Join Date: Nov 2007
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Eliza Bellerose Slytherin Second Year
| Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate Text Cut: Replies to everyone! Quote:
Originally Posted by Ashwinder Kellen considered this, before raising his hand, "Professor, don't boggarts prey on your insecurities? I mean, fear is a strong insecurity that a person has, but just because they fear nothing doesn't mean that they aren't experiencing any insecurities at the time. So would it not take the shape of whatever would encourage those insecure feelings?" Spinning around exceitedly, Lexi pointed at Kellen. "Yes! That's right! Good point," she said. "Boggarts have a funny little way of creeping on you in ways you least expected. Remember, they're dark creatures--they'll seek to find ways to overpower you." Quote:
Originally Posted by city_girl_95 Amy put her hand up this was quite a debate and she wanted to be part of it, surely it is imposible to fear nothing, perhaps you may be frightened of fear or it may be something very subtle that only you know about deep down, but everyone must have a fear, it's one of the things that makes us human, we can love and fear at the same or at different times. She paused. To say you fear nothing does almost insinuate that you arn't quite human, that you don't have any emotion, and perhaps that would be the form the boggart would take, you having nothing she finished and put he hand down, it was probably all wrong, but that was her opinion, nothing wrong with that Nodding, Lexi said, "Right, I agree. I'm also unsure as to whether it's truly impossible to fear nothing. Surely each of us has a loved one that we would hate to see in a trying situation," she said, looking out at the class as a whole. "Mmhmm, a boggart will bring out things in you that you never even thought of before. That's just how they work." Quote:
Originally Posted by Pink Ninja "If, in fact, someone did fear nothing maybe the boggart would just take it's true shape, which no one is actually sure of," Lexi D suggested as she raised her hand. "But, if you have someone with you when facing a boggart I would assume that the thing would just move on to the next person and take the shape of what that person fears," she continused thoughtfully. "Hmm, that's a good point, but then again, if that's true, I believe it would have already happened," she said, a thoughtful look on her face. "As of right now, no one knows the form a boggart takes when it is alone and with no one to face. I like that idea about the boggart taking the shape of what the person with you fears, too." Quote:
Originally Posted by lilithpotter "There can never be a person who has no fear but if to say that it was true than the boggart would probably just turn to its regular form, I guess" she said "The boggart is only in its true form when it's alone and facing no one. When it comes out to face a fearless person, it'll find something fearful to show that person," she remarked. Quote:
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 Riley was pretty intrigued by this question and tried to find the person who asked it. He had never seen a boggart and was sure he would have plenty for the thing to turn into should it ever happen, but for someone to fear nothing? "Well Professor perhaps the Boggart would attack the person and cause them to fear Boggarts?" Riley said slowly, trying to make sure he made sense. Hopefully he did. Lexi paused for a moment and considered what Riley had said. It was a good idea, and so she nodded as she replied. "Hmm, that's a good idea...which is why it's best to have someone with you and to know the proper way to cast Riddikulus," she said. Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl What? Whaaaaaaaaat? What was that look for? Fletcher wasn't trying to get smart with the professor; he was just pointing out something that would help the class share a giggle or two and not be so afraid of the boggart.
"Whatever," he muttered under his breath, his gaze sliding to Salander for a moment. "We're still calling it Humphrey."
He folded his arms crossly and barely put up his hand to respond. "Well first of all, if a person claims to fear nothing, they're obviously lying." He rolled his eyes. "And second of all, I bet the boggart would come up with something for them to fear. Like it would turn into an exact carbon copy of the person and start attacking them or something. Something extreme and strange."
Silly Humphrey the Class Boggart. Although she tried not to, Lexi did laugh just a little as Fletcher claimed the fearless person would be lying. Leave it to Fletcher to be the one to bring that up! "Yes, it would come up with something, although, I guess we'll see just what that'll be in a moment," she answered eying the desk a she spoke. Quote:
Originally Posted by Tazenhani He didn't like all this talk about Boggarts. It had set him to shifting uncomfortably in his chair. Fears were his weak point right now, especially given his Christmas holidays and he found himself wondering exactly how he would end up making the Boggart into something he could laugh about. Surely the teacher wouldn't release such a thing in front of younger students who could well be petrified by it.
