and here you are standing before me”
“That I was not expecting – but being alive is a bonus Tom - don’t you think, and me the one that killed him – you don’t think I could do with a little favour right now when we’re trying to hide and we need help and you might just let me owe you one?”
“Go on then” Tom grunted “Be off with yah”
They left hurrying down to the ministry “Might not be time for a chocolate fudge sundae to celebrate hey Gin” Harry smiled as they walked inside,
“I tell you what we’ll find something better to do” she grinned “I think we’ll be ok”
RIP JD Salinger
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