Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
| xxx Chapter Twenty – One
He lay there watching her wake up. The yawn on her lips, her eyes blinking and adjusting to the light. Her arms were stretching, reaching for him as she murmured his name. “Harry”
“I’m right here” he leant down and kissed her,
“Hmm” she smiled pulling herself up to lay on his chest “I love you” she mumbled,
“Love you too” he whispered in her ear and kissed her forehead, running his fingertips along her cheek “It’s time to wake up though Gin”
“Because we have to go back to school”
“Gin, come on, it’s been weeks and you said you wanted to go back, I’m coming with you”
“But we won’t get to see you” she mumbled one of her hands travelling to the tiny pronounced bump between her hips, “And I’m still – Urgh” she got up and ran to the toilet, he followed her
“You’ve still got morning sickness” he stroked her hair, moving it out of the way and holding it as she vomited again he wasn’t grossed out with it like he was the first time “But it will pass soon”
“And then there are the months of getting massive”
“Your getting caught up in what’s going to take ages, Gin you can’t just stay here alone for months, I’m sure Luna and everyone are waiting for you to get back, you said you were ready”
She brushed her teeth and sat on the toilet seat looking at him, “Are we all packed?”
“Then how are we getting to the station?”
“I booked a taxi since apparition just makes you projectile vomit” he smiled “I don’t think Ron would appreciate it a second time”
“He did throw away that jacket right?”
“He said no matter how many times Molly washed it, zapped away the sick and gave it back to him he wasn’t going to wear it again – it went to a muggle charity shop”
“So I guess I owe him one…”
“I sorted it don’t worry”
“Just a jacket, and it’s kind of my fault hey” he grinned sitting beside her on the edge of the bath and reached to lift up her cheek so she looked at him, “Shall we get dressed now then?”
“Ok” she smiled and took his hand as he helped her up. “But…”
“Hmm” he said turning to her as they walked,
“Do we have time to...?”
“Uh huh” he smiled at her little,
“Cause you know once we’re at school” She put her arms round his neck, “There’s like no where that’s private, and we’re not going to have anytime with all these exams”
“Yeah, yeah” he smiled kissing her softly, “And the fact you’re going to be so tired carrying around a baby, a load of books and busy being sick has nothing to do with it”
“Are you saying that because I’m going to turn into a tired, fat whale it’s going to put you off?” She said removing her arms to fold them at her chest,
“I think your going to be glowing, gorgeous and pregnant” he leant into kiss her “And nothing will stop me -” and again “- from finding you as beautiful as I always have”
“Sure” she mumbled
“You keep that complaining up and we’re going to run out of time”
“When’s the taxi coming?”
He glanced at the clock behind her “An hour and a half”
“Time enough for – last minute packing” she grinned running past him and into the bedroom,
“No you don’t” he laughed, reaching for her waist and pulling her into a kiss.
They reluctantly got into the taxi, or at least Harry made Ginny get in the taxi while he put the trunks in the boot and the taxi driver smoked and coughed watching him and then trying to chat up Ginny while he went inside for the owls, “Harry come on” Ginny hissed urgently out the window to him and gestured her head to the driver as he send Hedwig off to fly there as one less thing to carry. He got in and looked at the meter, he’d had it running the whole time and sighed, the guy wasn’t going to get a tip at this rate.
They arrived and Ron was there waiting with Hermione ready to help take the trunks
“Are you ok Gin, you look a little – peaky”
“Just a bit – his crazy driving combined with that smell – what the hell is that?” she sniffed miserably,
“That pie stand I think” Harry said hugging her too him,
“It’s gross” She heaved,
Hermione grabbed her arm and led her too the public toilets, Harry looked at his watch, “We’ll take the trunks and put them on the train, we’ve got time to go and meet them on there way in, she’ll be a while”
“At least it wasn’t my good jacket and hair again” Ron muttered,
“Yeah I think you missed a bit, there’s a chunk of carrot still in there” Harry smirked,
“Oh real funny aren’t you” he said as they dragged the four trunks, with the three animals on top,
“I’m hilarious”
“Wait up, it passed” called out Hermione with Ginny holding her hand and holding her nose with the other. Harry turned, laughed, and they waited for them.