Shaking his head, he focussed on the question, pushing his own thoughts away. "It might show that person a reflection of themself, as they are. If someone says they fear nothing, then they are not willing to look at themselves in such a critical light as to admit a fault. So, they fear themselves and the faults they don't want to admit." Lexi could only stop and stare at Sabel as she listened to his reply. To be honest, this was a thought even she had never thought of before, and so it took her by surprise to hear it and let it sink in. "Wow...good idea, Mr. Dakest. That's really something to think about," she responded. It took her a moment before she could move on. Her mine was set on thinking more about what the boy had said. Quote:
Originally Posted by springbaby "Honestly," Daisy said raising her hand. "I don't think anyone is truly scared of nothing. No matter how... amazing they think they are." She frowned a bit, "Everyone has a fear. Sometimes it's something you really wouldn't technically think is a fear. For example, fearing that you could possibly lose someone important in your life." She shook her head, she was getting off subject of the questions presented before her. "Though if a person as such did exist I would suspect the boggart would show it's true form, whatever that may be." Then a thought occurred to her, "Professor, what exactly does a boggart look like in it's true form?" Nodding, Lexi said, "That was my first thought, too--that it would show the person something that they would fear if it were to happen. Like, for instance, the death of a loved one," she said. Lexi then shrugged. "No one knows what a boggart looks like in its true form. It's only ever appeared as someone's greatest fear. If only the boards that make up this desk could talk...they'd tell us what they see inside." Quote:
Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy Er, fear nothing? Emmaleigh had no clue about that, but she did raised her hand to ask about something that had been bothering her, "Um, I don't know about not fearing anything, but what happens when the thing you fear is the boggart its self?" Because thats what Em thought she feared the most. Sure she had other fears, but at the moment, she was seriously panicking because all she could think about was the scary boggart. Whoa. Now that was a good question. Again, Lexi stopped to consider the answer. "When a person thinks of a boggart, the first thing they think of is fear. For that reason, when a person encounters a boggart, fear itself is the first and foremost thought on their mind," she started. "In this case, the boggart has been known to show a random assortment of fearful objects, creatures, or people--anything to frighten a person." Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen He gave his buddy a firm nod. Yeah he wanted to call the boggart Bogart Humphrey because he wanted to see the great movie icon to come out from under those sheets. Unfortunately the lad still wasnt associating the boggart lesson with his own wishes of seeing the Bogart's ghost until he heard this.......
He dropped his arms and quit his seance, only dawning on him then that the boggart or whatever it was that lay beneath was supposed to represent one's fears. Brows furrowed slightly he replied "Well, if you aint afraid of nuthin', then... you'll find out soon enough wontcha? Guess you gotta see it first to know right?" says the lad who too had no fears. At least none that he was aware of. "...and that is just what I've been thinking all alone," she said, with a smile. "Yup, they'll find out soon enough, as will we all." As she talked, she scooted the desk, which was on wheels, toward the center of the room. Showtime.
Well, almost. Quote:
Originally Posted by B~Lee brittany raised her hand. "I honestly dont think its possible for anyone NOT to be afraid of anything. Its kinda irrational. to me anyway. But I suppose the Boggart would self destruct because its has no purpose. It cant find anything to imitate. "she said hoping the professor understood "Now that's a though. Perhaps it would just appear as a puff of smoke, and then it would...poof...into nothingness. That's definitely a possibility," she agreed. "A boggart only survives where there is fear. If there were to be no fear, there would be no boggart." Quote:
Originally Posted by HogwartsHokage Jenny raised her eyebrows. Is it really possible to fear nothing? In fact, Jenny wondered what it would feel like to fear nothing at all. "If there is someone who feared nothing, it would be extremely difficult to find that person." Jenny replied as she was pondering. "If someone did fear nothing, I think the the boggart would put way more effort into finding what his or her biggest fear is. At some point, there might be some little worry in our hearts that we're not even aware of, and the boggart would be able to look through that." "Mmhmm, like fear of failure or fear of losing something or someone we love very much," Lexi agreed. "Boggarts are really good at finding those things." Quote:
Originally Posted by mellamaet Cass shook her head in disagreement. It was not possible to fear nothing. So she raised her hand and said "Professor, one cannot be afraid of nothing. If they claim that they really aren't afraid of anything then that must mean that they are afraid of fear itself. After all, if you weren't afraid of anything, then that must mean that you're afraid to be afraid."
