Hello again guys. It's time for my next chapter, im sorry for the wait and all. And this happen's to be extreamly long And i probabaly wont be able to get a chapter this long again
Please Comment Chapter Ten:
I stared with disbelief at the Daily Prophet before me. It was propped up against a juice jug as I munched down my food. Politely, I might add. The spoon slipped from my hand and splashed some soup over my clean clothes, but I hardly noticed. I was staring at the page before me. Dean and Cho were sitting on either side of me. They both turned to stare at me, their eyebrows raised - which I never saw, since I was too busy staring at the paper in disbelief. The headline loomed from the page before me.
"Harry Potter A Coward?" It blared. The question spun round my head while I looked.
"Uh, Lavender, are you all right?" I heard Cho ask me, although it seemed so far away. I ignored her, still looking at the headline before me.
"Lavender." I heard Cho press forward. I shook her away. I swallowed as I curled my hands around the newspaper. I was going to throw It away, burn It or something. But before I could think of anything like that I felt someone grab my shoulder and turn me to face them. I noticed it was Dean.
"What's wrong Lavender?" He pressed urgently, scared. Merlin’s Beard, I'm not dying! I said In my head before waving the newspaper In his face.
"Have you seen this?" I asked, the paper dropped In front of him, splashing cereal everywhere. I watched at Dean picked up the paper and studied It, Cho peeking over his shoulder. I waited impatiently for them to finish. "Well...?" I asked once they both looked up, amusement playing on their faces.
"It's not real Lavender, It's just made up so Skeeter can have the limelight, as usual," Dean told me while Cho tried not to laugh behind him. I wasn't stupid, but...why aren't they defending Harry? I asked myself glaring at him.
"Fine. I'll go ask Hermione," I huffed, after a moment's pause I grabbed the newspaper and jumped up, storming over to where I knew Hermione would be.
I noticed she was sitting with Ginny and Mrs. Weasley. I also noticed Ron's retreating form leave the room - at which I was glad. Throwing myself down next to Hermione, I shoved the paper In front of her.
"What the hell does this mean?" I watched at the girl looked up at me In amusement. I was beyond thinking this was a joke, I had watched the famous Harry
Potter kill Lord Voldemort and she was having It thrown back In his face!? No I wasn't having any of it, he deserved better. And better then Ginny Weasley may I add, but I knew to keep my mouth shut on that one. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ginny watching me, and Mrs. Weasley walking away shaking her head. She took the soup with her.
Hermione flicked her eyes over the paper,
"Well It's what it looks like Lavender. Another article by Rita Skeeter" She responded, laughter in her voice.
"Don't talk to me like I'm stupid, Hermione. You and I both know its all rubbish!" I could feel my voice rising. But I really didn’t know why I was standing up for Harry, we never really got on. Maybe I thought that if I stood up for him Ron would see me as a better person than Hermione Granger.
"Don't you care what she's actually saying about Harry?" I asked before she could respond. The next bit became a surprise. I hadn't expecting the girl to flip like she had done. I jumped back as I suddenly saw Ginny’s face very close to mine. She looked angry. More than angry.
"How dare you!" She thundered. I jumped back, not really sure what was happening. I only commented!
"I didn’t mean it like that!" I cried trying to gather where the conversation was going. My head swarmed where I was confused about the whole situation. Ginny glared at me. Hermione had won the battle of getting Ginny to leave me, and for that I was thankful. The floor was really getting my clothes dirty, and I would have to go reapply my make-up again. Sigh.
I shakily lowered myself back onto the seat next to Hermione. The paper was still before us, at which I stole a glance at. My head was ringing as I waited for it to clear so I could actually hear what was being said around me. After a few minutes I began to hear what Hermione was hissing to Ginny, though I did have to strain my ears a little. I just noticed Dean sit next to me from the corner of my eye. I hadn't realized he had heard the conversation she had just had a few moments before with Ginny.
"...you really need to calm your temper Ginny....talk to Harry about It, I’m sure he'll understand....just talk to him..." Of course I only heard parts of their conversation as It really was such a low pitch for my ears. Though it did bug me not knowing what they meant. Still watching the girls I never noticed Dean come up behind me until he spoke in my ear.
"What was all that between you and Ginny?" He asked. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. And it was annoying. Not looking at him I waved him away just before Hermione turned back to me, whatever she had been saying to Ginny before had obviously sunk In.
"Well..." I asked folding my arms. The girl before me didn’t smile nor show any signs of laughter. She looked grave.
"Don't go kidding yourself, Lavender. Ron and I have been with Harry since he was eleven and Ginny not long after. Now I know all this has nothing to do
about the headline or Harry..." She paused.
"This has to do about me and Ron being together. Well let me tell you Lavender It's going to stay that way so you can just leave us alone." "He was never right for you," I shot back.
I huffed and pulled myself away from the table, was I ever going to get a proper answer? Were they ever going to take all this seriously? The question loomed in my head as I pushed past Dean and headed back to my seat. I never really knew why I had flipped like I had, cared so much about some stupid headline. It was all stupid. It's because you like Ron and hope he'd think your better then Hermione. A voice in my head told me.
Before I could get further then a few steps away I saw Harry and Ron enter the Great Hall. I froze, Dean at my elbow. I wished he would just leave me alone, I wish I could just have a few minutes with Ron. Tell him how I feel and make him love me. I watched them both walk towards us. Dean watched me while I watched the two boys advance towards us. Waving at him again to leave me alone I heard him huff and walk away. There goes that friendship for a while.
When they got close enough I watched Ginny throw herself Into Harry's arm's, burying her head In his chest. He held her close as he looked at Hermione quizzically. But before Ron took another step towards Hermione I jumped at the chance. Smiling I called his name.
"Ronald!" He turned to study me, also confused.
"Lavender," he replied, turning away a little.
"Oh..." I tugged his sleeve
"Have you seen today Daily Prophet?" I asked, trying to make conversation. Make him look me In the eye and love me again.
He pulled free and nodded. No words, just actions. Frowning I decided to try a different method.
"I seem the only one to really care about It" I said, my voice raising a little. I flicked a glance at Hermione and Ginny smirking. Staring back at Ron I realized he was staring at me as If I had lost It, I might have but I wasn't going to agree.
"You can't be serious. Everyone knows anything written by Rita Skeeter Is rubbish" He told me, turning his back on me. I couldn't believe that he was just
turning his back on me, after everything we went through sixth year. Didn’t that mean anything? He meant everything to me. But I knew it would never be, I just didn’t want it to end. Time for something new, he'd regret leaving me after this. I opened my mouth.
"You'll regret letting me go Ronald. When you end it with her..." I glared at Hermione. If glares could kill I certainly achieved that!
"When you break up I shan’t be there to help you. You’ll be on your own" I angrily said to him turning away. Hermione, Ginny and Harry hadn't said a word.
"What makes you think me and Hermione will break up?" He paused while I turned slightly in his direction.
"And what makes you think I'll turn to you for help?" The tips of his ears had turned red, a sign of anger. Sigh. He was always so cute when he was angry. Without thinking I walked over and kissed him lightly on the cheek.
"Believe me you will" I whispered in his ear.
"When you realize I mean more to you then her!" I added stepping back. Oh how I loved him.
"And I will prove It!" I said more loudly turning away. I would show him like I said, I was far better than that Hermione Granger any day.
I was going to enter the Wizard Games.