Somehow they managed to get a compartment and sat relieved. He wrapped his arm round Ginny and she snuggled into his embrace, “I hope your not to busy to hold me like this when we get to school”
“You worry to much” he said with a smile and kissing her forehead as the train started to move,
“It’s strange to be going back don’t you think?” Asked Ginny of Hermione and Ron,
“A bit” Ron shrugged,
“I can’t wait, to think of all I’ve missed, what we have to catch up on and all those that have muggle parentage that weren’t allowed to come back that are now, we’ve got so much to do that it’s going to be so hard to-”
Harry gave her a look that said to keep quiet and his eyes glanced at Ginny’s face and back to hers, so she got the idea that talking about how much work they were likely to have, wasn’t going to help her current mental state - already being anxious about a whole load of other stuff…
“It will all be fine” Harry said firmly “There will be work to do but not so much that there won’t be time to spend with you, and I’m pretty sure we should be ok, we’ve got Hermione’s brains on our side and I think McGonagall and the rest of the teachers aren’t going to give us a hard time since we pretty much saved the wizarding world in the five months we missed”
Ginny considered what he said, tried to reassure herself and then closed her eyes trying to imagine what their baby looked like now and what she would become.
The minutes passed, she was comfortable in his arms, comfortable enough to fall asleep and he hadn’t moved an inch except to stroke her hair once within the first few minutes of her thoughts,
“I think she’s asleep” Ron said and she didn’t move so they would assume so,
“Nope, she’s awake” Harry said quietly “She makes that face when she’s off day dreaming” she could hear the smiling in his voice, “And her eyes are moving more then they do when she’s asleep”
“Aww, you watch her sleep that’s so cute” Said a nearly unfamiliar voice until she recognised it as being Lavenders,
“More like gross, I don’t wanna know that kinda stuff” Seamus groaned,
She must have been asleep at some point, she didn’t remember them coming in the compartment,
“There engaged dumb-dumb, when you live with someone you watch them sleep, you watch them eat, you watch them doing everything so you know them inside out just like they know you”
It sounded like both Ron and Seamus had made vomiting gestures so Ginny opened her eyes, “Lavenders right guys, get over yourselves if anything you should be jealous of Harry, he’s getting something neither of you two are”
“Urgh!” they groaned simultaneously,
“Idiots – he’s getting a relationship where he has such a connection with the other person he knows things about them that are minuscule – that’s special, and it’s not what you two are thinking” she smirked “Although -” Harry put a hand over her mouth to stop her going any further, her eyes smiled and she turned her head to look at him saying that she wouldn’t add anything to that sentence. He released her mouth and Seamus stood up,
“I’m going before I puke, you coming Lav?”
“Hmm, ok, lets go” She sighed “See you guys later”
They said there goodbyes and then the food trolley came round, they had been expecting a visit from some Slytherin’s even if they weren’t of the Malfoy variety but it seemed non would come.
“Are you sure Ginny?” Harry said for the third time,
“Perfectly sure, we’re not hungry” she shrugged,
The trolley lady looked slightly bewildered when Ginny said we’re not I’m and Hermione caught on saying,
“We’re good”
Harry realised what she was saying and gave in just getting an extra two pumpkin pasties in case ‘they’ changed there mind.
“You’re talking as if your two people Gin it’s going to give it away, I thought you wanted to tell when your ready?”
“It just comes out”
“We just need to be more careful if you want it to stay secret at Hogwarts a little longer”
“I know, I know” she mumbled as they changed into there uniforms, the blinds down in the compartment and Ron and Hermione off to find empty toilets to change in before it got too busy.
She pulled her shirt on doing up the buttons, she paused a hand on her stomach. She was just standing there in her shirt, tie and underwear her palm pressed to her baby,
“What’s wrong are you ok?” Harry asked his head escaping through the opening in his jumper,
“Uh huh, just-”
She took his hand and placed it where hers had been, “There’s really a baby in there, a life, it’s strange knowing, and she already feels like such a part of me”
He stared “She?”
“Every time I think of what she looks like, I see a girl, with my hair and your eyes”
“That’s really weird”
“I know”
“No its weird cause that’s what I see too” he replied, “Always”
“That’s what I see, but you two are in our garden playing, she has hair just like yours and you’re chasing her, playing in the garden”
“You think we’re right, you think it might be a girl?” she asked in earnest,
“Maybe” he shrugged and pulled her into a hug, “Either way I’m happy”
“Hmm, I think I’d like a girl though”
“Just don’t be disappointed if it’s a boy will you” he smiled,
“I won’t” she pouted as there was a knock on the door,
“You guys changed yet?”