Cass was now really confused with her answer. "Ohh, now that's a good one, too! I like that--afraid of fear itself! It'd be interesting to see the boggart in that situation," she commented. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mrs. Weasley Sidney finishes writing her notes. She then places the tip of her quill's feather up to her chin. How can someone fear nothing? I fear so many things. Could there be something wrong with me? "Professor if someone fears nothing, the boggart wouldn't have anything to turn into. Wouldn't it remain in its natural state?" That would be interesting to see since no one has every seen a boggart look like a boggart. Lexi shook her head. "I don't think we'll ever see it in it's natural state. I think the boggart would cease to exist, since it thrives and lives off fear alone," she remarked. Come to think of it, though, she was rather curious as to what was inside those desk drawers--what was really inside, specifically. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Kurumi frowned. Josh would say something like that, but she was sure he had to be afriad of eating a bad cookie. "Professor," Kurumi said with a raised hand. "Isn't fear learned behavior? Children are born completely fearless, and slowly learn how to be afraid of things as they get older. I don't think there is anyone in this room that can say they are not afraid of losing their friends or family." She paused and hoped that her classmates were not heartless people. "Courage doesn’t exist without fear. So for someone to say they do not fear anything to me means that they also do no have any courage." She was quickly getting off topic. Rewind back to the boggart. "I still think a boggart would find something deep down inside a person to change into." "Right, Miss Hollingberry. Even a child, though, fears--ohh, losing their mother in a shop or restaurant. True, they are fearless when they are born, but they aren't without a heart, as you know," she said. "Surely anyone fears losing that which matters to them the most." Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger At the discussion of fears, and boggarts, and everything, Grayson had lapsed into a bit of a mental tangent about what she thought she feared. And she'd ignored the question posed by Josh, as it hadn't seemed that interesting to her. It wasn't as amusing as Salander's insistence the boggart was the Muggle actor, actually, and that discussion seemed to have paused for now. So she kept quiet, thinking about what she thought the boggart might turn into if she faced it.
Until a little Slytherin girl mentioned fearing fear, and her hand instinctively shot up. "Historically, it's mentioned that it was possible Harry Potter's boggart being a dementor meant he feared fear most of all. I don't think anyone would say he didn't fear anything, though. Someone that didn't fear anything would probably be a danger to themselves, even without facing a boggart, anyway. 'Cause they'd get themselves into situations where they should use their fear to be more careful, and wouldn't do so." Maybe she had a bit of that problem, but she didn't think she wasn't afraid of anything. "Boggarts will take the form of whatever they think will affect you most. So I doubt it would really be bothered if you thought you feared nothing." "That's a good point, Miss Kelly. The boggart would seek out something that would trigger an emotion, state of shock, or...well, a person," she agreed, nodding her head. "A dementor does seem likely to appear for a fearless person, ...yes." Quote:
Originally Posted by Dianna Malfoy "I don't think that is possible Professor." Dianna said as she raised her hand. "I mean everyone even the toughest of the tough has a weak spot, don't they?" she said. It would be awesome to see a fearless person though. If those kind did exist. "Although if their was a kind of person like that then maybe the boggart won't mind him or her at all and just..simply walk..or in other terms float away..." she said with a tone of doubt. Beh, this was a trick question was it? "I do agree that it would be really interesting to see the boggart come out for a fearless person. However, if we," she said, motioning to the class, "were in here to see that happen, the boggart would likely shift to one of our fears instead." Quote:
Originally Posted by Mrinal [COLOR="Blue"]Alex definitely had something to say about this. "Professor" Alex again raised her hand "as a matter of fact when a person does not have any fear which is unlikely to happen the shape of a Boggart will be its original shape. Or it may happen that it will be in an abstract form. Both is possible.
Person may fearless but Boggart may take the form of something that bothers the person the most.." Alex did not know what she was speaking, whether she is making any sense or not but this was it. Alex wanted to suggest something but she did not know whether suggesting anything will be right at this time. "Excuse me professor. Do you mind a suggestion. If we want to see what could happen if the fearless person stands in front of a boggart why not do it practically so that we all could see what happens." Alex said nervously.
She did not wanted any attention so she said in very low tone so that only professor could here her. "Yes, I agree," Lexi said, nodding when Alex mentioned he boggart shifting into something that would bother the fearless person the most. "Oh, don't worry, we'll all find out what happens when a boggart is released soon enough." Quote:
Originally Posted by CreativeAllie18 "Well perhaps it's more of an issue as they haven't faced something they fear yet. I mean, ultimately no one knows what they are afraid until they actually experience the first time, so would the boggart be able to sense what the person would be afraid of?" Alice asked. "Hmm, that's a possibility. Perhaps the boggarts would be responsible for creating a fear in a person--by showing them something that'll put the fear in them," she said. It was definitely something to consider. Quote:
Originally Posted by potiongirl10 Amy raised her hand "well if a person said they fear nothing the bogart might transform into something they were secretly afraid of or something they didn't know they were afraid of, but if they really fear absolutely nothing then the boggart would probably just go away, i guess but a boggart can sense everyones fear even if they don't know what they are"she looked at the lump in the sheet again, were they going to have to face that boggart? "I agree. Like she said," Lexi began, nodding toward Alice, "it's possible that a boggart would create a fear in a person by showing them that fear for the first time." Quote:
Originally Posted by MissFeenella Fee heared Hugo's question and couldnt help but smile. That was like the cutest thing on earth.