“Yes” Ginny called before Harry could stop her, he let go and blocked the door,
“No” he called out “Ginny your missing something” he said to her with a smile and she looked down
“Oh – hold on” she laughed pulling on her skirt, “– erm Harry, do you know enlargement charms?” she said undoing the zip, it was just a bit too tight,
“Yeah” he pointed his wand and the skirt released her an inch so she could do it up comfortably,
“That’s so depressing” she sighed opening the door,
“Just think of all the clothes you can buy for her ok” Harry whispered stepping aside and sitting down,
“It’s a girl?” Hermione said excitedly, walking in,
“Hermione” Harry replied as Ron closed the door, “We’re trying to keep the fact that there’s even an it quiet remember”
“Oh, yes, sorry” she mumbled sheepishly but became excited once again “But you know it’s a girl?”
“Nope” Ginny smiled settling beside Harry again, “But we just worked out that when either of us thinks of what the baby might be we imagine a girl” She shrugged, “Red hair, green eyes”
“You’re going to have to think of names soon, times going to pass so quickly” Said Hermione as Ron sat in silence listening and brooding over the topic of conversation,
“I don’t know” Harry shrugged, “I’ll leave it up to you Gin”
“I like the idea of your parent’s names”
“What- you do?”
“Well there going to be a Potter aren’t they, so why not chose there grandparents, it’s tradition to include them in both our world and the muggle world”
“I did just say I’d leave it up to you, but I might change my mind, isn’t weird to name a kid after dead relatives?”
“They’ll never be forgotten and with your genes he’s either going to be mistaken for you or James anyway or the red hair will probably only hit a girl so she’ll look like Lily”
“Never thought of that, great our kids are going to look like my dead parents”
“Harry you look like them” Ginny said smirking at him, “And are you planning more kids anytime soon, because I think I’ll have to have something to do with that decision”
“I think we should aim for seven” he joked, Ron got up and left as Hermione and Ginny laughed, he stood up and made to walk out after him but Ginny grabbed his hand,
“Leave him to be grumpy”
“I want to know what he’s grumpy about” Harry said trying to pull away gently,
“He’ll come back once he’s taken his anger out on a Slytherin or something”
“I’d rather he punched me then get in trouble for hitting someone that doesn’t deserve it”
“Cause you deserve it do you?” she asked trying to keep him there in the conversation,
“I think so, I’m the problem”
“No, it’s that you’re with me, that’s his problem and he’ll have to get over it”
“Can’t I just talk to him?” He freed his hand and she sat back,
“Go ahead, get a black eye and see if it solves anything”
“Ron” he said going after him “Ron wait a minute mate” he squeezed past a group in the way, but got grabbed and asked if he would sign stuff and tell them how he killed Voldemort. He tried to get away,
“I can’t right now”
“Ron wait up” he called down but the door between carriages opened and shut,
“Look guys, I’ll talk to you at school” he got away and followed him to the back of the train; right to the last carriage and the door that led to the small gated outside section on the end of the train.
“Ron – what’s wrong?”
“Nothin” he muttered, leaning against the rails looking out at the landscape passing them by in the dark,
“You wouldn’t walk away if there was nothing wrong and you’ve eaten as much as Ginny has, which is another thing that indicates to me that my best friend is annoyed about something”
“Nothin” he muttered again,
“You can tell me you know”
“So there is something” Harry said triumphantly and leant on the rails in a similar pose, “Cause Ginny say’s your just annoyed about me and her but I don’t think that’s it”
“It’s not”
“So what then”
“You and Gin got there before me and Hermione ever even told each other we liked each other” Ron sighed “You guys are moving fast, your planning a life but me and Hermione – it’s hard enough to – to – she won’t even kiss me unless we’re completely alone and its as far away from either of our houses as possible”
“Oh it’s that”
“She won’t even tell her parents we’re a couple, they know since we’re together all the time and Mum and Dad have figured since the first time I went to dinner at her place, it’s not that it makes me like her any less its just frustrating that you two can be so open and all over each other – your having a kid making it that you two are closer then anything, but me and her are just stuck, and I know it’s just her nature, she’s not big on displays of affection like you guys and neither am I but for her to let me hug her in public takes a lot of work”
“She just has to get used to the idea, she saw you kissing Lavender the whole of Sixth year, and she’s not going to be the same as that”
“I want more then just a friendly smile and her holding my hand when no one’s watching”
“And what happens when you talk to her about it?”
“I did it once and she didn’t talk to me for two days”
“Ouch, ok so…”
“So, you ever had any problems with Gin apart from the obvious?”
“Not like that – we just clicked”
“Maybe me and Hermione aren’t so right?”
“Don’t be stupid you’ve been nuts about her since second year, you just have to try and talk to her again, she may not want to hear it but girls like it if you tell them stuff” he shrugged “Try and explain just don’t be as blunt as a brick about it” the train started to slow as Ron stood upright,
“How’d you know it was the way I said stuff to her that annoyed her?”
“Cause the way you talk to most people your about as pleasant as a leg lock”
“Great, the only person that I’m really trying with – apart from you guys, and I still manage to mess it up”
“Just don’t go in all annoyed about it, let her talk, let her tell you why she is the way she is and go for a compromise not a win alright”
“No wonder you and Gin get along, you understand girls – freak”
“It comes from years of watching Aunt Petunia’s TV lovey dovey drama shows while I clean the house”
“There are some times where I wish I was you and others where I’m glad I’m not you know” Ron laughed,
“Clobber me to death with the brick why don’t you” Harry smirked and led the way back in as the train came to a stop at Hogsmeade.
“Harry I can manage it” but she giggled even as he lifted her up into the carriage at the waist, after she tripped on the first step and only kept her balance because Hermione was behind to steady her.
“You know full well a gentleman helps his lady into the carriage sis” Ron said holding his hand out to Hermione who took it with a smile and stepped inside.
“So you guys are finally dating then?” Ginny said looking at Hermione for the answer, as the carriage started to move
“Yep” she smiled keeping a hold of his hand “I guess with how crazy things were we forgot to tell you”
“Well it’s not that obvious” Ginny shrugged, “Your – well your not like me and Harry”
“What, the whole attacking each others faces whenever the opportunity arises?” Hermione said with a small smirk,
“Exactly” Harry said “And I mean we can see the fact your nuts about each other because we’ve known you years but everyone else…”
“We don’t need big displays of affection in front of everyone though, do we?” she said and turned to Ron,
“No, but some affection would be nice”
“So this isn’t good enough then?” Hermione held up there hands looking at him, “What would you like Ron, for me to suck your face off like Lav- Lav?” she said angrily letting go and moving away from him on the seat,
“Can we not do this now?”
“We only didn’t do it last time because after two days in silence I forgot what I was angry about”
“Can we talk later, not when we’re in a cramped carriage with our two best friends who don’t need to hear us bickering?”
She didn’t reply,
“So you’re going for the silent treatment again, wonderful” Ron muttered, and sat back in his seat, “Because you know that such mature behaviour for a prefect”
Hermione crossed her arms,
Ron spoke again “I’m not going to apologise-” Harry kicked him “I’m not going to apologise for wanting recognition of our relationship to people, I want that recognition, it doesn’t even feel like anything’s changed between us” he added, “That’s why I left the carriage, that’s what I’ve spoken to Harry about because I can’t tell you because you won’t listen”
She kept silent, tears falling down, Ginny got up and pushed Ron out of the way to hold Hermione in a hug and Ron was forced next to Harry,
“I did what you said” Ron whispered,
“You butchered it – ‘I’m not going to apologise?’ – what was that?”
“You told him to upset her?” Ginny started angrily,
“No” Harry sighed, patting Hermione’s hand, “I told him to talk to her about it because otherwise it’s going to get between them, I told Ron not to be so – so ham fisted about it”
“I tried, is that not enough for any of you” Ron muttered, folded his arms and made to look out the window.
“I’m sorry alright, I’m sorry I don’t feel like I have to be all over you constantly to prove how I feel, like Harry and Ginny that are either running away from each other or jumping into bed, sorry that I don’t want to sleep with you cause I’m not ready for it but your annoyed your little sister was and got knocked up by your best friend before you could even get me to kiss you! I’m sorry I’m not willing to throw myself at you just because you want me too!”