Fee was sure he would find someone and be happy. The world would be crazy if not.
Fee raised her and.
"I personally think its not possible to fear nothing. You may think you are fearless but if you face your fear you you cant ignore it. No one is fearless."
What would taht boggart look like?! Think Fee..
" I could imagine the boggart to show you yourself as a person that fears everything." "Mmhmm, it could very well show you a depiction of yourself in some of the most helpless and hopeless positions," Lexi responded. Quote:
Originally Posted by Canoir Greengrass Freya raised her hand "It's impossible to fear nothing, Professor. Fear itself a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of danger. In another word we couldn't life without fear." she said. Lexi blinked as the girl, Freya she thought her name was, gave a dictionary-perfect definition of the word fear. Hmm, intelligent girl, yes... "Right, which is why it would be so easy for a dark creature to prey off that and find something deep within us to appear as," she said. Quote:
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker Fear nothing?!?!?... Lara thought that it can't be! she looked around to see who's said this.. she was sure it was a Gryffindor they all think the same Pffff.
But what if it was possible, what would the Boggart do?? well that's the question isn't it?an idea came to Lara's mind as usual "Maybe the person will see that he fears something and the Boggart turned into it, but I don't think that there's anyone who doesn't fear anything, anyway..." Lara said as her hand was raisen. Lexi shook her head. "No, I don't think so either," she agreed. "I believe it would definitely find something to show that fearless person." Quote:
Originally Posted by MissGlee Oooh, this was a toughie. A person who feared nothing? Was that even possible? I mean everyone feared something, right? Luna raised her hand. "Maybe the person who feared nothing wouldn't be able to see the boggart," Luna said. "Yes, but only if they truly feared nothing at all--and if they truly had no one or nothing they loved," she said, nodding once in Luna's direction. Quote:
Originally Posted by CharGryffindor A person who feared nothing? Was that even possible? Surely everyone feared SOMETHING, right? She wasn't sure, but she had another question. "I'm not sure, but Professor... what if somebody feared the concept of the Boggart itself? Do you think it would show its true form then, if the person it was facing feared the idea of a Boggart itself, rather than what the Boggart turns into?" She enquired. She wasn't sure if the question made sense, but it was something she had been wondering. Maybe she should ask Professor Tate; he was the DADA Professor, afterall. "No, I don't think it'll ever show it's true form. I think it would just cease to exist, as it'd have nothing to exist for," she remarked.
"It's true that no one knows what a boggart looks like when it isn't in our presence. Remember, a boggart only exists as our fear, so if a person was truly fearless, I believe the boggart would just cease to exist," she said, circulating the room again. "It would have nothing to exist for and would therefore be...well, nothing at all." "A fearless person, as I mentioned to some of you, would also have to be a person who neither loved nor cared for any other in this world. Meaning, it wouldn't bother that person at all to see their family and friends in a devastating state," she continued. "I think that each of us has someone or something we care for, and I also think the boggart would seek that out and transform into...some part of it."
==================== "Today, we'll all get a turn to face the boggart and see it transform into that which we fear the most. Before we do that, though, everyone will need to get the incantation and wand movement down pat. Unfortunately, there's no 'fake boggart' to practice on. You'll see if your casting is successful when you finally face the creature," she explained, looking out at the class.
With her wand, she guided a piece of chalk to write the following on the board: Quote: - The incantation is Riddikulus, and the wand movement is a simple point of the wand in the direction of the boggart.
- The spell alone will not work. You must have a strong mind and good concentration.
- Concentrate with all your might on something that will cause you laughter. "On the board are the instructions for defending yourself against a boggart. There is no boggart now, so you'll just be practicing and pretending. However, I'll stop you in just a bit, and the real boggart will be released," she said, emphasizing the word real. "Go ahead and practice the steps now." OOC: Just to make sure it's clear, Lexi did not release the real boggart. She'll get to that in a bit, though! It's practice time now!
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