“It’s not that I want” Ron said frustrated “I just want you to show you actually like me in public, a kiss once in a while would be brilliant, for you to let me hold your hand or give you a hug in front of people”
Ginny got up and sat on Harry’s lap, leaving Hermione coldly, they sat staring at her,
“What?” Hermione said looking at them,
“Nothing just the spiteful stuff you threw in about your best friends” Ginny said bitterly, “I suppose you don’t think that me and Harry should keep our baby either”
“I didn’t say that”
“You don’t need to”
“Fine, you know what, I don’t think you should have, I don’t think you’re going to cope with the huge fact you spent the first month hating your baby and then before that actually tried to kill it, an Harry, well he just wants to recreate what he missed out from his own parents! – I don’t think you can do this and your baby would be better off dead or adopted then in your dangerous hands”
Ginny leapt up slapped Hermione and went for her to hit her anywhere she could, Harry grabbed her pulling her away in the cramped space, struggling as Ginny swore, and called her various names half crying half fierce in anger.
The carriage stopped but no one moved for a few seconds,
“Gin, come on sweetheart” Harry said holding her small shaking frame to him as he clambered out of the carriage,
“I’m sorry” Hermione said,
“Don’t” Harry said leading Ginny up the steps and to the rest of the people walking in the great hall.
“Ron?” Hermione started,
“Leave it out, you said it ok, it’s done, the damage is done, just fix it” He replied getting out of the carriage. He held out his hand to her and helped her out of it before letting go and walking up the stairs to go in after them.
Harry had hold of Ginny, her eyes red and tears still falling as they sat she just wouldn’t eat or talk,
“Gin, you need to eat something”
She shook her head,
“For me, please” he whispered “For her too”
She gave in and poked the mash potato with the spoon, Harry scooped some out for her and put it on her plate,
“What’s wrong with her?”
“She’s fine” Harry snapped back at Pavarti,
“Just asked”
“Well don’t - please” he said adding chicken Ginny picked at miserably,
Professor McGonagall stood up and walked down the aisle between the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw to walk to them and speak in a whisper to them,
“I think in your current position it would be prudent for you to leave now, I understand what you are going through so I will send up food and organise the quest quarters for your use, your belongings are already there”
“We want to try and keep this between ourselves for now, we don’t want special treatment” Harry said he could feel the eyes of the school on them, the silence,
“Please Harry” Ginny said quietly, “I don’t, I don’t think I can bear – I can’t have her near me or I will kill her”
Harry closed his eyes, sighed and gave in “Where is it Professor?”
“There are allocated quarters near each house, yours is down the corridor, the picture of three girls dancing”
“Thankyou” He helped Ginny up and led her out, Ron followed on but Harry stopped him “She’s going to be fine, we’re in the guest quarters, I’ll come and see you later when they’re settled”
“You’re doing it too” Ron said with a smile,
“You’re talking like she’s two people” he leant forward and kissed Ginny’s forehead “I’ll see you later”
He led her up, she was shuffling, and so he picked her up and carried her.
“It’s going to work out; she’s your best friend”
“Not after that” her arms held on tighter “She – she can’t be my friend after bringing up – using us as a basis – she didn’t consider what she was saying, what her talking about our baby like – like, I said I was sorry for trying to, I know it was a mistake”
“Gin, don’t talk about it”
“I should though, I – I have to cause it was a stupid, horrible, dangerous thing and I’m so sorry Harry, I really am”
“I know” he brushed her hair behind her ear holding her cheek “I know Gin”
He walked in oblivious of his surroundings but was aware there was only one bedroom; the damage already was done he thought and carried her in plopping her carefully on the king size bed.
“But my uniform” She said attempting to sit up,
“Leave it awhile” he pulled the blanket over her “Just relax, don’t think about it”
“Then you’d better come here to” she patted the bed beside her, he lay down and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind her, his chin resting on her shoulder,
“Don’t think about it” he whispered in her ear, “Its not important now, we’re past that”
“But it is, this is why, because I couldn’t love it, I couldn’t love my own baby”
“You’ve come round, you were just scared, Hermione doesn’t understand so don’t listen to what she said, I know your getting used to the idea, that you want this, that your imagining your baby just like I am”
I know I don't comment much but i do appreciate you guys! - I tend to leave it to the story and hope you guys enjoy it as much as i do writing it lol I'm not very good at talking to peeps at the best of times so i'll leave this awkwardess now ... :-)
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |